doi:10.5065/D6W957CT>. Development of this package was supported in part by the National Science Foundation Grant 1417857, the National Center for Atmospheric Research, and Colorado School of Mines. See the Fields URL for a vignette on using this package and some background on spatial statistics.">

fields: Tools for Spatial Data (original) (raw)

Reverse imports:

ADPclust, ASMap, astrochron, autoFRK, autoimage, aweSOM, BallMapper, BayesLCA, BayesNetBP, bayesPop, biClassify, bioRad, bipartite, biwavelet, bkmr, BMRMM, BoundaryStats, BRcal, ccTensor, chillR, ciftiTools, CJIVE, cmR, cmsafops, cmsafvis, CoastlineFD, cocons, convoSPAT, cope, corr2D, CSHShydRology, dartR.sim, dcTensor, demu, DesignCTPB, DNAshapeR, earlywarnings, eDITH, EGRET, envi, ETAS, etasFLP, ETRep, expectreg, fcfdr, fdasrvf, fence, FLightR, fnets, foreSIGHT, fsbrain, funData, gainML, gapfill, gateR, GeneralizedWendland, GeoAdjust, GEOmap, georob, geospt, GeoThinneR, goeveg, GPFDA, GPvecchia, GRIDCOPULA, hero, hglasso, hht, Hmsc, iCNV, infraFDTD.assist, JOPS, klovan, landsepi, lgcp, LMERConvenienceFunctions, mappoly, ModelMap, MOLHD, mousetrap, mrbsizeR, MRFA, MSIMST, MSmix, Mulcom, MultiObjMatch, NCutYX, nnTensor, nucim, oceanmap, OCNet, OptimaRegion, paramGUI, PEIP, pepStat, plsgenomics, ppgm, prevR, pspatreg, qfa, qlcVisualize, ramps, reslr, RFOC, rhcoclust, rivnet, RNAinteractMAPK, RNCEP, rNOMADS, robflreg, RPANDA, rsat, RsimMosaic, rworldmap, SafeVote, scBio, scDD, SeBR, Semblance, SensMap, siland, sincell, singleCellTK, smosr, soilphysics, spant, sparrpowR, sparseBC, SpatialExtremes, spatialLIBD, SpatialVS, SpATS, spatsurv, spBayesSurv, SpectralMap, spm2, spmoran, stilt, StMoMo, stocc, stopp, stxplore, SUMMER, SurvCorr, telefit, TFARM, TideCurves, topologyGSA, treespace, TwoTimeScales, uci, Umatrix, vectorwavelet, voluModel, vote, warpMix, wavScalogram, waywiser, WRTDStidal, wsyn

Reverse suggests:

AHMbook, AMAPVox, asymLD, backShift, bamlss, bandle, bigGP, bisque, climatol, dartR.base, dartR.popgen, DEGraph, ebirdst, EFDR, ensembleBMA, ensembleMOS, epimdr, epimdr2, ExtremalDep, extRemes, fdaACF, FDboost, GeneralizedUmatrix, GpGp, gravmagsubs, greta, gstat, guidedPLS, HelpersMG, HPLB, HRW, lava, MBHdesign, mboost, multiocc, npsp, pedometrics, phenology, pliman, PoweREST, prioritizr, ProjectionBasedClustering, pRoloc, QUBIC, R2BayesX, raster, recurse, RSA, RSAtools, SimSurvey, sjSDM, smoothie, spam, SpatMCA, SpatPCA, spBPS, SpiceFP, spreval, steps, swdft, Thermimage