crazy_is_normal - Profile (original) (raw)
A community dedicated to helping its members realize that no matter how strange our 'crazy' is, someone else feels the same.
crazy_is_normal is here for people to vent about, talk about, or just complain about the crazy in your life.
From nail biters, to hair pullers, to way above and beyond, you're all welcome here. Everyone has a bit of crazy in their life, and sometimes, you just have to let it out.
Membership is moderated with the intention of keeping any nastiness out of the community. If there are any issues, feel free to contact a mod via PM or the contact-a-mod post.
While we do understand that many people are very serious about the problems in their life, I would like to try and keep this community as friendly as we can.
Name calling, mocking, poking or prodding will not be tolerated. If any bad behaviour is noticed or reported, you will get a warning.
Three warnings, and you're out.
crazy_is_normal is here to help!