Cursive: The Community (original) (raw)

[18 Sep 2007|08:55pm]
I have a Cursive shirt for sale here!Check it out! Thanks!
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trying to find out what song this is... [06 Jun 2006|01:08am]
hi.I'm not a Cursive fan because I'd never really heard anything by them until the other day. I can't remember the exact lyrics to the song but it was basically a metaphor for feeling like he'd been caught in a spider's web after a night of sex with some random chick.there's something about waking up alone, in an empty bed...something like that.I know this is ridiculously vague but I really, really want to know what that song please, thanks.
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[22 May 2006|04:54am]
Almost miscellaneous, but I couldn't help being surprised when I was checking Bowery Ballroom's schedule and Cursive was sold out.I got tickets for my birthday and I'm so excited!Yeah, sorry, that's all I wanted to say.
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[17 May 2006|09:30pm]
So, Ive just gotten into CURSIVE about a month ago,But I was watching the video for "The Recluse" and I was wondering if anyone knew who the guy was that was in know the main guy? He looks sort of familier....i donna.this is probablky pointless but oh well...NEW ALBUM SOON!
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[02 Apr 2006|02:14pm]
cursive rocks!!!anyway, does anyone know they are saying at the very end of Adapt while tim is singing "I am a good boy" the background singer is saying something else... any ideas?
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[08 Nov 2005|10:57pm]
Somewhere along the line I had a video of Cursive covering Kelis's Milkshake. I don't have it anymore for some reason, and while it was really low a/v quality, I'd still love to watch it again.Anybody have it and willing to share? This might be a longshot, since I tried cursive_army a week ago or so and got no response.
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[10 Sep 2005|12:14am]
[ **mood** | excited ] Anyone in the New York area...Does Bowery really check for the age?And I'm stoked for next week. =D(Those who are on the mailing list will know what I'm talking about.)
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[04 Sep 2005|09:29pm]
hai2u fellow Cursive lovers.Does anyone know the dates for all their concerts?I mean, it's probably obvious... but I'm slow.
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[27 Aug 2005|02:43am]
In a fit of channel surfing, I came across the Carson Daily Show. Matt Pond PA was the band he had on. They played a song, it was pretty good, and as fanfare for the ending credits played another one, but for this one the keyboardist played cello, and it was a really good song. Naturally, the whole thing screamed 'Cursive'. Do any of you like them? Are they similar to Cursive musically? This is the first I've ever heard of them, fill me in.
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[25 Aug 2005|05:22pm]
Hey.I'm a big cursive fan. I was wondering if anyone had seen a Cursive layout anywhere on Livejournal. And if anyone had the skills to make one I would be truely amazingly grateful. Thank You.
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[24 Aug 2005|04:14am]
Cursive has announced the departure of cellist Gretta Cohn on the band's Myspace page. The following message was posted yesterday regarding the situation: Cursive regrets to announce the departure of cellist Gretta Cohn. After four years in the band, Gretta has decided to leave Omaha to pursue other interests and projects, including a potential solo album. The split is very amicable: the band wishes her well and she in turn eagerly anticipates the new Cursive material to come. Cursive will not be seeking a replacement. So sad.
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your lovely maintainer here, wut! [05 Aug 2005|11:27am]
i know this has kind of already been posted before, but there's no harm in confirming it from the actual cursive website.06-24-05HIBERNATION ALMOST OVER We are nearing the end of our much needed time off. We plan to continue writing, starting in late August and through the Fall, with the hopes of releasing a new record in 2006.
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Hurray [28 Jun 2005|01:44am]
Taken from have announced plans to begin writing for their next full-length in late August through the Fall later this year. The band hopes to release the record through Saddle Creek in 2006. The album will follow up both their forthcoming collection of 7 inch and unreleased tracks, The Difference Between Houses And Homes (Lost Songs And Loose Ends 1995-2001), and 2003's The Ugly Organ. A link to the website:
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[03 Jun 2005|04:15pm]
CURSIVE 'UGLY ORGAN' BRACELET- hand made (cut/etched/formed)- copper- 6" around (without including gap)- adjustable by bending- highest bidder by Sunday, June 5th, at midnightBid starts at $10 s&h included IF YOU ARE GOING TO BID PLEASE FOLLOW THE LINK & DO NOT COMMENT HERE. THANK YOU =)Detailed Pictures Bid Here!!
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