For those of us who love to save money!'s Journal (original) (raw)

Saturday, July 11th, 2009

4:11 pm

A couple of things

If you have not already heard, 7-11 is giving away free slurpees today cause it is 7-eleven day. It is a 7.11 oz slurpee and it is pretty tasty! They'll be free until 11 pm

Arby's has a coupon out where you can get a free roastburger with a purchase of any size soft drink.

This offer expires within 3 days of printing so if you print them out today, they will expire on the 14th of this month. I have already taken a part of this awesome deal twice (once yesterday and once today) and it makes for a pretty tasty deal.

Current Mood: geeky

Saturday, March 14th, 2009

12:50 pm

CVS Went to CVS to get the 1.5 L Crest Pro-health that was on sale for 5.99, but they were out. Since it didn't give out ECBs the lady told me she would pro-rate the 1L bottles... I ended up getting:

3.99 - 2 1L bottles Crest Pro-health
-.75 - coupon
-.75 - coupon
-5.00 ECB
1.69 oop (incl. tax)

I was pretty pleased with this deal! :o) It helped that when I told my husband after I got home, he didn't believe me. Made me show him the receipt to prove it! :o)

Sunday, February 8th, 2009

2:13 pm

Kroger run! I went to Kroger today with DH and tried to unload quite a few coupons. Of course, DH is of the sane mind saying "This will go bad before we can even eat it" and I'm of the "let's get as many things as cheap as we can!" mind. It can be quite a conflict so needless to say, we didn't get as many things as I had thought we might get but DH was really nice and we did quite a few things for pretty cheap (compared to what we used to be paying). Anyways, here's what we got:

( The bootyCollapse )

Sunday, January 25th, 2009

2:22 pm

Walgreens run... Kellogs Rice Krispies - on sale 1.99
Kellogs Frosted Flakes - on sale 1.99
Q for Rice Krispies - 1.00
Q for Frosted Flakes - 1.00

Total oop: 1.98 (no food tax)

I was pretty happy with this! :o) Now I can have breakfast and make rice krispie treats and ice cream pie!!! :o)

Monday, January 5th, 2009

4:27 pm

CVS This would have been even better if I'd have remembered that I had another coupon for the toothpaste before I got back in the car, but oh well...still not bad...

2 tubes Colgate MaxFresh (6oz ea)
2 softsoap pumps
2 bottles PalmOlive dish soap
-1.00 Q toothpaste
-.50 Q softsoap
-.50 Q softsoap
-.50 Q palmolive
-.50 Q palmolive
-2.00 ECB

4.49 (incl. tax oop)

Saturday, January 3rd, 2009

12:42 am

Coupon previews are up on Taylortown. If you wanted to get started on couponing, get your local newspaper this weekend because this is THE weekend out of the year that the papers have couponsplosion!

Taylortown preview of this weekend's inserts

Just make sure all the inserts are in the paper before you buy them.

Friday, January 2nd, 2009

11:16 pm

CVS Well, no new coupon stories yet sad to say. Maybe tomorrow.

DH and I went to CVS and I had to either roll one of my ecb's or spend it. So I half rolled it, half spent it.

I got a twin pack of Honey Nut Cheerios and a 2 liter of diet coke. I paid with my expiring 8.99ecb,spent10centsoutofpocket,andgot8.99 ecb, spent 10 cents out of pocket, and got 8.99ecb,spent10centsoutofpocket,andgot4 back in ECB's. $1 ecb also printed out because that is the 2% bonus for fall spending. :) All in all, not a bad deal. I know I'll enjoy having cereal again and I know DH will drink the soda.

He spent his ECB's (gaw) on tuna! He got 3 cans of tuna and paid with his $2.59 ecb, paid 5 cents out of pocket.

Thursday, January 1st, 2009

11:14 am

Jacksonville Florida Coupon Exchange

It’s 2009 and you need to save money

One way is using coupons. You see them in the grocery stores, you get the Sunday paper, you can even print them off the computer. The one draw back is you have coupons for items you don’t use, but others do. So trade them.

I’ve created a group for Duval county, Jacksonville and the surrounding area. It will make coupon trains to be mailed to passengers and also a monthly meet up to get the coupons you really want.

Stop by at

And see what are going to do.

Paula C.

Tuesday, December 30th, 2008

11:29 pm

Hi! Hi everyone, I'm new! I've been clipping coupons from the local paper and what I can find online. Any tips for me? Any little bit saved helps, right? :) Thanks so much!

Monday, December 29th, 2008

10:40 pm

Krogers/CVS Ok... Kroger run. I boo-boo'd and spent more than I wanted because I thought I had an eSAVERS Q loaded onto my card for B1G1 Pantene shampoo.... it was buy 1 Pantene Shampoo, get 1 styler free.

.... so annoyed. So I spent $4 more than I REALLY wanted to spend because I thought I'd be paying 49 cents for 2 shampoos! ARGH!And I don't even know if I can use them toward the P&G deal because they rang up as plain ol' "Shampoo" on the receipt!!! Double ARGH! Ok, vent over.

8 bounty single roll paper towels
11 Tropicana 2 liters
3 Pounce cat treats
1 pouch of dog treats
1 half-gallon skim milk
2 bags of Kroger tortilla chips
2 Pantene shampoos
2 cans of beans
$53.33 (this is including tax)
-$13.00 (store coupons for using a kroger card)
-$20.50 Manu Q's
$19.83 paid. 64% saved.

Then headed to CVS.

6 bottles of dawn
1 box of hot pockets (for hubby's lunch)
$12.83 (not including tax)
-$4.47 (using my card, dawn B1G1)
-$3.00 (dawn Q's)
$5.36(not including tax)
-2.59 ECB
$2.77 +11 cents tax

$2.88 oop.

Sunday, December 28th, 2008

11:00 am

CVS'ing Went to CVS this morning and got 6 bottles of dawn, 1 bottle of vanilla extract, and 3 sunday papers for the P&G coupon insert.

paid 8.99inecb(expiringsoon!),used8.99 in ecb (expiring soon!), used 8.99inecb(expiringsoon!),used1 off 2 dawn Q, and paid 27 cents out of pocket!

Later today, heading to the mall to burn through a gift card and then to Kroger to buy groceries for the week.

Monday, December 22nd, 2008

8:37 pm

Kroger + CVS DH and I went to CVS (omg he actually enjoyed walking around in there! Woo hoo!) and Kroger. I had to get my meds and I asked the cashier at the front desk about my raincheck, which she signed the person's name for them. Anyways, not counting my meds, we paid NADA for everything! In fact, we got back $2.30!

CVS - 2 J&J First Aid trial size kits, box of 10 twinkies (oh that hubby of mine!), and Reinventing Beauty Mag. Spent 5 ecb's for that.
Kroger - 3 bottles of Tropicana, 2 bottles of Verners Ginger Ale, 4 boxes of Banquet Pot Pies, 1 bottle of Parmesan Cheese.


FREE! *dances in da street* Oh wait, it's feelin like -8 degrees out here, maybe I shouldn't do that!

117% savings! At Kroger, we saved $14.27 in store coupons and manu coupons. :)

3:51 pm

Meijer Went to Meijer and sniffed out these good deals!

4 boxes of Betty Crocker = $1.20 for all 4 after Q
2 packages of 30 ct plates Dixie Ultra = $2.60 for 2 plates after Q
1 box of Rozoni Smart Taste Pasta = Free after Q

so I paid altogether 4for7items.IalsogottheTherafluRebatecheckinwhichwas4 for 7 items. I also got the Theraflu Rebate check in which was 4for7items.IalsogottheTherafluRebatecheckinwhichwas4.59 cents, so that worked out well. I saved $7.97 so that makes a savings of 66%.

Meijer run

My stockpile of Betty Crocker potatoes grows. *insert evil laugh*

I also played coupon fairy and gave some coupons to people looking at the potatoes and the Dixie plates. Not like I need any more potatoes!

1:11 pm

So excited! Rebates really do work! I got my Theraflu rebate in the mail today! Yes! $4.59 back into my pocket! Thank you Theraflu! It really came in handy when I got sick a couple of weeks ago. Totally worked too!

I also got a coupon booklet from Pillsbury! *happy dance* I love their crescent rolls and biscuits.

Now all I have to do is mail out the excedrin rebate I have and that will totally be a huge moneymaker!

Sunday, December 21st, 2008

11:55 pm

2:34 pm

Meijer and Kroger Today DH and I went to Meijer. Well, all we went to go for was the Coke and Pepsi ($1 2liters) and well, this is what we hauled out.

4 boxes of Betty Crocker (paid 50 cents or less for them)
5 2 liters of pepsi/coke products (The cokes I will be putting into coke rewards for coupons)
1 game for the DS for our friend (We used a $4 santa buck)
1 bag of doritos (dang we were hungry and they were $1.99... only 22 more cents higher than the rock bottom price I had seen them earlier)
4 cans of Del Monte tomatoes
2 cans of black beans (totally not on sale, but I love them anyways)

We paid 32but32 but 32but15 of that was the video game for our friend. So we would have paid 17fortherestofthestuff,whichisn′ttoobadconsidering.∗∗MeijerGoodDealalert!∗∗Thebettycrockerpotatoesis17 for the rest of the stuff, which isn't too bad considering. Meijer Good Deal alert! The betty crocker potatoes is 17fortherestofthestuff,whichisnttoobadconsidering.MeijerGoodDealalert!Thebettycrockerpotatoesis1 so head on down with your 35 cent off betty crocker potato Q's and get mashed potatoes for 30 cents!

We then went to Kroger and DH was like "Are you sure they're gonna have the tp in stock?" and I was like "They better! It's the weekend!"

So I went in, saw they had the Cottonelle TP I wanted, and left with the store paying me almost 70 cents to take the TP out!!

5 packages of Cottonelle TP
Had 4 Q's for 50 cents off, doubled to $1
Had shortcut to Cellfire for 50 cents off 1
Had shortcut to Q for 50 cents off 1
Had a 80 cents off your next order
Used a reusable bag

Thus them paying me to take the TP out! Amazing!

11:59 am

UGH!! Frustrated, just a little! Picked up two papers this morning, and there were no coupon fliers in either paper! Figures!

12:40 am

CVS - at midnight! CVS - Midnight run

Overall, we spent $8. I didn't want to deal with doing multiple transactions cause the store was actually busy. Would have saved more too, gosh darn it, but polite lil' ol' me decided "whatev" and did everything in one big ol' transaction.

Altogether we got 2 listerines, 2 halls, 1 shampoo, 1 tape for gift wrapping, 1 box of excederin, 1 box of crest toothpaste, 1 bottle of crest mouthwash, and the Arm and Hammer cleaning kit.

Overall: 8moreorlessspent.Got8 more or less spent. Got 8moreorlessspent.Got19.15 back in ECB's. Not bad, but could have been better. I need to learn not to be so darn polite! Mwahaha!

Friday, December 19th, 2008

1:16 pm

Stockpile Pictures Well, I'm stuck at home so while lunch was heating up I grabbed the camera and got adventurous.

I decided to take pictures of my stockpile. It's small, so bare with me. Hubby has the mindset that if we aren't going to use it right away we don't need it. He was like that when the Nestle Tollhouse chocolate chips were on sale for a really good price at Kroger during their Mega Event and I wanted to get some. Of course, that event has long since gone, but the other day he grabs two of the bags and goes "Hey, these are on sale!" .... for $2.50 a piece. I could have smacked him over the head. Anyways! Onto the stockpile pictures!

( Cut for your friends pageCollapse )

Tuesday, December 16th, 2008

10:23 pm

CVS - awesome! Today I went to CVS to kill time with my hubby before heading to Applebee's for 1/2 off appetizers.

We got the following:

$1.60 1 2liter of pepsi max
$5.99 1 tube of wrapping paper
$1.99 1 package of name tag peelie things
$2.99 1 roll of wrapping ribbon
$5.98 2 packages of 4 pack duracell batteries
$7.99 1 tube of Maybelline Lipstick
FREE 1 tube of Maybelline Lipstick (BOGO)
$3.99 1 tube of Maybelline Lipstick
$30.53 (not including tax)
-$3.00 (3/10 holiday wrapping Q)
-$5.00 (duracell tearpad)
-$5.00 (ECB that was going to expire)
-$12.00 (3 $4.00 off Maybelline Q's)
-$2.00 (2 $1.00 off Duracell Q's)

OOP w/ tax $4.49

Hubby seemed impressed!