COLOR ME BLOOD RED {{ Cult of Kozi }} (original) (raw)

| | Cult of Kozi >> Blog Userinfo || Friends Add 2 Friends | | Calendar >> Basic Info Born: May 29, 1972 (1972-05-29) (age 35) Origin: Niigata, Japan Genre(s): J-Rock, Visual Kei Occupation(s): Musician Instrument(s): Guitar, Piano, Keyboard, Synthesizer Years active: 1990 - present Associated acts: Malice Mizer, Eve of Destiny, Solo >> About the Community Anything and everything relating to Közi; pictures, graphics of any sort, interviews, website updates, music reviews, concert reviews, whatever you can find as long as it relates to Közi. Solo stuff, Malice Mizer stuff, Eve of Destiny stuff, so long as it contains information or pictures relating to Közi, it's acceptable.>> Links Official Page Eve of Destiny (Unofficial page) Malice Mizer Page Grottesca Fan-listing [ **userinfo** | livejournal userinfo ] [ **calendar** | livejournal calendar ] | | -------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |

Kozi's new band? [22 Aug 2010|04:00pm]
[ **mood** | blah ] According to Shattered- Tranquility and the new OHP that has emerged, Kozi has formed a new band!It seems that there is a new band called XA-VAT, which according to many sources has a following line-up: Vocal: 石井秀二 (Ishii Shuuji) ex. さくらん → フロート (Float) → cali≠gari → goatbed Guitar: Közi
Közi Comment [13 Dec 2009|06:08pm]
Hello, lovelies! ^^ There used to be on youtube a comment/message from Közi. I believe it was Like an Edison, but I'm not certain of that. But either way, I don't believe it's there anymore. I couldn't find it at least. :/ Does anyone happen to have it saved to their computer? I would love to see it again!Thank you very much!!
1 dancing | flame
found via 9GOATS' OHP [02 Aug 2009|01:05am]
Közi / 9GOATS BLACK OUT 【unknownluck halloween】2009年10月27日(火) 原宿ASTRO HALL出演:Közi / 9GOATS BLACK OUT開場 18:00 開演 18:30料金: 前売り4,000円 当日 4,500円(D代別)チケット一般発売:2009年9月12日(土)プレイガイドローソンチケット(TEL:0570-084-003/Lコード:未定)企画制作:zoisite問い合わせ:原宿ASTRO HALL 03-3402-3089 /zoisite 03-3496-0333 Two others from Közi's OHP.ROCK'N ROLL SURVIVOR VOL.32009.10.25(日)名古屋CLUB UPSET出演:aki / Közi開場 17:30 開演 18:00料金:4000円 当日:4500円(D代別)チケット発売:2009年8月22日(土)e+(詳細は問:CLUB UPSET 052-763-5439 /zoisite 03-3496-0333【unknownluck festival】2009.10.22(木)新潟 CLUB JUNKBOX mini出演:Közi/Dummy's Corporation/他開場 18:00 開演 18:30料金:4000円 当日:4500円(D代別)チケット発売:2009年9月12日(土)RISKY DRUG STORE店頭/通販(025-241-9200)RISKY web予約(ローソンチケット(Lコード:73600)問:RISKY 025-241-9200
5 dancing | flame
sad news.... [30 Jul 2009|01:30am]
i looked at kozi's journal to find this:_RIPI thought about whether it would be alright or not to post something like this here... but....i have some news...on the 8th of this month, zakku passed away...for the past 14 years we were together...and recently he seemed to be not doing so well, and he hates doctors, but i took him was so sudden...i couldn't believe it.that day i had rehursal, but it was really hard...i got home and broke down into tears, and let it all seems that lala-chan can also feel like somethings gone wrong...right now i'm so thankful for the days we had together.(i don't understand the last line here...)~kozi 2009.07.26_T-Tthe original entry can be found at
10 dancing | flame
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