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Photo transfer quilt. [Jan. 22nd, 2007|07:20 pm]creative quilts
Hi there,I just got a sewing machine for xmas. I have not sewn since the 8th grade - a while ago. And it may be ambitious, but I'd like to do a photo transfer quilt. Anyone have experience with this?
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teach sewing by piecing a quilt :) [Jun. 30th, 2006|11:51 pm]creative quilts
Ever had someone ask you to teach them to sew? Well, I had a new idea---have them learn to sew straight lines by sewing 4 1/2" squares together to make a quilt! You can get precut stacks of 30 or so squares from fabric makers like Moda (usually available at quilt store) already put together for you. This is a company's way of showcasing a new fabric line. It's a great way to help someone learn to sew and have something to show for it quickly. They make something they can use and love all by sewing short straight lines and get a lot of practice with just one type of stitch---a straight stitch. Another advantage is the ability to create right away on a small scale and see their artwork come to life! You can have them sew these squares together in a 5 x 6 pattern and then just add different sizes of borders to increase the overall quilt to the size you want. It's that simple!Have fun with this idea. We will be posting my daughter's version of this soon! Have a nice weekend :)
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make a stylish wallet [Jun. 30th, 2006|11:46 pm]creative quilts
HELLO!!!! My daughter wanted to make a wallet and we found this cool one at Check this out under 'YourStyle' at this web address:
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design challenge [Jun. 30th, 2006|11:27 pm]creative quilts
I recently posted a this below on The Artist's Circle community and here is the reply that followed. Try this exercise and see what comes of it with your friends. Let's post the finished products by the end of the year!!!!!Posted:A friend of mine, the one who taught me to quilt, is more of an artist with fabric. Most of her designs are not for you to curl up in per se but for the wall and they are incredible. She admires my technical skill and attention to detail, I admire her expressiveness on her canvas (quilt fabric). She came up with the idea of us giving eachother 3 yards of whatever we wanted and then with the rules that you could add only 2 other colors but no yardage (in other words, the color could be in sequins, trim, yarn, etc.) and that we had till the end of this year to finish it. No bars on what we could give eachother... it could be the fabric we've had the hardest time working with or it could be our favorite. Dont know. Point is to stretch out and see what the other can see it as. So we're both suppose to be gathering up fabrics to start shortly.(Reply to this)(Parent) (Thread) [info]ladyazure2006-06-29 10:54 pm (local) (link) DeleteFreezeScreenThis sounds like a fantastic idea! I love group challenges like this. I have often wanted to get into a visual journaling project, but have not had the time to dedicate to such a project until recently.I think there is alot for both you and your friend to learn from this!(Reply to this)(Parent)
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Welcome to creativquilts [Jun. 25th, 2006|09:57 pm]creative quilts
Welcome!!!! THis is a new page and in the process of being set up. Check back really soon!!! :)
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