I don't own emotion, I rent (original) (raw)

Laurel Lance
I'd love to see a Laurel lives AU where she gets her happily ever after. I ship Laurel/Oliver, Laurel/Thea, Laurel/Tommy (if you really want to go super AU), and Laurel/Oliver/Tommy.

Thea Queen
I love Thea and Roy and I'd love to see an AU where they were able to make things work.

Chicago Fire
Gabriela Dawson
I'd love to see domestic moments with Louie.

Leslie Shay

Your choice on if you want to go with an AU where she lived or just set the story in the first two seasons. I adored her friendship with Kelly, so any snippets of that would be awesome.

Sylvie Brett
I'd love to see her relationship with Antonio explored.

Chicago PD
Erin Lindsay

In triple crossover with Chicago Fire and Chicago Med last season, Erin told Voight about one of her memories of his late wife. I'd love to see that explored more - either through them talking about her or actual fic set during that time.

I also adore her with Jay and wouldn't mind seeing something about their relationship.

Kim Burgess
I'd love to see her backstory explored.

Trudy Platt
I love seeing Platt's softer side explored. Maybe something with her relationship with Mouch.

The Flash
Iris West

I absolutely adore Iris, and she's just had so much shit to deal with in season 2 from losing Eddie to finding out her mother is still alive to finding out she has a brother. I'd love to see any of those explored in more detail.

Or if you want to go in a lighter direction, cute moments with Barry would be awesome as long as they're platonic. Iris and Barry were more or less raised as siblings, so them as a couple creeps me out a little.

I've only seen one episode of season 3 so far, so please beware of spoilers.

Abigail Morgan

Since the show did ultimately reveal Abigail's fate to us, something exploring her life between her disappearance and her death would be awesome.

Alternatively, back story from before she met Henry would be interesting. I also would say no to flashback moments with her and Henry like what the show gave us.

Jo Martinez

Assuming that after Henry's "it's a long story" he actually tells her the whole story, I'd like to see how Jo copes with knowing Henry's secret. Case fic would also be awesome.

I do not ship Jo/Henry, so please don't go in that direction.

Molly Dawes/Iona Payne

Molly is a complex character and really anything with her would be awesome. I do ship her and Henry, but you don't have to go there.

Angelica Schuyler Church

In cut dialogue from one of the Cabinet Battles, Jefferson inquires after Angelica. So she was one of the ladies he was acquainted with while in France. It would be interesting to see how that played out. Presumably Angelica was already married to John Church, but considering that she was in love with Alexander, I'm not sure that she'd let a little thing like having a husband stop her (aka one of the few times I'm okay with infidelity). Or you can just make it an intellectual thing - after all Angelica did day "And when I meet Thomas Jefferson, I'm 'a compel him to include women in the sequel!"

Elizabeth "Eliza" Schuyler Hamilton

Poor, poor Eliza. She lost Peggy and Philip in 1801 (based on real history - the musical makes it before the election of 1800), Alexander in 1804, and Angelica in 1814. Eliza herself lived until the ripe old age of 97, dying in 1854. I'd love to see a look at her life during the fifty years she outlived her husband, especially the things she mentioned in "Who Live, Who Dies, Who Tells Your Story." I'm okay with muddling the musical and actual historical timelines a little. The youngest two Hamilton children were conceived during the time between the Reynolds Pamphlet and Philip's death (Eliza was pregnant when Philip died), so real Eliza presumably forgave Alexander faster than musical Eliza did.)

Law & Order
Claire Kincaid

I'm a sucker for AUs where Claire lives. It would also be interesting to see her and Jack's relationship from her perspective.

Connie Rubirosa

Maybe something from early season 18 when she has to transition from working with Jack to working with Mike. Or maybe something revolving around "Jersey Breakdown," the SVU episode she was in.

I do not ship Connie/Mike. However, I do ship Connie/Lupo and to a lesser extent Connie/Ed. If you go the SVU route, I wouldn't be opposed to Connie/Barba, but I see that more as a friends that occasionally fall into bed together type of thing as opposed to a serious relationship.

Law & Order: SVU
Olivia Benson

Liv & Noah moments please.

Marvel Cinematic Universe

Female Characters

Maria Hill
Winter Solider-centric fic would be awesome. I feel like out of the movies we see her in, this is where her badassery really gets to shine. We see her when Fury "dies" and then the next time we see her is when she's infiltrated the STRIKE crew and rescuing Steve, Nat, and Sam. What was she up to during that time? How did she infiltrate STRIKE with nobody noticing.

I think it would also be interesting to see something from her POV when Steve gives the order to blow the helicarriers even though he's still on one of them.

Natasha Romanoff
I love to see fic set during her early days at SHIELD.

During Winter Soldier, Nat managed to put on stylish clothes and straighten her hair after they showed up at Sam's. I'd love to see that explained - especially why Sam has a flat iron.

In Civil War, Natasha let Steve and Bucky escape, but what if she was more overtly on Steve's side the whole time? I imagine a few things might have played out differently.

After Natasha's last scene with Tony, we don't see her again for the rest of movie. Where is she and what is she up to?

Peggy Carter
Peggy is the original badass lady, so give me more of that. They condense so much of the SSR hunting down the Hydra bases into such a short bit of movie, so I'd love to see that expanded on. I would be especially awesome if that final battle wasn't the first that Peggy was out in the field.

Sharon Carter
I'd love to see something from Sharon's point of view from when she's first assigned to protect Steve. As a Carter, I'm assuming she heard stories about Steve Rogers the man and not just Captain America as she was growing up. What was her thought process about having to lie to Steve about who she was - concealing not only her true identity but also her relation to Peggy. When Steve asked after Peggy's funeral, she told him that she never told Peggy about this assignment, not wanting her to have to keep it secret from Steve, so it would also be interesting to see something relating to that.

Even though we don't see it, we know there is some interaction between Sharon and Steve between Winter Soldier and Civil War. When she speaks at Peggy's funeral, Sam is the one that recognizes her first. And that was literally the first scene the two had ever been in together, so obviously they had met each other off-screen. So what I would love to see is a look at what Sharon was doing the past two years. You can bring her interactions with Steve and Sam into it or just leave it with her.

At some point, someone's going to realize that Sharon is the one that gave Steve and Sam their gear back. And that is potentially very bad for both job security and her freedom. So show me what she's up to after that scene. Does she go on the run too? Does she go back to Berlin and try to cover up the evidence? She also told Steve where to find Bucky, so depending on whether or not she gets found out before or after they know Zemo set Bucky up, she could be in some real deep shit if Ross gets his hands on her.

Wanda Maximoff
I'd love to see post-CW fic of Wanda.

Characters I Headcanon as Jewish

Howard Stark
Explanation of Howard as Jewish headcanon:
The MCU version of Howard grew up on the Lower East Side, which was something like 80-90% Jewish at that time.

Given the political climate of the 1930s and 1940s, Howard probably kept being Jewish a closely guarded secret. I can see Steve, Bucky, Peggy, and maybe Colonel Phillips knowing, but not anyone else. At least until he confides in the Jarvises, given that Ana Jarvis is also Jewish. I'd like to see something about how he maintains that cover and/or when or if he ever lets it drop.

I'd also love to see an AU where he wasn't such a shit father to Tony. (Be it because Steve never went into the ice, they found Steve sooner, or some other reason).

James "Bucky" Barnes
I love Bucky possibly more than any other fictional character ever. I'll try to keep this somewhat brief because I could go on forever.

Explanation of Bucky as Jewish headcanon:
Hydra was the Nazi rouge science division. That means Hydra were also Nazis - at least during WWII. And we all know what the Nazis felt about Jews. My thinking is that Hydra experimented on the Jewish soldiers - if it didn't work and they died, no loss; if it did work, then they'd kill them. Had Steve not gotten there when he did, Bucky probably wouldn't have been alive much longer.

  1. Backstory fic. We know he was the oldest of four and BFFs with Steve, but we don't know much else about pre-war Bucky.
  2. Bucky has some psychological issues from being experimented on by Hydra that Peggy and/or Howard help Steve hide so that Bucky doesn't get sent home.
  3. Bucky and Steve make it home from the war intact. What does Bucky do in this post-war New York? Does he join the SSR and then later SHIELD? Or does he do something completely different.
  4. Post-WS AU where Bucky is reunited with Steve without the death and destruction and drama of CW.
  5. Post-CW fic when Bucky is awakened from Cryo.

For 1940s era fics I ship every possible combination of Bucky, Steve, Peggy, and Howard - including the threesomes and foursome.

For current day fics, I ship pretty much every possible combination of Bucky, Steve, Nat, Sam, Sharon, Maria, T'Challa - including the threesomes and moresomes.

Tony Stark
Explanation of Tony as Jewish headcanon: Given that I headcanon Howard as Jewish, that makes Tony at least half-Jewish. If Maria Stark was not Jewish, Tony isn't either as far as Orthodox and Conservative are concerned. But I was raised reform, and as long as Tony is a practicing Jew, Howard being the only Jewish parent is good enough for them.

I'd love to see something with Steve and Tony talking about Howard. The version of Howard that we see in Cap 1 is a version that Tony never got to know and that makes me sad.

I'd also love to see an AU in which Tony finds out the truth about his parents in a way that ends up far less violently. While he didn't know that it was specifically Bucky until that moment, Steve had been sitting on the info that it had been Hydra for two years, which was a bit of a dick move on his part. I'd like to think that if Steve had done the right thing and told Tony what he had found out, that Tony wouldn't have gotten so violent on Bucky.

Post-CW fic would be awesome too. Tony has a lot to deal with in the aftermath of everything.

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers
Aisha Campbell

I'd love to see something after her time on the show. When know she stayed in Africa after her Zeo quest and sent Tanya back with the crystal, but we don't know anything more than that. What specifically did she do while she was there? How did she keep in contact with Rocky and Adam? Does she ever return to the United States? If so, what did she do?

Kimberly Hart

When I was eight, I totally pretended to be Kimberly. She and Tommy were my first OTP before I even knew what an OTP was. And when she left the show I more or less went "screw this" and stopped watching. So really you can do no wrong if you give me Kimberly fic.

In addition to Tommy/Kimberly, I also ship Jason/Kimberly and Adam/Kimberly. If you want to go the Jason/Kimberly route, please don't make him the guy from the infamous letter. While I understand why it made sense to break Tommy and Kim up from a logistics standpoint as she was no longer on the show, I found the letter to be a distasteful plot device. Also, I don't think Jason would be that much of a dick to Tommy. And in Zeo, they did give Jason a love interest, so I'm thinking whatever spark there would have been between Kimberly and Jason would have ignited after the end of Zeo and probably before the Turbo movie.

Anything after she left the show would be awesome to see - either her gymnastics training or what she did after her gymnastics career was over. (And teaching gymnastics is totally a valid option there.

Trini Kwan

NO CHARACTER DEATH PLEASE. I feel the need to spell that out specifically for Trini as I've seen a number of fics that reference her death in a little too much of an art imitating life kind of way. Thuy Trang's death obviously prevented Trini from making any more on-screen appearances, but she had departed from Power Rangers seven years prior, so I don't see why that has to effect her character in fanworks.

That being said, I'd love to see something from either Trini's time at the Peace Conference or after her departure from it. Did she (and Zack) leave at the same time as Jason did or did they stay longer? What sort of college/career path did she take? I'm a die-hard Billy/Trini shipper, but I do also read Trini/Jason.

Abby Scuito

I love Abby to pieces, so you can pretty much do no wrong here. I especially enjoy her father/daughter type relationship with Gibbs and brother/sister type relationship with Tony.

Ziva David
Pretending that the end of season 13 didn't actually happen, give me an alternate version of Ziva's life post-her leaving the show.

Charlie Eppes
Post-series fic please. However, I ship Charlie/Colby and not Charlie/Amanita.

Don Eppes
Post-series fic please. However, I ship Don/Coop and not Don/Robin.

Power Rangers Dino Thunder
Hayley Ziktor
I'd love to see Hayley's backstory explored in more detail. We don't really know much aside from the fact that she knew Tommy pre-series and that she went to MIT - the latter of which made me fall in love with her even more as I was an MIT student when I first watched this season. I do ship Tommy/Hayley if that's something you want to run with.

Kira Ford
It could be interesting to see her life outside of Rangering during her time on the show. She mentions her mom at the very beginning, but I don't recall ever hearing anything about her dad at any point? Was that just an oversight? Or was it just Kira and her mom?

It would also be interesting to see a look at her life in the few years between the end of Dino Thunder and her appearance in Operation Overdrive. Or what we don't see during those episodes or the immediate aftermath - I'm sure Adam has plenty of stories to share about Tommy.

There's also her life after the PROO appearance - SPD did give us a couple hints as to how things turn out for her.

Kira/Connor is my preferred ship, but I'd be okay with Kira/Trent too if that's more your thing. Gen is also always awesome.

Joanne Jefferson
I think the stage version fleshes out Joanne's backstory slightly more than the movie, but there's still a lot we don't know. I'd love to see some more backstory on her.

Mark Cohen
I would like to see something exploring why he doesn't seem to like his parents much. Early in the movie he says something along the lines of "Sometimes I wonder why I stay here hungry and freezing. Then they call and I remember."

I would also love to see some backstory on his friendship with Roger. Future fic would be interesting too, though it has the potential to be super angsty because the clock is ticking for Mimi, Roger, and Collins. Normally I'm not a fan of character death, but under those circumstances it would be okay because we know it's coming sooner rather than later.

I ship Mark/Roger, but gen fic, Mark/Maureen (if you set it pre-canon), or Mark with an original character of either gender would be okay too.

Maureen Johnson
I would love to see something about Maureen's relationship with either Mark or Joanne from her perspective. We know that she cheated on both of them, but we don't know why she cheated. Not that there is a good reason for cheating, but it would still be interesting to see what's going through her mind.

I also head canon Maureen and Roger as childhood bffs, if that's something you'd be interested in exploring.


I have not seen the Christmas special yet. No spoilers for that please.

As she's not part of the cluster, we don't know as much about Amanita as a lot of the other characters. I'd love to see some backstory, especially since I love her mom and think she's awesome.

Daniela Velasquez

I adore Daniela, especially her unique relationship with Lito and Hernando. I would love to see something involving their lives from Dani's perspective.

Kala Dandekar

I'd love to see something post-season 1. Does she marry Rajan because it's "the right thing to do" or does she follow her heart to Wolfgang.

Nomi Marks

If you think that's something you can pull off, I'd love to see something involving Nomi transitioning. She definitely has the most interesting backstory of anyone on the show.

Nomi/Amanita moments are welcome too. Especially them putting their lives back together post season 1.

Riley Blue
I'd love to see Riley putting her life back together after Whispers is no longer a threat. I ship Will/Riley and Will/Riley/Diego if you want to go in that direction. Gen is cool too.

Sun Bak
I would love to see more of Sun's experiences as a fighter.

Alternatively, I would love to see her get out if prison - either legally or via break out - and where her life goes from there.

Chloe Sullivan
I'd love to see post-series fic with Chloe. Alternatively, an AU where she and Jimmy made things work would be awesome.

Lois Lane
Post-series fic - please make it more about Lois than about her relationship with Clark.

Tess Mercer
One thing that I think would be super interesting would be a post-series AU where Tess lives. She and her brother are both alive - so to speak - but Lex has no memories and Tess would have to live with the fact that she did that to him. While her intentions were good, it's possible she did more harm than good. Without any of the early seasons Lex left in him (aka memories from when he was friends with Clark instead of being a huge dick), it might make him an even worse super villain than he would have been otherwise.

Alternatively, It would also be nice to see Tess's internal struggle after she learns that biologically she's a Luthor. Finding out that level of batshit crazy megalomania is your family wouldn't be easy for anyone.

Stargate Atlantis
Laura Cadman
I'd love to see either backstory or something about her life and career post-Atlantis. I ship Lorne/Cadman or you can stick with gen.

Stargate SG-1
Samantha "Sam" Carter
A few ideas:
+adjusting to life on Atlantis
+off-world hijinks
+dealing with having Atlantis taken away from her

I ship Cam/Sam, John/Sam, and John/Cam/Sam if any of those float your boat. I do not ship Jack/Sam.

Vala Mal Doran

something either pre-canon or post-canon would be awesome - I ship Cam/Vala and to a much lesser extent Daniel/Vala

Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens
Princess Leia
I'd love to see fic set between the original trilogy and TFA. As far as shipping goes - Han/Leia 4eva.

I'd love to see Jedi training fic here. I ship Finn/Rey and Poe/Finn/Rey.

Kara Danvers
I'd really be happy with anything here - like Kara learning to control her powers, sisterly moments between Kara and Alex, Kara's friendship with Winn, how Kara ended up working for Cat, or shippy things - I ship Kara/James, Kara/Winn, Kara/James/Winn, Kara/James/Lucy and Kara/Lucy. I don't mind if things get explicit if that strikes your fancy.

Lucy Lane
When Lucy first showed up, I didn't want to like her because she got in the way of my OT3, but she was so awesome I couldn't help myself. I'd love to see snippets of her life pre-series. Either just her or her and Jimmy.