Grigoris Grigorakakis | Hellenic Ministry of Culture & Sports (original) (raw)

Papers by Grigoris Grigorakakis

Research paper thumbnail of The twin flint mining shafts at Lakithra - Kefalonia - Το δίδυμο εξορυκτικό φρέαρ πυριτολίθου της Λακήθρας

This report offers a preliminary examination of the data gathered during archaeological excavatio... more This report offers a preliminary examination of the data gathered during archaeological excavations at Lakithra, Kefalonia. It centers on the discovery of two interconnected shafts used for flint extraction, a unique find. Additionally, the recovered artifacts suggest a ritualistic consecration of this site within the landscape.

Unfortunately, as is common when the Ministry of Culture and Sports announces an excavation, individuals claiming archaeological expertise without proper qualifications often rush to offer their own interpretations, disregarding the official announcement. These self-proclaimed "amateur archaeologists" present their theories as if they had conducted the excavations themselves, without citing any references to the Ministry's or the Ephorate of Antiquities' reports.

This report presents the initial findings for professional archaeologists, providing a factual account of the excavation and its discoveries, unencumbered by speculative interpretations that frequently rely on Homer and the Odyssey as a reference point. Such interpretations are unfounded, as the archaeological evidence from both this specific excavation and Kefalonia in general bears no connection to the epic poem.

In the near future, within the broader context of a comprehensive analysis of the Late Bronze Age in Kefalonia, this particular monument will be presented within its historical and archaeological framework.

As stipulated by law, any use of this material is strictly prohibited without prior authorization, given the exclusive publication rights.

Το παρόν αποτελεί πρωτόλεια αναφορά στα δεδομένα της ανασκαφικής έρευνας στην Λακήθρα της Κεφαλονιάς. Αφορά στην ανασκαφή δύο φρεάτων (δίδυμου φρέατος) για την εξόρυξη πυριτόλιθου, ευρήματος μοναδικού. Εξίσου μοναδικά, όμως, είναι και τα υπόλοιπα ανασκαφικά δεδομένα που παραπέμπουν σε τελετουργική "καθιέρωση" του συγκεκριμένου χώρου στο τοπίο.
Δυστυχώς, όπως συμβαίνει συχνά όταν ανακοινώνεται από το ΥΠΠΟ μία ανασκαφή, αμέσως σπεύδουν επαΐοντες "ερασιτέχνες αρχαιολόγοι¨ που διεκδικούν επιστημονική ή άλλη αναγνώριση και δίδουν ερμηνείες, αναφερόμενοι σε ανασκαφές σαν να τις έχουν κάνει οι ίδιοι και χωρίς καμία παραπομπή στην ανακοίνωση του ΥΠΠΟ ή της Εφορείας Αρχαιοτήτων.

Στο παρόν παρουσιάζονται τα πρώτα δεδομένα για τους ειδικούς επιστήμονες αρχαιολόγους. Παρουσιάζεται η πραγματικότητα της ανασκαφής και των δεδομένων της πέρα από ευφάνταστες προσεγγίσεις που όλες δυστυχώς έχουν ως σημείο αναφοράς τον Όμηρο και την Οδύσσεια, με την οποία βέβαια τα αρχαιολογικά δεδομένα τόσο στη συγκεκριμένη ανασκαφή όσο και στην Κεφαλονιά εν γένει ουδεμία σχέση έχουν.
Σύντομα, στο πλαίσιο συνολικής και συνδυαστικής παρουσίασης των δεδομένων της Ύστερης Εποχής του Χαλκού στην Κεφαλονιά, θα παρουσιαστεί και το συγκεκριμένο μνημείο στο ιστορικό και αρχαιολογικό του πλαίσιο.

Όπως ορίζει ο Νόμος δεν επιτρέπεται καμία χρήση υλικού χωρίς προηγούμενη άδεια, δεδομένων μάλιστα των αποκλειστικών δικαιωμάτων ως προς την δημοσίευση.

Research paper thumbnail of The Geological Knowledge and Its Contribution to the Development of Mycenaean Cemeteries in Argostoli Area, Kefalonia Greece

Journal of anthropological and archaeological sciences, Jan 25, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of Bioarchaeological insights into the Late Helladic communities of South Kynouria, Peloponnese: The case of the LH IIIA2‐IIIB2 burial cluster of Socha

International Journal of Osteoarchaeology, Nov 28, 2023

This paper examines the human osteological remains unearthed from six Late Helladic (LH IIIA2-III... more This paper examines the human osteological remains unearthed from six Late Helladic (LH IIIA2-IIIB2) (1390/70-1200/1190 BCE) tombs at Socha in the Peloponnese. It seeks to investigate the character of a Mycenaean community that though organically integrated into and highly dependent on the palatial system, manifested Mycenaean burial practices with a distinctly local character, namely, through the use of built cist-tombs. Our analysis investigates further the identity of this community and explores whether these people had also adopted a different way of life, diet and mortuary behavior toward specific groups. The results show that the demographic composition, diet, and health characteristics of the deceased of Socha were analogous to most Mycenaean sites: (a) equal representation of males and females, (b) burial exclusion of infants and young children, and (c) homogenous C 3 terrestrial diet. In addition, a tendency for a more frequent inclusion of middle-aged females with subadults in the same tomb suggests gender and age differentiation are in play. On the other hand, even though the burials of Socha practiced collectivity, an emphasis on individuality through a less variable post-mortem manipulation of the deceased is also in evidence and is characterized by single secondary deposits within the original grave, no evidence for commingling, and no evidence for removal nor selection of bones in secondary deposits. These characteristics demonstrate the differentiation of the group of Socha during a period of intensive movement and the creation of new settlements in South Kynouria.

Research paper thumbnail of Bioarchaeological insights into the Late Helladic communities of South Kynouria, Peloponnese: The case of the LH IIIA2-IIIB2 burial cluster of Socha

International Journal of Osteoarchaeology, 2023

This paper examines the human osteological remains unearthed from six Late Helladic (LH IIIA2-III... more This paper examines the human osteological remains unearthed from six Late Helladic (LH IIIA2-IIIB2) (1390/70-1200/1190 BCE) tombs at Socha in the Peloponnese. It seeks to investigate the character of a Mycenaean community that though organically integrated into and highly dependent on the palatial system, manifested Mycenaean burial practices with a distinctly local character, namely, through the use of built cist-tombs. Our analysis investigates further the identity of this community and explores whether these people had also adopted a different way of life, diet and mortuary behavior toward specific groups. The results show that the demographic composition, diet, and health characteristics of the deceased of Socha were analogous to most Mycenaean sites: (a) equal representation of males and females, (b) burial exclusion of infants and young children, and (c) homogenous C 3 terrestrial diet. In addition, a tendency for a more frequent inclusion of middle-aged females with subadults in the same tomb suggests gender and age differentiation are in play. On the other hand, even though the burials of Socha practiced collectivity, an emphasis on individuality through a less variable post-mortem manipulation of the deceased is also in evidence and is characterized by single secondary deposits within the original grave, no evidence for commingling, and no evidence for removal nor selection of bones in secondary deposits. These characteristics demonstrate the differentiation of the group of Socha during a period of intensive movement and the creation of new settlements in South Kynouria.

Research paper thumbnail of Αρχαιολογική έρευνα και γεωπληροφορική

Η εξέταση του οικιστικού προτύπου στην Κυνουρία κατά την Αρχαιότητα, με εργαλεία γεωπληροφορικής ... more Η εξέταση του οικιστικού προτύπου στην Κυνουρία κατά την Αρχαιότητα, με εργαλεία γεωπληροφορικής και συγκεκριμένα με τα Συστήματα Γεωγραφικών Πληροφορίων (ΣΓΠ) βρέθηκε στο επίκεντρο της έρευνας που ξεκίνησε να υλοποιείται εδώ και τρία έτη στο πλαίσιο εκπόνηση της παρούσας διδακτορικής διατριβής. Η χρήση των ΣΓΠ για την ανάλυση του οικιστικού προτύπου ή, αλλιώς, της διάταξης των οικισμών στην περιοχή αυτή, δεν έγινε βέβαια τυχαία. Ήταν το ίδιο το αρχαιολογικό υλικό, ο προσανατολισμός της έρευνας, αλλά και η κατεύθυνση που μέχρι πολύ πρόσφατα ακολουθούσε η διερεύνηση των αρχαιολογικών πραγμάτων στην Κυνουρία. Η Κυνουρία, υπό το βάρος μιας επιστημολογικής παράδοσης που οι ρίζες της ανιχνεύονται στον 19ο αι. και υπό το λιγοστό φως των ούτως ή άλλως ελλειμματικών πηγών, αλλά και της ιστορικής τοπογραφίας, ποτέ δεν αντιμετωπίστηκε ξεχωριστά, ως περιφέρεια ή ενδιάμεσος χώρος, πολύ κοντά στα εκάστοτε κέντρα ισχύος τόσο κατά την Προϊστορία, όσο και κατά τους Ιστορικούς Χρόνους. Η εξέταση των...

Research paper thumbnail of The Geological Knowledge and Its Contribution to the Development of Mycenaean Cemeteries in Argostoli Area, Kefalonia Greece

Journal of Anthropological and Archaeological Sciences, 2023

The geological condition of two well-known Mycenaean cemeteries at Mazarakata and Lakithra and on... more The geological condition of two well-known Mycenaean cemeteries at Mazarakata and Lakithra and one less known cemetery at Metaxata, all located east of Argostoli town, were studied. During the Mycenaean civilization, three millennia earlier, the properties of the rocks were well-known to local residents. In these rocks, they have carved the famous chambered tombs. According to Mycenaean burial customs when Mycenaeans were preparing chambered tombs, they followed/used three major geological parameters/steps in order to develop a cemetery. The first parameter/step was to verify the local stratigraphy (the sequence of the different rocks). This was an important factor as the upper part of the tombs should consist of a strongly cemented rock, which could be used as the roof of the chambers. Under this upper part carvable rocks should exist suitable to build the chamber and the tombs. The second parameter/step was to locate the extended areas where their cemeteries could develop. For this reason, they opened exploration holes. Depending on the results, they decided whether they should continue or stop the cemetery development. At Mazarakata cemetery, there are thirty-seven (37) exploration holes with a mean diameter of 0.98m and a mean depth of 1.18m. At Lakithra cemetery, there are thirteen (13) exploration holes with a mean diameter of 0.89m and a mean depth of 1.26m. The third parameter/step was to identify areas with existing faults. The fault activity loosens the rock's cohesion making it more easily carved. All exploration holes are situated along faults with an ENE-WSW direction, whereas most of the chambered tombs have been developed perpendicularly along the fault planes. At Mazarakata cemetery, there are three major normal faults, and many other minor ones, with an ENE-WSW direction that deep both southwards and northwards and with a total displacement of 1.5m. Some of the above mentioned faults characterize a fault zone. In it, the rocks appear strongly cracked and thus carving was fairly easy. The Mycenaean cemeteries were situated at a small distance from the respective settlements. In addition, in many cases, the cemeteries are known but the settlements to which they belonged, remain unknown. According to these data, the settlements to which the herein described cemeteries belonged are suggested to be situated under or at the base of the younger Agios Georgios castle, which had been developed during the 12th century AD.

Research paper thumbnail of Archaeological research and geoinfromatics: kynouria from the early bronze age to late antiquity: combined analysis of settlement pattern and geoenvironment transformations

Thorough examination of the settlement pattern in ancient Kynouria, via geoinformation tools and ... more Thorough examination of the settlement pattern in ancient Kynouria, via geoinformation tools and specifically through Geographical Information Systems (GIS), constitutes the focus of the study that has been conducted during the past three years in the framework of this doctoral dissertation.The use of GIS for the analysis of the settlement pattern or else of the way ancient settlements and sites are arranged in this area was essential as far as the method is concerned, due to the archaeological material itself, as well as the epistemological orientation of the research, in the area, whose roots can be traced back to the 19th century. Scarce information from ancient sources and historical topography, were the traditional methodological pillars of the archaeological research in the region, never considered as a separate, intermediate area, very close to the centers of power in both Prehistory and Historic Times. The examination of the archaeological data of the region in the topograph...

Research paper thumbnail of Από τη σταθερότητα στην αγωνία: Η Κυνουρία στους ρωμαϊκούς χρόνους

What's New in Roman Greece? Recent Work on the Greek Mainland and the Islands in the Roman Period: proceedings of a Conference helds in Athens, 8-10 October 2015., 2018, ISBN 978-960-9538-79-4, págs. 79-90, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of Le cavalier de Tyros, une figurine de bronze laconienne du VIe a.C

Revue des Études Grecques, 2017

Research paper thumbnail of Science and Technology in Archaeological Museums: The Re-Exhibition of the Archaeological Museum of Tegea

The re-exhibition of the Archaeological Museum of Tegea, presents for the first time to the publi... more The re-exhibition of the Archaeological Museum of Tegea, presents for the first time to the public not the mere fact, but the course of events, the causal relationships leading to the consolidation of the institution that constitutes the hallmark of the Greek way of social organization, namely the polis (city-state). In this framework the motivation of the visitor to deepen in this complex phenomenon through the myth, dialects, social, economic, political and military history as well as the recent historical – archaeological approaches lay at the center of the whole effort. Simultaneously, besides the detailed archaeological documentation of the above and in order for us to provide the optimum results, we implemented an integrated multidisciplinary approach. Geography and Cartography now played an important role. Spatial analysis of the archaeological - historical data was introduced, so as their documented interrelation with geographic space, geological environment and topography to be accomplished. Thus the goal of presenting in a comprehensive way the actual space certain events took place, as well as their projection to the present was fully achieved. Furthermore, the combination of the archaeological and historical knowledge with the advanced digital technology of the interactive surfaces, and graphic art, which can represent the anthropogenic processes or even natural phenomena and situations, allows the creation of a linear flow of events.


AIM: The application of innovative technological processes in classical sciences was and is alway... more AIM: The application of innovative technological processes in classical sciences was and is always an interdisciplinary challenge, especially when it comes to produce results which lead to the understanding of the history and cultural development of a country. OBJECTIVE: The application of the Geoinformatics Technologies to support projects of the 39 th Ephorate a b Revealed lineations from the VLF interpretation. Continuous red lines stand for high possibility to indicate ancient settlements while the dashed for lower possibility. RESEARCH RESULTS: 1. THE DEVELOPMENT OF ARCHAEO-SPATIAL DATABASE "KALLISTO", based on the GIS technology and cooperates with the Information Systems developed by the relevant General Directorates of Antiquities and Cultural Heritage of the Greek Cultural Ministry. It constitutes the infrastructure for the organization of the entire digital background and the separate cooperation with 39 th Ephorate. The database "Callisto" is a valuabl...

Research paper thumbnail of Cultural Routes in Kynouria of Arcadia: Geospatial Database Design and Software Development for Web Mapping of the Spatio-Historical Information

On the occasion of Kynouria and in order to achieve the protection and projection of antiquities,... more On the occasion of Kynouria and in order to achieve the protection and projection of antiquities, a web-based model is proposed for highlighting individual monuments and archaeological sites, having in mind the historical and archaeological evidence of the region, the topography, the demographic profile and the tourist infrastructure, and combining them with the development programs for cultural routes. Therefore, creating suitable databases and mapping the monuments in the area are key prerequisites of the process, as they contribute to an objective assessment of the current situation and then to make rational decisions. In this frame, modern technology provides some important planning tools (GIS, GPS, and OMS) which allow recording and mapping of data, viewing the relationships between them in the area where they appear and managing their projection. The complete study of Kynouria’s archaeological routes contains the implementation of a website using free or open-source soft...

Research paper thumbnail of GNSS and UAV in Archaeology

Global Navigation Satellite System receivers (Global Positioning System, GLONASS, Galileo, and Be... more Global Navigation Satellite System receivers (Global Positioning System, GLONASS, Galileo, and BeiDou) are used in a wide range of applications on which those data are used, among others, for navigation systems, for surveying and mapping areas, etc., for archaeological mapping different Earth Observation (EO) data and platforms have been used. The use of unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) technology to collect high-precision geographic data today is the low-cost alternative to standard manned aerial photography on mapping and three-dimensional imaging. This chapter attempts, through an extended review, to record those factors that affect the accuracy of the ultimately produced orthophotomosaic map and digital surface models (DSMs), while confirming the necessity of flight planning before the flight itself. The case study refers to the archaeological site in Poros area of the island of Cephalonia, in which archaeological findings of the Mycenaean period have been confirmed. For the mappin...

Research paper thumbnail of 1. Une découverte récente : un haltère pour les « Maleateia » ou Sparte à la conquête de sa côte orientale suivi de 2. L’haltère de Tirôn et l’expansion de Sparte sur le territoire de Prasiai (Cynourie du sud)

Revue des Études Grecques

Research paper thumbnail of Pallantion d’Arcadie

Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique

La présente étude constitue une publication préliminaire des monnaies trouvées dans les fouilles ... more La présente étude constitue une publication préliminaire des monnaies trouvées dans les fouilles de Pallantion. Dans le cadre du projet de « Construction du réservoir du lac Taka d'Arcadie » ont été localisés et exhumés, en 2008-2009, dans la ville basse de Pallantion, à l'Est de la colline de Saint-Jean, sur un plateau de 500 m de long, les restes du tissu urbain de la ville, du mur d'enceinte antique et d'une route dallée. Les monnaies provenant des sondages d'urgence de la ville forti ée d'époques classique et hellénistique enrichissent les données recueillies jadis par les recherches de l'École italienne, avec des monnaies provenant de villes puissantes à l'époque classique, comme Corinthe, Sicyone, Phlionte, Sparte ou Élis. Pour l'époque romaine, des frappes au nom de Licinius, de Constantin le Grand, de Valens et de Valentinien II, con rment la poursuite de l'occupation de cette importante ville d'Arcadie à l'époque romaine. Un ensemble de petits bronzes de l'époque de Justinien I et Justin II peut être mis en rapport avec l'invasion et l'occupation du pays par les tribus slaves à la n du e s. apr. J.-C. Pour nir, on propose de considérer le trident qui apparaît sur les monnaies émises par cette ville d'Arcadie à l'époque classique comme un symbole parlant qui relie le nom de Pallantion au verbe πάλλω qui signi e « brandir » ou « agiter vigoureusement ». L'hypothèse s'appuie également sur le fait que le trident apparaît aussi sur des timbres de tuile provenant d'édi ces sacrés ou profanes avec l'inscription ΔΑΜΟ[ΣΙΟΣ].

Research paper thumbnail of Vidalis-Kelagiannis, M. et all. 2021.GNSS and UAV in archeology: high resolution mapping in Cephalonia Island, Greece. In GPS AND GNSS TECHNOLOGY IN GEOSCIENCES (Petropoulos, G.P, Shrivastava, P.K. eds). ELSEVIER: 371-90


Vidalis Kelagiannis, M., Kalogeropoulos, M. Grigorakakis, G., Stathopoulos, N., Petropoulos, G. T... more Vidalis Kelagiannis, M., Kalogeropoulos, M. Grigorakakis, G., Stathopoulos, N., Petropoulos, G. Tsatsaris, An., Chalkias, Chr. 2021.GNSS and UAV in archeology: high resolution mapping in Cephalonia Island, Greece. In GPS AND GNSS TECHNOLOGY IN GEOSCIENCES (Petropoulos, G.P, Shrivastava, P.K. eds). ELSEVIER: 371-90

For an abstract:

Research paper thumbnail of The South Kynouria Archaeological Project (SKAP - 2013) - Αρχαιολογικό Πρόγραμμα Νότιας Κυνουρίας (2013)

Archaeologikon Deltion, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of Από την σταθερότητα στην αγωνία. Η Κυνουρία στους Ρωμαϊκούς Χρόνους


Στην ανατολική ακτή της Πελοποννήσου, μεταξύ Αργολίδος, Αρκαδίας και Λακωνίας, εντοπίζεται η Κυνο... more Στην ανατολική ακτή της Πελοποννήσου, μεταξύ Αργολίδος, Αρκαδίας και Λακωνίας, εντοπίζεται η Κυνουρία Γη των ιστορικών χρόνων. Πεδίο έντονου ανταγωνισμού μεταξύ Αργείων και Λακεδαιμονίων, το καθεστώς της Κυνουρίας θα ρυθμιστεί οριστικά κατά τους ρωμαϊκούς χρόνους.
Τα τελευταία εννέα έτη, οι ανασκαφές μας στην Κυνουρία, έχουν φέρει στο φως σημαντικά στοιχεία, από τον 1ο αι. μέχρι και την Ύστερη Αρχαιότητα, τα οποία προσδίδουν νέα διάσταση στα παραδιδόμενα από τις πηγές, αλλά και στα δεδομένα παλαιοτέρων ανασκαφών. Τα ανασκαφικά δεδομένα από το Παράλιο Άστρος, την αρχαία Εύα στο Ελληνικό-Τειχιό, την Αγία Αναστασία, την ακρόπολη στο “Nησί” του Αγίου Ανδρέα, τις αρχαίες Πρασιές στην Πλάκα του Λεωνιδίου, αλλά και αρχαιολογικά δεδομένα από μικρής κλίμακας έρευνες επιφανείας από την αρχαία Πολίχνη, την Παλιόχωρα, το Ξηροκάμπι, τη Μελιγού και τον Άγιο Στέφανο, μας επιτρέπουν να ψηλαφήσουμε την μεταβολή στο πρότυπο κατοίκησης στην περιοχή, σταδιακά από τους πρώτους Ρωμαϊκούς Χρόνους μέχρι και την Ύστερη Αρχαιότητα, οπότε παρατηρείται μία έξαρση.
Γεωγραφικοί, γεωμορφολογικοί και πολιτικοί λόγοι ασφαλώς ερμηνεύουν τις ομοιότητες και διαφοροποιήσεις, όπως αυτές προκύπτουν από τα ανασκαφικά δεδομένα, μεταξύ του βορείου και του νοτίου τμήματος της Κυνουρίας, ειδικά κατά την Ύστερη αρχαιότητα, στο τέλος της οποίας επέρχεται βίαιη διακοπή και ερήμωση.

[Από την σταθερότητα στην αγωνία. Η Κυνουρία στους Ρωμαϊκούς Χρόνους. What’s New in Roman Greece? Recent Work on the Greek Mainland and the Islands in the Roman Period (Edited by V. Di Napoli, F. Camia, V. Evangelidis, D. Grigoropoulos, D. Rogers, S. Vlizos). MΕΛΕΤΗΜΑΤΑ 80, ΕΘΝΙΚΟ ΙΔΡΥΜΑ ΕΡΕΥΝΩΝ / ΙΝΣΤΙΤΟΥΤΟ ΙΣΤΟΡΙΚΩΝ ΕΡΕΥΝΩN NATIONAL HELLENIC RESEARCH FOUNDATION / INSTITUTE OF HISTORICAL RESEARCH. Athens 2018, 79-90]

Research paper thumbnail of Pallantion d’Arcadie. Trouvailles monétaires des fouilles de 2008-2009


Research paper thumbnail of Cultural Routes in Kynouria of Arcadia: Geospatial Database Design and Software Development for Web Mapping of the Spatio-Historical Information

Heritage, 2018

As far as Kynouria is concerned and in order for the protection and enhancement of Antiquities to... more As far as Kynouria is concerned and in order for the protection and enhancement of Antiquities to be achieved, web-based model is proposed for highlighting individual monuments and archaeological sites, having in mind the historical and archaeological evidence of the region, the topography, the demographic profile, and the tourist infrastructure, and combining them with the development programs for cultural routes. Therefore, creating suitable databases and mapping the monuments in the area are key prerequisites of the process, as they contribute to an objective assessment of the current situation and to make rational decisions. In this frame, modern technology provides some important planning tools (GIS, GPS, and OMS) that allow for the recording and mapping of data, viewing the relationships between them in the area where they appear, and managing their promotion. The complete study of Kynouria's archaeological routes contains the implementation of a website using free or open-source software, which should include all the necessary procedures and the historical and archaeological information material (text, maps, and photographs).

Research paper thumbnail of The twin flint mining shafts at Lakithra - Kefalonia - Το δίδυμο εξορυκτικό φρέαρ πυριτολίθου της Λακήθρας

This report offers a preliminary examination of the data gathered during archaeological excavatio... more This report offers a preliminary examination of the data gathered during archaeological excavations at Lakithra, Kefalonia. It centers on the discovery of two interconnected shafts used for flint extraction, a unique find. Additionally, the recovered artifacts suggest a ritualistic consecration of this site within the landscape.

Unfortunately, as is common when the Ministry of Culture and Sports announces an excavation, individuals claiming archaeological expertise without proper qualifications often rush to offer their own interpretations, disregarding the official announcement. These self-proclaimed "amateur archaeologists" present their theories as if they had conducted the excavations themselves, without citing any references to the Ministry's or the Ephorate of Antiquities' reports.

This report presents the initial findings for professional archaeologists, providing a factual account of the excavation and its discoveries, unencumbered by speculative interpretations that frequently rely on Homer and the Odyssey as a reference point. Such interpretations are unfounded, as the archaeological evidence from both this specific excavation and Kefalonia in general bears no connection to the epic poem.

In the near future, within the broader context of a comprehensive analysis of the Late Bronze Age in Kefalonia, this particular monument will be presented within its historical and archaeological framework.

As stipulated by law, any use of this material is strictly prohibited without prior authorization, given the exclusive publication rights.

Το παρόν αποτελεί πρωτόλεια αναφορά στα δεδομένα της ανασκαφικής έρευνας στην Λακήθρα της Κεφαλονιάς. Αφορά στην ανασκαφή δύο φρεάτων (δίδυμου φρέατος) για την εξόρυξη πυριτόλιθου, ευρήματος μοναδικού. Εξίσου μοναδικά, όμως, είναι και τα υπόλοιπα ανασκαφικά δεδομένα που παραπέμπουν σε τελετουργική "καθιέρωση" του συγκεκριμένου χώρου στο τοπίο.
Δυστυχώς, όπως συμβαίνει συχνά όταν ανακοινώνεται από το ΥΠΠΟ μία ανασκαφή, αμέσως σπεύδουν επαΐοντες "ερασιτέχνες αρχαιολόγοι¨ που διεκδικούν επιστημονική ή άλλη αναγνώριση και δίδουν ερμηνείες, αναφερόμενοι σε ανασκαφές σαν να τις έχουν κάνει οι ίδιοι και χωρίς καμία παραπομπή στην ανακοίνωση του ΥΠΠΟ ή της Εφορείας Αρχαιοτήτων.

Στο παρόν παρουσιάζονται τα πρώτα δεδομένα για τους ειδικούς επιστήμονες αρχαιολόγους. Παρουσιάζεται η πραγματικότητα της ανασκαφής και των δεδομένων της πέρα από ευφάνταστες προσεγγίσεις που όλες δυστυχώς έχουν ως σημείο αναφοράς τον Όμηρο και την Οδύσσεια, με την οποία βέβαια τα αρχαιολογικά δεδομένα τόσο στη συγκεκριμένη ανασκαφή όσο και στην Κεφαλονιά εν γένει ουδεμία σχέση έχουν.
Σύντομα, στο πλαίσιο συνολικής και συνδυαστικής παρουσίασης των δεδομένων της Ύστερης Εποχής του Χαλκού στην Κεφαλονιά, θα παρουσιαστεί και το συγκεκριμένο μνημείο στο ιστορικό και αρχαιολογικό του πλαίσιο.

Όπως ορίζει ο Νόμος δεν επιτρέπεται καμία χρήση υλικού χωρίς προηγούμενη άδεια, δεδομένων μάλιστα των αποκλειστικών δικαιωμάτων ως προς την δημοσίευση.

Research paper thumbnail of The Geological Knowledge and Its Contribution to the Development of Mycenaean Cemeteries in Argostoli Area, Kefalonia Greece

Journal of anthropological and archaeological sciences, Jan 25, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of Bioarchaeological insights into the Late Helladic communities of South Kynouria, Peloponnese: The case of the LH IIIA2‐IIIB2 burial cluster of Socha

International Journal of Osteoarchaeology, Nov 28, 2023

This paper examines the human osteological remains unearthed from six Late Helladic (LH IIIA2-III... more This paper examines the human osteological remains unearthed from six Late Helladic (LH IIIA2-IIIB2) (1390/70-1200/1190 BCE) tombs at Socha in the Peloponnese. It seeks to investigate the character of a Mycenaean community that though organically integrated into and highly dependent on the palatial system, manifested Mycenaean burial practices with a distinctly local character, namely, through the use of built cist-tombs. Our analysis investigates further the identity of this community and explores whether these people had also adopted a different way of life, diet and mortuary behavior toward specific groups. The results show that the demographic composition, diet, and health characteristics of the deceased of Socha were analogous to most Mycenaean sites: (a) equal representation of males and females, (b) burial exclusion of infants and young children, and (c) homogenous C 3 terrestrial diet. In addition, a tendency for a more frequent inclusion of middle-aged females with subadults in the same tomb suggests gender and age differentiation are in play. On the other hand, even though the burials of Socha practiced collectivity, an emphasis on individuality through a less variable post-mortem manipulation of the deceased is also in evidence and is characterized by single secondary deposits within the original grave, no evidence for commingling, and no evidence for removal nor selection of bones in secondary deposits. These characteristics demonstrate the differentiation of the group of Socha during a period of intensive movement and the creation of new settlements in South Kynouria.

Research paper thumbnail of Bioarchaeological insights into the Late Helladic communities of South Kynouria, Peloponnese: The case of the LH IIIA2-IIIB2 burial cluster of Socha

International Journal of Osteoarchaeology, 2023

This paper examines the human osteological remains unearthed from six Late Helladic (LH IIIA2-III... more This paper examines the human osteological remains unearthed from six Late Helladic (LH IIIA2-IIIB2) (1390/70-1200/1190 BCE) tombs at Socha in the Peloponnese. It seeks to investigate the character of a Mycenaean community that though organically integrated into and highly dependent on the palatial system, manifested Mycenaean burial practices with a distinctly local character, namely, through the use of built cist-tombs. Our analysis investigates further the identity of this community and explores whether these people had also adopted a different way of life, diet and mortuary behavior toward specific groups. The results show that the demographic composition, diet, and health characteristics of the deceased of Socha were analogous to most Mycenaean sites: (a) equal representation of males and females, (b) burial exclusion of infants and young children, and (c) homogenous C 3 terrestrial diet. In addition, a tendency for a more frequent inclusion of middle-aged females with subadults in the same tomb suggests gender and age differentiation are in play. On the other hand, even though the burials of Socha practiced collectivity, an emphasis on individuality through a less variable post-mortem manipulation of the deceased is also in evidence and is characterized by single secondary deposits within the original grave, no evidence for commingling, and no evidence for removal nor selection of bones in secondary deposits. These characteristics demonstrate the differentiation of the group of Socha during a period of intensive movement and the creation of new settlements in South Kynouria.

Research paper thumbnail of Αρχαιολογική έρευνα και γεωπληροφορική

Η εξέταση του οικιστικού προτύπου στην Κυνουρία κατά την Αρχαιότητα, με εργαλεία γεωπληροφορικής ... more Η εξέταση του οικιστικού προτύπου στην Κυνουρία κατά την Αρχαιότητα, με εργαλεία γεωπληροφορικής και συγκεκριμένα με τα Συστήματα Γεωγραφικών Πληροφορίων (ΣΓΠ) βρέθηκε στο επίκεντρο της έρευνας που ξεκίνησε να υλοποιείται εδώ και τρία έτη στο πλαίσιο εκπόνηση της παρούσας διδακτορικής διατριβής. Η χρήση των ΣΓΠ για την ανάλυση του οικιστικού προτύπου ή, αλλιώς, της διάταξης των οικισμών στην περιοχή αυτή, δεν έγινε βέβαια τυχαία. Ήταν το ίδιο το αρχαιολογικό υλικό, ο προσανατολισμός της έρευνας, αλλά και η κατεύθυνση που μέχρι πολύ πρόσφατα ακολουθούσε η διερεύνηση των αρχαιολογικών πραγμάτων στην Κυνουρία. Η Κυνουρία, υπό το βάρος μιας επιστημολογικής παράδοσης που οι ρίζες της ανιχνεύονται στον 19ο αι. και υπό το λιγοστό φως των ούτως ή άλλως ελλειμματικών πηγών, αλλά και της ιστορικής τοπογραφίας, ποτέ δεν αντιμετωπίστηκε ξεχωριστά, ως περιφέρεια ή ενδιάμεσος χώρος, πολύ κοντά στα εκάστοτε κέντρα ισχύος τόσο κατά την Προϊστορία, όσο και κατά τους Ιστορικούς Χρόνους. Η εξέταση των...

Research paper thumbnail of The Geological Knowledge and Its Contribution to the Development of Mycenaean Cemeteries in Argostoli Area, Kefalonia Greece

Journal of Anthropological and Archaeological Sciences, 2023

The geological condition of two well-known Mycenaean cemeteries at Mazarakata and Lakithra and on... more The geological condition of two well-known Mycenaean cemeteries at Mazarakata and Lakithra and one less known cemetery at Metaxata, all located east of Argostoli town, were studied. During the Mycenaean civilization, three millennia earlier, the properties of the rocks were well-known to local residents. In these rocks, they have carved the famous chambered tombs. According to Mycenaean burial customs when Mycenaeans were preparing chambered tombs, they followed/used three major geological parameters/steps in order to develop a cemetery. The first parameter/step was to verify the local stratigraphy (the sequence of the different rocks). This was an important factor as the upper part of the tombs should consist of a strongly cemented rock, which could be used as the roof of the chambers. Under this upper part carvable rocks should exist suitable to build the chamber and the tombs. The second parameter/step was to locate the extended areas where their cemeteries could develop. For this reason, they opened exploration holes. Depending on the results, they decided whether they should continue or stop the cemetery development. At Mazarakata cemetery, there are thirty-seven (37) exploration holes with a mean diameter of 0.98m and a mean depth of 1.18m. At Lakithra cemetery, there are thirteen (13) exploration holes with a mean diameter of 0.89m and a mean depth of 1.26m. The third parameter/step was to identify areas with existing faults. The fault activity loosens the rock's cohesion making it more easily carved. All exploration holes are situated along faults with an ENE-WSW direction, whereas most of the chambered tombs have been developed perpendicularly along the fault planes. At Mazarakata cemetery, there are three major normal faults, and many other minor ones, with an ENE-WSW direction that deep both southwards and northwards and with a total displacement of 1.5m. Some of the above mentioned faults characterize a fault zone. In it, the rocks appear strongly cracked and thus carving was fairly easy. The Mycenaean cemeteries were situated at a small distance from the respective settlements. In addition, in many cases, the cemeteries are known but the settlements to which they belonged, remain unknown. According to these data, the settlements to which the herein described cemeteries belonged are suggested to be situated under or at the base of the younger Agios Georgios castle, which had been developed during the 12th century AD.

Research paper thumbnail of Archaeological research and geoinfromatics: kynouria from the early bronze age to late antiquity: combined analysis of settlement pattern and geoenvironment transformations

Thorough examination of the settlement pattern in ancient Kynouria, via geoinformation tools and ... more Thorough examination of the settlement pattern in ancient Kynouria, via geoinformation tools and specifically through Geographical Information Systems (GIS), constitutes the focus of the study that has been conducted during the past three years in the framework of this doctoral dissertation.The use of GIS for the analysis of the settlement pattern or else of the way ancient settlements and sites are arranged in this area was essential as far as the method is concerned, due to the archaeological material itself, as well as the epistemological orientation of the research, in the area, whose roots can be traced back to the 19th century. Scarce information from ancient sources and historical topography, were the traditional methodological pillars of the archaeological research in the region, never considered as a separate, intermediate area, very close to the centers of power in both Prehistory and Historic Times. The examination of the archaeological data of the region in the topograph...

Research paper thumbnail of Από τη σταθερότητα στην αγωνία: Η Κυνουρία στους ρωμαϊκούς χρόνους

What's New in Roman Greece? Recent Work on the Greek Mainland and the Islands in the Roman Period: proceedings of a Conference helds in Athens, 8-10 October 2015., 2018, ISBN 978-960-9538-79-4, págs. 79-90, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of Le cavalier de Tyros, une figurine de bronze laconienne du VIe a.C

Revue des Études Grecques, 2017

Research paper thumbnail of Science and Technology in Archaeological Museums: The Re-Exhibition of the Archaeological Museum of Tegea

The re-exhibition of the Archaeological Museum of Tegea, presents for the first time to the publi... more The re-exhibition of the Archaeological Museum of Tegea, presents for the first time to the public not the mere fact, but the course of events, the causal relationships leading to the consolidation of the institution that constitutes the hallmark of the Greek way of social organization, namely the polis (city-state). In this framework the motivation of the visitor to deepen in this complex phenomenon through the myth, dialects, social, economic, political and military history as well as the recent historical – archaeological approaches lay at the center of the whole effort. Simultaneously, besides the detailed archaeological documentation of the above and in order for us to provide the optimum results, we implemented an integrated multidisciplinary approach. Geography and Cartography now played an important role. Spatial analysis of the archaeological - historical data was introduced, so as their documented interrelation with geographic space, geological environment and topography to be accomplished. Thus the goal of presenting in a comprehensive way the actual space certain events took place, as well as their projection to the present was fully achieved. Furthermore, the combination of the archaeological and historical knowledge with the advanced digital technology of the interactive surfaces, and graphic art, which can represent the anthropogenic processes or even natural phenomena and situations, allows the creation of a linear flow of events.


AIM: The application of innovative technological processes in classical sciences was and is alway... more AIM: The application of innovative technological processes in classical sciences was and is always an interdisciplinary challenge, especially when it comes to produce results which lead to the understanding of the history and cultural development of a country. OBJECTIVE: The application of the Geoinformatics Technologies to support projects of the 39 th Ephorate a b Revealed lineations from the VLF interpretation. Continuous red lines stand for high possibility to indicate ancient settlements while the dashed for lower possibility. RESEARCH RESULTS: 1. THE DEVELOPMENT OF ARCHAEO-SPATIAL DATABASE "KALLISTO", based on the GIS technology and cooperates with the Information Systems developed by the relevant General Directorates of Antiquities and Cultural Heritage of the Greek Cultural Ministry. It constitutes the infrastructure for the organization of the entire digital background and the separate cooperation with 39 th Ephorate. The database "Callisto" is a valuabl...

Research paper thumbnail of Cultural Routes in Kynouria of Arcadia: Geospatial Database Design and Software Development for Web Mapping of the Spatio-Historical Information

On the occasion of Kynouria and in order to achieve the protection and projection of antiquities,... more On the occasion of Kynouria and in order to achieve the protection and projection of antiquities, a web-based model is proposed for highlighting individual monuments and archaeological sites, having in mind the historical and archaeological evidence of the region, the topography, the demographic profile and the tourist infrastructure, and combining them with the development programs for cultural routes. Therefore, creating suitable databases and mapping the monuments in the area are key prerequisites of the process, as they contribute to an objective assessment of the current situation and then to make rational decisions. In this frame, modern technology provides some important planning tools (GIS, GPS, and OMS) which allow recording and mapping of data, viewing the relationships between them in the area where they appear and managing their projection. The complete study of Kynouria’s archaeological routes contains the implementation of a website using free or open-source soft...

Research paper thumbnail of GNSS and UAV in Archaeology

Global Navigation Satellite System receivers (Global Positioning System, GLONASS, Galileo, and Be... more Global Navigation Satellite System receivers (Global Positioning System, GLONASS, Galileo, and BeiDou) are used in a wide range of applications on which those data are used, among others, for navigation systems, for surveying and mapping areas, etc., for archaeological mapping different Earth Observation (EO) data and platforms have been used. The use of unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) technology to collect high-precision geographic data today is the low-cost alternative to standard manned aerial photography on mapping and three-dimensional imaging. This chapter attempts, through an extended review, to record those factors that affect the accuracy of the ultimately produced orthophotomosaic map and digital surface models (DSMs), while confirming the necessity of flight planning before the flight itself. The case study refers to the archaeological site in Poros area of the island of Cephalonia, in which archaeological findings of the Mycenaean period have been confirmed. For the mappin...

Research paper thumbnail of 1. Une découverte récente : un haltère pour les « Maleateia » ou Sparte à la conquête de sa côte orientale suivi de 2. L’haltère de Tirôn et l’expansion de Sparte sur le territoire de Prasiai (Cynourie du sud)

Revue des Études Grecques

Research paper thumbnail of Pallantion d’Arcadie

Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique

La présente étude constitue une publication préliminaire des monnaies trouvées dans les fouilles ... more La présente étude constitue une publication préliminaire des monnaies trouvées dans les fouilles de Pallantion. Dans le cadre du projet de « Construction du réservoir du lac Taka d'Arcadie » ont été localisés et exhumés, en 2008-2009, dans la ville basse de Pallantion, à l'Est de la colline de Saint-Jean, sur un plateau de 500 m de long, les restes du tissu urbain de la ville, du mur d'enceinte antique et d'une route dallée. Les monnaies provenant des sondages d'urgence de la ville forti ée d'époques classique et hellénistique enrichissent les données recueillies jadis par les recherches de l'École italienne, avec des monnaies provenant de villes puissantes à l'époque classique, comme Corinthe, Sicyone, Phlionte, Sparte ou Élis. Pour l'époque romaine, des frappes au nom de Licinius, de Constantin le Grand, de Valens et de Valentinien II, con rment la poursuite de l'occupation de cette importante ville d'Arcadie à l'époque romaine. Un ensemble de petits bronzes de l'époque de Justinien I et Justin II peut être mis en rapport avec l'invasion et l'occupation du pays par les tribus slaves à la n du e s. apr. J.-C. Pour nir, on propose de considérer le trident qui apparaît sur les monnaies émises par cette ville d'Arcadie à l'époque classique comme un symbole parlant qui relie le nom de Pallantion au verbe πάλλω qui signi e « brandir » ou « agiter vigoureusement ». L'hypothèse s'appuie également sur le fait que le trident apparaît aussi sur des timbres de tuile provenant d'édi ces sacrés ou profanes avec l'inscription ΔΑΜΟ[ΣΙΟΣ].

Research paper thumbnail of Vidalis-Kelagiannis, M. et all. 2021.GNSS and UAV in archeology: high resolution mapping in Cephalonia Island, Greece. In GPS AND GNSS TECHNOLOGY IN GEOSCIENCES (Petropoulos, G.P, Shrivastava, P.K. eds). ELSEVIER: 371-90


Vidalis Kelagiannis, M., Kalogeropoulos, M. Grigorakakis, G., Stathopoulos, N., Petropoulos, G. T... more Vidalis Kelagiannis, M., Kalogeropoulos, M. Grigorakakis, G., Stathopoulos, N., Petropoulos, G. Tsatsaris, An., Chalkias, Chr. 2021.GNSS and UAV in archeology: high resolution mapping in Cephalonia Island, Greece. In GPS AND GNSS TECHNOLOGY IN GEOSCIENCES (Petropoulos, G.P, Shrivastava, P.K. eds). ELSEVIER: 371-90

For an abstract:

Research paper thumbnail of The South Kynouria Archaeological Project (SKAP - 2013) - Αρχαιολογικό Πρόγραμμα Νότιας Κυνουρίας (2013)

Archaeologikon Deltion, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of Από την σταθερότητα στην αγωνία. Η Κυνουρία στους Ρωμαϊκούς Χρόνους


Στην ανατολική ακτή της Πελοποννήσου, μεταξύ Αργολίδος, Αρκαδίας και Λακωνίας, εντοπίζεται η Κυνο... more Στην ανατολική ακτή της Πελοποννήσου, μεταξύ Αργολίδος, Αρκαδίας και Λακωνίας, εντοπίζεται η Κυνουρία Γη των ιστορικών χρόνων. Πεδίο έντονου ανταγωνισμού μεταξύ Αργείων και Λακεδαιμονίων, το καθεστώς της Κυνουρίας θα ρυθμιστεί οριστικά κατά τους ρωμαϊκούς χρόνους.
Τα τελευταία εννέα έτη, οι ανασκαφές μας στην Κυνουρία, έχουν φέρει στο φως σημαντικά στοιχεία, από τον 1ο αι. μέχρι και την Ύστερη Αρχαιότητα, τα οποία προσδίδουν νέα διάσταση στα παραδιδόμενα από τις πηγές, αλλά και στα δεδομένα παλαιοτέρων ανασκαφών. Τα ανασκαφικά δεδομένα από το Παράλιο Άστρος, την αρχαία Εύα στο Ελληνικό-Τειχιό, την Αγία Αναστασία, την ακρόπολη στο “Nησί” του Αγίου Ανδρέα, τις αρχαίες Πρασιές στην Πλάκα του Λεωνιδίου, αλλά και αρχαιολογικά δεδομένα από μικρής κλίμακας έρευνες επιφανείας από την αρχαία Πολίχνη, την Παλιόχωρα, το Ξηροκάμπι, τη Μελιγού και τον Άγιο Στέφανο, μας επιτρέπουν να ψηλαφήσουμε την μεταβολή στο πρότυπο κατοίκησης στην περιοχή, σταδιακά από τους πρώτους Ρωμαϊκούς Χρόνους μέχρι και την Ύστερη Αρχαιότητα, οπότε παρατηρείται μία έξαρση.
Γεωγραφικοί, γεωμορφολογικοί και πολιτικοί λόγοι ασφαλώς ερμηνεύουν τις ομοιότητες και διαφοροποιήσεις, όπως αυτές προκύπτουν από τα ανασκαφικά δεδομένα, μεταξύ του βορείου και του νοτίου τμήματος της Κυνουρίας, ειδικά κατά την Ύστερη αρχαιότητα, στο τέλος της οποίας επέρχεται βίαιη διακοπή και ερήμωση.

[Από την σταθερότητα στην αγωνία. Η Κυνουρία στους Ρωμαϊκούς Χρόνους. What’s New in Roman Greece? Recent Work on the Greek Mainland and the Islands in the Roman Period (Edited by V. Di Napoli, F. Camia, V. Evangelidis, D. Grigoropoulos, D. Rogers, S. Vlizos). MΕΛΕΤΗΜΑΤΑ 80, ΕΘΝΙΚΟ ΙΔΡΥΜΑ ΕΡΕΥΝΩΝ / ΙΝΣΤΙΤΟΥΤΟ ΙΣΤΟΡΙΚΩΝ ΕΡΕΥΝΩN NATIONAL HELLENIC RESEARCH FOUNDATION / INSTITUTE OF HISTORICAL RESEARCH. Athens 2018, 79-90]

Research paper thumbnail of Pallantion d’Arcadie. Trouvailles monétaires des fouilles de 2008-2009


Research paper thumbnail of Cultural Routes in Kynouria of Arcadia: Geospatial Database Design and Software Development for Web Mapping of the Spatio-Historical Information

Heritage, 2018

As far as Kynouria is concerned and in order for the protection and enhancement of Antiquities to... more As far as Kynouria is concerned and in order for the protection and enhancement of Antiquities to be achieved, web-based model is proposed for highlighting individual monuments and archaeological sites, having in mind the historical and archaeological evidence of the region, the topography, the demographic profile, and the tourist infrastructure, and combining them with the development programs for cultural routes. Therefore, creating suitable databases and mapping the monuments in the area are key prerequisites of the process, as they contribute to an objective assessment of the current situation and to make rational decisions. In this frame, modern technology provides some important planning tools (GIS, GPS, and OMS) that allow for the recording and mapping of data, viewing the relationships between them in the area where they appear, and managing their promotion. The complete study of Kynouria's archaeological routes contains the implementation of a website using free or open-source software, which should include all the necessary procedures and the historical and archaeological information material (text, maps, and photographs).

Research paper thumbnail of Chamber tombs and “Siroi”, Archaeology and Geosciences. An interdisciplinary approach to the technique of bedrock extraction and construction of chamber tombs in Kefalonia during the Late Helladic period

Kefalonia during the Late Helladic period, especially after the so-called Collapse. They are loca... more Kefalonia during the Late Helladic period, especially after the so-called Collapse. They are located both in the west of the island, in Paliki, and in its central part, in the area extended from Razata to Metaxata. Kefallenian chamber tombs are monumental structures, the construction of which is a laborious process, given that they are hewn out of the natural bedrock, namely Pliocene (5.333-2.58 million years) lithological formations, which mainly consist of lagoonal sediments. The Pliocene is mainly represented by a layer of limestone, which upwards turns into yellowish sand, sandstone, and sandy limestone. This indicates a gradual change of its granulometric composition, which in combination with the adverse weather conditions and the intense tectonism that characterizes this area, the anisotropic geotechnical behavior prevails and is expressed with the differential hardness and cohesion of the rocks.
Morphological and construction characteristics of these burial monuments reflect on the one hand the particularity of this island region, on the other hand local diversities, which, in their turn and in combination with the observed spatial and construction pattern, allow a new approach to the archaeological record of the period.

νησί κατά την Υστεροελλαδική περίοδο και δη κατά τους μετανακτορικούς λεγομένους Χρόνους. Eντοπίζονται τόσο στα δυτικά του νησιού, στην Παλική, όσο και στο κεντρικό τμήμα του στην περιοχή από τα Ραζάτα μέχρι και τα Μεταξάτα.
Πρόκειται για μνημειώδεις κατασκευές, η δημιουργία των οποίων αποτελεί διαδικασία επίπονη και εργώδη, δεδομένου ότι λαξεύονται στο φυσικό ασβεστολιθικό πέτρωμα. Συγκεκριμένα, πρόκειται για Πλειοκαινικούς (5,333-2,58εκατ. έτη) λιθολογικούς σχηματισμούς, οι οποίοι αποτελούνται κυρίως από λιμνοθαλάσσιας προέλευσης ιζήματα. Επισημαίνεται ότι το Πλειόκαινο αντιπροσωπεύεται κυρίως κοντά στη βάση του από στρώμα ασβεστολίθου, το οποίο προς τα πάνω μεταπίπτει σε υποκίτρινη άμμο, ψαμμίτη, και ψαμμιτικό ασβεστόλιθο. Το γεγονός αυτό σημαίνει μεταβολή της κοκκομετρικής του σύστασης, όπου σε συνδυασμό με τις δυσμενείς καιρικές συνθήκες και την έντονη τεκτονική που χαρακτηρίζει την περιοχή, παρουσιάζει ανισότροπη γεωτεχνική συμπεριφορά ως προς τη σκληρότητα και τη συνεκτικότητά του.
Στα ταφικά αυτά μνημεία αποτυπώνεται αφενός μεν η ιδιαιτερότητα της νησιωτικής αυτής περιφέρειας του μυκηναϊκού κόσμου, αφετέρου δε και η τοπική ποικιλομορφία στο πλαίσιο αυτής, η οποία με τη σειρά της και σε συνδυασμό με τον εντοπισμό συγκεκριμένου χωρικού, αλλά και κατασκευαστικού προτύπου (pattern) επιτρέπει μια νέα προσέγγιση των αρχαιολογικών δεδομένων της περιόδου.

Research paper thumbnail of The new Co-financed Projects of the Ephorate of Antiquities of Kefallinia and Ithaca and the Interdisciplinary Archaeological Project of Kefalonia

In the current National Strategic Reference Framework (NSRF), the Ephorate of Antiquities of Kefa... more In the current National Strategic Reference Framework (NSRF), the Ephorate of Antiquities of Kefalonia and Ithaki managed to integrate four new Archaeological Site Enhancement Projects at Sami, Agia Eufimia, Fiskardo and Tzanata. In the context of these Projects, the Ephorate has planned an extensive Interdisciplinary Research Program in the fields of Archaeo/ Geo-informatics, Spatial Statistics, Archaeometry and Geology - Reconstruction of the Paleoenvironment. This is the most complex research program that the island of Kefalonia has ever experienced, in the framework of which all the archaeological and archaeo-spatial data will be analyzed and further evaluated. New interpretive approaches will be attempted on the basis of primary and secondary data, as well as the most modern epistemological approaches.

έργα ανάδειξης στην περιοχή της Σάμης, της Αγίας Ευφημίας, του Φισκάρδου και των Τζανάτων. Στο πλαίσιο των αναδείξεων αυτών, η Υπηρεσία σχεδίασε ένα εκτεταμένο διεπιστημονικό πρόγραμμα ερευνών, στα πεδία της Αρχαιο/ Γεω – πληροφορικής, Χωρικής Στατιστικής, Αρχαιομετρίας και Γεωλογίας – ανασύστασης αρχαιοπεριβάλλοντος. Πρόκειται για το πλέον σύνθετο ερευνητικό πρόγραμμα που έχει γνωρίσει το νησί της Κεφαλονιάς, στο πλαίσιο του οποίου θα αναλυθεί και αξιολογηθεί το σύνολο των αρχαιολογικών και αρχαιο-χωρικών δεδομένων και θα επιχειρηθούν ερμηνευτικές προσεγγίσεις στη βάση πρωτογενών και δευτερογενών δεδομένων, αλλά και των σύγχρονων επιστημολογικών προσεγγίσεων.


The application of innovative technological processes in classical sciences was always an interdi... more The application of innovative technological processes in classical sciences was always an interdisciplinary challenge, especially when it comes to produce results which lead to the understanding of the history and cultural development of a country. In this presentation the projects of the five-year collaboration between the Laboratory of Geospatial Technology of TEI of Athens and the Antiquities Arcadia are represented.

Research paper thumbnail of Archaeological Research and Geoinfromatics. Kynouria from the Early Bronze Age to Late Antiquity: Combined Analysis of settlement pattern and geoenvironment transformations (in Greek). PhD Thesis - Harokopio University (2019)

Harokopio University, 2019

Thorough examination of the settlement pattern in ancient Kynouria, via geoinformation tools and ... more Thorough examination of the settlement pattern in ancient Kynouria, via geoinformation tools and specifically through Geographical Information Systems (GIS), constitutes the focus of the study that has been conducted during the past three years in the framework of this doctoral dissertation.
The use of GIS for the analysis of the settlement pattern or else of the way ancient settlements and sites are arranged in this area was essential as far as the method is concerned, due to the archaeological material itself, as well as the epis-temological orientation of the research, in the area, whose roots can be traced back to the 19th century. Scarce information from ancient sources and historical topogra-phy, were the traditional methodological pillars of the archaeological research in the region, never considered as a separate, intermediate area, very close to the centers of power in both Prehistory and Historic Times. The examination of the archaeologi-cal data of the region in the topographical context of Laconia or the presentation of ancient sites by order of orientation - according to the route of Pausanias and other modern travelers from the 17th to the beginning of the 20th c., as a catalog - is the norm. The interpretative scheme always draws on the literary testimonies of the classical and Hellenistic times.
Therefore, a new approach of archaeological data in Kynouria was deemed necessary. This approach took into serious consideration both space and time not only in its short-term dimension but in the context of the so called “long and moy-enne duree”. The historical and archaeological data of the area should now be ex-amined within the context of the geo-environment and its transformations – mainly in the coastal zone. The proposed model of interpretation is based on a continuous dialogue between geospatial and archaeo-spatial primary and secondary data and archaeological - historical information and knowledge.
GIS have therefore not been selected simply as a tool, but lie at the center of the whole process. Additional advantages of this approach are the standardization of data recording, the production of secondary data, the analysis and interpretation on the basis of measurable data, the ability to use spatial and spatial statistical analysis tools, the presentation on maps both of these primary or secondary data as well as of the final outcome of the analytical process. In this way, it was attempted to investigate the palimpsest of Kynouria from the Early Bronze Age to Late Antiqui-ty. Middle Bronze Age testimonies are particularly poor and limited to just a few sherds. Therefore, no further analysis was possible.
Geo-environment constitutes a significant interpretative variable – in the long term- throughout the period under consideration. The geological boundary of the Vrasiatis River, the steep coastline, the inland plateaus and the river flows are basic interpretative variables, which can be further analyzed in terms of altitude, ground inclination and orientation, euclidean distance from the coastline or other vector features. The historical conjuncture affects and gives a certain symbolic dimension to the landscape, but it is also largely determined by it. The results of a) cost path analysis with regard to the steadiness of human movement in the area, as well as b) of visibility analysis - focusing on defense infrastractures as regards to the way humans interact with the environment during the classical and early Hellenistic pe-riod , or c) of density analysis with regard to the evolution of the settlement pattern per period, are quite characteristic.
The geomorphological distinction between north and south Kynouyria is inti-mately interconnected with the evolution of the settlement dispersion pattern of ancient sites. During prehistoric and proto-historical period the majority of ancient sites, but also the important centers are located in the southern part. Development of central sites in the southern part continues well into historical times. Similar de-velopments in the northern part are interrupted due to the historical circumstances, which also explains the large dispersion of sites at the end of the classical period. The complete overturn is recorded during Roman times, especially Late Antiquity, as a consequence of the great changes that took place in the Empire, as well as the transformations in the geomorphology of the alouvial, coastal fields in Thyreatis.
Thus, it becomes obvious that through GIS based spatial analysis and statistics tools it is possible to locate phenomena related to the socio-economic organization of the period. This is the “spatial-statistic footprint” of the socio-economic organization of a society in space-landscape, firmly interconnected with the geo-environment and its transformations.

Research paper thumbnail of Cartographies of Mind Soul and Knowledge: Tegeatis, a Cartographical Journey to the land of Myth and History

Το ταξίδι ως όρος έχει τις ρίζες του στις εκστρατείες, υπό την έννοια της πορείας και της μετακίν... more Το ταξίδι ως όρος έχει τις ρίζες του στις εκστρατείες, υπό την έννοια της πορείας και της μετακίνησης στρατιωτικών σωμάτων. Η σημερινή του χρήση ωστόσο, δηλώνει τη μετακί-νηση σε μακρινό προορισμό, όπου κάποιος παραμένει για ένα σημαντικό χρονικό διάστη-μα. Το ταξίδι όμως που περιγράφεται στην παρούσα εργασία, είναι νοητό και επιθυμεί να δηλώσει τη αξία του χάρτη για την απεικόνιση της ιστορικής και αρχαιολογικής πληροφο-ρίας, η οποία μάλιστα τυγχάνει να είναι μέχρι στιγμής αδημοσίευτη. Το ταξίδι αυτό λοιπόν, αποτελεί μία αυθεντική και πρωτότυπη δημοσίευση αρχαιολογικών και ιστορικών στοιχεί-ων για τη σύνταξη ενός χάρτη της Τεγεάτιδας χώρας, που θεμελιώνεται στις ρήσεις των με-γάλων περιηγητών και γεωγράφων της αρχαιότητάς μας, που με επιμέλεια και απλοχεριά μας άφησαν ως παρακαταθήκη τις μαρτυρίες τους για αυτόν τον ιδιαίτερο τόπο.
Η αυθεντικότητα αυτή της πρωτογενούς ιστορικής και αρχαιολογικής πληροφορίας που μετουσιώνεται σε χαρτογραφικό αποτέλεσμα, αρμόζει ακριβώς στον Άνθρωπο, στον οποίο αφιερώνεται: Σε έναν δηλαδή άριστο και πανάξιο Δάσκαλο, που με την απαράμιλλη αισθη-τική του και τη δύναμη των λόγων και της γνώσης του ανέδειξε με την καινοφανή του διδασκαλία, την πεμπτουσία των χαρτών και τους ανοικτούς τους ορίζοντες.

Research paper thumbnail of Archaeological Research and Geoinfromatics. Kynouria from the Early Bronze Age to Late Antiquity: Combined Analysis of settlement pattern and geoenvironment transformations (in Greek). PhD Thesis - Harokopio University (2019)

Harokopio University, 2019

Thorough examination of the settlement pattern in ancient Kynouria, via geoinformation tools and ... more Thorough examination of the settlement pattern in ancient Kynouria, via geoinformation tools and specifically through Geographical Information Systems (GIS), constitutes the focus of the study that has been conducted during the past three years in the framework of this doctoral dissertation.
The use of GIS for the analysis of the settlement pattern or else of the way ancient settlements and sites are arranged in this area was essential as far as the method is concerned, due to the archaeological material itself, as well as the epis-temological orientation of the research, in the area, whose roots can be traced back to the 19th century. Scarce information from ancient sources and historical topogra-phy, were the traditional methodological pillars of the archaeological research in the region, never considered as a separate, intermediate area, very close to the centers of power in both Prehistory and Historic Times. The examination of the archaeologi-cal data of the region in the topographical context of Laconia or the presentation of ancient sites by order of orientation - according to the route of Pausanias and other modern travelers from the 17th to the beginning of the 20th c., as a catalog - is the norm. The interpretative scheme always draws on the literary testimonies of the classical and Hellenistic times.
Therefore, a new approach of archaeological data in Kynouria was deemed necessary. This approach took into serious consideration both space and time not only in its short-term dimension but in the context of the so called “long and moy-enne duree”. The historical and archaeological data of the area should now be ex-amined within the context of the geo-environment and its transformations – mainly in the coastal zone. The proposed model of interpretation is based on a continuous dialogue between geospatial and archaeo-spatial primary and secondary data and archaeological - historical information and knowledge.
GIS have therefore not been selected simply as a tool, but lie at the center of the whole process. Additional advantages of this approach are the standardization of data recording, the production of secondary data, the analysis and interpretation on the basis of measurable data, the ability to use spatial and spatial statistical analysis tools, the presentation on maps both of these primary or secondary data as well as of the final outcome of the analytical process. In this way, it was attempted to investigate the palimpsest of Kynouria from the Early Bronze Age to Late Antiqui-ty. Middle Bronze Age testimonies are particularly poor and limited to just a few sherds. Therefore, no further analysis was possible.
Geo-environment constitutes a significant interpretative variable – in the long term- throughout the period under consideration. The geological boundary of the Vrasiatis River, the steep coastline, the inland plateaus and the river flows are basic interpretative variables, which can be further analyzed in terms of altitude, ground inclination and orientation, euclidean distance from the coastline or other vector features. The historical conjuncture affects and gives a certain symbolic dimension to the landscape, but it is also largely determined by it. The results of a) cost path analysis with regard to the steadiness of human movement in the area, as well as b) of visibility analysis - focusing on defense infrastractures as regards to the way humans interact with the environment during the classical and early Hellenistic pe-riod , or c) of density analysis with regard to the evolution of the settlement pattern per period, are quite characteristic.
The geomorphological distinction between north and south Kynouyria is inti-mately interconnected with the evolution of the settlement dispersion pattern of ancient sites. During prehistoric and proto-historical period the majority of ancient sites, but also the important centers are located in the southern part. Development of central sites in the southern part continues well into historical times. Similar de-velopments in the northern part are interrupted due to the historical circumstances, which also explains the large dispersion of sites at the end of the classical period. The complete overturn is recorded during Roman times, especially Late Antiquity, as a consequence of the great changes that took place in the Empire, as well as the transformations in the geomorphology of the alouvial, coastal fields in Thyreatis.
Thus, it becomes obvious that through GIS based spatial analysis and statistics tools it is possible to locate phenomena related to the socio-economic organization of the period. This is the “spatial-statistic footprint” of the socio-economic organization of a society in space-landscape, firmly interconnected with the geo-environment and its transformations.

Research paper thumbnail of Chamber tombs and "Siroi", Archaeology and Geosciences. An interdisciplinary approach to the technique of bedrock extraction and construction of chamber tombs in Kefalonia during the Late Helladic period

Research paper thumbnail of Conference in Spyridon Marinatos honor