Martin Mejstrik | Charles University, Prague (original) (raw)
Conference Presentations by Martin Mejstrik
After four years of the Prague Populism Conference and thirty years since 1989, the time has come... more After four years of the Prague Populism Conference and thirty years since 1989, the time has come to look at the concept of populism critically and ask vital and defining questions. Is this concept still appropriate for the description of political parties and their behaviour in Europe or elsewhere? Is there a consensus on what we really mean by this term? How did populism develop and mutated over the past decade since the economic crisis? What could we expect from the upcoming elections to the European Parliament? Answers to those questions will help us to re-brand the notion of populism in order to keep pace with the current political development.
In today's world, populism has become a significant part of the political landscape in many Europ... more In today's world, populism has become a significant part of the political landscape in many European countries. The claim to represent the " will of the people " , the rejection of " elites " , the concept of " a glorious past " , nationalist narratives, and a certain understanding of identity and culture have been promulgated by populist parties, leaders and movements across Europe. In order to fully understand the goals and successes of these actors in European politics, it is essential to look at the respective historical context in which they have emerged and to analyse their politics of history and culture. Within the scope of the 4th Prague Populism Conference, the organisers encourage applicants to submit papers on the following issues:
-Populism in historical and cultural perspective
-The use of historical and nationalist narratives in populist communication
-Comparative studies of current populist parties and movements in Europe
-Populism and the politics of identity Submit a conference abstract
Applicants are invited to submit abstracts of up to 300 words and short CVs to by 31 January 2018. Accepted papers will be announced by 16 February 2018. There is no conference fee for participants. More details will follow on the conference website:
The spread of populism represents one of the most acute challengestoEuropean liberal democracies.... more The spread of populism represents one of the most acute challengestoEuropean liberal democracies.To understand the dynamics of populist behaviour and strategies, it is crucial to analyse the relationship between populism and the media, and to discuss the phenomenon of " media populism ". In the context of upcoming elections in various EU member states, it will be especially important to assess the penetration of populist attitudes into the mainstream political space and the resulting shift in the entire political landscape.The conference is open to theoretical aspects of populism, as well as to the presentation of empirical studies on issues such as the media strategies of populist politicians, movements or parties; the way the media covers populism;the interlinkages between the media and political leaders; and the implicationsof media coverage on the political space. Particularly welcome arecomparative analyses of individual EU states, and special attention will also be devoted to comparisons with the situation in the USA.
Papers by Martin Mejstrik
Analysis, Institute for European Policy EUROPEUM, Apr 2015
Itálie zasažená ekonomickými problémy a krizí důvěry svých občanů v politickou reprezentaci našla... more Itálie zasažená ekonomickými problémy a krizí důvěry svých občanů v politickou reprezentaci našla v současném premiéru Matteu Renzim dynamického charismatického lídra, který je ochoten provést tolik potřebné reformy pracovního trhu, veřejných financí a volebního systému, které po Itálii žádá Evropská komise s Evropskou centrální bankou. Renzi krátce po svém nástupu představil rozsáhlé návrhy změn v mnoha oblastech a slíbil je všechny uskutečnit ve stávajícím volebním období. Hned při prosazování první velké reformy, Jobs Act, jenž mění zásadním způsobem podmínky na pracovním trhu, musela Renziho vláda překonat jak odpor části veřejnosti, tak vlastní politické strany. Právě snaha uskutečnit slíbené reformy za každou cenu ve snaze vyhovět tlaku EU a bez ohledu na opozici (i ve vlastních řadách) může snížit Renziho popularitu a pokud se k tomu přidá i zklamání z nesplněných slibů, může se Renzi po Berlusconim stát dalším z řady italských charismatických politiků, kteří selhali ve snaze změnit zemi, již mnozí považují za nereformovatelnou.
Czech Journal of Political Science, 2013
The paper deals with the organizational model of political parties created by Italian political s... more The paper deals with the organizational model of political parties created by Italian political scientist Angelo Panebianco. For presentation of this, outside Italian academic discourse, „unknown“ model is necessary to briefly describe the whole organizational theory and to introduce the review of this model. After that we examine the applicability of the Panebianco´s scheme on the structural transformation of communist political parties in the end of 1980s. This suitability will be measured on the case example of the Italian Communist Party (PCI). The PCI was historically the strongest and most influential communist party outside the Soviet bloc and that is why is convenient to applicate the organizational model on the party organization changes of the PCI during its transformation. We also define five main criterias of these changes and their compatibility with the Panebianco´s model. Thus the main aim of this paper is to prove the suitability of the organization model not only to the structural transformation of the Italian communists but using this case example also to the universal transformation of the communist parties in the western world.
Mezinárodní politika (ISSN 0543-7962), Dec 2012
Nebezpečí antipolitiky? Příklad Hnutí 5 hvězd Jedním z přímých důsledků ekonomické krize v Evropě... more Nebezpečí antipolitiky? Příklad Hnutí 5 hvězd Jedním z přímých důsledků ekonomické krize v Evropě je narůstající podpora extrémistických politických stran a hnutí. Pokud k tomu v některých zemích přičteme i rozčarovaní z morálky tamějších politiků a ztrátu důvěry ve vládnoucí kruhy, dostaneme ideální podmínky pro zrod populististických, silně personalizovaných a antisystémových hnutí, které přes dobré smýšlení jejich voličů mohou negativně ovlivnit současné evropské demokracie.
Mezinárodní politika (ISSN 0543-7962), Jun 2012
Je tomu přesně 20 let, co se v Itálii rozběhla operace Mani Pulite, která odhalila rozsáhlou koru... more Je tomu přesně 20 let, co se v Itálii rozběhla operace Mani Pulite, která odhalila rozsáhlou korupci v nejvyšších patrech politiky a způsobila nevídanou tsunami, která smetla takřka celou politickou elitu. Změna v politickém systému byla natolik velká, že se hovoří o konci 1.
Mezinárodní politika (0543-7962), Mar 2012
Po dlouhotrvající agonii italské první republiky vyústila na začátku 90. let série skandálů známý... more Po dlouhotrvající agonii italské první republiky vyústila na začátku 90. let série skandálů známých jako Tangentopoli v rozpad starého politického systému. Vrcholní představitelé tradičních politických stran se ocitli na lavici obžalovaných a veřejné mínění volalo po vytvoření nové "politiky", odlišné od paralyzovaného systému 80. let, ve kterém neexistovala alternativa, a u moci se drželi stále titíž představitelé (nechvalně známa klika CAF -Bettino Craxi, Giulio Andreotti a Arnaldo Forlani). Před volbami v roce 1994 navíc zanikla většina starých politických subjektů a spolu s výše zmíněnou touhu lidí po změně se tak vytvořil ideální prostor pro nový politický subjekt, který by disponoval dostatečným množstvím prostředků na provedení krátké a intenzivní volební kampaně.
Thesis Chapters by Martin Mejstrik
Institute for International Studies Charles University in Prague together with Heinrich Böll Stif... more Institute for International Studies Charles University in Prague together with Heinrich Böll Stiftung organizes 23 and 24 May 2016 2nd Prague Populism Conference titled "Current Populism in Europe: Impact on the Political Landscape". The conference is dedicated to a comparative analysis of individual EU member states where populism represents an important element of politics.
Within this context and aiming to explore populism from various conceptual, empirical and methodological perspectives, the conference encourages papers in the following topics:
- Conceptualization and approaches towards “new” European populism
- Populist attitudes towards refugees and migrants
- Populism and new social movements in Europe
- Welfare chauvinism and entrepreneurs in politics
- Impact of populism on the political culture and political mainstream
Keynote speakers: Michael Minkenberg (Viadrina University, Frankfurt a. O.)
Paul Taggart (University of Sussex)
Daniele Albertazzi (University of Birmingham)
Applicants are invited to submit abstracts of up to 300 words and short CVs to by 29 February 2016. Accepted papers will be announced until 15 March 2016. There is no conference fee for participants.
More details will follow on the conference website, where you can find a summary of the previous edition of the conference (
Any queries can be directed to the conference email address:
Institute for International Studies Charles University in Prague together with Heinrich Böll Stif... more Institute for International Studies Charles University in Prague together with Heinrich Böll Stiftung organizes 18 and 19 May 2015 an international conference "The Current Populism in Europe: A Threat to Liberal Democracy". The event is dedicated to a comparative analysis of individual European countries where populism represents an important element of politics.
Within this context and aiming to explore populism from various conceptual, empirical and methodological perspectives, the conference encourages papers in the following topics:
- Conceptualization and approaches towards “new” European populism
- Populism and new social movements in Western Europe
- Populism in “new” democracies of Central and Eastern Europe
- Welfare chauvinism and entrepreneurs in politics
- Practical effects of populism on the political and party system
Keynote speakers: Jacques Rupnik (Université Paris 1 – Sorbonne)
Othon Anastasakis (University of Oxford)
Luke March (University of Edinburgh)
Applicants are invited to submit abstracts of up to 300 words and short CVs to by 28 February 2015. Accepted papers will be announced until 15 March 2015. There is no conference fee for participants. More details will follow on the web page of the conference (
Any queries can be directed to the conference email address:
The thesis Analysis of the transformation of the Italian Communist Party considering its organiza... more The thesis Analysis of the transformation of the Italian Communist Party considering its organization change deals with the transformation of the Italian Communist Party (Partito Comunista Italiano, PCI) into the post-communist Democratic Party of the Left (Partito Democratico della Sinistra, PDS) with the emphasis on its organizational change. It will be also analysed the role which the intraparty opinion currents played in this process. It will be evaluated their influence on the very own process of the party organization change. To understand this process during the period of the party transformation will be necessary to focus on the role of Achille Occhetto´s leadership and on the response of the membership base to the transformation process. Subject of this work is defined by the open outbreak of the intraparty crisis during the succession of Achille Occhetto to the post of the secretary general in 1988 and by the parliamentary elections in 1994 in which the party entered fully prepared after the complete conversion and nevertheless was unable to win them. Large space will be dedicated to the theories of party organization and their suitability to the analysis of the transformation of the PCI. Thus the main aim of this thesis is to analyze in detail one of these models (Panebianco´s organizational scheme) and show it as the most appropriate theoretical framework for the valutation of the transformation of the Italian Communist Party. It will be also reasoned why the author of this thesis prefers this model over other theories, especially over the Cartel Party criterias.
Books by Martin Mejstrik
Populism has in recent years become one of the key concepts of politics. Especially the European ... more Populism has in recent years become one of the key concepts of politics. Especially the European Parliament election in May 2014 was a turning point, after which the populism has become a real social phenomenon. To understand the success of populists in these elections, it is necessary to look into previous events, particularly to examine the relationship between the recent economic crisis and populist behaviour during its course. Individual case studies have also shown that long-acting structural factors played in many ways more important role than the actual economic crisis and led to three primary consequences - to decreasing turnout, a sharp increase of electoral volatility, and to increased support for populist groups promising simple solutions, not only in solving economic problems, but also other topics such as immigration, the relationship with the EU or moral 'decline' of European society. The aim of this book was not to bring one and only valid definition of populism and its application, but based on a defined theoretical framework explore comparatively various populisms in chosen case studies (countries), taking in account different historical, political, and socio-economic conditions. Structural factors, of course, vary widely in individual cases, but most often involve a combination of several factors, such as political culture, the role of religion, national identity, economic problems, immigration, electoral system, the level of corruption, and the relationship with the EU and European integration. In this respect, the publication brings a unique perspective on internal political development in selected countries (not only) during the economic crisis and contributes to the understanding of processes and changes in European society that were brought by the crisis.
Dieses Buch bietet einen umfassenden Einblick in die Politik des jugoslawischen Staates gegenüber... more Dieses Buch bietet einen umfassenden Einblick in die Politik des jugoslawischen Staates gegenüber seinen 15 wichtigsten, offiziell anerkannten, ethnischen Minderheiten. Das bunte ethnische Mosaik, welches Jugoslawien im 20. Jahrhundert gekennzeichnet hat, weckte seit jeher das Interesse der Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaft. Mit ihm ging stets die Frage einher, ob und wie ein Staat mit derartigen Voraussetzungen funktionierend und effektiv gestaltet werden könne. Die Autorinnen und Autoren werfen in ihren Fallstudien dabei eine Reihe von Themenfeldern auf, welche die Relevanz der behandelten Minderheitensituation nicht nur für das Verständnis der Geschichte des sozialistischen Jugoslawien, sondern auch von multiethnischen Staaten insgesamt verdeutlichen.
Inhalt: František Šístek: Die nationalen Minderheiten in den internationalen Beziehungen und der Gesetzgebung Jugoslawiens – Lenka Kopřivová: Tschechen und Slowaken – Bohdan Zilynskyj: Ruthenen und Ukrainer – Adam Ander: Magyaren – Jiří Kocian: Deutsche – Filip Šisler: Rumänen und Aromunen – Jan Procházka: Bulgaren – Lucie Kadlecová/Martin Mejstřík: Die Italiener – Kateřina Králová: Griechen – Karin Hofmeisterová: Juden – Karin Hofmeisterová: Roma – Kamil Pikal: Türken – Vladimír Kadlec: Kosovo-Albaner – Daniel Heler: Albaner in Serbien, Mazedonien und Montenegro.
After four years of the Prague Populism Conference and thirty years since 1989, the time has come... more After four years of the Prague Populism Conference and thirty years since 1989, the time has come to look at the concept of populism critically and ask vital and defining questions. Is this concept still appropriate for the description of political parties and their behaviour in Europe or elsewhere? Is there a consensus on what we really mean by this term? How did populism develop and mutated over the past decade since the economic crisis? What could we expect from the upcoming elections to the European Parliament? Answers to those questions will help us to re-brand the notion of populism in order to keep pace with the current political development.
In today's world, populism has become a significant part of the political landscape in many Europ... more In today's world, populism has become a significant part of the political landscape in many European countries. The claim to represent the " will of the people " , the rejection of " elites " , the concept of " a glorious past " , nationalist narratives, and a certain understanding of identity and culture have been promulgated by populist parties, leaders and movements across Europe. In order to fully understand the goals and successes of these actors in European politics, it is essential to look at the respective historical context in which they have emerged and to analyse their politics of history and culture. Within the scope of the 4th Prague Populism Conference, the organisers encourage applicants to submit papers on the following issues:
-Populism in historical and cultural perspective
-The use of historical and nationalist narratives in populist communication
-Comparative studies of current populist parties and movements in Europe
-Populism and the politics of identity Submit a conference abstract
Applicants are invited to submit abstracts of up to 300 words and short CVs to by 31 January 2018. Accepted papers will be announced by 16 February 2018. There is no conference fee for participants. More details will follow on the conference website:
The spread of populism represents one of the most acute challengestoEuropean liberal democracies.... more The spread of populism represents one of the most acute challengestoEuropean liberal democracies.To understand the dynamics of populist behaviour and strategies, it is crucial to analyse the relationship between populism and the media, and to discuss the phenomenon of " media populism ". In the context of upcoming elections in various EU member states, it will be especially important to assess the penetration of populist attitudes into the mainstream political space and the resulting shift in the entire political landscape.The conference is open to theoretical aspects of populism, as well as to the presentation of empirical studies on issues such as the media strategies of populist politicians, movements or parties; the way the media covers populism;the interlinkages between the media and political leaders; and the implicationsof media coverage on the political space. Particularly welcome arecomparative analyses of individual EU states, and special attention will also be devoted to comparisons with the situation in the USA.
Analysis, Institute for European Policy EUROPEUM, Apr 2015
Itálie zasažená ekonomickými problémy a krizí důvěry svých občanů v politickou reprezentaci našla... more Itálie zasažená ekonomickými problémy a krizí důvěry svých občanů v politickou reprezentaci našla v současném premiéru Matteu Renzim dynamického charismatického lídra, který je ochoten provést tolik potřebné reformy pracovního trhu, veřejných financí a volebního systému, které po Itálii žádá Evropská komise s Evropskou centrální bankou. Renzi krátce po svém nástupu představil rozsáhlé návrhy změn v mnoha oblastech a slíbil je všechny uskutečnit ve stávajícím volebním období. Hned při prosazování první velké reformy, Jobs Act, jenž mění zásadním způsobem podmínky na pracovním trhu, musela Renziho vláda překonat jak odpor části veřejnosti, tak vlastní politické strany. Právě snaha uskutečnit slíbené reformy za každou cenu ve snaze vyhovět tlaku EU a bez ohledu na opozici (i ve vlastních řadách) může snížit Renziho popularitu a pokud se k tomu přidá i zklamání z nesplněných slibů, může se Renzi po Berlusconim stát dalším z řady italských charismatických politiků, kteří selhali ve snaze změnit zemi, již mnozí považují za nereformovatelnou.
Czech Journal of Political Science, 2013
The paper deals with the organizational model of political parties created by Italian political s... more The paper deals with the organizational model of political parties created by Italian political scientist Angelo Panebianco. For presentation of this, outside Italian academic discourse, „unknown“ model is necessary to briefly describe the whole organizational theory and to introduce the review of this model. After that we examine the applicability of the Panebianco´s scheme on the structural transformation of communist political parties in the end of 1980s. This suitability will be measured on the case example of the Italian Communist Party (PCI). The PCI was historically the strongest and most influential communist party outside the Soviet bloc and that is why is convenient to applicate the organizational model on the party organization changes of the PCI during its transformation. We also define five main criterias of these changes and their compatibility with the Panebianco´s model. Thus the main aim of this paper is to prove the suitability of the organization model not only to the structural transformation of the Italian communists but using this case example also to the universal transformation of the communist parties in the western world.
Mezinárodní politika (ISSN 0543-7962), Dec 2012
Nebezpečí antipolitiky? Příklad Hnutí 5 hvězd Jedním z přímých důsledků ekonomické krize v Evropě... more Nebezpečí antipolitiky? Příklad Hnutí 5 hvězd Jedním z přímých důsledků ekonomické krize v Evropě je narůstající podpora extrémistických politických stran a hnutí. Pokud k tomu v některých zemích přičteme i rozčarovaní z morálky tamějších politiků a ztrátu důvěry ve vládnoucí kruhy, dostaneme ideální podmínky pro zrod populististických, silně personalizovaných a antisystémových hnutí, které přes dobré smýšlení jejich voličů mohou negativně ovlivnit současné evropské demokracie.
Mezinárodní politika (ISSN 0543-7962), Jun 2012
Je tomu přesně 20 let, co se v Itálii rozběhla operace Mani Pulite, která odhalila rozsáhlou koru... more Je tomu přesně 20 let, co se v Itálii rozběhla operace Mani Pulite, která odhalila rozsáhlou korupci v nejvyšších patrech politiky a způsobila nevídanou tsunami, která smetla takřka celou politickou elitu. Změna v politickém systému byla natolik velká, že se hovoří o konci 1.
Mezinárodní politika (0543-7962), Mar 2012
Po dlouhotrvající agonii italské první republiky vyústila na začátku 90. let série skandálů známý... more Po dlouhotrvající agonii italské první republiky vyústila na začátku 90. let série skandálů známých jako Tangentopoli v rozpad starého politického systému. Vrcholní představitelé tradičních politických stran se ocitli na lavici obžalovaných a veřejné mínění volalo po vytvoření nové "politiky", odlišné od paralyzovaného systému 80. let, ve kterém neexistovala alternativa, a u moci se drželi stále titíž představitelé (nechvalně známa klika CAF -Bettino Craxi, Giulio Andreotti a Arnaldo Forlani). Před volbami v roce 1994 navíc zanikla většina starých politických subjektů a spolu s výše zmíněnou touhu lidí po změně se tak vytvořil ideální prostor pro nový politický subjekt, který by disponoval dostatečným množstvím prostředků na provedení krátké a intenzivní volební kampaně.
Institute for International Studies Charles University in Prague together with Heinrich Böll Stif... more Institute for International Studies Charles University in Prague together with Heinrich Böll Stiftung organizes 23 and 24 May 2016 2nd Prague Populism Conference titled "Current Populism in Europe: Impact on the Political Landscape". The conference is dedicated to a comparative analysis of individual EU member states where populism represents an important element of politics.
Within this context and aiming to explore populism from various conceptual, empirical and methodological perspectives, the conference encourages papers in the following topics:
- Conceptualization and approaches towards “new” European populism
- Populist attitudes towards refugees and migrants
- Populism and new social movements in Europe
- Welfare chauvinism and entrepreneurs in politics
- Impact of populism on the political culture and political mainstream
Keynote speakers: Michael Minkenberg (Viadrina University, Frankfurt a. O.)
Paul Taggart (University of Sussex)
Daniele Albertazzi (University of Birmingham)
Applicants are invited to submit abstracts of up to 300 words and short CVs to by 29 February 2016. Accepted papers will be announced until 15 March 2016. There is no conference fee for participants.
More details will follow on the conference website, where you can find a summary of the previous edition of the conference (
Any queries can be directed to the conference email address:
Institute for International Studies Charles University in Prague together with Heinrich Böll Stif... more Institute for International Studies Charles University in Prague together with Heinrich Böll Stiftung organizes 18 and 19 May 2015 an international conference "The Current Populism in Europe: A Threat to Liberal Democracy". The event is dedicated to a comparative analysis of individual European countries where populism represents an important element of politics.
Within this context and aiming to explore populism from various conceptual, empirical and methodological perspectives, the conference encourages papers in the following topics:
- Conceptualization and approaches towards “new” European populism
- Populism and new social movements in Western Europe
- Populism in “new” democracies of Central and Eastern Europe
- Welfare chauvinism and entrepreneurs in politics
- Practical effects of populism on the political and party system
Keynote speakers: Jacques Rupnik (Université Paris 1 – Sorbonne)
Othon Anastasakis (University of Oxford)
Luke March (University of Edinburgh)
Applicants are invited to submit abstracts of up to 300 words and short CVs to by 28 February 2015. Accepted papers will be announced until 15 March 2015. There is no conference fee for participants. More details will follow on the web page of the conference (
Any queries can be directed to the conference email address:
The thesis Analysis of the transformation of the Italian Communist Party considering its organiza... more The thesis Analysis of the transformation of the Italian Communist Party considering its organization change deals with the transformation of the Italian Communist Party (Partito Comunista Italiano, PCI) into the post-communist Democratic Party of the Left (Partito Democratico della Sinistra, PDS) with the emphasis on its organizational change. It will be also analysed the role which the intraparty opinion currents played in this process. It will be evaluated their influence on the very own process of the party organization change. To understand this process during the period of the party transformation will be necessary to focus on the role of Achille Occhetto´s leadership and on the response of the membership base to the transformation process. Subject of this work is defined by the open outbreak of the intraparty crisis during the succession of Achille Occhetto to the post of the secretary general in 1988 and by the parliamentary elections in 1994 in which the party entered fully prepared after the complete conversion and nevertheless was unable to win them. Large space will be dedicated to the theories of party organization and their suitability to the analysis of the transformation of the PCI. Thus the main aim of this thesis is to analyze in detail one of these models (Panebianco´s organizational scheme) and show it as the most appropriate theoretical framework for the valutation of the transformation of the Italian Communist Party. It will be also reasoned why the author of this thesis prefers this model over other theories, especially over the Cartel Party criterias.
Populism has in recent years become one of the key concepts of politics. Especially the European ... more Populism has in recent years become one of the key concepts of politics. Especially the European Parliament election in May 2014 was a turning point, after which the populism has become a real social phenomenon. To understand the success of populists in these elections, it is necessary to look into previous events, particularly to examine the relationship between the recent economic crisis and populist behaviour during its course. Individual case studies have also shown that long-acting structural factors played in many ways more important role than the actual economic crisis and led to three primary consequences - to decreasing turnout, a sharp increase of electoral volatility, and to increased support for populist groups promising simple solutions, not only in solving economic problems, but also other topics such as immigration, the relationship with the EU or moral 'decline' of European society. The aim of this book was not to bring one and only valid definition of populism and its application, but based on a defined theoretical framework explore comparatively various populisms in chosen case studies (countries), taking in account different historical, political, and socio-economic conditions. Structural factors, of course, vary widely in individual cases, but most often involve a combination of several factors, such as political culture, the role of religion, national identity, economic problems, immigration, electoral system, the level of corruption, and the relationship with the EU and European integration. In this respect, the publication brings a unique perspective on internal political development in selected countries (not only) during the economic crisis and contributes to the understanding of processes and changes in European society that were brought by the crisis.
Dieses Buch bietet einen umfassenden Einblick in die Politik des jugoslawischen Staates gegenüber... more Dieses Buch bietet einen umfassenden Einblick in die Politik des jugoslawischen Staates gegenüber seinen 15 wichtigsten, offiziell anerkannten, ethnischen Minderheiten. Das bunte ethnische Mosaik, welches Jugoslawien im 20. Jahrhundert gekennzeichnet hat, weckte seit jeher das Interesse der Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaft. Mit ihm ging stets die Frage einher, ob und wie ein Staat mit derartigen Voraussetzungen funktionierend und effektiv gestaltet werden könne. Die Autorinnen und Autoren werfen in ihren Fallstudien dabei eine Reihe von Themenfeldern auf, welche die Relevanz der behandelten Minderheitensituation nicht nur für das Verständnis der Geschichte des sozialistischen Jugoslawien, sondern auch von multiethnischen Staaten insgesamt verdeutlichen.
Inhalt: František Šístek: Die nationalen Minderheiten in den internationalen Beziehungen und der Gesetzgebung Jugoslawiens – Lenka Kopřivová: Tschechen und Slowaken – Bohdan Zilynskyj: Ruthenen und Ukrainer – Adam Ander: Magyaren – Jiří Kocian: Deutsche – Filip Šisler: Rumänen und Aromunen – Jan Procházka: Bulgaren – Lucie Kadlecová/Martin Mejstřík: Die Italiener – Kateřina Králová: Griechen – Karin Hofmeisterová: Juden – Karin Hofmeisterová: Roma – Kamil Pikal: Türken – Vladimír Kadlec: Kosovo-Albaner – Daniel Heler: Albaner in Serbien, Mazedonien und Montenegro.