cupco_valley - Profile (original) (raw)
Welcome To the Valley
The Valley is a private school based in southern California, we run year round and were are devouted to helping young confused males and females get on the right track and have the ability to live a normal, straight life as an adult. We have devoted staff willing to work with students 24/7 to conquer there issues. We have a olympic sized pool, a theatre used for yearly productions put on by students, a full sized gym, cafeteria, ponds, tennis courts and students are allowed to venture into the nearby town of Cupco, with permission of course. The town offers minature golf, movie theaters, restaurants, grocery stores, a mall among many other things. No smoking or drinking is allowed on campus, and students are closely suprivised to make sure that they are not giving into the homosexual urges we are trying to prevent.
this in a role playing game, not real, thank you and please join
1. Journals Must be updated once a week. This RP is not based on IMing alone, we are very sincere about possible expulsion due to journals that are not updated. We also ask that if you are doing the bare minimum of required entries that they are not extremely short or just pictures. Thank you.
2. Keep all OOC drama OOC and all IC drama IC. I will not hesistate to kick someone out for taking drama to a higher level. This is about having fun guys, not about being an asshole!
3. MPREGs and regular pregnancies are allowed but they are highly restricted. All mods must 100% approve of the pregnancy, if you are considering asking about a pregnancy the list of mods is below and you must get premission from all of them.
4. We have a list of dead characters, these characters are not dead per se, just characters who were pulled or expelled from the RP. These characters have been deeply involved with a story line and may not be picked up by any one except the original person who played them, unless they were expelled and in that case the character cannot be picked up at all.
5. Our RP allows boys and girls of any sexuality to join, you can also apply as a staff member, I did not have this rule before but I ask that Staff members be at least twenty years of age, for the sake of reality, thank you.
6. Our mode of RPing is storybook, I prefer you use that.
7. Please in the application where it ask for picture, type as you wish as well as adding your picture so I know you read the rules.
Mods and Members
billies a nimrod
Carlos 'D' Dengler. 25 Chemistry Professor. AIM: Carloschemistry
Jesse Lacey. 21. English Teacher. AIM: simply used 666
Students, Male
Male Dorms
Name / Age / AIM
RM# 223.
Zackary Baker/ 17 / Seize the Zacky
Douglas Pynter/ 16 / TheKitchenTiles
RM# 230
Mick Morris/ 17 / Mickoriffic
Wil Francis/ 17 / Onesadnightmare
RM# 238
Mike Herrera/ 17 / Oh la la Mike
Brendon Urie/ 16 / Brendon Owns All
RM# 306
Travis Mccoy/ 17 / TeexMccoy
William Beckett/ 16 / hipsxbeckett
Billie Joe Armstrong/ 18 / Billies a nimrod
Forrest Kline/ 17 / Fourestk
Brandon Boyd/ 18 / xNull and Boydx
Mikey Way/ 16 / Mikey the Zombie
RM# 504
Gerard Way/ 18 / XxStarry0EyedxX
Ryan Ross/ 16 / TiredLittleBoy
RM # 505
Matt Sanders/ 16 / xshadowsxavenge
RM# 506
Quinn Allman/ 17 / Molokobrother
Matt Skiba/ xx / awellstockedbar
RM# 510
Matthew Tucker/ 17 / English Screams
Derek Bloom/ xx / mixtapediariesxx
Students, Female
Female Dorms
Marta Peterson/ 15 / Marta Watches
Kamilla Vanilla/ 17/ crazy kamilla
Benji Madden
Taylor Armstrong
Brian Haner
Joshua Boyd
Davey Havok
IM Nic at Molokobrother for the complete buddy list.
Apply at first entry in Cupco Valley Journal.