Magdalini Valla | Hellenic Ministry of Culture & Sports (original) (raw)

Papers by Magdalini Valla

Research paper thumbnail of Two-headed zoomorphic ceramic objects from Neolitic Dikili Tash. Figurines or kitchen utensils?

The paper discusses a special category of zoomorphic miniature representations, the two-headed la... more The paper discusses a special category of zoomorphic miniature representations, the two-headed large animal figurines, common in the Neolithic site of Dikili Tash during Late Neolithic II. A thorough investigation of these objects, focusing on their technological properties, confirmed how different they are from other zoomorphic figurines and revealed several distinctive characteristics regarding their use. On this basis, these objects have been removed from the figurine group and reclassified as zoomorphic stands.

Research paper thumbnail of Promachon-Topolnica: A Typology of Painted Decorations and Its Use as a Chronological Marker

In the late Neolithic, at the end of the VI century BC. In the region of Middle and Lower Struma/... more In the late Neolithic, at the end of the VI century BC. In the region of Middle and Lower Struma/Strimon establish culture Topolnica-Akropotamos. Its appearance changes radically the appearance of the area and structure of Neolithic habitation system during this period consists of numerous large settlements along the plateaus along the rivers. These concerns and the settlement Promachon-Topolnica. The study is of utmost importance to the prehistory of the Balkans. It's about eponyms object given the name of the late Neolithic culture Topolnica-Akropotamos. The article presents the results of the study of decorated ceramics, as is the focus of bitumen (type Topolnica), black on red pottery (type Strumsko and Akropotamos). Stratigraphy of the neolithic Promachon-Topolnica change current ideas about the development of this type of decoration.One of the important discoveries made in Promachon-Topolnica is the finding of the earliest in the Balkans graphite drawing. The inspection revealed a genetic link between dark picture "type Strumsko" wide and graphite drawings, which proved to be synchronous. Terms were not only ornamental their schemes, but also ceramic forms. This discovery also changes the traditional view that the homeland of graphite decoration of ceramics is Thrace. This fact is confirmed by our observations on the earlier vessels late Neolithic Graphitized surface of the object Promachon-Topolnica that allowed to trace the process of occurrence of graphite drawing that is near the Middle Struma/Strimon. It is noteworthy that the complex Kaloyanovets (Karanovo IV) in Thrace, a synchronous Topolnica-Akropotamos (Late Neolithic) graphitized vessels are completely unknown.Overall we can say that in the region of Middle and Lower Struma culture Topolnica-Akropotamos having a decorative canon, which is maintained after the sunset. Thus, this interesting culture leaves its imprint in the form of influences and technical innovation on large parts of Southeast Europe.

Research paper thumbnail of PROMACHON-TOPOLNICA. Contacts and communication breakdowns in the distant past at the modern Bulgarian-Greek border

The poster presents the chronology of prehistoric settlement Promachon-Topolnica, which is of gre... more The poster presents the chronology of prehistoric settlement Promachon-Topolnica, which is of great importance for the history of the Neolithic in the Balkans. Promachon-Topolnica is the Bulgarian-Greek border. Survey results are a good example is the scientific cooperation among the Bulgarian and Greek archaeologists. The village is famous for the study of a large dug into the earth temple bull. Here for the first time using graphite as a technology to decorate pottery. This is a tradition from earlier Graphitized black topped technology vessels.

Research paper thumbnail of Ελαιόρεμα Πυλαίας Θεσσαλονίκης: εγκατάσταση ρωμαϊκών χρόνων

Πλωτινόπολη, ψηφιδωτό δάπεδο µε απεικόνιση του ποταµού Έβρου Το παρόν έργο πνευματικής ιδιοκτησία... more Πλωτινόπολη, ψηφιδωτό δάπεδο µε απεικόνιση του ποταµού Έβρου Το παρόν έργο πνευματικής ιδιοκτησίας προστατεύεται κατά τις διατάξεις του ελληνικού νόμου (Ν. 2121/1993 όπως έχει τροποποιηθεί και ισχύει σήμερα) και τις διεθνείς συμβάσεις περί πνευματικής ιδιοκτησίας. Απαγορεύεται απολύτως η άνευ γραπτής άδειας του εκδότη και του συγγραφέα κατά οποιοδήποτε τρόπο ή μέσο αντιγραφή, φωτοανατύπωση και εν γένει αναπαραγωγή, εκμίσθωση ή δανεισμός, μετάφραση, διασκευή, αναμετάδοση στο κοινό σε οποιαδήποτε μορφή (ηλεκτρονική, μηχανική ή άλλη) και η εν γένει εκμετάλλευση του συνόλου ή μέρους του έργου.

Research paper thumbnail of Μικρό Δάσος Κιλκίς: πρώτες πληροφορίες από ένα νεκροταφείο της ενδοχώρας

Βίκτωρία αλλαΜανη-Σούρη Σουρωτή: η εξέλιξη του ανασκαφικού έργου στο αρχαίο νεκροταφείο Souroti: ... more Βίκτωρία αλλαΜανη-Σούρη Σουρωτή: η εξέλιξη του ανασκαφικού έργου στο αρχαίο νεκροταφείο Souroti: the progress of excavation in the ancient cemetery viCtoria allamani-Souri ΧρύΣούλα παλίαδελη, αθαναΣία κύρίακού, ελενη ΜητΣοπούλού, αλεξανδροΣ τούρταΣ Παλαιές υποχρεώσεις και νέα ευρήματα στις Αιγές Old engagements and new finds at Aegae ChrYSoula paliadeli, athanaSia kYriakou, eleni mitSopoulou, alexandroS tourtaS ΧρύΣούλα παλίαδελη, παραΣκεύη παπαΓεωρΓίού, ΓίαννηΣ ΜανίατηΣ, ΣεΒαΣτη τρίανταΦύλλού, αθαναΣία κύρίακού, αλεξανδροΣ τούρταΣ Μικροανασκαφή σ' ένα αναπάντεχο εύρημα από την αγορά των Αιγών: η διεπιστημονική προσέγγιση Microexcavation of an unexpected find from the agora of Aegae: the interdisciplinary approach ChrYSoula paliadeli, paraSkevi papaGeorGiou, YianniS maniatiS, SevaSti triantaphYlloY, athanaSia kYriakou, alexandroS tourtaS Μαρία λίλίΜπακη-ακαΜατη Το αρχαιολογικό έργο στην περιοχή αρμοδιότητας της ΙΖʹ EΠΚΑ Archaeological work at the area of administration of the 17th Ephorate of Prehistoric and Classical Antiquities maria lilimpaki-akamati περιεχομενα

Research paper thumbnail of Προϊστορικός οικισμός Ειδομένης

Research paper thumbnail of Νεότερα ευρήματα από το νεκροταφείο του Αγίου Χριστοφόρου Σερρών

Research paper thumbnail of Παρατηρήσεις για τη χρήση του χώρου στα όρια της αρχαίας πόλης του Νέου Σκοπού Σερρών

Research paper thumbnail of Φαιά Πέτρα Σιδηροκάστρου: Νεότερα ευρήματα από την πρόσφατη έρευνα στο νεκροταφείο της Ύστερης Εποχής Χαλκού

Research paper thumbnail of Σωστική έρευνα σε νεκροταφείο Ύστερης Εποχής του Χαλκού στη Φαιά Πέτρα Σιδηροκάστρου

Research paper thumbnail of Handling of death at the end of the Late Bronze Age: the case of Faia Petra, 13th c. BC, Eastern Macedonia, Greece

OsTMAKEDONiEN, GRIECHENLAND. Der Beitrag stellt das Graberfeld von Faia Petra vor, welches zur Pr... more OsTMAKEDONiEN, GRIECHENLAND. Der Beitrag stellt das Graberfeld von Faia Petra vor, welches zur Prafektur von Serres, Ostmakedonien, gehort und 15 km siidlich der gne-chisch-bulgarischen Grenze liegt. Das Graberfeld datiert an das Ende der Spatbronzezeit (1300-1200 v. Chr.) und ist hinsichtllch der Beisetzung der Verstorbenen und der Nach-begrabnisfeierlichkeiten von besonderem Interesse. Fiinf mil Steineinfassungen umgebene Gruppen von Einzel-und Mehrfachbeslattungen, von denen drei nahezu intakt waren, und ein Einzelgrab wurden ausgegraben. Korperbestattung war die bevorzugte Beisetzungsform fur beide Geschlechter 1. The authors thank the organisers. Dr. Michael Lochner and Dr. Florian Ruppenstein, for the invitadon to participate in the Conference and for the warm hospitality to ST in Vienna. We also thank Dr. Maria Ntinou, University of Valencia, who identified the charcoal associated with the cremation and lightly burnt bones; Dr. Yiannis Ma-niatis, who dated the human bone samples; and the Greek Ministry of Culture and Tourism and in particular the IH Ephorate of Prehistoric and Classical Antiquities in Kavala for their support in practical matters. Professor Stelios Andreou kindly clarified issues regardmg LEA chronology in Macedonia. Funding for all recent radiocarbon dates was provided by the Institute of Aegean Prehistory. und alle Altersklassen. Es gibt nur eine einzige Brandbestat-tung. Der mit dieser Bestattungsf orm verbundene hohe Auf-wand deutet auf eine herausgehobene soziale Stellung der Verstorbenen hin. Leichenbankette, inkluslve Fleischkon-sum, waren Teil des Begrabnisrituals und impHzieren, dass ein iiber die Angehorigen der Verstorbenen hinausgehender Sozialverband an den Begrabnisfeierlichkeiten beteiligt war.

Research paper thumbnail of Κεραμεικός κλίβανος στην Ευρωπό του ν. Κιλκίς

ΠΟΛΥΞΕΝΗ ΑΔΑΜ ΒΕΛΕΝΗ, Τραπεζοφόρο από την αρχαία αγορά της Θεσσαλονίκης 155-161 Summary 1 6 2 Θ. ... more ΠΟΛΥΞΕΝΗ ΑΔΑΜ ΒΕΛΕΝΗ, Τραπεζοφόρο από την αρχαία αγορά της Θεσσαλονίκης 155-161 Summary 1 6 2 Θ. ΣΑΒΒΟΠΟΥΛΟΥ, Χάλκινο κράνος από το Χωρύγι 163-173 Summary 1 7 4 ΕΥΔΟΚΙΑ ΣΚΑΡΛΑΤΙΔΟΥ, Ένας νέος κιονωτός κρατήρας του Λυδού από τη Μακεδονία 175-198 Summary 198 A. ΤΑΣΙΑ-Ζ. ΑΟΛΑ-Α. ΜΠΑΧΛΑΣ-Α. ΣΤΑΓΚΟΣ, Κεραμική ελληνιστικοί χρόνων από την ανασκαφή της πλατείας Διοικητηρίου 1 9 9-2 0 9 Summary 210 ΠΟΛΥΞΕΝΗ Α. ΓΕΩΡΓΑΚΗ, Τμήματα αγγείων της κατηγορίας «Δυτικής Κλιτύος» από την αρχαία αγορά της Θεσσαλονίκης-Summary 2 2 1 ΔΕΣΠΟΙΝΑ ΙΓΝΑΤΙΑΔΟΥ, Χειροποίητα γυάλινα αγγεία από το αρχαίο νεκροταφείο Θέρμης (Σέδες) 223-233 Summary 2 3 4 Κ. ΜΠΟΛΗ, Ελληνιστικοί τροχήλατοι λύχνοι στην αρχαία αγορά της Θεσσαλονίκης 235-253 Summary 253-254 ΕΥΓΕΝΙΑ ΧΡΙΣΤΟΔΟΥΛΙΔΟΥ, Ελληνιστικοί και ρωμαϊκοί λύχνοι από την περιοχή του Γαλεριανού συγκροτήματος 255-262 Summary 262 ΚΩΣΤΑΣ ΣΙΣΜΑΝΙΔΗΣ, Ενεπίγραφες ταφικές στήλες από την Ποτίδαια 263-275

Research paper thumbnail of The Neolithic Settlement «Promachon-Topolnica» (in Greek)

The Promachon-Topolnica settlement is located on the SE slopes of Mount Cercine close to the west... more The Promachon-Topolnica settlement is located on the SE slopes of Mount Cercine close to the west bank of the Strymon river, on a natural pass into the beginning of the valley of the Middle Strymon. The prehistoric settlement which lies across the Greek Bulgarian border is being jointly investigated by Greek and Bulgarian archaeologists .The !8th Ephorate of Prehistoric and Classical Antiquities of Kavala, the Archaeological Institute of Sofia and PetricArcheological Museum coordinated their excavations with the aim of publishing the findings
in a common edition as part of inter- Balkan scientific cooperation.
The excavation on Bulgarian territory was carried in the period from 1980 to 1990 by professor H. Todorova with her associates J.Bojatsiev, I.Vaisov and V. Draganov,archeologists of the Sofia Archeological Institute The reaserch project on the Greek side began in 1992 and continued till 2003 by Ch.Koukouli-Chrysanthaki director
of the 18th Ephorate of Prehistoric and Classical Antiquities in collaboration with I. Aslanis (National Research Centre) F.Tomais-Konnstantopoulou (Greek Ministry of Foreign Affairs) and the archeologists D. Malamidou and M.Valla (18th Ephorate of Prehistoric and Classical Antiquities).The results of the two excavations conducted
from 1980 to 2003 can be summarised as follows: A combination of surface investigation excavation and the use of electromagnetic ground probe data has determined the extent of a prehistoric open type settlement, which covered two adjacent hills .This settlement compassed a total area of 5 hectares and has habitation layers of between 0,50 metres and 1,20 in depth.
The excavations on both the Greek and the Bulgarian sides have identified three habitation phases dated according to CI 4 analyses from the end of the 6th millennium B.C.totheend of the 5th millennium BC.
The earliest phase 1, which had the two building phases (l-ll) is represented by buildings with underground rooms, most of which have been dwellings and work areas. However, in the Greek sector, a more important subterranean structure was found. The large roughly circular subterranean structure of the Greek sector was much bigger than the other excavated subterranean rooms of the settlement. It has a radius of more than 12 metres and a depth of more than 7 metres. Excavation inside revealed many successive destruction levels covered with deposits rich in finds. The numerous floor levels with similar deposits show successive use. The deposits located on floors were plastered with clay and contained large number of grinding stones,pottery
vessels and small objects (figurines, tools and jewelry pieces) ,as well as fragments of clay structures, animal bones and horns. Of special interest was the presence of many bull skulls found ,which possibly come from the symbolic decoration of the room.
The size of the subterranean structure, the large number and the finds, as well as the large quantities of animal bones and grinding stones presupposes the presence of a large number of participants at activities which took place here and must be detected as a clear evidence for the use of this structure. The discovery of a so called "public" building, which reminds the much earlier ones from the Near East, gives valuable information about the organization of the Neolithic society.
The next habitation phase 2,which has two building phases (IIIA-IIIB), provided us with architectural remains indicating timber framed (wattle and daub)houses with interior hearths. The best example of a timber framed house was found in the Bulgarian sector. Inside this building on a bench next to the West wall fragments of three relief protomes of female figures were found, which most probably come from the decoration of the West wall. These figures as well us an anthropomorphic vase and many clay figurines found inside and around this building have been considered as evidence for its interpretation as a «sanctuary».
Of particular interest was also some evidence for an early extractive metallurgy of copper which came to light on the levels of habitation phase 2. A clay crucible was recovered from a pit whose inner surface was burnt and filled with ashes and burnt soil. Discovered close to the pit containing the crucible in the floor was a series of shallow pits with successive layers of burnt clay on the interior which appear to be related to an early copper metallurgy process. Taking into account the early date of the crucible and of the shallow pits the1st half of the 5th millennium BC- the Promachon-Topolnica settlement has yielded some of the earliest evidence of the copper metallurgy in Europe.
The last phase of habitation 3 (building phase IV) has been severely damaged by ploughing and the very few traces of buildings that have survived were preserved better in the Greek sector.
The joint excavation program brought to light very rich finds. Tools (flints, stone axes, clay spindle whorls, clay loom weights, bone points), jewellery pieces (bracelets, beads of clay, marble and malachite), schematic marble and clay figurines used as pendants and large quantities of pottery and clay figurines.
The high quality of the decorated pottery was particularly remarkable. There were different kinds of incised, rippled and painted decoration which represent the most common types of decorated pottery from the
Late Neolithic period in Northern Aegean area and especially in Eastern Macedonia, Aegean Thrace, as well as in the Middle Strymon valley and in the interior of the Balkans. Among the decorated pottery, that with
bitumen paint deserves a special mention as it constitutes evidence of the cultural relations of the settlement Promachon-Topolnica with Central Europe. On the other hand, the color painted pottery p.e. the so called Acropotamos style and the "black on red" pottery, points to the cultural relations with the North Aegean and especially with Eastern Macedonia settlements. Also typical of the habitation phases 1 and 2 was the making of figurines .Although the female form was the
predominant subject, the male figure was not absent. The many male figurines and especially the discovery of a marble phallomorphic sculpture of big scale, exceptional for this period, showed the clear recognition of the male and female reproductive forces.
Part of the remarkable finds were also two house models, both decorated with bucrania in relief seen as original evidence for the Neolithic architecture.
The study of excavation finds including the paleobotanical and paleozoological material revealed a settlement of an agricultural and pastoral nature whose cultural physiognomy was defined by its economic and cultural relations with the Aegean world, the Balkan hinterland and with Central Europe.


Στους καταλόγους του Μουσείου Σερρών είναι εντυπωσιακός ο αριθμός των τυχαίων ευρημάτων με τόπο π... more Στους καταλόγους του Μουσείου Σερρών είναι εντυπωσιακός ο αριθμός των τυχαίων ευρημάτων με τόπο προέλευσης το Μελενικίτσι. Η πλειοψηφία των αρχαίων αυτών περιήλθε στη συλλογή του Μουσείου κυρίως κατά τις τελευταίες δύο δεκαετίες μέσα από παραδόσεις των κατοίκων του χωριού 1 . Οι συχνές επισκέψεις που ακολουθούσαν προσέθεσαν πολύτιμες και σημαντικές πληροφορίες με βάση τις οποίες έγινε κατανοητή η έκταση και σημασία των ήδη γνωστών θέσεων και παράλληλα εντοπίστηκαν πολλοί καινούριοι χώροι διαφορετικών χρονικών περιόδων που στοιχειοθετούν διαχρονική κατοίκηση στην περιοχή από τους προϊστορικούς χρόνους έως σήμερα.

Research paper thumbnail of Promachon-Topolnica: A Greek-Bulgarian Archaeological Project.

Promachon-Topololnica: A Greek-Bulgarian Archaeological Project. - In: H. Todorova, M. Stefanivic and G. Ivanov (eds.). The Struma/Strymon River Valley in Prehistory. In The Steps of James Harvey Gaul, Vol. 2 (Sofia, 2007), 43–78. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.1391.3127, 2007

Promachon-Topolnica a Neolithic settlement in the Balkans, situated on the border between Greece ... more Promachon-Topolnica a Neolithic settlement in the Balkans, situated on the border between Greece and Bulgaria (Balkans). The settlement was studied in two sectors: the sector in years 1980-1991 Topolnica (Bulgaria) is a sector in the years 1992-2003 Promachon (Greece). In this informative article presents the results of the study. The article is richly illustrated with color photographs.

Research paper thumbnail of PROMACHON-TOPOLNICA: A Greek-Bulgarian Archaeological Project. - Report for work in 2002-2003.

original title: ΠΡΟΜΑΧΩΝΑΣ - TOPOLNIČA 2002-2003. - Το Αρχαιολογικό έργο στη Μακεδονία και Θράκηi (ΑΕΜΘ) 17 (Thessaloniki 2005), 91–110., 2005

The article presents interesting results of archaeological research in the greek sector Promachon... more The article presents interesting results of archaeological research in the greek sector Promachon of the Neolithic village Promachon-Topolnica in 2003

Research paper thumbnail of Geophysical investigation and archaeological reality in the neolithic settlement Promachon-Topolnica

Χ. Κουκούλη-Χρυσανθάκη, H. Todorova, I. Ασλάνης, I. Vajsov, Μ. Βάλλα. Γεωφυσική έρευνα και αρχαιολογική πραγματικότηταστον νεολιθικό οικισμό Προμαχών-Topolniča. - In: E. Stefani, N. Merousis, A. Dimoula (eds.). A Century of Researchin Prehistoric Macedonia 1912-2012. Thessaloniki 2014, 251-260 , 2014

The neolithic settlement Promachon-Topolnica extends over both sides of the Greek-Bulgarian borde... more The neolithic settlement Promachon-Topolnica extends over both sides of the Greek-Bulgarian border at the pyramid 63. The boundary line divides the settlement into two areas, a Greek (sector Promachon) and a Bulgarian (sector Topolnica). According to the spreading of ceramics in the area, it seemed to cover an area of ca. 40 hectares. However, recent geophysical investigations in the Bulgarian sector Topolnica caused a reassessment of the extent of the settlement. The site has been investigated in the years 1980-2003, 1980 to 1991 in the sector Topolnica and 1992 until 2003 in the sector Promachon. In the years 1995, 1996, 2002, 2010 and 2011 geophysical investigations took place.
In the earlier occupation phase 1 (5320-5070 BC) the settlement is surrounded by an oval earthen wall with diameters 100 and 60 m respectively and has an expansion of just 0,6 hectare. The buildings inside are semi subterranean. Their material probably served to the construction of the surrounding earth wall.
According to the finds, this phase is divided into an early stage (1a), which is characterised by the presence of ceramics decorated with bitum and generally by elements of the Vinča culture. The second stage (1b) is characterised by the presence of the painted pottery of the Akropotamos style and generally by the growing influence of the South.
During the next occupation phase 2 (5070-4700 BC) the settlement extents to a wider area. In the periphery of the eastern settlement part, the Bulgarian sector Topolnica, traces of a palisade are revealed, which probably replaced the earthwall at that part. At the same phase should belong the earthwall, which was detected west of the Greek excavation area. In this case, the settlement with diameter 260 and 80 m respectively acquired a greater area of approximately 2.1 hectares. Inside the settlement the semi subterranean houses of the previous phase are filled with deposits and transformed into ground floors houses.
On the next stage of this settlement phase (phase 2b) belongs the house 1 of the Bulgarian sector Topolnica. The kind, the co-existence and the arrangement of the findings refer to a sanctuary. In the settlement phase 2 traces of early mining and processing of copper are detected, as suggested by the metallurgical facilities with a melting pot found in situ. In 4700 BC the settlement Promachon-Topolnica was abandoned.
Later, in the settlement phase 3 (4460-4250 BC) the place was inhabited by a small group of people. Typical of this phase is the ceramic painted inside and out with graphite and the incised ceramic of the type Maritza I.

[Research paper thumbnail of The Promachonas/ Topolnica a Settlement: Programe for Greek-Bulgarian Co-operation. - Archaeological Work on Macedonia and Thrace, 10B, 1997 [GR]](

The Promachonas/ Topolnica a Settlement: Programe for Greek-Bulgarian Co-operation. - Archaeological Work on Macedonia and Thrace, 10B, 1997, 1997

Στην περιοχή της πυραμίδας 63 εκατέρωθεν των ελληνοβουλγαρικών συνόρων, σε απόσταση 1,5 χλμ. περί... more Στην περιοχή της πυραμίδας 63 εκατέρωθεν των ελληνοβουλγαρικών συνόρων, σε απόσταση 1,5 χλμ. περίπου από το βουλγαρικό χωριό Topolniča και 6 χλμ. σε ευθεία γραμμή από το ελληνικό χωριό Προμαχών εντοπίσθηκε το 1979 προϊστορικός οικισμός 1 (Σχ. 1). Βρίσκεται στις κατώτατες βορειοανατολικές υπώρειες του όρους Κερκίνη, στα πρώτα υψώματα πάνω από την προσχωσιγενή κοιλάδα του Στρυμόνα που απλώνεται στα ανατολικά του. Αναπτύσσεται πάνω σε δύο άνδηρα, τα οποία ορίζονται στα βόρεια και νότια από τις κοίτες δύο ρεμάτων: το ανατολικό άνδηρο, το οποίο διασχίζεται από την γραμμή των συνόρων, έχει έκταση περίπου 5 στρεμμάτων και το δυτικό είναι πολύ μεγαλύτερο. Σύμφωνα με τη διασπορά των οστράκων κεραμικής, ο οικισμός στα δύο άνδηρα καλύπτει έκταση 60 στρεμμάτων περίπου, από τα οποία τα 2-2,5 βρίσκονται στο βουλγαρικό έδαφος (Σχ. 2).

Research paper thumbnail of The Promachonas/Topolnica a Setlement: Programe for Greek-Bulgarian Co-operation. - Ten years Archaeological Work in Macedonia and Thrace, 1997.

The Promachonas/Topolnica a Setlement: Programe for Greek-Bulgarian Co-operation. - Δέκα χρόνια αρχαιολογικό έργο στη Μακεδονία και Θράκη (Tessaloniki 1997), 123-127 , 1997

Research paper thumbnail of NEOLITHIC SETTLEMENT PROMAHON-TOPOLNICA. Reports and other articles from the archaeological excavations in sector Topolnica (Bulgaria) and sector Promachon (Greеce) for the period 1980-2003. Archaeological Discoveries and Exavations (BG) and Το Αρχαιολογικό έργο στη Μακεδονία και Θράκηi (ΑΕΜΘ) (GR)

Neolithic Settlement Promachon-Topolnica. Reports and other articles from the archaeological excavations in sector Topolnica (Bulgaria) and sector Promachon (Greеce) for the period 1980-2003.

Research paper thumbnail of Two-headed zoomorphic ceramic objects from Neolitic Dikili Tash. Figurines or kitchen utensils?

The paper discusses a special category of zoomorphic miniature representations, the two-headed la... more The paper discusses a special category of zoomorphic miniature representations, the two-headed large animal figurines, common in the Neolithic site of Dikili Tash during Late Neolithic II. A thorough investigation of these objects, focusing on their technological properties, confirmed how different they are from other zoomorphic figurines and revealed several distinctive characteristics regarding their use. On this basis, these objects have been removed from the figurine group and reclassified as zoomorphic stands.

Research paper thumbnail of Promachon-Topolnica: A Typology of Painted Decorations and Its Use as a Chronological Marker

In the late Neolithic, at the end of the VI century BC. In the region of Middle and Lower Struma/... more In the late Neolithic, at the end of the VI century BC. In the region of Middle and Lower Struma/Strimon establish culture Topolnica-Akropotamos. Its appearance changes radically the appearance of the area and structure of Neolithic habitation system during this period consists of numerous large settlements along the plateaus along the rivers. These concerns and the settlement Promachon-Topolnica. The study is of utmost importance to the prehistory of the Balkans. It's about eponyms object given the name of the late Neolithic culture Topolnica-Akropotamos. The article presents the results of the study of decorated ceramics, as is the focus of bitumen (type Topolnica), black on red pottery (type Strumsko and Akropotamos). Stratigraphy of the neolithic Promachon-Topolnica change current ideas about the development of this type of decoration.One of the important discoveries made in Promachon-Topolnica is the finding of the earliest in the Balkans graphite drawing. The inspection revealed a genetic link between dark picture "type Strumsko" wide and graphite drawings, which proved to be synchronous. Terms were not only ornamental their schemes, but also ceramic forms. This discovery also changes the traditional view that the homeland of graphite decoration of ceramics is Thrace. This fact is confirmed by our observations on the earlier vessels late Neolithic Graphitized surface of the object Promachon-Topolnica that allowed to trace the process of occurrence of graphite drawing that is near the Middle Struma/Strimon. It is noteworthy that the complex Kaloyanovets (Karanovo IV) in Thrace, a synchronous Topolnica-Akropotamos (Late Neolithic) graphitized vessels are completely unknown.Overall we can say that in the region of Middle and Lower Struma culture Topolnica-Akropotamos having a decorative canon, which is maintained after the sunset. Thus, this interesting culture leaves its imprint in the form of influences and technical innovation on large parts of Southeast Europe.

Research paper thumbnail of PROMACHON-TOPOLNICA. Contacts and communication breakdowns in the distant past at the modern Bulgarian-Greek border

The poster presents the chronology of prehistoric settlement Promachon-Topolnica, which is of gre... more The poster presents the chronology of prehistoric settlement Promachon-Topolnica, which is of great importance for the history of the Neolithic in the Balkans. Promachon-Topolnica is the Bulgarian-Greek border. Survey results are a good example is the scientific cooperation among the Bulgarian and Greek archaeologists. The village is famous for the study of a large dug into the earth temple bull. Here for the first time using graphite as a technology to decorate pottery. This is a tradition from earlier Graphitized black topped technology vessels.

Research paper thumbnail of Ελαιόρεμα Πυλαίας Θεσσαλονίκης: εγκατάσταση ρωμαϊκών χρόνων

Πλωτινόπολη, ψηφιδωτό δάπεδο µε απεικόνιση του ποταµού Έβρου Το παρόν έργο πνευματικής ιδιοκτησία... more Πλωτινόπολη, ψηφιδωτό δάπεδο µε απεικόνιση του ποταµού Έβρου Το παρόν έργο πνευματικής ιδιοκτησίας προστατεύεται κατά τις διατάξεις του ελληνικού νόμου (Ν. 2121/1993 όπως έχει τροποποιηθεί και ισχύει σήμερα) και τις διεθνείς συμβάσεις περί πνευματικής ιδιοκτησίας. Απαγορεύεται απολύτως η άνευ γραπτής άδειας του εκδότη και του συγγραφέα κατά οποιοδήποτε τρόπο ή μέσο αντιγραφή, φωτοανατύπωση και εν γένει αναπαραγωγή, εκμίσθωση ή δανεισμός, μετάφραση, διασκευή, αναμετάδοση στο κοινό σε οποιαδήποτε μορφή (ηλεκτρονική, μηχανική ή άλλη) και η εν γένει εκμετάλλευση του συνόλου ή μέρους του έργου.

Research paper thumbnail of Μικρό Δάσος Κιλκίς: πρώτες πληροφορίες από ένα νεκροταφείο της ενδοχώρας

Βίκτωρία αλλαΜανη-Σούρη Σουρωτή: η εξέλιξη του ανασκαφικού έργου στο αρχαίο νεκροταφείο Souroti: ... more Βίκτωρία αλλαΜανη-Σούρη Σουρωτή: η εξέλιξη του ανασκαφικού έργου στο αρχαίο νεκροταφείο Souroti: the progress of excavation in the ancient cemetery viCtoria allamani-Souri ΧρύΣούλα παλίαδελη, αθαναΣία κύρίακού, ελενη ΜητΣοπούλού, αλεξανδροΣ τούρταΣ Παλαιές υποχρεώσεις και νέα ευρήματα στις Αιγές Old engagements and new finds at Aegae ChrYSoula paliadeli, athanaSia kYriakou, eleni mitSopoulou, alexandroS tourtaS ΧρύΣούλα παλίαδελη, παραΣκεύη παπαΓεωρΓίού, ΓίαννηΣ ΜανίατηΣ, ΣεΒαΣτη τρίανταΦύλλού, αθαναΣία κύρίακού, αλεξανδροΣ τούρταΣ Μικροανασκαφή σ' ένα αναπάντεχο εύρημα από την αγορά των Αιγών: η διεπιστημονική προσέγγιση Microexcavation of an unexpected find from the agora of Aegae: the interdisciplinary approach ChrYSoula paliadeli, paraSkevi papaGeorGiou, YianniS maniatiS, SevaSti triantaphYlloY, athanaSia kYriakou, alexandroS tourtaS Μαρία λίλίΜπακη-ακαΜατη Το αρχαιολογικό έργο στην περιοχή αρμοδιότητας της ΙΖʹ EΠΚΑ Archaeological work at the area of administration of the 17th Ephorate of Prehistoric and Classical Antiquities maria lilimpaki-akamati περιεχομενα

Research paper thumbnail of Προϊστορικός οικισμός Ειδομένης

Research paper thumbnail of Νεότερα ευρήματα από το νεκροταφείο του Αγίου Χριστοφόρου Σερρών

Research paper thumbnail of Παρατηρήσεις για τη χρήση του χώρου στα όρια της αρχαίας πόλης του Νέου Σκοπού Σερρών

Research paper thumbnail of Φαιά Πέτρα Σιδηροκάστρου: Νεότερα ευρήματα από την πρόσφατη έρευνα στο νεκροταφείο της Ύστερης Εποχής Χαλκού

Research paper thumbnail of Σωστική έρευνα σε νεκροταφείο Ύστερης Εποχής του Χαλκού στη Φαιά Πέτρα Σιδηροκάστρου

Research paper thumbnail of Handling of death at the end of the Late Bronze Age: the case of Faia Petra, 13th c. BC, Eastern Macedonia, Greece

OsTMAKEDONiEN, GRIECHENLAND. Der Beitrag stellt das Graberfeld von Faia Petra vor, welches zur Pr... more OsTMAKEDONiEN, GRIECHENLAND. Der Beitrag stellt das Graberfeld von Faia Petra vor, welches zur Prafektur von Serres, Ostmakedonien, gehort und 15 km siidlich der gne-chisch-bulgarischen Grenze liegt. Das Graberfeld datiert an das Ende der Spatbronzezeit (1300-1200 v. Chr.) und ist hinsichtllch der Beisetzung der Verstorbenen und der Nach-begrabnisfeierlichkeiten von besonderem Interesse. Fiinf mil Steineinfassungen umgebene Gruppen von Einzel-und Mehrfachbeslattungen, von denen drei nahezu intakt waren, und ein Einzelgrab wurden ausgegraben. Korperbestattung war die bevorzugte Beisetzungsform fur beide Geschlechter 1. The authors thank the organisers. Dr. Michael Lochner and Dr. Florian Ruppenstein, for the invitadon to participate in the Conference and for the warm hospitality to ST in Vienna. We also thank Dr. Maria Ntinou, University of Valencia, who identified the charcoal associated with the cremation and lightly burnt bones; Dr. Yiannis Ma-niatis, who dated the human bone samples; and the Greek Ministry of Culture and Tourism and in particular the IH Ephorate of Prehistoric and Classical Antiquities in Kavala for their support in practical matters. Professor Stelios Andreou kindly clarified issues regardmg LEA chronology in Macedonia. Funding for all recent radiocarbon dates was provided by the Institute of Aegean Prehistory. und alle Altersklassen. Es gibt nur eine einzige Brandbestat-tung. Der mit dieser Bestattungsf orm verbundene hohe Auf-wand deutet auf eine herausgehobene soziale Stellung der Verstorbenen hin. Leichenbankette, inkluslve Fleischkon-sum, waren Teil des Begrabnisrituals und impHzieren, dass ein iiber die Angehorigen der Verstorbenen hinausgehender Sozialverband an den Begrabnisfeierlichkeiten beteiligt war.

Research paper thumbnail of Κεραμεικός κλίβανος στην Ευρωπό του ν. Κιλκίς

ΠΟΛΥΞΕΝΗ ΑΔΑΜ ΒΕΛΕΝΗ, Τραπεζοφόρο από την αρχαία αγορά της Θεσσαλονίκης 155-161 Summary 1 6 2 Θ. ... more ΠΟΛΥΞΕΝΗ ΑΔΑΜ ΒΕΛΕΝΗ, Τραπεζοφόρο από την αρχαία αγορά της Θεσσαλονίκης 155-161 Summary 1 6 2 Θ. ΣΑΒΒΟΠΟΥΛΟΥ, Χάλκινο κράνος από το Χωρύγι 163-173 Summary 1 7 4 ΕΥΔΟΚΙΑ ΣΚΑΡΛΑΤΙΔΟΥ, Ένας νέος κιονωτός κρατήρας του Λυδού από τη Μακεδονία 175-198 Summary 198 A. ΤΑΣΙΑ-Ζ. ΑΟΛΑ-Α. ΜΠΑΧΛΑΣ-Α. ΣΤΑΓΚΟΣ, Κεραμική ελληνιστικοί χρόνων από την ανασκαφή της πλατείας Διοικητηρίου 1 9 9-2 0 9 Summary 210 ΠΟΛΥΞΕΝΗ Α. ΓΕΩΡΓΑΚΗ, Τμήματα αγγείων της κατηγορίας «Δυτικής Κλιτύος» από την αρχαία αγορά της Θεσσαλονίκης-Summary 2 2 1 ΔΕΣΠΟΙΝΑ ΙΓΝΑΤΙΑΔΟΥ, Χειροποίητα γυάλινα αγγεία από το αρχαίο νεκροταφείο Θέρμης (Σέδες) 223-233 Summary 2 3 4 Κ. ΜΠΟΛΗ, Ελληνιστικοί τροχήλατοι λύχνοι στην αρχαία αγορά της Θεσσαλονίκης 235-253 Summary 253-254 ΕΥΓΕΝΙΑ ΧΡΙΣΤΟΔΟΥΛΙΔΟΥ, Ελληνιστικοί και ρωμαϊκοί λύχνοι από την περιοχή του Γαλεριανού συγκροτήματος 255-262 Summary 262 ΚΩΣΤΑΣ ΣΙΣΜΑΝΙΔΗΣ, Ενεπίγραφες ταφικές στήλες από την Ποτίδαια 263-275

Research paper thumbnail of The Neolithic Settlement «Promachon-Topolnica» (in Greek)

The Promachon-Topolnica settlement is located on the SE slopes of Mount Cercine close to the west... more The Promachon-Topolnica settlement is located on the SE slopes of Mount Cercine close to the west bank of the Strymon river, on a natural pass into the beginning of the valley of the Middle Strymon. The prehistoric settlement which lies across the Greek Bulgarian border is being jointly investigated by Greek and Bulgarian archaeologists .The !8th Ephorate of Prehistoric and Classical Antiquities of Kavala, the Archaeological Institute of Sofia and PetricArcheological Museum coordinated their excavations with the aim of publishing the findings
in a common edition as part of inter- Balkan scientific cooperation.
The excavation on Bulgarian territory was carried in the period from 1980 to 1990 by professor H. Todorova with her associates J.Bojatsiev, I.Vaisov and V. Draganov,archeologists of the Sofia Archeological Institute The reaserch project on the Greek side began in 1992 and continued till 2003 by Ch.Koukouli-Chrysanthaki director
of the 18th Ephorate of Prehistoric and Classical Antiquities in collaboration with I. Aslanis (National Research Centre) F.Tomais-Konnstantopoulou (Greek Ministry of Foreign Affairs) and the archeologists D. Malamidou and M.Valla (18th Ephorate of Prehistoric and Classical Antiquities).The results of the two excavations conducted
from 1980 to 2003 can be summarised as follows: A combination of surface investigation excavation and the use of electromagnetic ground probe data has determined the extent of a prehistoric open type settlement, which covered two adjacent hills .This settlement compassed a total area of 5 hectares and has habitation layers of between 0,50 metres and 1,20 in depth.
The excavations on both the Greek and the Bulgarian sides have identified three habitation phases dated according to CI 4 analyses from the end of the 6th millennium B.C.totheend of the 5th millennium BC.
The earliest phase 1, which had the two building phases (l-ll) is represented by buildings with underground rooms, most of which have been dwellings and work areas. However, in the Greek sector, a more important subterranean structure was found. The large roughly circular subterranean structure of the Greek sector was much bigger than the other excavated subterranean rooms of the settlement. It has a radius of more than 12 metres and a depth of more than 7 metres. Excavation inside revealed many successive destruction levels covered with deposits rich in finds. The numerous floor levels with similar deposits show successive use. The deposits located on floors were plastered with clay and contained large number of grinding stones,pottery
vessels and small objects (figurines, tools and jewelry pieces) ,as well as fragments of clay structures, animal bones and horns. Of special interest was the presence of many bull skulls found ,which possibly come from the symbolic decoration of the room.
The size of the subterranean structure, the large number and the finds, as well as the large quantities of animal bones and grinding stones presupposes the presence of a large number of participants at activities which took place here and must be detected as a clear evidence for the use of this structure. The discovery of a so called "public" building, which reminds the much earlier ones from the Near East, gives valuable information about the organization of the Neolithic society.
The next habitation phase 2,which has two building phases (IIIA-IIIB), provided us with architectural remains indicating timber framed (wattle and daub)houses with interior hearths. The best example of a timber framed house was found in the Bulgarian sector. Inside this building on a bench next to the West wall fragments of three relief protomes of female figures were found, which most probably come from the decoration of the West wall. These figures as well us an anthropomorphic vase and many clay figurines found inside and around this building have been considered as evidence for its interpretation as a «sanctuary».
Of particular interest was also some evidence for an early extractive metallurgy of copper which came to light on the levels of habitation phase 2. A clay crucible was recovered from a pit whose inner surface was burnt and filled with ashes and burnt soil. Discovered close to the pit containing the crucible in the floor was a series of shallow pits with successive layers of burnt clay on the interior which appear to be related to an early copper metallurgy process. Taking into account the early date of the crucible and of the shallow pits the1st half of the 5th millennium BC- the Promachon-Topolnica settlement has yielded some of the earliest evidence of the copper metallurgy in Europe.
The last phase of habitation 3 (building phase IV) has been severely damaged by ploughing and the very few traces of buildings that have survived were preserved better in the Greek sector.
The joint excavation program brought to light very rich finds. Tools (flints, stone axes, clay spindle whorls, clay loom weights, bone points), jewellery pieces (bracelets, beads of clay, marble and malachite), schematic marble and clay figurines used as pendants and large quantities of pottery and clay figurines.
The high quality of the decorated pottery was particularly remarkable. There were different kinds of incised, rippled and painted decoration which represent the most common types of decorated pottery from the
Late Neolithic period in Northern Aegean area and especially in Eastern Macedonia, Aegean Thrace, as well as in the Middle Strymon valley and in the interior of the Balkans. Among the decorated pottery, that with
bitumen paint deserves a special mention as it constitutes evidence of the cultural relations of the settlement Promachon-Topolnica with Central Europe. On the other hand, the color painted pottery p.e. the so called Acropotamos style and the "black on red" pottery, points to the cultural relations with the North Aegean and especially with Eastern Macedonia settlements. Also typical of the habitation phases 1 and 2 was the making of figurines .Although the female form was the
predominant subject, the male figure was not absent. The many male figurines and especially the discovery of a marble phallomorphic sculpture of big scale, exceptional for this period, showed the clear recognition of the male and female reproductive forces.
Part of the remarkable finds were also two house models, both decorated with bucrania in relief seen as original evidence for the Neolithic architecture.
The study of excavation finds including the paleobotanical and paleozoological material revealed a settlement of an agricultural and pastoral nature whose cultural physiognomy was defined by its economic and cultural relations with the Aegean world, the Balkan hinterland and with Central Europe.


Στους καταλόγους του Μουσείου Σερρών είναι εντυπωσιακός ο αριθμός των τυχαίων ευρημάτων με τόπο π... more Στους καταλόγους του Μουσείου Σερρών είναι εντυπωσιακός ο αριθμός των τυχαίων ευρημάτων με τόπο προέλευσης το Μελενικίτσι. Η πλειοψηφία των αρχαίων αυτών περιήλθε στη συλλογή του Μουσείου κυρίως κατά τις τελευταίες δύο δεκαετίες μέσα από παραδόσεις των κατοίκων του χωριού 1 . Οι συχνές επισκέψεις που ακολουθούσαν προσέθεσαν πολύτιμες και σημαντικές πληροφορίες με βάση τις οποίες έγινε κατανοητή η έκταση και σημασία των ήδη γνωστών θέσεων και παράλληλα εντοπίστηκαν πολλοί καινούριοι χώροι διαφορετικών χρονικών περιόδων που στοιχειοθετούν διαχρονική κατοίκηση στην περιοχή από τους προϊστορικούς χρόνους έως σήμερα.

Research paper thumbnail of Promachon-Topolnica: A Greek-Bulgarian Archaeological Project.

Promachon-Topololnica: A Greek-Bulgarian Archaeological Project. - In: H. Todorova, M. Stefanivic and G. Ivanov (eds.). The Struma/Strymon River Valley in Prehistory. In The Steps of James Harvey Gaul, Vol. 2 (Sofia, 2007), 43–78. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.1391.3127, 2007

Promachon-Topolnica a Neolithic settlement in the Balkans, situated on the border between Greece ... more Promachon-Topolnica a Neolithic settlement in the Balkans, situated on the border between Greece and Bulgaria (Balkans). The settlement was studied in two sectors: the sector in years 1980-1991 Topolnica (Bulgaria) is a sector in the years 1992-2003 Promachon (Greece). In this informative article presents the results of the study. The article is richly illustrated with color photographs.

Research paper thumbnail of PROMACHON-TOPOLNICA: A Greek-Bulgarian Archaeological Project. - Report for work in 2002-2003.

original title: ΠΡΟΜΑΧΩΝΑΣ - TOPOLNIČA 2002-2003. - Το Αρχαιολογικό έργο στη Μακεδονία και Θράκηi (ΑΕΜΘ) 17 (Thessaloniki 2005), 91–110., 2005

The article presents interesting results of archaeological research in the greek sector Promachon... more The article presents interesting results of archaeological research in the greek sector Promachon of the Neolithic village Promachon-Topolnica in 2003

Research paper thumbnail of Geophysical investigation and archaeological reality in the neolithic settlement Promachon-Topolnica

Χ. Κουκούλη-Χρυσανθάκη, H. Todorova, I. Ασλάνης, I. Vajsov, Μ. Βάλλα. Γεωφυσική έρευνα και αρχαιολογική πραγματικότηταστον νεολιθικό οικισμό Προμαχών-Topolniča. - In: E. Stefani, N. Merousis, A. Dimoula (eds.). A Century of Researchin Prehistoric Macedonia 1912-2012. Thessaloniki 2014, 251-260 , 2014

The neolithic settlement Promachon-Topolnica extends over both sides of the Greek-Bulgarian borde... more The neolithic settlement Promachon-Topolnica extends over both sides of the Greek-Bulgarian border at the pyramid 63. The boundary line divides the settlement into two areas, a Greek (sector Promachon) and a Bulgarian (sector Topolnica). According to the spreading of ceramics in the area, it seemed to cover an area of ca. 40 hectares. However, recent geophysical investigations in the Bulgarian sector Topolnica caused a reassessment of the extent of the settlement. The site has been investigated in the years 1980-2003, 1980 to 1991 in the sector Topolnica and 1992 until 2003 in the sector Promachon. In the years 1995, 1996, 2002, 2010 and 2011 geophysical investigations took place.
In the earlier occupation phase 1 (5320-5070 BC) the settlement is surrounded by an oval earthen wall with diameters 100 and 60 m respectively and has an expansion of just 0,6 hectare. The buildings inside are semi subterranean. Their material probably served to the construction of the surrounding earth wall.
According to the finds, this phase is divided into an early stage (1a), which is characterised by the presence of ceramics decorated with bitum and generally by elements of the Vinča culture. The second stage (1b) is characterised by the presence of the painted pottery of the Akropotamos style and generally by the growing influence of the South.
During the next occupation phase 2 (5070-4700 BC) the settlement extents to a wider area. In the periphery of the eastern settlement part, the Bulgarian sector Topolnica, traces of a palisade are revealed, which probably replaced the earthwall at that part. At the same phase should belong the earthwall, which was detected west of the Greek excavation area. In this case, the settlement with diameter 260 and 80 m respectively acquired a greater area of approximately 2.1 hectares. Inside the settlement the semi subterranean houses of the previous phase are filled with deposits and transformed into ground floors houses.
On the next stage of this settlement phase (phase 2b) belongs the house 1 of the Bulgarian sector Topolnica. The kind, the co-existence and the arrangement of the findings refer to a sanctuary. In the settlement phase 2 traces of early mining and processing of copper are detected, as suggested by the metallurgical facilities with a melting pot found in situ. In 4700 BC the settlement Promachon-Topolnica was abandoned.
Later, in the settlement phase 3 (4460-4250 BC) the place was inhabited by a small group of people. Typical of this phase is the ceramic painted inside and out with graphite and the incised ceramic of the type Maritza I.

[Research paper thumbnail of The Promachonas/ Topolnica a Settlement: Programe for Greek-Bulgarian Co-operation. - Archaeological Work on Macedonia and Thrace, 10B, 1997 [GR]](

The Promachonas/ Topolnica a Settlement: Programe for Greek-Bulgarian Co-operation. - Archaeological Work on Macedonia and Thrace, 10B, 1997, 1997

Στην περιοχή της πυραμίδας 63 εκατέρωθεν των ελληνοβουλγαρικών συνόρων, σε απόσταση 1,5 χλμ. περί... more Στην περιοχή της πυραμίδας 63 εκατέρωθεν των ελληνοβουλγαρικών συνόρων, σε απόσταση 1,5 χλμ. περίπου από το βουλγαρικό χωριό Topolniča και 6 χλμ. σε ευθεία γραμμή από το ελληνικό χωριό Προμαχών εντοπίσθηκε το 1979 προϊστορικός οικισμός 1 (Σχ. 1). Βρίσκεται στις κατώτατες βορειοανατολικές υπώρειες του όρους Κερκίνη, στα πρώτα υψώματα πάνω από την προσχωσιγενή κοιλάδα του Στρυμόνα που απλώνεται στα ανατολικά του. Αναπτύσσεται πάνω σε δύο άνδηρα, τα οποία ορίζονται στα βόρεια και νότια από τις κοίτες δύο ρεμάτων: το ανατολικό άνδηρο, το οποίο διασχίζεται από την γραμμή των συνόρων, έχει έκταση περίπου 5 στρεμμάτων και το δυτικό είναι πολύ μεγαλύτερο. Σύμφωνα με τη διασπορά των οστράκων κεραμικής, ο οικισμός στα δύο άνδηρα καλύπτει έκταση 60 στρεμμάτων περίπου, από τα οποία τα 2-2,5 βρίσκονται στο βουλγαρικό έδαφος (Σχ. 2).

Research paper thumbnail of The Promachonas/Topolnica a Setlement: Programe for Greek-Bulgarian Co-operation. - Ten years Archaeological Work in Macedonia and Thrace, 1997.

The Promachonas/Topolnica a Setlement: Programe for Greek-Bulgarian Co-operation. - Δέκα χρόνια αρχαιολογικό έργο στη Μακεδονία και Θράκη (Tessaloniki 1997), 123-127 , 1997

Research paper thumbnail of NEOLITHIC SETTLEMENT PROMAHON-TOPOLNICA. Reports and other articles from the archaeological excavations in sector Topolnica (Bulgaria) and sector Promachon (Greеce) for the period 1980-2003. Archaeological Discoveries and Exavations (BG) and Το Αρχαιολογικό έργο στη Μακεδονία και Θράκηi (ΑΕΜΘ) (GR)

Neolithic Settlement Promachon-Topolnica. Reports and other articles from the archaeological excavations in sector Topolnica (Bulgaria) and sector Promachon (Greеce) for the period 1980-2003.

Research paper thumbnail of PROMACHON-TOPOLNICA. Contacts and communication breakdowns in the distant past at the modern Bulgarian-Greek border.

PROMACHON-TOPOLNICA. Contacts and communication breakdowns in the distant past at the modern Bulgarian-Greek border., May 3, 2014

The poster presents the chronology of prehistoric settlement Promachon-Topolnica, which is of gre... more The poster presents the chronology of prehistoric settlement Promachon-Topolnica, which is of great importance for the history of the Neolithic in the Balkans. Promachon-Topolnica is the Bulgarian-Greek border. Survey results are a good example is the scientific cooperation among the Bulgarian and Greek archaeologists. The village is famous for the study of a large dug into the earth temple bull. Here for the first time using graphite as a technology to decorate pottery. This is a tradition from earlier Graphitized black topped technology vessels.

Research paper thumbnail of New Excavations at the Neolithic Macedonia (Part C) Promachon-Topolnica

Νέες ανασκαφικές έρευνες στη Νεολιθική Μακεδονία (Μέρος Γ΄) Προμαχών-Topolnica , 2013

Research paper thumbnail of Ομάδα ελληνιστικών τάφων από το νεκροταφείο του Μικρού Δάσους στο Κιλκίς

Αρχαιολογικόν Δελτίον, 2024

During the construction of the new railway line between Eidomeni and Polykastro in 2007, part of ... more During the construction of the new railway line between Eidomeni and Polykastro in 2007, part of a cemetery of an ancient settlement was discovered and investigated in the area of Mikro Dasos, Kilkis, located
on the eastern bank of the Axios River, approx. 1.5 km northwest of the modern settlement and 5 km from the Greece-North Macedonia border.
The tombs of the cemetery, totaling 110, mainly date from the late 3rd c. BC to the 4th c. AD. Until the 2nd c. AD, only cremation was practiced in the cemetery, and the tombs took the form of shallow pits which
were usually delimited with stone structures. Large semi-circular stone walls delimiting various areas have also been unearthed in the cemetery, serving various functions and dating throughout the cemetery’s lifespan.
Based on the form of the stone burial structures, the layout of burial clusters, and the types of grave goods, the tombs were classified into three groups. This study focuses on the tombs of one particular group,
comprising the 16 earliest tombs discovered in the cemetery, dating from the late 3rd to the early 2nd c. BC.
These tombs consist of thin and roughly made stone enclosures delimiting individual cremation burials. The enclosures may be either closed rectangular or open on one or both sides, usually facing west or northwest. Some of them enclose a type of stone case instead of a pit. Cremation was sometimes conducted on-site and sometimes not. The tombs of this group were found only in one of the areas investigated during the project and were organized into sparse clusters. Many tombs were partially covered by tombs of the 2nd and 1st c. BC, the period of the cemetery’s greatest expansion. Two areas delimited on one side by walls and found close to tombs of this group were likely used as cremation areas.
The tombs of this group are characterized, in terms of their contents, by the presence of a large quantity of handmade pottery, which in most burials coexists with wheel-made pottery, and the absence of vessels in
the form of perfume containers. The clay vessels belong to two categories. The first consists of cooking vessels and the second of tableware and serving vessels. The first category includes handmade cooking pots and wheel-made aryters, and the second includes handmade cups and phialae, and wheel-made bowls, kantharoi, an oinochoe, and a relief mold-made bowl. The handmade vessels represent types known in the wider region that have survived for centuries from the Iron Age, while the wheel-made pottery, as a whole, originates from local provincial
workshops and is of poor quality. Along with the clay vessels, the most common grave goods, metal objects, mainly jewelry and a few weapons, were found.
The type of objects accompanying the burials, the form and organization of the cemetery, and the burial practices that remained constant for many generations reveal a relatively isolated and conservative society
that observes from afar the developments taking place in Macedonia during the same period.