I Just Want to Wake Up (original) (raw)

[25 Aug 2005|07:30am]
[ **mood** | melancholy ] Ever feel like your day is going to be horrible even before it starts?Today is one of those days..I guess that means it's time for the pills, sigh
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Quick Update. [13 Jul 2005|02:02pm]
[ **mood** | excited ] I'm reporting from the Kerwin household. "Living" with Ash is great, waking up to the person you know was meant for you..is just, amazing. I can't think of anything else to say I Love Sex, I'm going to get off so I can mess with Ash some more :-)_Post anything that you want, and post it anonymously. Anything. A story, a secret, a confession, an apology, a fear, a love - anything. Be sure to post anonymously and honestly. Post twice if you'd like. Then, put this in your LJ to see what your friends (and perhaps others who you don't even realize read your LJ) have to say_-CraigI got online for a little bit while Ash was asleep last night and talked to Amy...I was really confused at first, but then she offered a trip to the ravine and it started making sense. I couldn't though..I can't afford to screw things up with Ash, not again..so I guess that proves that I'm not such a crummy boyfriend after all right?
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[23 Jun 2005|11:20pm]
[ mood** | tired ] As you can tell I've finally joined the crowd and gotten one of these things. Well if you don't already know I'm Craig Manning, 17 years of age, and in Grade 11. I love music, it without a doubt is my passion, I play guitar and do lead vocals for my band Downtown Sasquatch. I haven't lived a particularly easy life. My mom died when I was younger and my dad use to beat me...he's now dead as well. I live with my step-sister, Angie and her dad Joey. It's weird living with some guy but I should just be grateful that I'm not living on the streets. My best friends are Marco and Jimmy, they both play guitar like myself so that automatically makes them rad and there in my band. I usually hang out with them, and when I'm not my super sperm is getting me into trouble or I'm writing some songs. It's getting pretty late and I'm sure Joey is going to make me babysit tomorrow...life without a sitter isn't so great. I'll definitely update when I'm not so tired or when something happens which in my case is likely to happen at any second because there's always seems to be a dark cloud over my head....Friends Only**-Craigps.They say I'm bi-polar, but you shouldn't believe them..I mean I dont.
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