vegeta (original) (raw)

Oh look, it’s chapter two of the pre-DBZ vegebul fic feat Oozaru and eepy times now featuring smut with Saiyan-sized Vegeta. ;p

Bulma crash-lands on an alien planet and has to sleep with a giant monster monkey prince (no not like that but also yes like that).

gift fic for @astronautmike-dexter after she said this re: the sharing a bed trope but with the Oozaru: “i think…. i think Vegeta has to be the bed……”





Actual pic of Vegeta in my fanfics.

Contemplating adding more to it soon so I might as well make my tumblr audience aware of my vegebul series Oops! All Oozaru. It’s an AU where Vegeta’s tail grows back during the ten year timeskip and Bulma investigates his Oozaru transformation. You know. For science.


There’s a lot of Vegeta being angsty about the ability to turn into a literal giant monster and Bulma being interested/horrified/aroused despite/because of how monstery he is.

I wrote a three year gap vegebul one-shot with Bulma feeding Vegeta some borger that you can check out here. It’s rated M and has some suggestive content so mind the tags!



Old Bajeetas. 🐒🥗


It’s 6/9, vegebul day! Remember to eat your vegebuls!


The og shonen rivals being all 😡😘😳


Vegeta for @tuesdayinthedas! Thank you for your generous ko-fi donation! ✨