José Pardo-Tomás | CSIC (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas-Spanish National Research Council) (original) (raw)

Early Modern Natural History & Medicine by José Pardo-Tomás

Research paper thumbnail of Bringing it back from Mexico. Eleven paintings of trees in I cinque libri delle piante of Pier' Antonio Michiel (1510-1576)

Journal of the History of Collections, 2020

I cinque libri delle piante of Pier'Antonio Michiel (1510-1576) are kept in the Biblioteca Marcia... more I cinque libri delle piante of Pier'Antonio Michiel (1510-1576) are kept in the Biblioteca Marciana in Venice. Eleven of the 1,028 plant drawings contained in their five volumes stand out for their notable stylistic differences from the rest. The authors advance the hypothesis that these eleven drawings derive from the work of indigenous scribe-artists in the Valley of Mexico. In tracing the various series of copies of them that circulated between New Spain, the Iberian peninsula and Italy, they highlight the important role played in the production and transportation of copies by Marcantonio Da Mula (1506-1572), and suggest the Spanish nobleman Diego Hurtado de Mendoza (c.1503-1575) as the link between the Spanish court and Michiel's native Venice.

Research paper thumbnail of Philologues de terrain: chantiers pliniens en Espagne entre Vieux et Nouveaux Mondes (1541-1578)

L'admirable greffier de nature. Héritages botaniques et zoologiques de Pline au XVIe siècle, Dominique Brancher, ed. , 2023

Research paper thumbnail of ‘Del India transportato per pittura nella Spagnia’: pinturas de flora mexicana en la contribución de Pier’Antonio Michiel a la botánica moderna

Utopismos circulares. Contextos amerindios de la modernidad, Julián García López y Óscar Muñoz Morán, eds., 2021

Madrid-Francfurt, Iberoamericana-Vervuert, pp. .

Research paper thumbnail of La naturaleza en la biblioteca: los Herbarios de El Escorial y las colecciones de Diego Hurtado de Mendoza

Cuadernos de Historia Moderna, 48 /1: pp. 37-56, 2023

[Text in Spanish] The re-discovery of Diego Hurtado de Mendoza’s herbaria in the Library of El Es... more [Text in Spanish] The re-discovery of Diego Hurtado de Mendoza’s herbaria in the Library of El Escorial allows us to offer a somewhat different look at the library of this aristocrat, diplomat, collector and poet from Granada. As his library passed into the hands of Felipe II when Mendoza died in 1575, the herbaria were incorporated into the whole cultural, political and artistic program of the Royal monas- tery-palace-mausoleum. This paper aims to propose a new look to these herbaria within the two cultural contexts in which they lived. Both based, not only in the Mendoza’s library as a space of constructing knowledge about the natural world, but also playing different roles inside a library which had moved between Italy (Venice, Trent, Padua, Bologna, Rome) and Spain (Granada, Madrid, El Escorial) over four decisive decades for the future of the Catholic Monarchy.

Research paper thumbnail of Alvocats valencians: una llarga i no massa coneguda història (1564-1780)

Pensar la medicina amb la història. Homentage a la Professora Maria José Báguena Cervellera, Carmel Ferragud i José Ramón Bertomeu, eds. València, Publicacions de la Universitat de València, pp. 37-51. , 2023

[Text of the article in Catalan] The paper is an approach to the history of the avocado in Europe... more [Text of the article in Catalan] The paper is an approach to the history of the avocado in Europe, in particular, in the context of the exchanges between naturalists of the Republic of Letters, from the mid-sixteenth century to the mid-eighteenth century. In those two centuries, the presence of avocado trees in the hands of the Franciscans in the city of Valencia acted as a focus of attraction for travellers interested in materia medica and natural history: Clusius, Tournefort, Jussieu ... Little-known or unpublished archival sources from the Gabinete Salvador in Barcelona and the Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle in Paris are provided.

Research paper thumbnail of Saberes misioneros y medicina de la conversión en el Pacífico novohispano. Recetarios medicinales filipinos, 1611-1712

en Angélica Morales, Cynthia Radding, Jaime Marroquín, eds. Los saberes jesuitas en la primera gl... more en Angélica Morales, Cynthia Radding, Jaime Marroquín, eds. Los saberes jesuitas en la primera globalización (siglos XVI-XVIII), México, Siglo XXI-CEIICH UNAM, pp. 56-97.

Research paper thumbnail of Avatares de Giovanni Botero y de sus Relazioni Universali en España, 1601-1611

Un mondo di Relazioni. Giovanni Botero e i saperi nella Roma del Cinquecento, E. Andretta, R. Descendre & A. Romano, eds. , Roma, Viella, 2021: pp. 279-316. , 2021

Este capítulo se propone situar el foco no en esa generación que leyó a Botero de la que habló G... more Este capítulo se propone situar el foco no en esa generación que leyó a Botero de la que habló Gil-Pujol (2017), sino en la inmediatamente anterior, rigurosamente coetánea de Botero. La generación que comenzó realmente a leerlo, porque fue la que lo tradujo y lo editó en España. Así es que el foco de nuestro interés se ubica en los años finales del reinado de Felipe II y los primeros años del reinado de Felipe III. En esa coyuntura específica, el capítulo se ocupa de la producción y recepción de las Relazioni universali, de los dos programas editoriales diferenciados que las tradujeron, pero también de la reelaboración o ampliación que Botero escribió durante o como consecuencia de su estancia en España, en la corte de Felipe III como instructor de los príncipes saboyanos.

[Research paper thumbnail of Bringing it back from Mexico. Eleven Painting of Trees in 'I cinque libri delle piante of Pier'Antonio Michiel (1510-1576) [Abstract]](

Journal of the History of Collections, 2020

I cinque Iibri delle piante of Pie r'Antonio Michiel (1510-1576) are kept in the Biblioteca Marri... more I cinque Iibri delle piante of Pie r'Antonio Michiel (1510-1576) are kept in the
Biblioteca Marriana in Venice. Eleven of the 1,028 plant drawings contained in their
five volumes stand out for their notable stylistic differences from the rest. The
authors advance the hypothesis that these eleven drawings derive/ram the work of
indigenous scribe-artists in the Valley of Mexico. In tracing the various series of
copies of them that circulated between New Spain, the Iberian peninsula and Italy,
they highlight the important role played in the production and transportation of
copies by Marcantonio Da Mula (1506-1572), and suggest the Spanish nobleman
Diego Hurtado de Mendoza (c.1503 - 1575) as the link between the Spanish court and
Michiel's native Venice.

Research paper thumbnail of The Convent as a Space for Novohispanic Medical Culture (Author version), in: Doris Moreno, ed. The Complexity of Hispanic Religious Life in the 16th-18th Centuries, Leiden, Brill, 2020: pp. 124-152.

Research paper thumbnail of Books, plants, herbaria: Diego Hurtado de Mendoza and his circle in Italy (1539–1554)

History of Science, 2019

This article sets out to throw light on the intellectual and scientific activities of a group of ... more This article sets out to throw light on the intellectual and scientific activities of a group of Spanish humanists associated with the diplomat, aristocrat, and writer Diego Hurtado de Mendoza in the course of his fifteen years in Venice, Trent, and Rome, focusing on two aspects that have been neglected to date. These are (a) the integration of practices connected with the study of nature (herborizing expeditions and the production of herbaria) with the work of collating, translating, and commenting on classical texts dealing with natural history and materia medica; and (b) the insertion of these scientific activities in Italy by the Spanish subjects of the Emperor Charles V within the broader context of a specific cultural policy. This policy would later be fleshed out in the scientific project of the Spanish Crown under Philip II, inseparable as it was from the monarch’s political and religious policy.

Research paper thumbnail of Las primeras historias naturales de las Filipinas (1583-1604)

Nuevo Mundo Mundos Nuevos [On line], 2019

The paper is based on the hypothesis that the Philippines was a territory colonized from New Spai... more The paper is based on the hypothesis that the Philippines was a territory colonized from New Spain and served as experience, accumulation, memory and practice for other spaces colonized from New Spain, mainly the North of Mexico and California. Although the Jesuits hegemonized the missionary-colonizing voice in those territories (the Philippines first, then the North), there were precedent ways of writing the natural history that the Jesuits knew, learned and, finally, appropriated and adapted. The paper presents one of the first attempts of writing the natural history of the Philippines, Antonio de Morga's Sucesos de las Islas Filipinas – published in Mexico, in 1609, but written between 1595 and 1603 – to compare it with the first natural history of the Philippines produced by a Jesuit, Pedro Chirino, published in Rome, in 1604.
El trabajo parte de la hipótesis de que el archipiélago de las Filipinas, territorio colonizado desde la Nueva España, sirvió de experiencia, acúmulo, memoria y práctica para la colonización novohispana de otros territorios, señaladamente el Septentrión y las Californias. Si bien los jesuitas hegemonizaron la voz misional-colonizadora en esos territorios (Filipinas primero, el Norte después), antes hubo otros estilos, formas y maneras de escribir la historia natural que los jesuitas conocieron, aprendieron y, finalmente, se apropiaron y adaptaron. Trataremos de analizar uno de los primeros textos que plantean una forma de escribir la historia natural de las Filipinas, Sucesos de las Islas Filipinas, de Antonio de Morga (publicada en México, en 1609, pero escrita entre 1595 y 1603) para compararla con la primera historia natural de las Filipinas hecha por un jesuita, la de Pedro Chirino, publicada en Roma, en 1604.

Research paper thumbnail of Hospitals in Mexico City in the 16th Century. Conversion Medicine and the Circulation of Medical Knowledge

Connecting Worlds: Production and Circulation of Knowledge in the First Global Age, eds. Amélia P... more Connecting Worlds: Production and Circulation of Knowledge in the First Global Age, eds. Amélia Polónia, Fabiano Bracht & Gisele C. Conceição. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2018, pp. 154-182.

Research paper thumbnail of Il mondo secondo Andrés Laguna (1511?-1559): il Dioscorides spagnolo tra storia naturale e politica

Andretta, Elisa; Pardo-Tomás, José RIVISTA STORICA ITALIANA, 129 (2) 2017: 417-456 Abstract: In 1... more Andretta, Elisa; Pardo-Tomás, José
RIVISTA STORICA ITALIANA, 129 (2) 2017: 417-456
Abstract: In 1555 Spanish physician and naturalist Andres Laguna (1511?-1559) published his commented Spanish translation of Disocoride's Materia medica which he addressed to prince Philip who was about to be crowned King of Spain. The work quickly became an essential reference, even outside Spain, and contributed to the circulation of natural and medical knowledge in the late Renaissance while being reissued numerous times. Starting from an examination of the material and intellectual conditions surrounding the production of this work, our article reflects on the development of a renewed medical and natural knowledge while devoting special attention to how the new information was assimilated and put in circulation in often widely disparate geographic, social and intellectual contexts. Our aim is to examine Laguna's world vision in political and cultural terms and how Laguna generated it by reconstructing the natural productions of the world and their therapeutic use. Our aim is try and capture the image of the Iberian empires that took shape in his translation and commentaries without losing sight of the fact that this occurred in a very particular political context: that of the delicate transfer of power from Charles V to Philip II.

Research paper thumbnail of PDF libro completo.pdf

De la circulación del conocimiento a la inducción de la ignorancia. Culturas médicas trasatlánticas, siglos XVI y XVII, 2016

El volumen que hoy presentamos es el resultado del Simposio Internacional “De la circulación del... more El volumen que hoy presentamos es el resultado del Simposio
Internacional “De la circulación del conocimiento a la inducción
de la ignorancia. Historia de las plantas medicinales (siglos XVIXVII). Varios de quienes escribimos aquí hemos reflexionado en
torno al surgimiento y caracterización de la cultura médica novohispana
de los siglos XVI-XVII. Las preguntas que guiaron la escritura
de los capítulos se formularon en torno a cómo ciertos cuerpos
de conocimientos y saberes fueron expropiados, resignificados
o traducidos en el proceso colonial. Otros autores del volumen
optaron por analizar procesos vinculados con las yuxtaposiciones
entre viejos esquemas y paradigmas al momento de repensar
las enfermedades y sus litigios, lo que abona al estudio de los
espacios de intersección entre diferentes “agentes” sociales al
momento de configurar una cultura médica compartida.

Research paper thumbnail of And yet, we were modern. The paradoxes of Iberian Science after the Grand Narratives.

History of Science, 2017

In this article, we try to explain the origin of a disagreement; the sort that often arises when ... more In this article, we try to explain the origin of a disagreement; the sort that often arises when the subject is the history of early modern Spanish science. In the decades between 1970 and 1990, while some historians were trying to include Spain in the grand narrative of the rise of modern science, the very historical category of the Scientific Revolution was beginning to be dismantled. It could be said that Spaniards were boarding the flagship of modern science right before it sank. To understand this décalage it would be helpful to recall the role of the history of science during the years after the Franco dictatorship and Spain's transition to democracy. It was a discipline useful for putting behind us the Black Legend and Spanish exceptionalism.

Research paper thumbnail of Médecine et histoire naturelle. Francisco Hernández au Mexique ou le médecin voyageur comme historien de la nature, 1570-1577

Journal: Histoire, médecine et santé, 11, été 2017: 77-97. The paper analyses how the work of Fra... more Journal: Histoire, médecine et santé, 11, été 2017: 77-97. The paper analyses how the work of Francisco Hernández (ca. 1514-1587) was constructed throughout the seven years he worked in Mexico, sent by Philip II as part of a profound renewal of government forms in the colonial domains, in a project which was at the same time—and not always in a harmonious way—his personal project and that which had been commanded by the royal power. Through this case study, we intend to reflect on the plurality of conceptions on what natural history was for 16th century European trained physicians, how to practice it and, above all, how to write it.

Research paper thumbnail of Geografías médicas. Orillas y fronteras culturales de la medicina (siglos XVI y XVII)

This document includes the contents and the editors' introduction to a book on New Spain medical ... more This document includes the contents and the editors' introduction to a book on New Spain medical cultures in 16th and 17th Centuries. The five chapters (authored by both the editors, and Angélica Morales, Mariluz López and John Slater) as well as the epilogue by Alfredo López Austin show various issues of a multidisciplinary attempt to analyse and understand the complex interactions betweens different medical cultures that found in Mesoamerican territory after 1520.

Research paper thumbnail of Introduction to Medical Cultures in the Early Modern Spanish Empire, Farnham, Ashgate, 2014: pp. 1-17.

Research paper thumbnail of Making Natural History in New Spain, 1525–1590, in: The Globalization of Knowledge in the Iberian Colonial World, edited by Helge Wendt, Berlin, Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, 2016: pp. 29-51.

Research paper thumbnail of “Y los remedios serán los más caseros". El arsenal terapéutico mesoamericano en la obra de fray Agustín Farfán: entre la desconfianza y la apropiación

La construcción social de la ignorancia, ed. Angélica Morales Sarabia, José Pardo-Tomás & Mauricio Sánchez Menchero. México, UNAM, 2017

Research paper thumbnail of Bringing it back from Mexico. Eleven paintings of trees in I cinque libri delle piante of Pier' Antonio Michiel (1510-1576)

Journal of the History of Collections, 2020

I cinque libri delle piante of Pier'Antonio Michiel (1510-1576) are kept in the Biblioteca Marcia... more I cinque libri delle piante of Pier'Antonio Michiel (1510-1576) are kept in the Biblioteca Marciana in Venice. Eleven of the 1,028 plant drawings contained in their five volumes stand out for their notable stylistic differences from the rest. The authors advance the hypothesis that these eleven drawings derive from the work of indigenous scribe-artists in the Valley of Mexico. In tracing the various series of copies of them that circulated between New Spain, the Iberian peninsula and Italy, they highlight the important role played in the production and transportation of copies by Marcantonio Da Mula (1506-1572), and suggest the Spanish nobleman Diego Hurtado de Mendoza (c.1503-1575) as the link between the Spanish court and Michiel's native Venice.

Research paper thumbnail of Philologues de terrain: chantiers pliniens en Espagne entre Vieux et Nouveaux Mondes (1541-1578)

L'admirable greffier de nature. Héritages botaniques et zoologiques de Pline au XVIe siècle, Dominique Brancher, ed. , 2023

Research paper thumbnail of ‘Del India transportato per pittura nella Spagnia’: pinturas de flora mexicana en la contribución de Pier’Antonio Michiel a la botánica moderna

Utopismos circulares. Contextos amerindios de la modernidad, Julián García López y Óscar Muñoz Morán, eds., 2021

Madrid-Francfurt, Iberoamericana-Vervuert, pp. .

Research paper thumbnail of La naturaleza en la biblioteca: los Herbarios de El Escorial y las colecciones de Diego Hurtado de Mendoza

Cuadernos de Historia Moderna, 48 /1: pp. 37-56, 2023

[Text in Spanish] The re-discovery of Diego Hurtado de Mendoza’s herbaria in the Library of El Es... more [Text in Spanish] The re-discovery of Diego Hurtado de Mendoza’s herbaria in the Library of El Escorial allows us to offer a somewhat different look at the library of this aristocrat, diplomat, collector and poet from Granada. As his library passed into the hands of Felipe II when Mendoza died in 1575, the herbaria were incorporated into the whole cultural, political and artistic program of the Royal monas- tery-palace-mausoleum. This paper aims to propose a new look to these herbaria within the two cultural contexts in which they lived. Both based, not only in the Mendoza’s library as a space of constructing knowledge about the natural world, but also playing different roles inside a library which had moved between Italy (Venice, Trent, Padua, Bologna, Rome) and Spain (Granada, Madrid, El Escorial) over four decisive decades for the future of the Catholic Monarchy.

Research paper thumbnail of Alvocats valencians: una llarga i no massa coneguda història (1564-1780)

Pensar la medicina amb la història. Homentage a la Professora Maria José Báguena Cervellera, Carmel Ferragud i José Ramón Bertomeu, eds. València, Publicacions de la Universitat de València, pp. 37-51. , 2023

[Text of the article in Catalan] The paper is an approach to the history of the avocado in Europe... more [Text of the article in Catalan] The paper is an approach to the history of the avocado in Europe, in particular, in the context of the exchanges between naturalists of the Republic of Letters, from the mid-sixteenth century to the mid-eighteenth century. In those two centuries, the presence of avocado trees in the hands of the Franciscans in the city of Valencia acted as a focus of attraction for travellers interested in materia medica and natural history: Clusius, Tournefort, Jussieu ... Little-known or unpublished archival sources from the Gabinete Salvador in Barcelona and the Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle in Paris are provided.

Research paper thumbnail of Saberes misioneros y medicina de la conversión en el Pacífico novohispano. Recetarios medicinales filipinos, 1611-1712

en Angélica Morales, Cynthia Radding, Jaime Marroquín, eds. Los saberes jesuitas en la primera gl... more en Angélica Morales, Cynthia Radding, Jaime Marroquín, eds. Los saberes jesuitas en la primera globalización (siglos XVI-XVIII), México, Siglo XXI-CEIICH UNAM, pp. 56-97.

Research paper thumbnail of Avatares de Giovanni Botero y de sus Relazioni Universali en España, 1601-1611

Un mondo di Relazioni. Giovanni Botero e i saperi nella Roma del Cinquecento, E. Andretta, R. Descendre & A. Romano, eds. , Roma, Viella, 2021: pp. 279-316. , 2021

Este capítulo se propone situar el foco no en esa generación que leyó a Botero de la que habló G... more Este capítulo se propone situar el foco no en esa generación que leyó a Botero de la que habló Gil-Pujol (2017), sino en la inmediatamente anterior, rigurosamente coetánea de Botero. La generación que comenzó realmente a leerlo, porque fue la que lo tradujo y lo editó en España. Así es que el foco de nuestro interés se ubica en los años finales del reinado de Felipe II y los primeros años del reinado de Felipe III. En esa coyuntura específica, el capítulo se ocupa de la producción y recepción de las Relazioni universali, de los dos programas editoriales diferenciados que las tradujeron, pero también de la reelaboración o ampliación que Botero escribió durante o como consecuencia de su estancia en España, en la corte de Felipe III como instructor de los príncipes saboyanos.

[Research paper thumbnail of Bringing it back from Mexico. Eleven Painting of Trees in 'I cinque libri delle piante of Pier'Antonio Michiel (1510-1576) [Abstract]](

Journal of the History of Collections, 2020

I cinque Iibri delle piante of Pie r'Antonio Michiel (1510-1576) are kept in the Biblioteca Marri... more I cinque Iibri delle piante of Pie r'Antonio Michiel (1510-1576) are kept in the
Biblioteca Marriana in Venice. Eleven of the 1,028 plant drawings contained in their
five volumes stand out for their notable stylistic differences from the rest. The
authors advance the hypothesis that these eleven drawings derive/ram the work of
indigenous scribe-artists in the Valley of Mexico. In tracing the various series of
copies of them that circulated between New Spain, the Iberian peninsula and Italy,
they highlight the important role played in the production and transportation of
copies by Marcantonio Da Mula (1506-1572), and suggest the Spanish nobleman
Diego Hurtado de Mendoza (c.1503 - 1575) as the link between the Spanish court and
Michiel's native Venice.

Research paper thumbnail of The Convent as a Space for Novohispanic Medical Culture (Author version), in: Doris Moreno, ed. The Complexity of Hispanic Religious Life in the 16th-18th Centuries, Leiden, Brill, 2020: pp. 124-152.

Research paper thumbnail of Books, plants, herbaria: Diego Hurtado de Mendoza and his circle in Italy (1539–1554)

History of Science, 2019

This article sets out to throw light on the intellectual and scientific activities of a group of ... more This article sets out to throw light on the intellectual and scientific activities of a group of Spanish humanists associated with the diplomat, aristocrat, and writer Diego Hurtado de Mendoza in the course of his fifteen years in Venice, Trent, and Rome, focusing on two aspects that have been neglected to date. These are (a) the integration of practices connected with the study of nature (herborizing expeditions and the production of herbaria) with the work of collating, translating, and commenting on classical texts dealing with natural history and materia medica; and (b) the insertion of these scientific activities in Italy by the Spanish subjects of the Emperor Charles V within the broader context of a specific cultural policy. This policy would later be fleshed out in the scientific project of the Spanish Crown under Philip II, inseparable as it was from the monarch’s political and religious policy.

Research paper thumbnail of Las primeras historias naturales de las Filipinas (1583-1604)

Nuevo Mundo Mundos Nuevos [On line], 2019

The paper is based on the hypothesis that the Philippines was a territory colonized from New Spai... more The paper is based on the hypothesis that the Philippines was a territory colonized from New Spain and served as experience, accumulation, memory and practice for other spaces colonized from New Spain, mainly the North of Mexico and California. Although the Jesuits hegemonized the missionary-colonizing voice in those territories (the Philippines first, then the North), there were precedent ways of writing the natural history that the Jesuits knew, learned and, finally, appropriated and adapted. The paper presents one of the first attempts of writing the natural history of the Philippines, Antonio de Morga's Sucesos de las Islas Filipinas – published in Mexico, in 1609, but written between 1595 and 1603 – to compare it with the first natural history of the Philippines produced by a Jesuit, Pedro Chirino, published in Rome, in 1604.
El trabajo parte de la hipótesis de que el archipiélago de las Filipinas, territorio colonizado desde la Nueva España, sirvió de experiencia, acúmulo, memoria y práctica para la colonización novohispana de otros territorios, señaladamente el Septentrión y las Californias. Si bien los jesuitas hegemonizaron la voz misional-colonizadora en esos territorios (Filipinas primero, el Norte después), antes hubo otros estilos, formas y maneras de escribir la historia natural que los jesuitas conocieron, aprendieron y, finalmente, se apropiaron y adaptaron. Trataremos de analizar uno de los primeros textos que plantean una forma de escribir la historia natural de las Filipinas, Sucesos de las Islas Filipinas, de Antonio de Morga (publicada en México, en 1609, pero escrita entre 1595 y 1603) para compararla con la primera historia natural de las Filipinas hecha por un jesuita, la de Pedro Chirino, publicada en Roma, en 1604.

Research paper thumbnail of Hospitals in Mexico City in the 16th Century. Conversion Medicine and the Circulation of Medical Knowledge

Connecting Worlds: Production and Circulation of Knowledge in the First Global Age, eds. Amélia P... more Connecting Worlds: Production and Circulation of Knowledge in the First Global Age, eds. Amélia Polónia, Fabiano Bracht & Gisele C. Conceição. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2018, pp. 154-182.

Research paper thumbnail of Il mondo secondo Andrés Laguna (1511?-1559): il Dioscorides spagnolo tra storia naturale e politica

Andretta, Elisa; Pardo-Tomás, José RIVISTA STORICA ITALIANA, 129 (2) 2017: 417-456 Abstract: In 1... more Andretta, Elisa; Pardo-Tomás, José
RIVISTA STORICA ITALIANA, 129 (2) 2017: 417-456
Abstract: In 1555 Spanish physician and naturalist Andres Laguna (1511?-1559) published his commented Spanish translation of Disocoride's Materia medica which he addressed to prince Philip who was about to be crowned King of Spain. The work quickly became an essential reference, even outside Spain, and contributed to the circulation of natural and medical knowledge in the late Renaissance while being reissued numerous times. Starting from an examination of the material and intellectual conditions surrounding the production of this work, our article reflects on the development of a renewed medical and natural knowledge while devoting special attention to how the new information was assimilated and put in circulation in often widely disparate geographic, social and intellectual contexts. Our aim is to examine Laguna's world vision in political and cultural terms and how Laguna generated it by reconstructing the natural productions of the world and their therapeutic use. Our aim is try and capture the image of the Iberian empires that took shape in his translation and commentaries without losing sight of the fact that this occurred in a very particular political context: that of the delicate transfer of power from Charles V to Philip II.

Research paper thumbnail of PDF libro completo.pdf

De la circulación del conocimiento a la inducción de la ignorancia. Culturas médicas trasatlánticas, siglos XVI y XVII, 2016

El volumen que hoy presentamos es el resultado del Simposio Internacional “De la circulación del... more El volumen que hoy presentamos es el resultado del Simposio
Internacional “De la circulación del conocimiento a la inducción
de la ignorancia. Historia de las plantas medicinales (siglos XVIXVII). Varios de quienes escribimos aquí hemos reflexionado en
torno al surgimiento y caracterización de la cultura médica novohispana
de los siglos XVI-XVII. Las preguntas que guiaron la escritura
de los capítulos se formularon en torno a cómo ciertos cuerpos
de conocimientos y saberes fueron expropiados, resignificados
o traducidos en el proceso colonial. Otros autores del volumen
optaron por analizar procesos vinculados con las yuxtaposiciones
entre viejos esquemas y paradigmas al momento de repensar
las enfermedades y sus litigios, lo que abona al estudio de los
espacios de intersección entre diferentes “agentes” sociales al
momento de configurar una cultura médica compartida.

Research paper thumbnail of And yet, we were modern. The paradoxes of Iberian Science after the Grand Narratives.

History of Science, 2017

In this article, we try to explain the origin of a disagreement; the sort that often arises when ... more In this article, we try to explain the origin of a disagreement; the sort that often arises when the subject is the history of early modern Spanish science. In the decades between 1970 and 1990, while some historians were trying to include Spain in the grand narrative of the rise of modern science, the very historical category of the Scientific Revolution was beginning to be dismantled. It could be said that Spaniards were boarding the flagship of modern science right before it sank. To understand this décalage it would be helpful to recall the role of the history of science during the years after the Franco dictatorship and Spain's transition to democracy. It was a discipline useful for putting behind us the Black Legend and Spanish exceptionalism.

Research paper thumbnail of Médecine et histoire naturelle. Francisco Hernández au Mexique ou le médecin voyageur comme historien de la nature, 1570-1577

Journal: Histoire, médecine et santé, 11, été 2017: 77-97. The paper analyses how the work of Fra... more Journal: Histoire, médecine et santé, 11, été 2017: 77-97. The paper analyses how the work of Francisco Hernández (ca. 1514-1587) was constructed throughout the seven years he worked in Mexico, sent by Philip II as part of a profound renewal of government forms in the colonial domains, in a project which was at the same time—and not always in a harmonious way—his personal project and that which had been commanded by the royal power. Through this case study, we intend to reflect on the plurality of conceptions on what natural history was for 16th century European trained physicians, how to practice it and, above all, how to write it.

Research paper thumbnail of Geografías médicas. Orillas y fronteras culturales de la medicina (siglos XVI y XVII)

This document includes the contents and the editors' introduction to a book on New Spain medical ... more This document includes the contents and the editors' introduction to a book on New Spain medical cultures in 16th and 17th Centuries. The five chapters (authored by both the editors, and Angélica Morales, Mariluz López and John Slater) as well as the epilogue by Alfredo López Austin show various issues of a multidisciplinary attempt to analyse and understand the complex interactions betweens different medical cultures that found in Mesoamerican territory after 1520.

Research paper thumbnail of Introduction to Medical Cultures in the Early Modern Spanish Empire, Farnham, Ashgate, 2014: pp. 1-17.

Research paper thumbnail of Making Natural History in New Spain, 1525–1590, in: The Globalization of Knowledge in the Iberian Colonial World, edited by Helge Wendt, Berlin, Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, 2016: pp. 29-51.

Research paper thumbnail of “Y los remedios serán los más caseros". El arsenal terapéutico mesoamericano en la obra de fray Agustín Farfán: entre la desconfianza y la apropiación

La construcción social de la ignorancia, ed. Angélica Morales Sarabia, José Pardo-Tomás & Mauricio Sánchez Menchero. México, UNAM, 2017

Research paper thumbnail of From private to public (& vice versa) scientific collections in Barcelona, 1830-1880

Centaurus, 65 /3 (Special issue Scientific Collections on the Move, ed. by Nathalie Richard & Irina Podgorny), 2023

In the half-century that elapsed between 1830 and 1880, the city of Barcelona, while industrializ... more In the half-century that elapsed between 1830 and 1880, the city of Barcelona, while industrializing and tripling its population, saw how rich scientific collections (mainly naturalistic, archeological, and anatomical) could be created or lost, opened to the public or forgotten. The complexity and variety of the movements of these collections go beyond the narrow historiographical framework defined by a supposedly linear evolution towards greater accumulation and openness to the public. On the contrary, the examples examined in this article reveal a variety of paths and vicissitudes.

Research paper thumbnail of Maulny and Le Mans: one of a thousand ways of moving from the cabinet of curiosities to the natural history museum., 2023

Research paper thumbnail of Maulny y Le Mans: una entre mil formas de pasar del gabinete de curiosidades al museo de historia natural, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of On pomological collections and their trace in the Loire Valley • Post date17/01/2023

SciCoMove Blog, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of Sobre colecciones pomológicas y su rastro en el valle del Loira

SciCoMove Blog, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of Traveling exhibitions and wax makers on the move. Anatomies in early 19th century Barcelona

Ceroplastics. The Science of Wax, edited by Fabio Zampieri, Roberta Ballestriero and Burke Owen. Roma: L’Erma di Bretschneider. ISBN: 9788891320278, 2022

Cabinets of wax figures had a significant presence in some urban spaces in Spain in the last thir... more Cabinets of wax figures had a significant presence in some urban spaces in Spain in the last third of the eighteenth-century. From religious and social to scientific in their purpose, wax sculptures gained momentum and their public exhibition became both a tool of communication and a space of urban sociability. On this matter, the arrival of Italian artists and the exhibition of travelling cabinets are two remarkable features of this period. The Italian, and particularly Neapolitan, origins of the popular trend for representing the birth of Jesus Christ in wax are well known. That seems another step in a trend of wax sculpture cultivated in seventeenth-century Spain, based on the production of "escaparates" or glass window-cases that contained religious models in wax and had an oratory use in convents, private cabinets and rooms in the houses of affluent families. Besides this, a number of wax models representing the life, passion and death of Jesus Christ, or several scenes of different patron-saints, were exhibited in religious processions 1. Furthermore, travelling cabinets of wax figures have been studied in the case of Madrid in the last decades of the eighteenth century. Such entertainments took place in private rooms and were publically announced through leaflets and newspapers. There, people could pay different fees to contemplate life-size busts of historical and contemporary characters, or even exotic people and scenes so realistically represented in wax that they appeared to be real. These kinds of exhibitions coincided with the growing popularity of the anatomical cabinet in the newly established Royal College of

Research paper thumbnail of Emma Sallent Del Colombo & José Pardo-Tomás. En busca de la iconografía perdida. Philippe Simonneau y los dibujos del “Viaje de España y Portugal”, 1716-1717.

Cuerpos representados. Objetos de ciencia artísticos en España, siglos XVIII-XX, eds. Alfons Zarzoso & Maribel Morente (Vitoria-Buenos Aires, Sans Soleil Ediciones), 2020

Research paper thumbnail of Bezoar, in: New World Objects of Knowledge: A Cabinet of Curioisty for a Global Age, ed. by Mark Thurner & Juan Pimentel

New World Objects of Knowledge: A Cabinet of Curioisty for a Global Age, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Hierbas ¿venenos o medicinas? El saber sobre las propiedades de las plantas de la Antigüedad al Renacimiento

Herbarios imaginados entre arte y ciencia, 2020

Texto de divulgación en un catálogo de la exposición "Herbarios imaginados"

Research paper thumbnail of Cuerpos mostrados. Regímenes de exhibición de lo humano. Barcelona y Madrid, siglos XVII-XX. Índice, Introducción, Epilogo y Bibliografia

Gabinetes, Aulas y Exposiciones. Actores y Objetos. Una historia de "longue durée" de los regímen... more Gabinetes, Aulas y Exposiciones. Actores y Objetos. Una historia de "longue durée" de los regímenes de exhibición de lo humano y del cuerpo humano. Desde los gabinetes de curiosidades de los siglos XVII y XVIII a las aulas universitarias del siglo XX, pasando por los colegios de cirugía, las exposiciones coloniales, los circos y los cementerios del siglo XIX. Un volumen con decenas de ilustraciones a color y 9 estudios de caso centrados en Barcelona y Madrid nos permiten acercarnos con una mirada histórica a las controversias actuales sobre la exhibición cuerpos humanos en los museos y en otros espacios públicos.

Research paper thumbnail of Salvadoriana. The Cabinet of Curiosities of Barcelona

Catalogue of the Exhibition, Botanical Institute & Natural Sciences Museum of Barceloa, May 2014-... more Catalogue of the Exhibition, Botanical Institute & Natural Sciences Museum of Barceloa, May 2014-April 2016

Research paper thumbnail of En la Facultad y en la Feria: hacia una geografía urbana de los museos anatómicos en Barcelona

En la Facultad y en la Feria: hacia una geografía urbana de los museos anatómicos en Barcelona,in: Ciencia y ciudad: Barcelona / Buenos Aires (1850-1940), eds. eds. Álvaro Girón, Oliver Hochadel, Gustavo Vallejo y Osvaldo Graciano, Aranjuez: Doce Calles, pp. 189-214, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of Fall and Rise of the Roca Museum: Owners, Meanings and Audiences of an Anatomical Collection from Barcelona to Antwerp, 1922–2012

The Fate of Anatomical Collections, edited by Rina Knoeff & Robert Zwijnenberg , Mar 2015

This chapter examines the significance of temporal, geographical and ownership changes experience... more This chapter examines the significance of temporal, geographical and ownership changes experienced over nearly a century by the anatomical collection of the Roca Museum, a collection formed in Barcelona in the 1920s, which reappeared in Antwerp in the 2000s, finding different exhibition contexts, appealing to different audiences and evoking different meanings. We have divided the chapter into three parts. The first is centred on the city of Barcelona, where the Roca Museum happened to be another piece in the puzzle of the vivid public life of a district marred by the worst social features of urban growth. That world came to an abrupt end with the Spanish Civil War and the new moral framework imposed by Franco’s regime (1939–1975). The collection of the Roca Museum remained concealed, far away from the public eye. Nothing is known about this period of silence. The second part follows the fate of the collection in the 1980s, the early years of a new period of democracy, when it reappeared in the hands of Francisco Arellano, a Catalan
antiquarian. Mr Arellano tried to sell the collection, an operation that involved the division of the collection into two parts. The ‘theatrical’ part was sold to the city of Barcelona and the ‘medical’ part was acquired by Leo Coolen, a Belgian collector. The third part of the chapter focuses on the new uses of the anatomical collection, from Coolen’s Wunderkammern to the exhibition contexts, public and private, devised or supported by the new owner.

Research paper thumbnail of La historia natural y el coleccionismo en gabinetes de curiosidades y museos de papel”, en: Montserrat Cabré y Maria Cruz de Carlos (eds.), Maria Sybilla Merian y Alida Withoos. Mujeres, arte y ciencia en la Edad Moderna,

Research paper thumbnail of Reconstructing the Martorell. Donors and spaces in the quest for hegemony within the natural history museum, Ferran Aragon & José Pardo-Tomás

Barcelona: An Urban History of Science and Modernity, 1888-1929, edited by Oliver Hochadel and Agustí Nieto-Galan. London-New York, Routledge, 2016., 2016

Research paper thumbnail of Anatomy of an urban underworld A medical geography of the Barrio Chino, by Alfons Zarzoso & José Pardo-Tomás

Barcelona: An Urban History of Science and Modernity, 1888-1929, edited by Oliver Hochadel and Agustí Nieto-Galan. London-New York, Routledge, 2016., 2016

Research paper thumbnail of Noticias, novedades y maravillas: escrituras científicas y espacios urbanos

Research paper thumbnail of Escrito en la rebotica. Coleccionismo naturalista y prácticas de escritura en el gabinete de curiosidades de la familia Salvador. Barcelona, 1626-1857

Research paper thumbnail of Ciencia, historia y escritura

Research paper thumbnail of Catàleg de la Biblioteca Salvador: Institut Botànic de Barcelona

Información del libro Catàleg de la Biblioteca Salvador: Institut Botànic de Barcelona.

Research paper thumbnail of El médico en la palestra. Diego Mateo Zapata (1664-1745) y la ciencia moderna en España

The biography of Diego Mateo Zapata (1664-1745), the physician twice tried by the Spanish Inquisi... more The biography of Diego Mateo Zapata (1664-1745), the physician twice tried by the Spanish Inquisition by cryptojudaism, despite which, he managed to publish numerous controversial writings, became president of the Royal Society of Medicine and enjoyed the protection of his rich and aristocratic patients, while attending at the same time the Judeo-converse families in the Madrid of the last of the Habsburg dinasty and the first of the Bourbon one.

Research paper thumbnail of Medicine and the Spanish Novator Movement: Ancients vs. Moderns and Beyond

Research paper thumbnail of Stories of Disease Written by Patients and Lay Mediators in the Spanish Republic of Letters (1680-1720)

Journal of Medieval and Early …, Jan 1, 2008

Research paper thumbnail of Physicians' and Inquisitors' Stories? Circumcision and Crypto-Judaism in Sixteenth-Eighteenth-Century Spain

Research paper thumbnail of El Tribunal del Protomedicato y los médicos reales (n 1665-1724): entre la gracia real y la carrera profesional

Dynamis: Acta Hispanica ad …, Jan 1, 2008

Research paper thumbnail of In tenebris adhuc versantes. La respuesta de los novatores españoles a la invectiva de Pierre Régis

Research paper thumbnail of Las consultas y juntas de médicos como escenarios de controversia científica y práctica médica en la época de los novatores (1687-1725).

Research paper thumbnail of El Libro Cientifico en la Republica de las Letras

“República de las Letras” fue una denominación usada durante buena parte de los siglos XVI, XVII ... more “República de las Letras” fue una denominación usada durante buena parte de los siglos XVI, XVII y XVIII a la hora de designar el ambiente cultural creado por algunos hombres y mujeres que dedicaban sus esfuerzos intelectuales al cultivo del saber. José Pardo Tomás, investigador científico en la Institución Milá y Fontanals del CSIC, nos introduce en la historia del libro científico que había sido un vehículo privilegiado hasta el siglo XVIII, hasta que aparecieron en París en el año 1751, los primeros fascículos de la Encyclopédie ou Dictionnaire Raisonné des Sciences, des arts et des métiers.

Research paper thumbnail of La salut en la història d'Europa

Research paper thumbnail of Diablos y diabluras en la literatura de secretos

Research paper thumbnail of The Ignorance of Midwives: The Role of Clergymen in Spanish Enlightenment Debates on Birth Care

Medicine and Religion in Enlightenment Europe, 2007

Research paper thumbnail of Un conflicto profesional, un conflicto moral y un conflicto de género: los debates em torno a la atención al parto en la Ilustración

Research paper thumbnail of Presencias y silencios. Biografías de médicos en el antiguo régimen

Research paper thumbnail of Un programa, dues acadèmies: Jaume Bonells i el foment de la medicina i de les ciències naturals a Barcelona (1766-1786).

Nieto Galan, Agustí; Roca Rosell, Antoni (coords.) La Reial Acadèmia de Ciències i Arts de Barcelona als segles XVIII y XIX. Història, ciencia i societat, Barcelona, Reial Acadèmia de Ciències i Arts de Barcelona, Institut d’Estudis Catalans, 2000, 384 pp., 2000


Tiempos Modernos: Revista Electrónica de …, Jan 1, 2003

Research paper thumbnail of Victims and Experts: Medical Practitioners and the Spanish Inquisition

Research paper thumbnail of Médicos, inquisidores y sodomitas

La medicina ante el nuevo milenio: una …, Jan 1, 2004

Research paper thumbnail of Llorenç Coçar y la Inquisición valenciana

Homenatge al doctor Sebastià Garcia Martínez, Jan 1, 1988

Información del artículo Llorenç Coçar y la Inquisición valenciana.

Research paper thumbnail of Ciencia y censura: La Inquisición española y los libros científicos en los siglos XVI y XVII

Research paper thumbnail of Obras y autores científicos en los índices inquisitoriales españoles del siglo XVI (1559, 1583 y 1584)

Estudis, Jan 1, 1983

Acceso de usuarios registrados. Acceso de usuarios registrados Usuario Contraseña. ...

Research paper thumbnail of (2023) ressenya Ottaviani Nuncius

Nuncius 38, pp. 202–204, 2023

Book review. Alessandro Ottaviani, Natura ed esattezza all’alba della scienza galileiana. Le ‘Obs... more Book review. Alessandro Ottaviani, Natura ed esattezza all’alba della scienza galileiana. Le ‘Observationes’ di Fabio Colonna. Rome: Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura, 2021. lviii, 279 pp. isbn: 9788893595650.

Research paper thumbnail of La ciudad de los saberes en la Edad Moderna

Cuadernos de Historia Moderna, 2022

Review of La ciudad de los saberes en la Edad Moderna (Gijón, Ediciones Trea, 2020) edited by Ali... more Review of La ciudad de los saberes en la Edad Moderna (Gijón, Ediciones Trea, 2020) edited by Alicia Cámara, Álvaro Molina & Margarita Ana Vázquez Manassero.

Research paper thumbnail of De la calamidad a la catástrofe. Cómo la acción de la naturaleza deviene sujeto histórico

Pedralbes, 41, 2021

Essay Review. Disaster narratives in Early Modern Naples. Politics, communi- cation and culture, ... more Essay Review.
Disaster narratives in Early Modern Naples. Politics, communi- cation and culture, Domenico Cecere, Chiara de Caprio, Lorenza Gianfrancesco, Pasquale Pal- meri, eds., Viella, Roma, 2018, 262 p. ISBN 978-88-6728-645-4.
Historiar las catástrofes, María Dolores Lorenzo, Miguel Rodríguez y David Marcilhacy, coords. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Instituto de Investigaciones Históricas, Sorbonne Université, Centre de Recherches Interdisciplinaires sur les Mondes Ibériques Contempo- rains, México, 2019. 384 p. ISBN 978-607-30-2583-6. Disponible en línea: libros/709/historiar_catastrofes.html

Research paper thumbnail of The end of phantasmagoria Juan Pimentel: Fantasmas de la ciencia española. Madrid: Marcial Pons, 2020, 416pp, 28

Metascience 30, 2021

Book review of Pimentel's 'Fantasmas de la ciencia española'

Research paper thumbnail of "Drugs on the Page" Book Review Medical History

Medical History, 2020

Review of the book: Matthew J. Crawford and Joseph M. Gabriel (eds), Drugs on the Page. Pharmacop... more Review of the book: Matthew J. Crawford and Joseph M. Gabriel (eds), Drugs on the Page. Pharmacopoeias and Healing Knowledge in the Early Modern Atlantic World (Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2019), published in Medical History (2020), vol. 64(3), pp. 436–437.

Research paper thumbnail of American Drugs and Early Modern Europe: New Ways of Telling an Old Story, Ambix

Research paper thumbnail of ANATOMÍAS URBANAS: Anatomías sublimes y experimentos extremos 1

Research paper thumbnail of ANATOMÍAS URBANAS: Anatomías sublimes y experimentos extremos 2

Research paper thumbnail of Reseña Enrique González, Víctor Gutiérrez, El poder de las letras.pdf

Research paper thumbnail of Review Berco, From body to community. Venereal Disease and Society in Baroque Spain.pdf

Research paper thumbnail of ANATOMíAS URBANAS: De la invisibilidad del trabajo femenino: Frobenius y " su " pequeña Amazonia

On an exhibition in the Museo Nacional de Antropología e Historia, Mexico City

Research paper thumbnail of ANATOMíAS URBANAS: La exposición " Arte y Carne " o cómo desenfocar el patrimonio históricocientífico

No es fácil hacer una reseña crítica de una exposición como Arte y Carne (http://arteycarne.ucm.e...[ more ](;)No es fácil hacer una reseña crítica de una exposición como Arte y Carne (, que podría haber sido todo un acontecimiento, por la riqueza de sus materiales, por la competencia de buena parte de quienes han trabajado en el proyecto y porque debería haber provocado un entusiasta descubrimiento popular de cuán rico y variado es el patrimonio científico y médico que reúne una ciudad como Madrid. Si no ha sido así se debe, en mi opinión, a una innecesaria-y, creo, contraproducente-'atapuerquización', pecado original que-imagino-cabe atribuir a los responsables políticos e institucionales de la exposición y no a quienes-por debajo del comisario y la llamada " comisión científica "-han trabajado en su materialización. En seguida trataré de explicar lo de la 'atapuerquización', pero ahora permitánme continuar un poco más con la alegoría bíblica: cometido el pecado original, expulsados todos (piezas y expertos) del paraíso, como consecuencia de un pecado de orgullo, la cosa ya no tuvo enmienda; a pesar-insisto-de las excelentes aptitudes de la mayor parte de las personas que trabajaron en el proyecto y a pesar-esto es quizá lo más lamentable-de la espectacular belleza y el enorme interés histórico, científico y patrimonial de la colección de ceras anatómicas del siglo XVIII que hoy conserva el Museo de Anatomía Javier Puerta (, de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Arte y Carne no consigue estar a la altura; y, en algunos aspectos como en el de la estructura, la redacción de los textos y la explicación del contexto de elaboración y exhibición de las piezas, falla sin paliativos. En cuanto a lo de la atapuerquización, bastan tres preguntas para entender a qué me estoy refieriendo: ¿es un paleoantropólogo-por prestigioso y competente que sea, en lo suyo, Juan Luis Arsuaga-la persona adecuada para actuar como comisario en una exposición que pretende explicar y comunicar al público la importancia y valor de una fantástica colección madrileña de ceras anatómicas del siglo XVIII? ¿Tan poca confianza tenían los responsables políticos e institucionales de la Complutense en la riqueza y valor de su propio patrimonio que había que ligarlo a la fama de Arsuaga y de la industria cultural de Atapuerca? ¿De verdad creen que los valores de una fabulosa colección médica, artística y científica como la de esas ceras anatómicas madrileñas ganan algo al ser confusamente asociadas a un yacimiento arquelógico que, aunque de enorme éxito científico y mediático en nuestro conocimiento de la evolución humana, no tiene absolutamente nada que ver con la enseñanza de la cirugía y la anatomía humanas en el Madrid de finales del siglo XVIII? O, por el contrario, invirtiendo los términos de lo que dicen perseguir sus promotores, si lo que se pretendía era divulgar qué es lo que los paleoantropólogos piensan actualmente acerca de tres o cuatro estructuras anatómicas particulares de la especie humana (encéfalo, fonación, bipedestación y parto) y su " éxito evolutivo " ¿por qué razón creyeron que la mejor manera era exhibir unas ceras anatómicas creadas en Madrid para enseñar a los cirujanos de finales del siglo XVIII? El resultado es, a nuestro modo de ver, doblemente negativo: una exposición que pretende explicar dos cosas sin relación y que usa para ello unos bienes patrimoniales de gran valor, pero que quedan no solo descontextualizados, sino abiertamente desvalorizados en medio de un estilo de discurso divulgador que

Research paper thumbnail of ANATOMÍAS URBANAS -- por J Pardo Tomas, post sobre as ceras dermatologicas do Desterro

note -- this is a post about a project, book and exhibit I coordinated, but I am not making claim... more note -- this is a post about a project, book and exhibit I coordinated, but I am not making claims on authorship of the text, which is an excellent post on the blog ANATOMIAS URBANAS (it is just that does not allow me to suppress my own name)

Research paper thumbnail of Anatomy and Anatomists in Early Modern Spain, by Bjorn O. Skaarup, reviewed in  European History Quarterly 46(1)

Research paper thumbnail of Review of Health and Medicine in Hapsburg Spain: Agent, Practices, Representations, by Teresa HUGUET-TERMES, Jon  ARRIZABALAGA & Harold J. COOK (Londres, Wellcome Trust , 2009)

Research paper thumbnail of Review of L’anatomia tra arte e medicina. Lo studio del corpo nel tardo Rinascimento, by Andrea Carlino, Roberto P. Ciardi, Anna Lupi, Annamaria Petrioli Tofani (Milano: Silvana Editoriale, 2010)

The book under review here is the second part of a series which began with the publication in 200... more The book under review here is the second part of a series which began with the publication in 2009 by the same Milanese publishing house, Silvana Editoriale, of the volume La bella anatomia. Il disegno del corpo fra arte e scienza nel Rinascimento. The 2009 volume was the work of Andrea Carlino, Roberto P. Ciardi and Annamaria Petrioli Tofani, also the authors of this second volume but with the addition of Anna Luppi.

Research paper thumbnail of Review Marcaida's Arte y Ciencia en el Barroco español

Research paper thumbnail of Review of Tintorería y Medicina en Valencia, by Cifuentes & Córdoba

Research paper thumbnail of Review of Anatomical Dissection in Enlightenment England and beyond, edited by  Piers Mitchell

Research paper thumbnail of Review of Michele Clouse's book: Medicine, Government and Public Health in Philip II’s Spain

Research paper thumbnail of Humanities in Transition, International Conference 50th Anniversary IMF-CSIC Barcelona, October 23-26, 2018

Every academic discipline is concerned in some way or other with the human being, but among the g... more Every academic discipline is concerned in some way or other with the human being, but among the great variety of branches of knowledge there are some that focus more closely on the human condition and its capacity for cultural creation: as a whole these are referred to as the humanities.
Today reference is made, with some justification, to a ‘crisis in the humanities’, a problematic situation increasingly confronted by intellectuals and one that may have major consequences well beyond the cultural field as such. Are the humanities necessary? We believe they are; indeed, we are absolutely convinced they are. It would be difficult to learn to live together, not only amongst each other as human beings but also with the environment which we inhabit, if we do not do so on the basis of knowledge and values inherent to and offered by the humanities.
One of the characteristic traits of humanities studies is critical thinking, not only as regards what is necessary in order to deepen knowledge, but also as regards academic practice in the disciplines. This means that continual re-thinking is required since not to do so would imply lack of awareness of the profound changes—and so needs—experienced by society, changes that without a doubt are already taking place in a process of constant acceleration.
What direction, then, should the humanities follow given the changes and social challenges that confront us today? What should their role be in the highly critical anthropocene moment in which we are living? To what extent do the humanities need reformulation, reconsideration or even overturning of the very humanist mode of thinking from which they derive?
These are some of the questions to be tackled by specialists in the field throughout the international conference ‘Humanities in Transition’ organized by the Institution Milà i Fontanals of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), 23-26 October 2018, to coincide with the fiftieth anniversary of the Institute’s foundation.


Scientific Committee:
Ivan Armenteros Martínez
Oliver Hochadel
Tess Knighton
Josep Martí
Débora Zurro Hernández

Organizational Committee:
Secretary: Carmen Losada Fernández, Marta Manso Rubio
Administration: Pilar Sánchez, Ana Jiménez, José Fructuoso
Publicity: Maria Gil, Álvaro Rodríguez de la Fuente
General organization: Ivan Armenteros Martínez

Coordination: Josep Martí

Research paper thumbnail of La expedición de Francisco Hernández a México

Felipe II, la ciencia y la técnica, Jan 1, 1999

Información del artículo La expedición de Francisco Hernández a México.

Research paper thumbnail of Anatomías del Nuevo Mundo

Research paper thumbnail of De los libros de secretos a los manuales de salud: cuatro siglos de popularización de la ciencia

Quark: Ciencia, medicina, comunicación y …, Jan 1, 2006

Research paper thumbnail of Andrés Laguna y la medicina europea del Renacimiento

Research paper thumbnail of La medicina en España a finales del siglo XVII: Diego Mateo Zapata

Research paper thumbnail of Diego Mateo Zapata

Research paper thumbnail of Les biografies mèdiques: entre l'hagiografia i la història

Research paper thumbnail of Saberes y prácticas médicas propuesta

Research paper thumbnail of «Per la Ciència i per la Pàtria: medical catalanism (1898-1936)»

Sixth Social Science …, Jan 1, 2006

Research paper thumbnail of Annals de Medicina: expressió de la medicina catalana 'noucentista'

Research paper thumbnail of Fuentes para el estudio de las ocupaciones sanitarias en el Aragón del siglo XVII

Research paper thumbnail of Salvadoriana. Dossier de premsa i enllaç a exposició virtual (With link to Virtual Exhibition)

Research paper thumbnail of Maria Sybilla Merian y Alida Withoos. Mujeres, Arte y Ciencia en la Edad Moderna /// Maria Sibylla Merian and Alida Withoos: women, Art and Science in the Early Modern World

This online bilingual site (English/Spanish) offers a full virtual 3D visit to the exhibition of ... more This online bilingual site (English/Spanish) offers a full virtual 3D visit to the exhibition of the botanical drawings attributed to artists-naturalists Maria Sibylla Merian and Alida Withoos by Jan van Berkhey, a Dutch physician and scientific collector. The works are held at the Royal Botanical Garden in Madrid and are presented in the context of the collection where they originally belonged.
The exhibit was held at the University of Cantabria, Santander (Spain) between October 18, 2018- January 19, 2019. It was curated by Montserrat Cabré and María Cruz de Carlos.
A catalogue with articles by Montserrat Cabré, María Cruz de Carlos, Peter Cherry, Natalie Davis, Esther Guillén, José Pardo-Tomás, Gloria Pérez de Rada and Jaya Remond can be downloaded from the exhibition’s website.


Research paper thumbnail of Del Indi a transportato per pittura nella Spagnia. Pinturas de flora mexicana en la contribución de Pier’Antonio Michiel a la botánica moderna

Iberoamericana Vervuert eBooks, Dec 31, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Tra 'oppinioni' e 'dispareri': la flora americana nell'erbario di Pier'Antonio Michiel (1510-1576)

Research paper thumbnail of Économie Des Savoirs

Dans l’histoire des savoirs aux XVIe-XVIIe siècles, il n’est nullement besoin de chercher les méd... more Dans l’histoire des savoirs aux XVIe-XVIIe siècles, il n’est nullement besoin de chercher les médecins : ils sont partout, engagés dans des domaines variés de la culture lettrée, érudite et savante, de la philologie à l’histoire naturelle, de l’art oratoire aux mathématiques, ou encore de la cosmographie à la théologie. Comment saisir et interpréter cette omniprésence dans l’univers culturel de la première modernité en Europe occidentale ? Ce dossier propose de réévaluer le fonctionnement du champ médical aux XVIe et XVIIe siècles, en faisant de celui-ci un lieu d’interrogations sur l’économie des savoirs en Europe. En s’éloignant des cadres historiographiques traditionnels, organisés autour des notions de « révolution scientifique » ou de « nouvelle science », et en s’appuyant à la fois sur les idées, les outils de pensée et les formes textuelles qui rendent compte des contiguïtés perméables entre la médecine et d’autres savoirs, il s’agira de montrer et de comprendre les rôles et ...

Research paper thumbnail of Materiali aldrovandiani in Spagna: l’enigmatico caso del Códice Pomar

Il manoscritto 9 della Biblioteca Storica dell'Università di Valencia, "Atlas de Histori... more Il manoscritto 9 della Biblioteca Storica dell'Università di Valencia, "Atlas de Historia Natural", noto come "Códice Pomar", fu regalato dal re di Spagna Filippo III (1598-1621) al medico di Valencia Jaume Honorat Pomar (m. 1606) dopo il 1599 e prima del 1606. Si tratta di un volume di 219 immagini di piante e di animali, per la maggior parte copie dalle tavole acquerellate di cui il naturalista italiano Ulisse Aldrovandi faceva collezione, ne incaricava l'esecuzione ad artisti diversi o faceva copiare da almeno quattro decenni a Bologna. Il problema per il caso del codice spagnolo è che non sappiamo come, né da chi, né quando, né dove furono realizzate queste copie. Non siamo a conoscenza neanche del modo in cui la raccolta di disegni è finita in possesso del re di Spagna.Peer reviewe

Research paper thumbnail of Travelling exhibitions and wax makers on the move: anatomies in early 19th-Century Barcelona

Università degli Studi di Padova, 2019

Cabinets of wax figures had a significant presence in some urban spaces in Spain in the last thir... more Cabinets of wax figures had a significant presence in some urban spaces in Spain in the last third of the eighteenth-century. From religious and social to scientific in their purpose, wax sculptures gained momen- tum and their public exhibition became both a tool of communication and a space of urban sociability [...] we have considered the case of Barcelona throughout a long period from the end of the eighteenth century to the twentieth century. By widening the peri- od of time under consideration we have included the regimes of the exhibition of different travelling cabinets that visited a changing urban space.Peer reviewe

Research paper thumbnail of Cicle Online: "Ciutats en un món glocal. Una aproximació multidisciplinar" (del 26/10 al 2/12 del 2020), IMF-CSIC (Barcelona). Coordinació: Yolanda Aixelà Cabré i Oliver Hochadel. Més informació sobre les plataformes on s'impartirà a: Entrega de certificat d'assistència

Research paper thumbnail of Fall and Rise of the Roca Museum: Owners, Meanings and Audiences of an Anatomical Collection from Barcelona to Antwerp, 1922-2012

Until recently, university and popular anatomy museums were known only to a limited circle of cur... more Until recently, university and popular anatomy museums were known only to a limited circle of curators, collectors and antiquarians. The recent increase in attention has been devoted particularly to university museums, whose scientific purpose was indisputable. In contrast, popular anatomical museums have received little attention from historians.Peer Reviewe

Research paper thumbnail of En la Facultad y en la Feria: hacia una geografía urbana de los museos anatómicos en Barcelona

Este capitulo se realiza dentro del proyecto "Del gabinete de maravillas al museo anatomico ... more Este capitulo se realiza dentro del proyecto "Del gabinete de maravillas al museo anatomico popular: regimenes de exhibicion y cultura material de la medicina", financiado por la Secretaria de Estado de Investigacion del Gobierno de Espana (HAR2015-64313-P).

Research paper thumbnail of Reconstructing the Martorell: Donors and spaces in the quest for hegemony within the natural history museum

In the present chapter we will analyse who the donors who shaped the content of the museum Martor... more In the present chapter we will analyse who the donors who shaped the content of the museum Martorell were, what kind of objects they donated, how these were exhibited (or not), and how the museum's different sections evolved and grew in consonance with the political and social events of the period. We will follow the development of these donors and donations during the four initial decades of the museum. While reconstructing this evolution we will see how the practice and popularization of natural sciences acted as tools for the cultural construction of an elitist, Catalanist, Catholic and conservative project of society.Peer Reviewe

Research paper thumbnail of La enfermedad y su prevención

Durante el siglo XVIl, Valencia padeció una profunda crisis demográfica, ocasionada no sólo por r... more Durante el siglo XVIl, Valencia padeció una profunda crisis demográfica, ocasionada no sólo por razones de tipo político-religioso -la expulsión de los moriscos en 1609 -. sino también por el impacto de las epidemias, especialmente las sufridas entre 1647 y 1652. Esta época de recesión abarca, según la cronología apuntada por los especialistas, el período comprendido entre 1625 y 1724. La conmoción sufrida en la epidemia de 1647 aumentó el recelo contra la población ante la más mínima sospecha de contagio. Así, encontramos numerosas noticias de inspecciones y otras medidas preventivas a lo largo de la segunda mitad del siglo.Peer reviewe

Research paper thumbnail of Anatomy of an urban underworld: A medical geography of the Barrio Chino

The geography of the Fifth District ( "Barrio Chino") of Barcelona is presented, defini... more The geography of the Fifth District ( "Barrio Chino") of Barcelona is presented, defining the physical spaces, the chronology of its configuration and the actors involved, and its ideological and cultural options. It focuses the interest in the objects, instruments and means that seek to warn the population of the dangers of a disorderly life, through the study of spaces such as the Roca Museum. Venereal diseases and tuberculosis played a key role in influencing popular medical culture from the official medical culture. It also describes the authorities' project to eradicate the physical, human and urban decline of the area.Peer reviewe

Research paper thumbnail of Cultura material y regímenes de exhibición. Una propuesta para continuar

La organización del libro ha llevado a los autores a escudriñar unos espacios de exhibición -gabi... more La organización del libro ha llevado a los autores a escudriñar unos espacios de exhibición -gabinetes, aulas y exposiciones- que han tenido lugar en contextos mayores, como son las culturas urbanas de las ciudades de Barcelona y Madrid. Y en esos ámbitos el análisis ha tomado como punto de partida el trazar posibilidades de comprensión del fenómeno de la exhibición del cuerpo, inerte o disecado, troceado o mecanizado, modelado en cera, en papier maché o en escayola, pintado, dibujado o fotografiado, pero exhibido o concebido para exponerse a la mirada humana. En efecto, hemos ubicado esos cuerpos mostrados en marcos temporales de larga duración, desde los albores de la sociedad contemporánea, en diferentes con textos de organización social y política.Peer reviewe

Research paper thumbnail of Introducción (Cuerpos mostrados: regímenes de exhibición de lo humano)

Acercarse a la comprensión de por qué se producen las distintas respuestas a la exhibición de res... more Acercarse a la comprensión de por qué se producen las distintas respuestas a la exhibición de restos humanos en nuestra sociedad occidental contemporánea pasa precisamente por introducir la perspectiva histórica en la estrategia de comprensión del fenómeno. De hecho, llama la atención la falta de una perspectiva histórica adecuada en los debates públicos acerca de la exhibición de cuerpos, fragmentos y restos de ellos, o modelos anatómicos en soportes diversos. Con frecuencia, la historicidad del fenómeno está totalmente ausente de las discusiones, de manera que es difícil dar respuestas cuya comprensión, necesariamente, comporta la consideración de esa historicidad; o, lo que a veces es peor, el argumento histórico está presente, pero de modo simplista, desviado o gravemente desenfocado. Superar este problema no es posible en términos del estéril lamento del historiador profesional amparado en un jeremiaco "no nos hacen caso"; al contrario, se debería comenzar por admitir que la imagen histórica transmitida por los propios historiadores es la principal. El proyecto de este libro, surgido de esta convicción, se dirigió a estimular diversos estudios históricos que permitieran una pluralidad de aproximaciones a las condiciones sociales y culturales cambiantes que ha conocido la circulación y exhibición, más o menos pública, no sólo de los restos humanos procedentes de cuerpos 'reales', sino también de sus representaciones, en imágenes, modelos u otros objetos, así como de los argumentos discursívos, racionales o emocionales) esgrimidos para justificarlas o cuestionarlas.Peer reviewe

Research paper thumbnail of Médecine et histoire naturelle

Histoire, médecine et santé, 2017

Cet article analyse comment l’œuvre du medecin Francisco Hernandez (ca. 1514-1587) s’est construi... more Cet article analyse comment l’œuvre du medecin Francisco Hernandez (ca. 1514-1587) s’est construite tout au long des sept ans pendant lesquels il travailla au Mexique, envoye par Philippe II dans le cadre d’un profond renouveau des formes de gouvernement des domaines coloniaux, dans un projet qui etait a la fois son projet personnel et celui qui lui avait ete commande par le pouvoir royal. A travers cette etude de cas est proposee une reflexion sur la pluralite des conceptions sur ce qu’etait l’histoire naturelle pour les medecins universitaires europeens du xvie siecle, sur les facons de la pratiquer et, surtout, de l’ecrire.

Research paper thumbnail of Las primeras historias naturales de las Filipinas (1583-1604)

Nuevo mundo mundos nuevos, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Per la Ciència i per la Pàtria": medical catalanism (1898-1936)

Research paper thumbnail of Las primeras noticias y descripciones de las plantas americanas (1492– 1553)

Research paper thumbnail of Bibliographia médica hispánica, 1475-1950, Vol. II

Research paper thumbnail of La enfermedad y su prevención

Research paper thumbnail of La difusión en la Italia del siglo XVI de las obras españolas sobre historia natural y materia médica americanas

Research paper thumbnail of Paper Heritage Making: Mexican Treasury and Baroque Rome

Scientific Committee: Sabina Brevaglieri (Humboldt University- Berlin; scientific Coordinator); M... more Scientific Committee: Sabina Brevaglieri (Humboldt University- Berlin; scientific Coordinator); Mariana Françozo (University Leiden), Federica Favino (La Sapienza Università di Roma), Matthijs Jonker (KNIR), José Pardo-Tomás (IMF-CSIC, Barcelona), Emma Sallent Del Colombo (University of Barcelona)

This exploratory workshop has been designed with a two-fold purpose. On the one hand, it aims to substantially contribute to the conceptualisation and design of a ground-breaking digital humanities project dedicated to the so-called Tesoro Messicano (Mexican Treasury) and its multiple production and circulation contexts between the old and new worlds. On the other hand, it introduces a series of working meetings that are expected to boost a highly innovative research agenda focusing on the complex relationships between cultural heritage and history. Thus, the potential of the concept of paper-heritage-making will be analysed, and thoroughly discussed at the analytical crossroad between a historical issue (heritage as a process), a conceptual resource (digital), and an impact strategy oriented towards the circulation of knowledge and know-how, interdisciplinary training-through research, and social participation. This multilevel approach will continuously return to Rome, meant as both a trans-local urban space, opened to further comparison and entanglement, and a complex global dimension materialised through scholarly, diplomatic and missionary networks as well as multiple contexts of plural confessional cultures.

The workshop argues for the Mexican Treasury as a paper-monument, i.e. a complex artefact made up of strict interconnections of textual, visual and material dimensions, fostering shifting entanglements of knowledge practices, multiple searches for legitimation, political claims, and competing memory production. As is well known, the Rerum Medicarum Novae Hispaniae Thesaurus was published in 1651 as the late result of Francisco Hernández’s complex medical and natural-historical legacy. Though many actors participating in its plural and long-lasting making regarded this “monstrous” in-folio as a scientific failure, it was nevertheless published in Rome. While the Papal city was losing its political centrality in Europe and renegotiating its universal aurea, the Mexican Treasury was resumed, and a complex bulk of knowledge on the natural American world was made public after lengthy exposure to different appropriations, re-significations and sedimentations, thus reinventing spatial and temporal junctures with the earlier past.
In the last years, the apparently increasing scholarly attention towards such a “born-old” natural history of the new worlds invites us to reflect on its multiple material dimensions, plural contexts, and different uses. By opening up a collective reflection on this paper-monument, the time is now ripe to thematise the Papal city as a complex urban space of paper sedimentation, artefact entrapments, as well as a trans-local communicative arena where knowledge-making and competing processes of value-creation, resignification, oblivion and destruction, continuously renegotiate the future.