spiritual eugenics (original) (raw)

omg so many of them (Posts tagged spiritual eugenics)

I love that witchcraft is becoming common enough that it's easier to find a community. Unfortunately it is exposing a lot of garbage opinions under the guise of empowerment.


The fuck is this shit?

This is PRECISELY why I rail against anything that casts the state of Being A Witch as anything other than a conscious personal choice.

The whole "secret superpowers" and "natural born witch" narrative smacks of the same eugenics bullshit we see in starseed and indigo children narratives. Telling witches their issues aren't real and that they don't need medication because Insert New Age Reason Cure Here works better is super fucking harmful, apart from being disgustingly ableist. Not mention, typecasting symptoms of learning disabilities or mental health issues as "signs of being a witch" is putting an entire LEG into the same school of thought that led to actual-facts witch trials back in the day.

(Also ads like this lead to scam sites and data harvesters, so that's also gross. We yell at our parents and grandparents for clicking on this bullshit from Facebook, we need to be at least that smart.)

Y'all, we NEED to stop internalizing eugenics and cult bullshit and hostile narratives in our community beliefs. If someone is trying to tell you that you're special or exceptional or powerful because of something hidden in your genetics, RUN THE OTHER FUCKING WAY.

Being a witch is a CHOICE. No one can make you one, no one can tell you you are one, and you're not born one.

I will die on this hill and take legions of my foes with me.

I have a lot of new followers this spooky season, so FYI, nobody is born a "type" of witch. Nobody is born a witch.

Witchcraft is something you choose to do.

Be very wary of sources that try to tell you that the way you were born, and what you genetically inherit, makes you inherently more spiritually valuable or powerful than others.

As someone who came from a family that practiced and the whole narrative of ancestral gifts and duties was spoken of or at least alluded to during family exposition during car rides... My sister and I follow two completely different paths. We both believe in what my grandmother, my mother and so on did, we practice it in our own ways but she maintains firmly to doctrine whereas I went the family's spiritual route... It is a choice, might not be an easy one depending on the culture or lineage, but it is a choice that is made.

Ain't nothing in this world that can throw you down that path because you still have some choice in the whole matter.

No one is. That's not how this shit works. Depending on your culture you might have a few generations back but that's not your blood that's you choosing to participate in a family tradition. It doesn't make you more powerful or more knowledgeable. Most of this has been cobbled together from other religions, especially if you practice Wicca.


Literally every time I see these damn things, I report them as broken or malicious. Because the concept is bullshit and the ad is 100% there to scrape someone's data.

Also people need to realize how much exceptionalist/eugenicist shit is packed onto the whole concept of being a born witch. There’s usually this implication that you’re just better than the normies because of this thing you were supposedly born with. (Also, anyone you meet who tells you they’re from a special magic bloodline is very likely trying to scam or intimidate you.)

But that’s not all! The idea of ~magical bloodlines~ takes a very dark turn in certain far right conspiracy theories that prey on many of the same kinds of people who would click on links like this. Specifically, it comes up in the 13 Satanic bloodlines nonsense that comes from people like Fritz Springmeier. (Can’t forget him claiming that the Illuminati bred with Native Americans because occult powers were supposedly in Native people’s genes.)

Anonymous asked:

I'm confused. You keep talking about spiritual eugenics, but what even is spiritual eugenics?

Gigi Young’s claims that New Age is materially reductionist and will therefore lead to people willingly getting their genes modified through injections and whatnot and thus become “subhuman,” is not unlike the anti-evolution rhetoric that if people hear that they’re “just animals,” they’ll start acting “like animals” - IE, committing whatever violence and destruction they please.

It’s such a wild flying leap, completely untethered from reality. Like yes, New Age is a bit more materialist than most forms of spirituality most of us are used to. But it’s still highly spiritual and highly mystical, and New Agers are very much about this idea that we have this higher immortal self that transcends space and time.

The actual problem with New Age’s relative materialism is that it’s trying to be a model for the physical world around us, in ways that have actual consequences; for example, foregoing evidence-based medicine in favor of supposed vibrational healing modalities. This kind of thing gets people killed.

(Now just to be clear, I fully believe that many of these vibrational healing modalities can lower stress, which is absolutely beneficial if you’re dealing with a serious health issue. If there’s some “healing tone” or whatever that helps you feel better, by all means, keep listening to it. Just please don’t get caught up in the anti-pharma/antivax BS along the way, because people die from that.)

And like, there is a lot to criticize about New Age’s ideas about DNA and genetics. For example, there’s the belief that having certain genes can make you a fundamentally evil person, or make you incapable of connecting with God. That’s actual shit that some of these people believe, and it’s utterly vile. There’s the belief that practicing New Agers are more genetically evolved than non-New Agers, which is basically just a way of saying “my spirituality makes me better than you.” There’s the belief that some hold that at some point, everybody who isn’t a New Ager is going to straight up die. I mean, they don’t say it like that - they couch it in euphemisms like “everyone who is incompatible with the new frequency will be cleansed from the timeline.” The awful shit they couch in pretty-sounding euphemisms is well worth criticizing.

The problem with Gigi Young is that she’s not actually anti-eugenics. She’s a conspiracy theorist who claims that an global satanic cult is actively practicing dysgenics on the population, and that we must be wary of them to protect our natural good genes. That’s also a form of eugenics. Gigi Young is using the same kind of rhetoric as Nazis who claim that Jews are weakening the Aryan race by encouraging race mixing.

Eugenicist and bioessentialist beliefs about magic

Like New Age, modern witchcraft developed at a time period when eugenics and so-called race science were highly popular ideas - and consequentially, some of these ideas influenced people’s beliefs about magic. These beliefs also influenced modern conspiracy theories about the occult, which in turn influenced perceptions of magic in general. Here’s some of these beliefs:

Modern witchcraft was also hit by the gender essentialism stick, and claims that come from this line of thinking include:

So yeah, always watch out for claims like this because they don’t come from a good place.

Anonymous asked:

So what exactly does spiritual eugenics mean?

Toxic Individualism In Modern Witchcraft

The modern witchcraft movement is very much a product of the 20th century, and one thing it picked up from that was a pretty individualist way of thinking. This isn’t all bad, since it helped normalize people being allowed to do spirituality in a way that truly resonated with them, rather than following whatever an institution prescribed for them.

But as many of us know, western individualism comes with a lot of really toxic shit, encouraging and even enshrining apathy, cruelty, and social Darwinism. This, unfortunately, is very much an attitude you occasionally see within modern witchcraft.

This is sometimes expressed through a “let ‘em sink or swim” attitude. For example, you might see people bristle at the idea of warning people about dangers such as toxic plants; “well, they should know to just research this themselves, if they get hurt, that’s their own faults.” Never mind that most of us live in a socioeconomic environment where “natural” tends to be equated with “safe,” and few people were taught any real amount of research skills. (Most people don’t know how to research beyond “type a thing into Google and click the first link” or “watch a video on YouTube and follow the algorithm.”)

There’s this sort of idea that witchcraft and the occult is this kind of Darwinian proving ground. You’re either just born having what it takes, or you’re not. Supposedly, there’s no need to warn people about red flags, fascist rhetoric, pseudohistory, or anything, because supposedly, the “worthy” will just be able to find their own way on their own. Anyone who doesn’t make it? Anyone who ends up poisoning themselves or falling down the alt right pipeline or abused by a predator? Couldn’t be helped; they were never “meant” for this path anyway. It was simply too much for them. Why, if you really think about it, it was their own faults for daring to reach above the station they were born for, anyway.

This is a completely irrational view, because it’s simply not how things work. People aren’t born having research skills, critical thinking skills, or knowing the difference between real history and pseudohistory; they’re taught these things. And some people are statistically much less likely to receive a good education than others. There are a few people who beat the odds and end up better educated than most people in their socioeconomic status, but this doesn’t mean that they were born with inherent greatness; it just means that they were curious and lucked out in finding the right materials.

As many of us also know, Victorian-era eugenicists believed that members of the upper class were just inherently better. They had the genes for intelligence and strength of will. (Yeah, that whole modern occult fixation with willpower has some dodgy origins, too.) They just ignored that whole thing where they lived in a socioeconomic system designed to keep most people in poverty. If they ever saw someone beat the system, they attributed it to that person being born exceptional for some reason. I would highly recommend that anyone who hasn’t done so already watch Shaun’s video, The Bell Curve, which criticizes the book by the same title that effectively tries to argue for Victorian-age eugenics, to get a better picture of this whole thing.

Toxic individualism also encourages thinking of individuals as main characters on some kind of hero’s journey, where every pain they suffer and every mistake they make is a vitally important part of their journey and growth; so much so that any effort to prevent them from making mistakes or suffering harm is hindering their personal growth.

Sure, people do often gain valuable insight from their mistakes and suffering. But it’s absurd to claim that this is always the best way for people to learn and grow, especially if there’s a risk of serious harm for themselves or others. Certainly it’s much better to learn from a friendly Tumblr post that essential oils can give you chemical burns or harm your pets than experience it first-hand. And it’s much better to learn what far right rhetoric looks like beforehand so you can recognize it when you first see it, rather than get drawn into some far right belief system and perpetuate harm on vulnerable minorities for any amount of time. (This whole thing of acting like you’re life’s main character and other people are basically just NPCs on some hero’s journey that you imagine yourself to be on is so immensely fucked up.)

And finally, if anybody out here finds themselves thinking, “but nobody should expect help from others; after all, I didn’t get any!”, I’m gonna tell you: it shouldn’t have been that way. You didn’t not get help because that’s just how the world works; you didn’t get help because that’s how modern western socioeconomics are created to work. Toxic individualism is a construct, and it’s one that we can dismantle and replace with something better.

So kind of New Age anons to send me updates on whatever BS is they think’s going on right now in my inbox. Saves me the trouble of combing through their videos and sites.

Highights from the latest include:

The Annu-Elohim, Drakonian and Elite Anunnaki Races that began to digress from their original “Christos” blueprint set forth in dominion conquest of the stellar system the Star Gates of our Time Matrix.

This is essentially fancied-up whining about Jews not accepting Jesus. It all goes with David Icke’s conspiracy theory that Judaism was created in Babylon by reptilian entities.

The Gold Order Seraphei-Seraphin reptilian Omicron Race from D-10 Lyra-Vega began to digress and became known as the “Fallen Seraphim”, the forefathers of the contemporary D-10 Orion-Drakonian Fallen Angelic Legion.

Fancy way of saying “Jews are demonic.” Old antisemitic bullshit with a space-age paint job.

The fallen ones began their quest for universal dominion with the intention of destroying all races but their own and claim dominion of out Time Matrices.

Fancy way of saying “Jews want take over the world.” Typical Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion bullshit.

Through removing the 12th DNA Strand Template form their genetic blueprint, the Annu-Elohim successfully blocked the Density-5 Breneau Founders races from incarnating into their race line, so they were freed to create a legion of self-contained Fallen Angelic dominion forces within or Time Matrix.

Spiritual eugenics BS. New Agers often assert that their ideological opponents have defective genes.

The Fallen Angelics’ Legion Galactic Federation (not the Galactic Federation of ‘free/light’ Planets) intention was, and continues to be today, oppressive, exploiting dominion of our Time Matrix and its life-fields, and the operational control over the 12 Primary Star Gates of the Universal Templar Complex in our Time Matrices.

Fancied-up way of saying “Jews are oppressing and exploiting the world!” Standard Protocols BS.

In their misguided contemporary quest for dominion, “take over of Earth’s Star Gates the Hall of Amenti”, the Anunnaki Fallen Angelic Legions hope to infiltrate, highjack and rob earth humans of their dormant Diamond “Christed living light Human Race” potentially ascension process through governments bureaucracy, narrative information, PSYOPS, altering articles and factual information, television and internet misinformation, show distraction, rewritten transcription, distraction away from the facts in covert genetic manipulation via distorted teachings of DNA, bio-energetic field and Soul/Spirit (Merkaba) activation and hybridization programs.

Fancy way of claiming Jews are manipulating the media and spreading false religion. Also sourced from that old Czarist hoax, The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion.

The Elite Anunnaki are attempting to perpetrate this deception of humans right now in order to prevent Earth humans from actualizing the dormant DNA - 12 Strand potential, through which humans can reclaim the Original true light Human heritage to serve as conscious guardians of the Hall of AMENTI 12 Star Gates.

More spiritual eugenics - “the worthy believers have superior genes.”

Portions of the earth human populations carry the 9, 10 and 11-Strand DNA Template mutations resulting from ancient race hybridization with Anunnaki and Drakonian Fallen Angelic Legions.

Spiritual eugenics again - claiming that some people (read: their ideological opponents) are innately evil because they carry inferior DNA.

“All humans and the Fallen Angelic who chose to do so can reverse mutate DNA Template distortions and bring dormant DNA template potentials into activation through self-generated DNA BIO REGENESIS technologies, naturally, through which the 12-Strand DNA Living Light Human potential can be progressively restored and reactivated within the current operational DNA”.

Conversion rhetoric - you can “fix” your “bad” DNA by accepting New Age doctrine.

And YOU, earthling humans are distracted by the Anti-Christ (power trigger elites, governments), by a sequence low frequency wave of the American 2024 election movement/show involves modern DNA highjacking program.

New Age to normal person translation: “Biden is part of the Jewish agenda!” More Protocols-derived nonsense.

All in all, things haven’t really changed much; they’re still spouting the same antisemitic conspiracy bullshit they’ve been spouting for years.

Anonymous asked:

Soooo what in the sam hill is a light code???

"The United States has always been a terrible place to be sick and disabled. Ableism is baked into our myths of bootstrapping and self-reliance, in which health is virtue and illness is degeneracy." -Madeline Miller.

god that hit me so hard. So hard in the chest. made my eyes water up.