Things aren't always as they seem...Current Month1234567 891011121314 15161718192021 22232425262728 293031 |
Aug. 23rd, 2006 @ 12:59 am 5-6: a willing slaveAlso, a lot of extra information is back up on the main site. "Information" and "Stories" have the background world(s) information that was around before the site revamp. If you hadn't already read that stuff, give a thought to looking it over. Also, the character bios section is starting to get refilled. Thus far only Book 2 people are up. (Apparently there are technical issues with getting the rest back, though, so we'll just have to be patient.)_And there was great celebration._Post-itstj_zi:Leave a commentPermanent Link |
Jul. 14th, 2006 @ 12:06 am UpdatesFirst of all, if you haven't noticed already, WA's undergone a facelift. That's right: check out the spiffy new layout. The old content isn't entirely back up yet, but the archives of old pages are up. If you notice any errors/missing pages, Cameron has a thread in the forums where you can report them.Secondly, Angel's starting up Book 2 - Morninglade. So far we've got the cover page to Chapter 1: Deal with a Devil. Apparently the current year is 228 CE. Those of you who had an awareness of the date of Book 1 would know that this places Book 2's events 8-10 years prior to those of Book 1. If you were like me and didn't know that . . . now you do.Post-itstj_zi:1 commentLeave a commentPermanent Link |