A Coupling Fanfiction Collective (original) (raw)

11 September 2010 @ 15:04

Hey all. First time posting here, so I hope all is good and you all enjoy. :)

Title: Three Things
Fandom: Star Trek XI (and Coupling)
Author: k_bug_who1
Pairing: Kirk/McCoy
Rating: PG-13 (for sexual innuendo)
Length: roughly 1000
Warnings: Sexual innuendo and script/crossover weirdness (does that count?)
Disclaimer: I do not own. Anything you recognise isn't mine.
Summary: Jim learns the three things that every man should know. He's never going to be famous, he's fatter than he thinks and, most importantly, his boyfriend isn't going to keep wearing those sexy tighty whities! Total crackfic, Coupling script meets Star Trek XI

HERE at my journal

Current Mood: contentcontent

Title: First Meeting
Fandoms: Coupling, Harry Potter, later Lord of the Rings
Pairings: none (sort of Neville/Jeff, but not really. You'll see what I mean.)
Notes: For Wolfy, who needs this for medical reasons. It's from the character number meme a while back, that had these two end up as superheroes together. This is their first meeting.
Warnings: None, though if you haven't read the seventh book or seen till the end of series 3 of Coupling I may inadvertantly spoil you.
Summary: A botched up blind date. This could be the beginning of a beautiful friendship.

( follow the fake cut to my journal. )

Current Location: home

Current Mood: amusedamused

If I did this wrong, I'm really sorry. (And I love you. And also, I-I'm sorry. And a-also, I love you.)

*sucks thumb and crosses fingers* (I'm still scared of posting on LJ for fear of screwing up.)

I just received the DVD boxed set (WOOOOOOOOOOOOO) so, being the bad - and I mean bad - GIMPer that I am, I pressed PrtSc and oh look, eight icons. -.- I don't know HOW to post these, so I'm taking a wild guess I post one or two as teasers and then the rest under a cut. Which I'll do right now.



And, yeah. Thanks. :)

Current Location: Susan's. I am Australian, after all.

Current Mood: anxiouseep.

Current Music: Crash & Burn - Savage Garden

I feel like I need to write Coupling. Unfortunately, I have no Muses, bunnies or other inspiration.

This is where you lot come in. I will answer requests, unlimited in numbers and scope (although you may have to wait a while for me to get it done) for Coupling fics and situations that you would like to see written.

I prefer Steve/Susan, as it is my OTP, but I'll do most other pairings you suggest.

Current Mood: hornyso indescribably horny

Title: Size Matters

Characters: Steve/Susan, Jeff, Jane, Sally, Patrick

Setting: Mid-way through Series Three, after The Freckle, The Key And The Couple Who Weren't, and before Perhaps, Perhaps, Perhaps.

Summary: Steve rants about women and shopping, Susan goes on a diet, and the gang all contemplate whether or not size is as important as everyone claims. 2,583 words.

Feedback: would be appreciated.

Disclaimer: Coupling and the characters only belong to me in the sense that they are on DVD. Steven Moffat, Sue Virtue, Martin Dennis, and Hartswood Studios are the real proprietors.

Has anybody ever seen any (good) Coupling fanvids?

strangefandom made me think about this: and I'm fairly certain I've never seen any, which is odd for a sizable fandom.

Any recs?

Cross-posted to coupling.

Title: Size Matters

Characters: Steve/Susan, Jeff, Jane, Sally, Patrick

Setting: Mid-way through Series Three, after The Freckle, The Key And The Couple Who Weren't, and before Perhaps, Perhaps, Perhaps.

Summary: Steve rants about women and shopping, Susan goes on a diet, and the gang all contemplate whether or not size is as important as everyone claims. 2,583 words.

Feedback: would be appreciated.

Disclaimer: Coupling and the characters only belong to me in the sense that they are on DVD. Steven Moffat, Sue Virtue, Martin Dennis, and Hartswood Studios are the real proprietors.

Current Mood: pleasedpleased

Last year I participated in the 50Sentence Challenge Community and completed a Steve/Susan set.

I had forgotten about it until I went through my tags. I thought this community might appreciate the link. So, go, read, and, if you like, leave some feedback.

Current Mood: amusedamused

Taking a Face for a Canter


Steve and Jane’s First Kiss

Disclaimer: These characters don’t belong to me, but to Steven Moffat and all at Hartswood Pictures.

( There's A Nice Face, Let's Take It For A Canter!Collapse )

Current Mood: accomplishedaccomplished

Coupling Fic


Psychic Strain

Disclaimer: The characters depicted belong not to me, but to Steven Moffat and all at Hartswood Films. This homage makes no profit whatsoever.

Summary: Post Series 4, Susan expects Steve to know what she’s thinking about. This one would do better as a film/episode, as I wrote it with visual gags in mind.

Feedback: Feedback would be a delight, as I'm not sure this rally works in a written medium. If you want to archive away from here, ask me first.

Rating/Warning(s): 12A just in case the comedy violence affects younger readers. :-P

( Read more...Collapse )

Current Mood: awakeawake