Final Crisis Homepage (original) (raw)

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  1. D.O.A.: The God of War!
  2. Ticket To Bludhaven
  3. Know Evil
  4. Darkseid Says
  5. Into Oblivion
  6. How To Murder The Earth
  7. New Heaven, New Earth

Throughout the series, you’ll see an occasional character listed as unknown – use the Contact Me tab at the top of the page to get in touch if you can identify any.


Like most DC events, FINAL CRISIS had a number of tie-ins, either directly or connected with COUNTDOWN, the series that led into FINAL CRISIS.

Direct Tie-Ins

COUNTDOWN and its Tie-Ins

House Ads

Like most every other event, DC advertised FINAL CRISIS in its own comics.

You can find a collection of the ads I’ve found here.


There were enough COUNTDOWN specific ads that I figured they were due their own page which you can find here.