Bartłomiej Czerkowski | Coventry University (original) (raw)
Papers by Bartłomiej Czerkowski
Purpose: The aim of the research was to identify the relation between flight operations conducted... more Purpose: The aim of the research was to identify the relation between flight operations conducted in the summer and winter seasons, and dangerous occurrences which took place then. Design/Methodology/Approach: The research involved the indicator method used in time series analysis. The interdependence between the quantitative variables was determined with the use of the Pearson line correlation coefficient. Statistical data for the analyses was obtained from the European Coordination Centre for Accident and Incident Reporting Systems (ECCAIRS) and the Polish Civil Aviation Authority. Results: Relations were identified between the variables of the number of passengers carried, the number of flight operations conducted, adverse aviation occurrences in 2010-2017, and the winter and summer seasons of the year. The results indicate that these variables are interrelated. Practical implications: The approach employed in analysing the relation between the variables concerned can be applied to processes of pro-active civil aviation safety management. Originality/value: The approach to analysing the variables shown in the paper has not been widely presented in the literature to date.
Jak ktoś może nie podziwiać tego wielkiego Polaka – wielkiego w każdym sensie tego słowa – który ... more Jak ktoś może nie podziwiać tego wielkiego Polaka – wielkiego w każdym sensie tego słowa – który ośmielił się zdemaskować i potępić antysemityzm, dominujący w różnych szowinistycznych grupach polskiego podziemia – tego żarliwego katolika, który ryzykował życiem, by ratować Żydów skazanych na zagładę w obozach śmierci założonych przez Niemców w jego kraju? Przejęty ich tragedią, przestał myśleć o czymkolwiek innym. Mówił o niej każdemu, kogo spotkał podczas swoich podróży […]. Potem zamilkł. Zrozumiał, że jego słowa padały w próżnię. Ludzie byli zajęci innymi sprawa-mi, przywódcy stawiali sobie inne cele ". To słowa Eliego Wiesela, amerykańskiego pisarza i dziennikarza pochodzenia węgiersko-żydowskiego, laureata Pokojowej Nagrody Nobla, o jednym z największych Polaków, którego dokonania wciąż zdają się zapominane i niedoceniane. To słowa o Janie Kozielawskim, znanym bardziej jako Jan Karski.
Wprowadzenie Element ten biznes planu koncentruje się szczególnie na strukturze proponowanych tra... more Wprowadzenie Element ten biznes planu koncentruje się szczególnie na strukturze proponowanych tras lotniczych jak i na harmonogramie lotów. Harmonogram połączeń stanowi jeden z podstawowych produktów linii lotniczej oraz jeden z najważniejszych czynników decydujących o tym, że pasażer wybiera tego a nie innego przewoźnika. Planowanie siatki połączeń jest stosunkowo trudnym zadaniem, ze względu na sporą liczbę czynników, które wpływają na ten proces. Niemniej planowanie siatki połączeń jest procedurą równie ważną, jak planowanie strategiczne, ustalanie cen, planowanie składu floty samolotów lub planowanie budżetu. W biznesie lotniczym uważa się, że sukces wielu linii lotniczych zależy przede wszystkim od efektywnego rozkładu połączeń. Rozdział ten wprowadza w zagadnienia konceptu planowania, obsługi technicznej, operacji rejsowych, planowania załóg, planowania harmonogramu oraz odpowiedniego przydziału samolotów do operacji lotniczych. Rozdział kończy się konkretnymi wskazaniami jakimi twórca biznes planu powinien się kierować podczas projektowaniu tego elementu w biznes planie. Zaczynając od podstaw, by zrozumieć czym jest siatka połączeń należałoby najpierw zadać sobie dwa istotne pytania: 1. Z jakich elementów (a są dwa główne) składa się skuteczna siatka połączeń? 2. Kto w linii lotniczej organizacyjnie zajmuje się projektowaniem siatki połączeń? W poniższych podrozdziałach postarano odpowiedzieć na te pytania. Przytoczona wiedza zostanie usystematyzowana w podsumowaniu. Dodatkowo zostaną przedstawiane i przetłumaczone branżowe pojęcia z języka angielskiego z racji uniwersalności tego języka w środowisku lotniczym. Tytułem wstępu należałoby odpowiedzieć jak jest cel planowania siatki połączeń w linii lotniczej: Harmonogram siatki połączeń by był efektywny musi realizować przede wszystkim cztery główne założenia:
In current times in which adapting to turbulent changes often means survival, it is important to ... more In current times in which adapting to turbulent changes often means survival, it is important to investigate what efficient organizations have done. While global airline industry regularly face crisises, one company has been able to satisfy its clients and achieve a place among the best company for leadership according to HayGrouop raport.
Southwest Airlines arguably has the best quality and on time performance figures of any airline. ... more Southwest Airlines arguably has the best quality and on time performance figures of any airline. The airlines success is often put down company leadership which has shaped Southwest’s culture into one which values, altruism, and trust success. Analysts points to high performance relationships based around shared goals, shared knowledge, mutual respect and frequent and effective communication as the real underlying reasons for the airlines success. Gittell calls this Relational Coordination. Although relationships are relatively ‘soft’ organisational factors and easy to neglect authors argues that shared goals, shared knowledge and mutual respect can all make substantial contributions to effective coordination and subsequently to the efficiency and quality of organisational performance. Likewise analysts also found that communication and relationships were highly correlated and when employees engaged in frequent, timely, problem-solving communication, relationships of the type noted above flourished.
The paper constitutes review of After Action Review tool as a support of project management and m... more The paper constitutes review of After Action Review tool as a support of project management and military actions.
Tbale of contents:
- Introducion,
- Background of ineffectiveness that appears in project management,
- After Review Cycle in business projects,
- After Action Review in military projcets,
- Types and scope of military actions in which After Action Review is applied.
The article deals with, among others, the following issues: the nature of the missions and the pu... more The article deals with, among others, the following issues: the nature of the missions and the purposes that they are used for, main ele-ments of clear and coherent mission statements of the state airline. Having presented generally accepted criteria of an appropriate mission statement, nine specific components of the ideal mission statement for an airline are discussed, which were identified by Sharon Kemp and Larry Dwyer in the publication entitled “Tourism Management”. Next forty real missions of particular aviation organizations are distin-guished, which function in international aviation industry. It must be under-lined that not all state carriers have a defined mission, therefore only those airlines are discussed that transparently identified their mission statement in annual reports or on the Internet. These missions are analysed in order to determine to what degree they refer to the picture of generally accepted ideal mission statement. Any differences resulting from the comparison are presented and described. Finally, the consequences of the mentioned above analyses for further research relating to the role of mission state-ments in strategic management in civil aviation and managing public organ-izations of service character are discussed.
Drafts by Bartłomiej Czerkowski
People today may think of themselves as the ultimate apex predator. We are more intelligent than ... more People today may think of themselves as the ultimate apex predator. We are more intelligent than most other creatures on earth and we create proper tools that help us to kill our prey. However Covid-19 shows how humans can also end up as prey. It is becoming clear just how much viruses have shaped the evolution of organisms since the very beginning of every life. In this, they demonstrate the invisible, merciless capability of natural selection at its most powerful way. And-for one group of brainy bipedal mammals that viruses helped create-they also present a heady mix of threat and opportunity. Covid-19, just like war, is forcing innovation and actions on a scale and at a pace that no government would normally contemplate. It turned out that influx of internal State actions against pandemic situation generated phenomenon that helps some leaders to prey on democracy of their states. On April 13th, during a discussion about when and how America should ease covid-19 lockdowns, Donald Trump claimed that "when somebody is the president of the United States" their "authority is total. 1 " No serious legal scholar agreed with him-America's constitution is admirably clear on the limits to presidential authority 23. More powerful effect of eroding democracy appeared in Hungary where colloquially saying when coronavirus pandemic hit, Budapest's ailing democracy proved all too vulnerable. As it was reported at the end of the March the Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban won the right to rule by decree for as long as he deems fit. Emergency legislation to battle Covid-19 has turned an EU democracy into something like a dictatorship 4. Dubbed the "omnipotence law" by opponents, the bill approved on Monday diminishes parliament's checks on executive power and makes it easy to jail journalists for doing their jobs, according to opposition parties and rights groups 5. The COVID-19 crisis has added a new layer to the crackdown on media freedom in Turkey with journalists being targeted across the country under the guise of combating misinformation, said Amnesty International ahead of World Press Freedom Day 6 .As Milena Buyum from AI twitted "Journalists reporting on COVID-19 or even posting on social media, fear they may join the swathes of Turkey's independent media workers currently languishing behind bars. 7 " In Turkey at least eight journalists have been arrested on charges of "spreading misinformation". Hundreds of others have been investigated for critical posts on social media 8. On March 25, Bolivian interim President Jeanine Añez signed a decree extending
Purpose: The aim of the research was to identify the relation between flight operations conducted... more Purpose: The aim of the research was to identify the relation between flight operations conducted in the summer and winter seasons, and dangerous occurrences which took place then. Design/Methodology/Approach: The research involved the indicator method used in time series analysis. The interdependence between the quantitative variables was determined with the use of the Pearson line correlation coefficient. Statistical data for the analyses was obtained from the European Coordination Centre for Accident and Incident Reporting Systems (ECCAIRS) and the Polish Civil Aviation Authority. Results: Relations were identified between the variables of the number of passengers carried, the number of flight operations conducted, adverse aviation occurrences in 2010-2017, and the winter and summer seasons of the year. The results indicate that these variables are interrelated. Practical implications: The approach employed in analysing the relation between the variables concerned can be applied to processes of pro-active civil aviation safety management. Originality/value: The approach to analysing the variables shown in the paper has not been widely presented in the literature to date.
Jak ktoś może nie podziwiać tego wielkiego Polaka – wielkiego w każdym sensie tego słowa – który ... more Jak ktoś może nie podziwiać tego wielkiego Polaka – wielkiego w każdym sensie tego słowa – który ośmielił się zdemaskować i potępić antysemityzm, dominujący w różnych szowinistycznych grupach polskiego podziemia – tego żarliwego katolika, który ryzykował życiem, by ratować Żydów skazanych na zagładę w obozach śmierci założonych przez Niemców w jego kraju? Przejęty ich tragedią, przestał myśleć o czymkolwiek innym. Mówił o niej każdemu, kogo spotkał podczas swoich podróży […]. Potem zamilkł. Zrozumiał, że jego słowa padały w próżnię. Ludzie byli zajęci innymi sprawa-mi, przywódcy stawiali sobie inne cele ". To słowa Eliego Wiesela, amerykańskiego pisarza i dziennikarza pochodzenia węgiersko-żydowskiego, laureata Pokojowej Nagrody Nobla, o jednym z największych Polaków, którego dokonania wciąż zdają się zapominane i niedoceniane. To słowa o Janie Kozielawskim, znanym bardziej jako Jan Karski.
Wprowadzenie Element ten biznes planu koncentruje się szczególnie na strukturze proponowanych tra... more Wprowadzenie Element ten biznes planu koncentruje się szczególnie na strukturze proponowanych tras lotniczych jak i na harmonogramie lotów. Harmonogram połączeń stanowi jeden z podstawowych produktów linii lotniczej oraz jeden z najważniejszych czynników decydujących o tym, że pasażer wybiera tego a nie innego przewoźnika. Planowanie siatki połączeń jest stosunkowo trudnym zadaniem, ze względu na sporą liczbę czynników, które wpływają na ten proces. Niemniej planowanie siatki połączeń jest procedurą równie ważną, jak planowanie strategiczne, ustalanie cen, planowanie składu floty samolotów lub planowanie budżetu. W biznesie lotniczym uważa się, że sukces wielu linii lotniczych zależy przede wszystkim od efektywnego rozkładu połączeń. Rozdział ten wprowadza w zagadnienia konceptu planowania, obsługi technicznej, operacji rejsowych, planowania załóg, planowania harmonogramu oraz odpowiedniego przydziału samolotów do operacji lotniczych. Rozdział kończy się konkretnymi wskazaniami jakimi twórca biznes planu powinien się kierować podczas projektowaniu tego elementu w biznes planie. Zaczynając od podstaw, by zrozumieć czym jest siatka połączeń należałoby najpierw zadać sobie dwa istotne pytania: 1. Z jakich elementów (a są dwa główne) składa się skuteczna siatka połączeń? 2. Kto w linii lotniczej organizacyjnie zajmuje się projektowaniem siatki połączeń? W poniższych podrozdziałach postarano odpowiedzieć na te pytania. Przytoczona wiedza zostanie usystematyzowana w podsumowaniu. Dodatkowo zostaną przedstawiane i przetłumaczone branżowe pojęcia z języka angielskiego z racji uniwersalności tego języka w środowisku lotniczym. Tytułem wstępu należałoby odpowiedzieć jak jest cel planowania siatki połączeń w linii lotniczej: Harmonogram siatki połączeń by był efektywny musi realizować przede wszystkim cztery główne założenia:
In current times in which adapting to turbulent changes often means survival, it is important to ... more In current times in which adapting to turbulent changes often means survival, it is important to investigate what efficient organizations have done. While global airline industry regularly face crisises, one company has been able to satisfy its clients and achieve a place among the best company for leadership according to HayGrouop raport.
Southwest Airlines arguably has the best quality and on time performance figures of any airline. ... more Southwest Airlines arguably has the best quality and on time performance figures of any airline. The airlines success is often put down company leadership which has shaped Southwest’s culture into one which values, altruism, and trust success. Analysts points to high performance relationships based around shared goals, shared knowledge, mutual respect and frequent and effective communication as the real underlying reasons for the airlines success. Gittell calls this Relational Coordination. Although relationships are relatively ‘soft’ organisational factors and easy to neglect authors argues that shared goals, shared knowledge and mutual respect can all make substantial contributions to effective coordination and subsequently to the efficiency and quality of organisational performance. Likewise analysts also found that communication and relationships were highly correlated and when employees engaged in frequent, timely, problem-solving communication, relationships of the type noted above flourished.
The paper constitutes review of After Action Review tool as a support of project management and m... more The paper constitutes review of After Action Review tool as a support of project management and military actions.
Tbale of contents:
- Introducion,
- Background of ineffectiveness that appears in project management,
- After Review Cycle in business projects,
- After Action Review in military projcets,
- Types and scope of military actions in which After Action Review is applied.
The article deals with, among others, the following issues: the nature of the missions and the pu... more The article deals with, among others, the following issues: the nature of the missions and the purposes that they are used for, main ele-ments of clear and coherent mission statements of the state airline. Having presented generally accepted criteria of an appropriate mission statement, nine specific components of the ideal mission statement for an airline are discussed, which were identified by Sharon Kemp and Larry Dwyer in the publication entitled “Tourism Management”. Next forty real missions of particular aviation organizations are distin-guished, which function in international aviation industry. It must be under-lined that not all state carriers have a defined mission, therefore only those airlines are discussed that transparently identified their mission statement in annual reports or on the Internet. These missions are analysed in order to determine to what degree they refer to the picture of generally accepted ideal mission statement. Any differences resulting from the comparison are presented and described. Finally, the consequences of the mentioned above analyses for further research relating to the role of mission state-ments in strategic management in civil aviation and managing public organ-izations of service character are discussed.
People today may think of themselves as the ultimate apex predator. We are more intelligent than ... more People today may think of themselves as the ultimate apex predator. We are more intelligent than most other creatures on earth and we create proper tools that help us to kill our prey. However Covid-19 shows how humans can also end up as prey. It is becoming clear just how much viruses have shaped the evolution of organisms since the very beginning of every life. In this, they demonstrate the invisible, merciless capability of natural selection at its most powerful way. And-for one group of brainy bipedal mammals that viruses helped create-they also present a heady mix of threat and opportunity. Covid-19, just like war, is forcing innovation and actions on a scale and at a pace that no government would normally contemplate. It turned out that influx of internal State actions against pandemic situation generated phenomenon that helps some leaders to prey on democracy of their states. On April 13th, during a discussion about when and how America should ease covid-19 lockdowns, Donald Trump claimed that "when somebody is the president of the United States" their "authority is total. 1 " No serious legal scholar agreed with him-America's constitution is admirably clear on the limits to presidential authority 23. More powerful effect of eroding democracy appeared in Hungary where colloquially saying when coronavirus pandemic hit, Budapest's ailing democracy proved all too vulnerable. As it was reported at the end of the March the Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban won the right to rule by decree for as long as he deems fit. Emergency legislation to battle Covid-19 has turned an EU democracy into something like a dictatorship 4. Dubbed the "omnipotence law" by opponents, the bill approved on Monday diminishes parliament's checks on executive power and makes it easy to jail journalists for doing their jobs, according to opposition parties and rights groups 5. The COVID-19 crisis has added a new layer to the crackdown on media freedom in Turkey with journalists being targeted across the country under the guise of combating misinformation, said Amnesty International ahead of World Press Freedom Day 6 .As Milena Buyum from AI twitted "Journalists reporting on COVID-19 or even posting on social media, fear they may join the swathes of Turkey's independent media workers currently languishing behind bars. 7 " In Turkey at least eight journalists have been arrested on charges of "spreading misinformation". Hundreds of others have been investigated for critical posts on social media 8. On March 25, Bolivian interim President Jeanine Añez signed a decree extending