eric gressier | Laboratoire Cedric-CNAM Paris (original) (raw)
Papers by eric gressier
ABSTRACT The dramatic increase of data stored, processed and reused in all sectors leads to the e... more ABSTRACT The dramatic increase of data stored, processed and reused in all sectors leads to the evolution of modern storage systems known as NoSQL databases such as Amazon Dynamo, Cassandra, Big-Table, PNUTS, HBase. In order to boost the availability and performance of the system, these storage systems follow eventual consistency and don't o�er tight consistency by default. Paxos is mostly used in this context to ensure tight consistency on demand. But it adds extra costs on messages management, mostly complexity and size. Paxos shrinks the space for other research areas such as cache memory optimization and load-balancing. This paper gives an opportunity to propose and discuss the challenges of a new consistency protocol for modern storage systems entitled 'LibRe'. LibRe follows the Eventual Consistency model. In addition, it logs operations executed on each node in the distributed system. This additional information is used by the load balancer and ensures that requests are not forwarded to a node where the data needed to serve the request are stale. Since Eventual Consistency already o�ers better Availability and Partition tolerance, the aspiration of associating LibRe with eventual consistency is to work out a better consistency management service providing also availability and partition tolerance. The simulation results for consistency and latency in LibRe are compared among traditional Pessimistic Consistency, Eventual Consistency, and Paxos. The overall results are discussed and new opportunities for research works are provided.
Ecole d'Ete Temps Réel. Toulouse, 2003
ICPS'08, Sorrento, Italy, Demo Workshop, 2008
. La protection contre les incendies constitue l?une des pierres angulaires de la politique de sa... more . La protection contre les incendies constitue l?une des pierres angulaires de la politique de sauvegarde du patrimoine menee par les musees et monuments historiques. Face a ce besoin, nous etablissons les defis a relever, nos perspectives de recherche et les premisses d?un systeme de surveillance d?une intervention suite a un incendie dans un musee. En munissant les oeuvres d?art d?etiquettes RFID et les combattants du feu de lecteurs RFID, notre objectif est de localiser dynamiquement les ?uvres devant etre mises a l?abri
Goal : An Open Architecture based on a middleware approach for Manufacturing Applications. We wan... more Goal : An Open Architecture based on a middleware approach for Manufacturing Applications. We want to apply a Distributed System approach to build an industrial messaging service for manufacturing applications: MMS like Object Oriented QoS aware ORB based solution (QoS deals with communication support)
Museum and the Web, Apr 1, 2011
1 Presentation du probleme Cette etude porte sur certains problemes pratiques rencontres aujourd... more 1 Presentation du probleme Cette etude porte sur certains problemes pratiques rencontres aujourdhui par les entreprises dans linstallation de reseaux de capteurs sans fil, comme par exemple dans le developpement des reseaux Zigbee (cf [2]). Plus precisement, elle concerne l'installation par EDF de reseaux de capteurs point-a-point installes le long de conduites forcees. De l'information doit etre transmise depuis un point E dit Emetteur jusqua un point R dit Recepteur via un reseau sans fil. Le but est ici de placer un certain nombre de capteurs, engendrant un cout minimal, pour que lintegralite de linformation soit transmise. Chaque capteur a un rayon daction r limite, et il ne peut transmettre son information a un autre capteur que si celui-ci est dans son rayon daction. Ainsi, de proche en proche, linformation doit partir de lemetteur, aller de capteur en capteur, jusqua arriver au recepteur. Il y a cependant des contraintes quant au placement des capteurs : en ...
1999 7th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation. Proceedings ETFA '99 (Cat. No.99TH8467)
The goal of the ongoing project described in this paper is to provide an object oriented real-tim... more The goal of the ongoing project described in this paper is to provide an object oriented real-time industrial messaging service on top of a Quality of Service (QoS) aware Object Request Broker (ORE) with real time network communications. Our project has investigated object oriented solutions for industrial messaging services. The corresponding prototype offers a portable object oriented industrial messaging service implemented in Java. We have built a QoS aware extension of this service based on Jonathan, a flexible ORE that allows the introduction of temporal QoS to handle real time constraints. The full prototype is based on the AJAX toolkit, our binding factory for ATM networks
2000 IEEE International Workshop on Factory Communication Systems. Proceedings (Cat. No.00TH8531), 2000
Calvary/Computer Science and Ambient Intelligence, 2012
Research Papers in Economics, 2020
Information Systems, 2022
One of the goals of mixed reality and ubiquitous comput-ing technologies is to provide an adaptab... more One of the goals of mixed reality and ubiquitous comput-ing technologies is to provide an adaptable and personal content at any moment, anywhere and in any context. In Multiplayer Ubiquitous Games (MUGs), players have to in-teract in the real world at both physical and virtual levels. Player profiles in MUGs offer an opportunity to provide per-sonalized services to gamers. This paper presents a way to manage MUG player profiles on a NFC Smart Card, and proposes a Java API to integrate Smart Cards in the devel-opment of MUGs. This user centric approach brings new forms of gameplay, allowing the player to interact with the game or with other players any time and anywhere. Smart Cards should also help improve the security, ubiquity and the user mobility in traditional MUGs. Categories and Subject Descriptors
Abstract: Open Manufacturing Equipment is mandatory to answer the demand of modern manufacturing ... more Abstract: Open Manufacturing Equipment is mandatory to answer the demand of modern manufacturing for distributed monitoring or automation, and to allow fast system reconfiguration. The project is inspired by the reference models defined by the ISO/OSI Manufacturing Message Specification for remote machine tool supervision (MMS) and the Open System Architecture within Control Applications (OSACA). Instead of proposing MMS or OSACA protocols for communication, we propose a unified object-oriented solution based on the OMG-CORBA software bus. Adopting a common object-oriented approach for both remote communication and internal architecture of a NC platform is conceivable. It leads to a design very close to the one proposed in the mentioned standards. The consequences of including a Manufacturing Object Messaging System on the NC design model are discussed. A Java and CORBA based demonstration prototype has been developed. The end of the paper describes how we address real-time constrai...
The theme of this year’s conference “Open Museums and Smart cities: Storytelling and Connected Cu... more The theme of this year’s conference “Open Museums and Smart cities: Storytelling and Connected Culture” relates significantly to the lines of research and experimentation of the CULTE (Cultural Urban Learning Transmedia Experience) project that began in 2013 and that will lead to the development of an ambitious transmedia pervasive game in and around the Quai Branly museum in Paris. The project brings together four partners with complementary skills: LUTIN, a laboratory dedicated to usability studies; CEDRIC a group of researchers interested in interactive applications, specifically in the domain of transmedia and pervasive games; Mazedia, a communication agency that is designing a transmedia platform for cultural heritage and gaming project, and the Quai Branly museum which is heavily involved in the growing presence of transmedia inside museums and whose collections will be the subject of the experiments. This project fits in a context where museums and smart-cities infrastructure...
One of the least explored RFID application-domains concerns the areas of entertainment and cultur... more One of the least explored RFID application-domains concerns the areas of entertainment and culture. This paper proposes a mobile application -conceived for and with a contemporary artist- allowing the spatial annotation of paintings and the delivery of multimedia related interpretation material to the concerned public, through the combined use of RFID tags and NFC (Near Field Communication) mobile phones, serving as delivery platforms. The paper reports on the design and implementation of the application as well as on the results of a first, proof-of-concept, evaluation.
ABSTRACT The dramatic increase of data stored, processed and reused in all sectors leads to the e... more ABSTRACT The dramatic increase of data stored, processed and reused in all sectors leads to the evolution of modern storage systems known as NoSQL databases such as Amazon Dynamo, Cassandra, Big-Table, PNUTS, HBase. In order to boost the availability and performance of the system, these storage systems follow eventual consistency and don't o�er tight consistency by default. Paxos is mostly used in this context to ensure tight consistency on demand. But it adds extra costs on messages management, mostly complexity and size. Paxos shrinks the space for other research areas such as cache memory optimization and load-balancing. This paper gives an opportunity to propose and discuss the challenges of a new consistency protocol for modern storage systems entitled 'LibRe'. LibRe follows the Eventual Consistency model. In addition, it logs operations executed on each node in the distributed system. This additional information is used by the load balancer and ensures that requests are not forwarded to a node where the data needed to serve the request are stale. Since Eventual Consistency already o�ers better Availability and Partition tolerance, the aspiration of associating LibRe with eventual consistency is to work out a better consistency management service providing also availability and partition tolerance. The simulation results for consistency and latency in LibRe are compared among traditional Pessimistic Consistency, Eventual Consistency, and Paxos. The overall results are discussed and new opportunities for research works are provided.
Ecole d'Ete Temps Réel. Toulouse, 2003
ICPS'08, Sorrento, Italy, Demo Workshop, 2008
. La protection contre les incendies constitue l?une des pierres angulaires de la politique de sa... more . La protection contre les incendies constitue l?une des pierres angulaires de la politique de sauvegarde du patrimoine menee par les musees et monuments historiques. Face a ce besoin, nous etablissons les defis a relever, nos perspectives de recherche et les premisses d?un systeme de surveillance d?une intervention suite a un incendie dans un musee. En munissant les oeuvres d?art d?etiquettes RFID et les combattants du feu de lecteurs RFID, notre objectif est de localiser dynamiquement les ?uvres devant etre mises a l?abri
Goal : An Open Architecture based on a middleware approach for Manufacturing Applications. We wan... more Goal : An Open Architecture based on a middleware approach for Manufacturing Applications. We want to apply a Distributed System approach to build an industrial messaging service for manufacturing applications: MMS like Object Oriented QoS aware ORB based solution (QoS deals with communication support)
Museum and the Web, Apr 1, 2011
1 Presentation du probleme Cette etude porte sur certains problemes pratiques rencontres aujourd... more 1 Presentation du probleme Cette etude porte sur certains problemes pratiques rencontres aujourdhui par les entreprises dans linstallation de reseaux de capteurs sans fil, comme par exemple dans le developpement des reseaux Zigbee (cf [2]). Plus precisement, elle concerne l'installation par EDF de reseaux de capteurs point-a-point installes le long de conduites forcees. De l'information doit etre transmise depuis un point E dit Emetteur jusqua un point R dit Recepteur via un reseau sans fil. Le but est ici de placer un certain nombre de capteurs, engendrant un cout minimal, pour que lintegralite de linformation soit transmise. Chaque capteur a un rayon daction r limite, et il ne peut transmettre son information a un autre capteur que si celui-ci est dans son rayon daction. Ainsi, de proche en proche, linformation doit partir de lemetteur, aller de capteur en capteur, jusqua arriver au recepteur. Il y a cependant des contraintes quant au placement des capteurs : en ...
1999 7th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation. Proceedings ETFA '99 (Cat. No.99TH8467)
The goal of the ongoing project described in this paper is to provide an object oriented real-tim... more The goal of the ongoing project described in this paper is to provide an object oriented real-time industrial messaging service on top of a Quality of Service (QoS) aware Object Request Broker (ORE) with real time network communications. Our project has investigated object oriented solutions for industrial messaging services. The corresponding prototype offers a portable object oriented industrial messaging service implemented in Java. We have built a QoS aware extension of this service based on Jonathan, a flexible ORE that allows the introduction of temporal QoS to handle real time constraints. The full prototype is based on the AJAX toolkit, our binding factory for ATM networks
2000 IEEE International Workshop on Factory Communication Systems. Proceedings (Cat. No.00TH8531), 2000
Calvary/Computer Science and Ambient Intelligence, 2012
Research Papers in Economics, 2020
Information Systems, 2022
One of the goals of mixed reality and ubiquitous comput-ing technologies is to provide an adaptab... more One of the goals of mixed reality and ubiquitous comput-ing technologies is to provide an adaptable and personal content at any moment, anywhere and in any context. In Multiplayer Ubiquitous Games (MUGs), players have to in-teract in the real world at both physical and virtual levels. Player profiles in MUGs offer an opportunity to provide per-sonalized services to gamers. This paper presents a way to manage MUG player profiles on a NFC Smart Card, and proposes a Java API to integrate Smart Cards in the devel-opment of MUGs. This user centric approach brings new forms of gameplay, allowing the player to interact with the game or with other players any time and anywhere. Smart Cards should also help improve the security, ubiquity and the user mobility in traditional MUGs. Categories and Subject Descriptors
Abstract: Open Manufacturing Equipment is mandatory to answer the demand of modern manufacturing ... more Abstract: Open Manufacturing Equipment is mandatory to answer the demand of modern manufacturing for distributed monitoring or automation, and to allow fast system reconfiguration. The project is inspired by the reference models defined by the ISO/OSI Manufacturing Message Specification for remote machine tool supervision (MMS) and the Open System Architecture within Control Applications (OSACA). Instead of proposing MMS or OSACA protocols for communication, we propose a unified object-oriented solution based on the OMG-CORBA software bus. Adopting a common object-oriented approach for both remote communication and internal architecture of a NC platform is conceivable. It leads to a design very close to the one proposed in the mentioned standards. The consequences of including a Manufacturing Object Messaging System on the NC design model are discussed. A Java and CORBA based demonstration prototype has been developed. The end of the paper describes how we address real-time constrai...
The theme of this year’s conference “Open Museums and Smart cities: Storytelling and Connected Cu... more The theme of this year’s conference “Open Museums and Smart cities: Storytelling and Connected Culture” relates significantly to the lines of research and experimentation of the CULTE (Cultural Urban Learning Transmedia Experience) project that began in 2013 and that will lead to the development of an ambitious transmedia pervasive game in and around the Quai Branly museum in Paris. The project brings together four partners with complementary skills: LUTIN, a laboratory dedicated to usability studies; CEDRIC a group of researchers interested in interactive applications, specifically in the domain of transmedia and pervasive games; Mazedia, a communication agency that is designing a transmedia platform for cultural heritage and gaming project, and the Quai Branly museum which is heavily involved in the growing presence of transmedia inside museums and whose collections will be the subject of the experiments. This project fits in a context where museums and smart-cities infrastructure...
One of the least explored RFID application-domains concerns the areas of entertainment and cultur... more One of the least explored RFID application-domains concerns the areas of entertainment and culture. This paper proposes a mobile application -conceived for and with a contemporary artist- allowing the spatial annotation of paintings and the delivery of multimedia related interpretation material to the concerned public, through the combined use of RFID tags and NFC (Near Field Communication) mobile phones, serving as delivery platforms. The paper reports on the design and implementation of the application as well as on the results of a first, proof-of-concept, evaluation.