Maria Victoria Soule | Cyprus University of Technology (original) (raw)

Books by Maria Victoria Soule

Research paper thumbnail of ELE para niños

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Research paper thumbnail of Cho, G., Kim, K., Gómez Michel, G. & Soulé, M. V. (2014)  스페인어회화 I / Spanish Conversation I,  Seoul: Korean Ministry of Education, Science and Technology

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Research paper thumbnail of Kim, K., Kim, H.S., Yang, S., & Soulé, M. V. (Col. 감 수) (2013) Gramática de Español de Nivel Intermedio. Seoul: HUINE

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Research paper thumbnail of Kim, K., Kim, H. S. & Soulé, M. V. (Col. 감 수) (2013) Gramática del Español para Estudiantes Universitarios. Seoul: HUINE

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Research paper thumbnail of Soulé, M. V. (2012) La determinación en francés y en español. Análisis contrastivo aplicado a la enseñanza de ELE: Editorial Académica Española

La determinación en francés y en español. Análisis contrastivo aplicado a la enseñanza de ELE. (2... more La determinación en francés y en español. Análisis contrastivo aplicado a la enseñanza de ELE. (2012)La determinación en francés y en español está dirigida a profesores de español cuya labor se desarrolla en un contexto francófono, como así también a alumnos universitarios interesados en la enseñanza-aprendizaje del español como lengua extranjera. La obra tiene como objetivo proporcionar los fundamentos básicos en el campo de la lingüística contrastiva sobre un tema que no ha recibido aún la atención que se merece, el de la determinación. La similitud formal entre el francés y el español en este punto de la gramática no queda reflejada en el uso que ambas lenguas hacen del paradigma del determinante. Por ello se presentan una serie de consideraciones teóricas acompañadas de varias propuestas didácticas, de modo que sirvan para instruir con mayor precisión a todo aprendiente de ELE francófono.

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Papers by Maria Victoria Soule

Research paper thumbnail of The context of study abroad: affordances and constraints in the development of plurilingual identity

Language and Intercultural Communication, Jul 12, 2023

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Research paper thumbnail of Doctoral Education in Technology-Enhanced Learning: The Perspective of PhD Candidates and Researchers

Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2023

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Research paper thumbnail of Review of Business English 3.0: Hands-on Online and Virtual Collaboration Tasks

The EuroCALL Review, 2021

Book review of:Business English 3.0: Hands-on Online and Virtual Collaboration TasksBy Ana Sevill... more Book review of:Business English 3.0: Hands-on Online and Virtual Collaboration TasksBy Ana Sevilla-Pavón and Anna NicolaouEditorial Comares 2019ISBN: 978-84-9045-795-5172 pages

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Research paper thumbnail of The Role of Context in Shaping Narratives of Plurilingual Identity

Language, Mobility and Study Abroad in the Contemporary European Context, 2021

This chapter examines the role of context, understood here as a site for social practices in part... more This chapter examines the role of context, understood here as a site for social practices in particular settings, before and during study abroad (SA) in the development of students’ plurilingual identities. In particular, we focus on different levels of contextual constraints and opportunities to which students who are non-language majors refer in semi-structured interviews. The study is based on an analysis of narratives of Erasmus students spending their SA sojourn in three different Mediterranean countries (Spain, Cyprus, and Croatia). The recurring themes from the interviews generated five dimensions of context that played a role in shaping narratives of the participants’ plurilingual identity

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Research paper thumbnail of Learning Theories and Teaching Methodologies for the Design of Training in Digital Competence for Language Teachers: A Narrative Review

Learning and Collaboration Technologies: New Challenges and Learning Experiences, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of Modelos temporales aplicados a la enseñanza del pretérito y copretérito: un estudio centrado en el discurso del aula

Estudios de Lingüística Aplicada

Este trabajo examina cómo se trasladan al aula de español como segunda lengua (L2) los diferentes... more Este trabajo examina cómo se trasladan al aula de español como segunda lengua (L2) los diferentes modelos temporales que dan cuenta de las funciones del pretérito y copretérito, cuáles son las principales teorías sobre la adquisición de la temporalidad que subyacen a la didáctica de estos dos tiempos y qué consecuencias tiene este procedimiento para el aprendizaje. Para ilustrar este proceso se presenta un corpus conformado por la observación de clases de los niveles A2, B1 y B1+ del Marco común europeo de referencia para las lenguas. El análisis de los resultados revela la existencia de una superposición de categorías verbales aplicadas a la enseñanza del pretérito y copretérito que no parecen favorecer la asimilación de su funcionamiento ya que aun en los niveles más avanzados los aprendientes continúan manifestando incertidumbre ante los modelos explicativos que se les presenta.

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Research paper thumbnail of The HERO project: language training for migrants’ professional career as caregivers through blended learning

CALL and professionalisation: short papers from EUROCALL 2021, 2021

The HERO project aims to develop a training program for caregivers to be working in the elderly c... more The HERO project aims to develop a training program for caregivers to be working in the elderly care sector. The program is particularly addressed to caregivers from Middle Eastern and African countries as refugees and intends to help them integrate into European society. This paper seeks to offer an overview of the project, including its objectives, underlying principles, and deliverables. The paper particularly portrays the second intellectual output (O2) of the project, namely the ‘On the job’ training in language and terminology curriculum, which has been developed as the end product of O2. Initially, the methodology adopted to create learning material for language learning in a specific-purpose context is analyzed. Based on this, the paper provides a description of the content development by justifying and showcasing the learning material and laying out the logic behind this, through the trainers’ guide. E-learning tools have been integrated in the course material, which also j...

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Research paper thumbnail of Digital Competences in Language Education: Teachers' Perspectives, Employers' Expectations, and Policy Reflections

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Research paper thumbnail of Gender and Environmental Studies

Companion to Women's and Gender Studies, 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of Qué gramática aplicar para la enseñanza de la distinción imperfecto e indefinido

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Research paper thumbnail of Students’ attitudes towards digital artefact creation through collaborative writing: the case of a Spanish for specific purposes class

Studies on collaborative writing practices are not new (Reynolds, Wooley, & Wooley, 1911), neithe... more Studies on collaborative writing practices are not new (Reynolds, Wooley, & Wooley, 1911), neither is the interest in collaborative writing supported by computers (Sharples, 1993). With the advent of Web 2.0, there has been an immense increase in research examining web-based collaborative writing, particularly in L2 contexts (Cho, 2017; Kessler, 2013; Sevilla-Pavón, 2015; Yim & Warschauer, 2017). The present study follows this research path by analysing perceptions of technology-assisted collaborative writing as well as collaborative writing processes in a Spanish for specific purposes class. Eight students from the Cyprus University of Technology (CUT), Department of Communication and Internet Studies, participated in the study. The data were elicited over five collection times, which included two digital artefact creations (an out-of-class and an in-class collaborative writing task), a pre-Questionnaire (preQ) and postQuestionnaire (postQ), and a focus group interview. The analysi...

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Research paper thumbnail of ELE para niños

En las ultimas decadas, la ensenanza del espanol como lengua extranjera (ELE) se ha consolidado c... more En las ultimas decadas, la ensenanza del espanol como lengua extranjera (ELE) se ha consolidado como disciplina que despierta un especial interes, ya sea de investigadores, docentes o alumnos, por las mas variopintas razones. Diversas propuestas se han centrado en proponer metodos de aprendizaje orientados a adultos y adolescentes. Por el contrario, no ha sido tan extensa la produccion de programas de ensenanza en ELE destinados a las primeras edades de escolarizacion. “ELE para ninos. Propuestas ludicas para llevar al aula” ha sido elaborado con el fin de analizar los respectivos papeles y funciones de profesores y alumnos, con edades comprendidas entre los 6 y 12 anos, en el proceso de ensenanza/aprendizaje, como asi tambien aportar tecnicas de trabajo y actividades que puedan satisfacer las necesidades de este grupo concreto. Para ello se propone una metodologia basada en el uso de actividades ludicas para la ensenanza del espanol a ninos, al tiempo que se ofrecen varios ejemplos...

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Research paper thumbnail of Integración de destrezas a través de las TIC: el uso de los e-portafolios

En este trabajo nos proponemos evaluar la influencia de los portafolios electronicos tanto en el ... more En este trabajo nos proponemos evaluar la influencia de los portafolios electronicos tanto en el desarrollo de la L1 como en la adquisicion/aprendizaje de la L2. Partiendo de una concepcion constructivista de la ensenanza en la que el aprendizaje se interpreta como una actividad activa, creativa y colaborativa (Williams y Burden, 1997), nos centraremos en el uso de los denominados portafolios de proceso (Garcia Doval, 2005) y especialmente en la creacion de portafolios a partir de la seleccion y elaboracion de podcasts . Observaremos que la utilizacion de este tipo de archivos no solo puede aplicarse para el diseno de actividades comunicativas orales, sino que tambien permite llevar a cabo la integracion de las cuatro destrezas comunicativas: comprension y expresion oral, y comprension y expresion escrita. De este modo, teniendo en cuenta las diferentes posibilidades didacticas que nos ofrece el podcasting para la conformacion de portafolios electronicos y la integracion de destre...

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Research paper thumbnail of La temporalidad de los verbos estativos de sentimiento en el discurso de ELE

Revista Iberoamericana, 2014

Este trabajo analiza el recorrido que establecen los aprendientes de ELE coreanos a la hora de ut... more Este trabajo analiza el recorrido que establecen los aprendientes de ELE coreanos a la hora de utilizar la morfologia verbal para narrar hechos pasados desde el componente oral de la lengua. Partiendo de los postulados de la hipotesis del aspecto y de la hipotesis del tiempo pasado por defecto, se examina el discurso de 60 estudiantes universitarios distribuidos entre los niveles A2 y B2+ del Marco comun europeo de referencia para las lenguas. Los resultados obtenidos revelan que, si bien en nuestro corpus se registra una mayor tendencia en el uso de los tiempos verbales segun los postulados de la segunda hipotesis analizada, existe un grupo de verbos estativos, concretamente en los verbos de sentimiento, en el que se cumplen las predicciones de la hipotesis del aspecto. Estos datos permiten confirmar que al seleccionar la morfologia verbal para construir un discurso narrativo personal los aprendientes no solo se guian por la informacion proporcionada por la interaccion entre lexeme...

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Research paper thumbnail of Advanced learners of Spanish abroad

Study Abroad Research in Second Language Acquisition and International Education, 2021

This study examines the progress made by a group of ERASMUS students in their use of the Spanish ... more This study examines the progress made by a group of ERASMUS students in their use of the Spanish Preterite and Imperfect during a stay abroad. Advanced learners of Spanish (N = 12) and native speakers (N = 12) completed an impersonal narrative-based forced-choice test (INT) and an explicit knowledge questionnaire (EKQ). Results from the INT partially confirm the findings of previous studies which indicate that the expression of grounding distinguishes learners from native speakers. Our data show that only the foreground clearly distinguishes between the two groups, not the background. Responses to the EKQ reveal that learners use a variety of mechanisms for their selection of past tense morphology: formal instruction, translation into their L1, knowledge of other L2s and conversation with native speakers. This article suggests further research be undertaken to examine the impact of the learning context on students’ use of past tense morphology.

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Research paper thumbnail of ELE para niños

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Research paper thumbnail of Cho, G., Kim, K., Gómez Michel, G. & Soulé, M. V. (2014)  스페인어회화 I / Spanish Conversation I,  Seoul: Korean Ministry of Education, Science and Technology

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Research paper thumbnail of Kim, K., Kim, H.S., Yang, S., & Soulé, M. V. (Col. 감 수) (2013) Gramática de Español de Nivel Intermedio. Seoul: HUINE

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Research paper thumbnail of Kim, K., Kim, H. S. & Soulé, M. V. (Col. 감 수) (2013) Gramática del Español para Estudiantes Universitarios. Seoul: HUINE

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Research paper thumbnail of Soulé, M. V. (2012) La determinación en francés y en español. Análisis contrastivo aplicado a la enseñanza de ELE: Editorial Académica Española

La determinación en francés y en español. Análisis contrastivo aplicado a la enseñanza de ELE. (2... more La determinación en francés y en español. Análisis contrastivo aplicado a la enseñanza de ELE. (2012)La determinación en francés y en español está dirigida a profesores de español cuya labor se desarrolla en un contexto francófono, como así también a alumnos universitarios interesados en la enseñanza-aprendizaje del español como lengua extranjera. La obra tiene como objetivo proporcionar los fundamentos básicos en el campo de la lingüística contrastiva sobre un tema que no ha recibido aún la atención que se merece, el de la determinación. La similitud formal entre el francés y el español en este punto de la gramática no queda reflejada en el uso que ambas lenguas hacen del paradigma del determinante. Por ello se presentan una serie de consideraciones teóricas acompañadas de varias propuestas didácticas, de modo que sirvan para instruir con mayor precisión a todo aprendiente de ELE francófono.

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Research paper thumbnail of The context of study abroad: affordances and constraints in the development of plurilingual identity

Language and Intercultural Communication, Jul 12, 2023

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Research paper thumbnail of Doctoral Education in Technology-Enhanced Learning: The Perspective of PhD Candidates and Researchers

Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2023

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Research paper thumbnail of Review of Business English 3.0: Hands-on Online and Virtual Collaboration Tasks

The EuroCALL Review, 2021

Book review of:Business English 3.0: Hands-on Online and Virtual Collaboration TasksBy Ana Sevill... more Book review of:Business English 3.0: Hands-on Online and Virtual Collaboration TasksBy Ana Sevilla-Pavón and Anna NicolaouEditorial Comares 2019ISBN: 978-84-9045-795-5172 pages

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Research paper thumbnail of The Role of Context in Shaping Narratives of Plurilingual Identity

Language, Mobility and Study Abroad in the Contemporary European Context, 2021

This chapter examines the role of context, understood here as a site for social practices in part... more This chapter examines the role of context, understood here as a site for social practices in particular settings, before and during study abroad (SA) in the development of students’ plurilingual identities. In particular, we focus on different levels of contextual constraints and opportunities to which students who are non-language majors refer in semi-structured interviews. The study is based on an analysis of narratives of Erasmus students spending their SA sojourn in three different Mediterranean countries (Spain, Cyprus, and Croatia). The recurring themes from the interviews generated five dimensions of context that played a role in shaping narratives of the participants’ plurilingual identity

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Research paper thumbnail of Learning Theories and Teaching Methodologies for the Design of Training in Digital Competence for Language Teachers: A Narrative Review

Learning and Collaboration Technologies: New Challenges and Learning Experiences, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of Modelos temporales aplicados a la enseñanza del pretérito y copretérito: un estudio centrado en el discurso del aula

Estudios de Lingüística Aplicada

Este trabajo examina cómo se trasladan al aula de español como segunda lengua (L2) los diferentes... more Este trabajo examina cómo se trasladan al aula de español como segunda lengua (L2) los diferentes modelos temporales que dan cuenta de las funciones del pretérito y copretérito, cuáles son las principales teorías sobre la adquisición de la temporalidad que subyacen a la didáctica de estos dos tiempos y qué consecuencias tiene este procedimiento para el aprendizaje. Para ilustrar este proceso se presenta un corpus conformado por la observación de clases de los niveles A2, B1 y B1+ del Marco común europeo de referencia para las lenguas. El análisis de los resultados revela la existencia de una superposición de categorías verbales aplicadas a la enseñanza del pretérito y copretérito que no parecen favorecer la asimilación de su funcionamiento ya que aun en los niveles más avanzados los aprendientes continúan manifestando incertidumbre ante los modelos explicativos que se les presenta.

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Research paper thumbnail of The HERO project: language training for migrants’ professional career as caregivers through blended learning

CALL and professionalisation: short papers from EUROCALL 2021, 2021

The HERO project aims to develop a training program for caregivers to be working in the elderly c... more The HERO project aims to develop a training program for caregivers to be working in the elderly care sector. The program is particularly addressed to caregivers from Middle Eastern and African countries as refugees and intends to help them integrate into European society. This paper seeks to offer an overview of the project, including its objectives, underlying principles, and deliverables. The paper particularly portrays the second intellectual output (O2) of the project, namely the ‘On the job’ training in language and terminology curriculum, which has been developed as the end product of O2. Initially, the methodology adopted to create learning material for language learning in a specific-purpose context is analyzed. Based on this, the paper provides a description of the content development by justifying and showcasing the learning material and laying out the logic behind this, through the trainers’ guide. E-learning tools have been integrated in the course material, which also j...

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Research paper thumbnail of Digital Competences in Language Education: Teachers' Perspectives, Employers' Expectations, and Policy Reflections

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Research paper thumbnail of Gender and Environmental Studies

Companion to Women's and Gender Studies, 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of Qué gramática aplicar para la enseñanza de la distinción imperfecto e indefinido

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Research paper thumbnail of Students’ attitudes towards digital artefact creation through collaborative writing: the case of a Spanish for specific purposes class

Studies on collaborative writing practices are not new (Reynolds, Wooley, & Wooley, 1911), neithe... more Studies on collaborative writing practices are not new (Reynolds, Wooley, & Wooley, 1911), neither is the interest in collaborative writing supported by computers (Sharples, 1993). With the advent of Web 2.0, there has been an immense increase in research examining web-based collaborative writing, particularly in L2 contexts (Cho, 2017; Kessler, 2013; Sevilla-Pavón, 2015; Yim & Warschauer, 2017). The present study follows this research path by analysing perceptions of technology-assisted collaborative writing as well as collaborative writing processes in a Spanish for specific purposes class. Eight students from the Cyprus University of Technology (CUT), Department of Communication and Internet Studies, participated in the study. The data were elicited over five collection times, which included two digital artefact creations (an out-of-class and an in-class collaborative writing task), a pre-Questionnaire (preQ) and postQuestionnaire (postQ), and a focus group interview. The analysi...

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Research paper thumbnail of ELE para niños

En las ultimas decadas, la ensenanza del espanol como lengua extranjera (ELE) se ha consolidado c... more En las ultimas decadas, la ensenanza del espanol como lengua extranjera (ELE) se ha consolidado como disciplina que despierta un especial interes, ya sea de investigadores, docentes o alumnos, por las mas variopintas razones. Diversas propuestas se han centrado en proponer metodos de aprendizaje orientados a adultos y adolescentes. Por el contrario, no ha sido tan extensa la produccion de programas de ensenanza en ELE destinados a las primeras edades de escolarizacion. “ELE para ninos. Propuestas ludicas para llevar al aula” ha sido elaborado con el fin de analizar los respectivos papeles y funciones de profesores y alumnos, con edades comprendidas entre los 6 y 12 anos, en el proceso de ensenanza/aprendizaje, como asi tambien aportar tecnicas de trabajo y actividades que puedan satisfacer las necesidades de este grupo concreto. Para ello se propone una metodologia basada en el uso de actividades ludicas para la ensenanza del espanol a ninos, al tiempo que se ofrecen varios ejemplos...

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Research paper thumbnail of Integración de destrezas a través de las TIC: el uso de los e-portafolios

En este trabajo nos proponemos evaluar la influencia de los portafolios electronicos tanto en el ... more En este trabajo nos proponemos evaluar la influencia de los portafolios electronicos tanto en el desarrollo de la L1 como en la adquisicion/aprendizaje de la L2. Partiendo de una concepcion constructivista de la ensenanza en la que el aprendizaje se interpreta como una actividad activa, creativa y colaborativa (Williams y Burden, 1997), nos centraremos en el uso de los denominados portafolios de proceso (Garcia Doval, 2005) y especialmente en la creacion de portafolios a partir de la seleccion y elaboracion de podcasts . Observaremos que la utilizacion de este tipo de archivos no solo puede aplicarse para el diseno de actividades comunicativas orales, sino que tambien permite llevar a cabo la integracion de las cuatro destrezas comunicativas: comprension y expresion oral, y comprension y expresion escrita. De este modo, teniendo en cuenta las diferentes posibilidades didacticas que nos ofrece el podcasting para la conformacion de portafolios electronicos y la integracion de destre...

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Research paper thumbnail of La temporalidad de los verbos estativos de sentimiento en el discurso de ELE

Revista Iberoamericana, 2014

Este trabajo analiza el recorrido que establecen los aprendientes de ELE coreanos a la hora de ut... more Este trabajo analiza el recorrido que establecen los aprendientes de ELE coreanos a la hora de utilizar la morfologia verbal para narrar hechos pasados desde el componente oral de la lengua. Partiendo de los postulados de la hipotesis del aspecto y de la hipotesis del tiempo pasado por defecto, se examina el discurso de 60 estudiantes universitarios distribuidos entre los niveles A2 y B2+ del Marco comun europeo de referencia para las lenguas. Los resultados obtenidos revelan que, si bien en nuestro corpus se registra una mayor tendencia en el uso de los tiempos verbales segun los postulados de la segunda hipotesis analizada, existe un grupo de verbos estativos, concretamente en los verbos de sentimiento, en el que se cumplen las predicciones de la hipotesis del aspecto. Estos datos permiten confirmar que al seleccionar la morfologia verbal para construir un discurso narrativo personal los aprendientes no solo se guian por la informacion proporcionada por la interaccion entre lexeme...

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Research paper thumbnail of Advanced learners of Spanish abroad

Study Abroad Research in Second Language Acquisition and International Education, 2021

This study examines the progress made by a group of ERASMUS students in their use of the Spanish ... more This study examines the progress made by a group of ERASMUS students in their use of the Spanish Preterite and Imperfect during a stay abroad. Advanced learners of Spanish (N = 12) and native speakers (N = 12) completed an impersonal narrative-based forced-choice test (INT) and an explicit knowledge questionnaire (EKQ). Results from the INT partially confirm the findings of previous studies which indicate that the expression of grounding distinguishes learners from native speakers. Our data show that only the foreground clearly distinguishes between the two groups, not the background. Responses to the EKQ reveal that learners use a variety of mechanisms for their selection of past tense morphology: formal instruction, translation into their L1, knowledge of other L2s and conversation with native speakers. This article suggests further research be undertaken to examine the impact of the learning context on students’ use of past tense morphology.

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Research paper thumbnail of Exploring the influence of teachers’ education and professional development in Cypriot higher education CALL practices

Professional development in CALL: a selection of papers, Mar 15, 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of Problemas en el reconocimiento de las funciones significativas de las formas canté y cantaba en el discurso inactual de aprendientes de ELE coreanos

Epos : Revista de filología, 2015

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Research paper thumbnail of La expresión de la temporalidad verbal en narraciones de aprendientes de ELE surcoreanos

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Research paper thumbnail of Aportaciones de la Lingüística Hermenéutica al Análisis del Discurso

The Korean Journal of Hispanic Studies, 2012

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Research paper thumbnail of ¿Algunas consideraciones sobre el desarrollo de la

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Research paper thumbnail of Integración de destrezas a través de las TIC: el uso de los e-portafolios

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Research paper thumbnail of La teoría de la Procesabilidad y la Hipótesis de la Enseñabilidad: implicaciones para el aula de ELE

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Research paper thumbnail of La enseñanza de la distinción Indefinido/ Imperfecto de Indicativo desde una perspectiva discursiva

La distinción Imperfecto/ Indefinido es introducida en varios manuales y gramáticas didácticas de... more La distinción Imperfecto/ Indefinido es introducida en varios manuales y gramáticas didácticas de E/LE a partir de la categoría de aspecto gramatical. Sin embargo, ésta parece presentar importantes problemas a la hora de ofrecer una diferenciación clara de los dos tiempos de pasado, especialmente para los primeros niveles de aprendizaje donde comienzan a adquirirse los valores primarios de los dos pretéritos. En un intento por modificar esta aproximación a la oposición Imperfecto/ Indefinido, proponemos enfocar la didáctica de estos tiempos a través de una mayor contextualización de los mismos centrándonos en una perspectiva discursiva.

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Research paper thumbnail of El uso del portafolio oral en las clases de conversación de ELE

"La utilización del portafolio en las clases de lenguas extranjeras se viene implementando desde ... more "La utilización del portafolio en las clases de lenguas extranjeras se viene implementando desde hace varios años. Bien es conocido el uso provechoso que de esta herramienta se puede hacer para fomentar en el aula tanto el aprendizaje reflexivo como autónomo por parte del aprendiente. Sin embargo, su aplicación parece quedar reducida a actividades orientadas a la reflexión sobre la lectura y escritura, dejando de lado un componente fundamental de la competencia comunicativa, el de la oralidad. Si bien esta situación se ha revertido en los últimos años, aún no ha alcanzado la difusión que se merece.
En este contexto se inscribe nuestra propuesta: analizaremos las posibilidades que ofrecen las nuevas tecnologías para la creación de un portafolio oral, especialmente revisaremos la implementación del podcasting a nivel institucional, centrándonos en el uso creativo que los aprendientes pueden hacer del mismo, esto es, aprendizaje a través de la creación de podcasts y no de los podcasts. A modo de ilustración, presentaremos un trabajo realizado con un grupo de estudiantes de la Universidad de Hankuk de Estudios Extranjeros. Intentaremos demostrar que la utilización de esta herramienta no solo fomenta la autonomía y la reflexión en el aprendizaje sino que también las actividades realizadas para la creación de un portafolio oral desarrollan un aprendizaje activo, consolidando la cooperación entre los estudiantes a través de actividades individuales, en parejas o grupales.
Por otra parte, al tratarse de la creación de un portafolio para las clases de conversación, el uso del podcasting se revela como una herramienta idónea para que nuestros aprendientes entren en contacto con la lengua meta a través de materiales auténticos. De este modo, los estudiantes se convierten en analistas tanto de sus propias producciones como de los aspectos socioculturales que pueden observar en los podcasts seleccionados."

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Research paper thumbnail of Algunas consideraciones sobre el desarrollo de la competencia conversacional en aprendientes de E/LE surcoreanos

Nuestra propuesta se inscribe en el marco del análisis de las competencias comunicativas, concret... more Nuestra propuesta se inscribe en el marco del análisis de las competencias comunicativas, concretamente en el de la competencia conversacional, entendida como lo que tiene que saber y saber hacer un hablante no nativo para participar activa y adecuadamente en una conversación. El aprendizaje de esta competencia no puede sino estar ligado a la enseñanza de la misma. Ahora bien, ¿de qué manera el desarrollo de la competencia conversacional puede ser apoyado y fomentado en el aula? o lo que es más importante, ¿podemos realmente enseñar conversación en clase? Los estudios dedicados al análisis de esta competencia han puesto de relieve la ineficacia de algunos presupuestos del método comunicativo, especialmente del enfoque indirecto y propugnan la utilidad del enfoque directo. Con el fin de evaluar la aplicación de estas afirmaciones en un contexto de enseñanza asiático, caracterizado en numerosas ocasiones por estudiantes pasivos que rara vez toman la palabra, presentaremos los datos obtenidos en un estudio llevado a cabo con dos grupos de estudiantes surcoreanos de la Universidad de Hankuk de Estudios Extranjeros: el grupo de control, bajo las directrices del enfoque indirecto y el grupo experimental, expuesto al enfoque directo. Creemos que los resultados aportarán información relevante a la hora de planificar las clases de conversación entre cuyos objetivos deberían incluirse el desarrollo de la competencia conversacional.

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Research paper thumbnail of La utilización de la publicidad en el aula de ELE como recurso para introducir aspectos culturales: la literatura

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Research paper thumbnail of Análisis contrastivo sobre la determinación en francés y en español

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Research paper thumbnail of Digital Pedagogies for Higher Education: The Design of an Online Training Programme for Academic Staff

Learning and Collaboration Technologies. HCII 2024. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 14722. Springer, 2024

This paper explores the design of an online training programme within the Transformative Digital ... more This paper explores the design of an online training programme within the Transformative Digital Pedagogies for Higher Education (TDP4HE) Erasmus+ KA2 project, aiming to empower academic staff with competences for transformative digital pedagogies. The programme addresses three core priorities: fortifying academic readiness for digital education, fostering innovation in learning and teaching, and recognising excellence in education. Grounded in the UN’s 2030 Sustainable Development Goals and responding to challenges highlighted by the COVID-19 pandemic, the TDP4HE project integrates transformative pedagogies, primarily learner-centric approaches, with digital technologies. The online training programme, developed with a needs analysis from the European University of Technology (EUt+), includes a self-assessment framework, learner-centred curriculum design, and a delivery mode involving webinars for wider academic consumption. The TDP4HE project envisions a digitally adept, student- centred, resilient, and innovative higher education landscape, aligned with global aspirations for quality education.

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Research paper thumbnail of The HERO project: language training for migrants’ professional career as caregivers through blended learning

CALL and professionalisation: short papers from EUROCALL 2021, 2021

The HERO project aims to develop a training program for caregivers to be working in the elderly c... more The HERO project aims to develop a training program for caregivers to be working in the elderly care sector. The program is particularly addressed to caregivers from Middle Eastern and African countries as refugees and intends to help them integrate into European society. This paper seeks to offer an overview of the project, including its objectives, underlying principles, and deliverables. The paper particularly portrays the second intellectual output (O2) of the project, namely the ‘On the job’ training in language and terminology curriculum, which has been developed as the end product of O2. Initially, the methodology adopted to create learning material for language learning in a specific-purpose context is analyzed. Based on this, the paper provides a description of the content development by justifying and showcasing the learning material and laying out the logic behind this, through the trainers’ guide. E-learning tools have been integrated in the course material, which also justifies the methodology applied for the purpose of this project.

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Research paper thumbnail of Digital Competences for Language Teachers: Do Employers Seek the Skills Needed from Language Teachers Today?

Learning and Collaboration Technologies. Designing, Developing and Deploying Learning Experiences. HCII 2020. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12205. Springer, 2020

Language proficiency is essential for 21st Century skills, and for the ability to obtain and util... more Language proficiency is essential for 21st Century skills, and for the ability to obtain and utilize new competencies in the future. Digitalization is greatly affecting the language learning settings, and more digital skills are needed amongst teachers. Thus, it is interesting to see what kind of demands the new working life puts on the future language teachers in all areas of the sector. To better understand the role of national policies on digital competence and their impact on language teacher’s recruitment, this study investigates existing strategies for digital competence for language teachers in 11 countries, and their representation in job announcements. The study uses qualitative content analysis as well as quantitative analysis represented by descriptive statistics. The former includes document analysis of strategies on different levels and gives an overview of existing trends and new tendencies considering digital skills for language teachers. The latter comprises a search and classification of 854 job announcements throughout Europe according to three levels of digital competences to see which skills are being asked for when hiring language teachers. The results indicate that there are discrepancies between strategies being implemented at overarching levels and the institutional practices. We also demonstrate discrepancies between the needs described for the 21st Century and the defined skills in the job announcements. Among other results, the study highlights the need for more targeted job announcements to attract teachers with the desired digital skills.

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INTED2020 Proceedings: 14th International Technology, Education and Development Conference, 2020

Language proficiency is an essential 21st century skill, and also important to attain several of ... more Language proficiency is an essential 21st century skill, and also important to attain several of the c’s included in these new ways of learning, such as creativity, communication and critical thinking. It is therefore necessary that language teachers obtain and develop these 21st century skills themselves, in order to transfer the knowledge and aid students in their work. A 21st century skill which might be as important as languages itself, and also vital in the development of the other skills, is digital literacy. Thus, language teachers needs high competence when it comes to digital literacy. There are many studies and policy documents being delivered on the need for digitalisation, new innovations in Educational Technology and the need for training amongst teachers of all subjects. The international and national policy makers stakeholders are aware of the new need.

The project Digital Competences for Language Teachers is focusing on the training needed for language teachers in order to utilize the full potential of Educational Technology. The project focuses on identifying the level of digital literacy and the related needs of language teachers all over Europe in order to develop course materials, workshops and an open online platform for sharing resources and practices.

In this article, we present the results of a study on the skills demanded from language teachers from the labour market. In this study, we collected over 854 job announcements from several European countries in order to answer the research question if employers are looking for digital skills. In order to further explore the field, we did a narrow document analysis on international, national and institutional strategies for digitalisation within Education. We were looking for a correlation between the strategic demands for digital competence of language teachers and the actual requirements listed in the job announcements at institutional level.

In this article, we will briefly present the project and the findings from the study with descriptive statistics. As an example, we will further analyze qualitatively the Norwegian strategies and job announcements in order to better understand why there is a clear discrepancy between proposed strategies and the labour market demands. We will further elaborate this through recent research on digital skills and habits in the Norwegian Higher Education. On this background, we will discuss to what extent the strategies are an instrument for the language teachers at the single institution.

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Research paper thumbnail of Actas de las VII Jornadas de Formación para Profesores de Español en Chipre

En el presente volumen se incluyen los artículos relacionados con los talleres y experiencias prá... more En el presente volumen se incluyen los artículos relacionados con los talleres y experiencias prácticas que se impartieron durante las VII Jornadas de Formación para Profesores de Español en Chipre, que tuvieron lugar los días 5 y 6 de junio de 2015 en el campus central de la Universidad de Chipre. Las Jornadas fueron organizadas por el Área de Español del Centro de Lenguas de la Universidad de Chipre, con la colaboración de la Asociación de Profesores de Español en Chipre (APECHI), la Embajada de España en Chipre, la Embajada de la República de Cuba en Chipre, el Instituto Cervantes de Atenas y el Aula Cervantes de Nicosia. Contaron además con la participación de la editorial Edelsa.

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Research paper thumbnail of The role of context in shaping plurilingual identity: The case of non-language majors studying abroad

Language and mobility: Study abroad in the contemporary European context, 2021

This chapter examines the role of context, understood here as a site for social practices in part... more This chapter examines the role of context, understood here as a site for social practices in particular settings, before and during study abroad (SA) in the development of students’ plurilingual identities. In particular, we focus on different levels of contextual constraints and opportunities to which students who are non-language majors refer in semi-structured interviews. The study is based on an analysis of narratives of Erasmus students spending their SA sojourn in three different Mediterranean countries (Spain, Cyprus and Croatia). The recurring themes from the interviews generated five dimensions of context that played a role in shaping narratives of the participants' plurilingual identity.

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Research paper thumbnail of Students’ attitudes towards digital artefact creation through collaborative writing: the case of a Spanish for specific purposes class

Tertiary education language learning: a collection of research, 2021

Studies on collaborative writing practices are not new (Reynolds, Wooley, & Wooley, 1911), neithe... more Studies on collaborative writing practices are not new (Reynolds, Wooley, & Wooley, 1911), neither is the interest in collaborative writing supported by computers (Sharples, 1993). With the advent of Web 2.0, there has been an immense increase in research examining web-based collaborative writing, particularly in L2 contexts (Cho, 2017; Kessler, 2013; Sevilla-Pavón, 2015; Yim & Warschauer, 2017). The present study follows this research path by analysing perceptions of technology-assisted collaborative writing as well as collaborative writing processes in a Spanish for specific purposes class. Eight students from the Cyprus University of Technology (CUT), Department of Communication and Internet Studies, participated in the study. The data were elicited over five collection times, which included two digital artefact creations (an out-of-class and an in-class collaborative writing task), a pre-Questionnaire (preQ) and post-Questionnaire (postQ), and a focus group interview. The analysis of the data revealed that the students’ perceptions are mediated by task type, which in turn also affects collaborative writing patterns being the out-of-class activity the one that presents a wider variety of writing styles as well as a more balanced participation among students.

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Research paper thumbnail of Escritura digital: creación de textos multimodales desde un marco construccionista

Orientaciones didácticas para profesores de ELE, UNAM, 2020

Este trabajo explora las posibilidades que ofrecen las tecnologías de la información y comunicaci... more Este trabajo explora las posibilidades que ofrecen las tecnologías de la información y comunicación (TIC) para el desarrollo de la escritura digital mediante la creación de textos multimodales. Para ello se discute la validez de la incorporación de las TIC a la enseñanza del español como lengua extranjera (ELE) y se propone al construccionismo social como modelo teórico que permite llevar a cabo prácticas significativas basadas en el uso de tecnologías sociales. A modo de ilustración se presentan cinco propuestas didácticas que incorporan la enseñanza de la escritura entendida como proceso a través del uso de géneros y recursos digitales.

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Research paper thumbnail of Similar but not the same: Differences between the Spanish Preterit/Imperfect and Greek Aoristos/Paratatikos oppositions and their consequences for teaching and learning

Langues moins Diffusees et moins Enseignees (MoDiMEs)/Less Widely Used and Less Taught languages : Langues enseignees, langues des apprenants/Language learners' L1s and languages taught as L2s, 2020

One of the most difficult concepts to master for second language learners of Spanish is the tempo... more One of the most difficult concepts to master for second language learners of Spanish is the temporal difference between the preterit and imperfect forms of the past tense. In the case of Greek and Greek-Cypriot learners of Spanish, little attention has been given to the contrast between the Spanish Preterit/Imperfect and the Greek Aoristos/Paratatikos. This study aims to fill this gap by examining not only formal similarities between the Spanish and Greek tense-aspect systems but also differences, particularly from a semantic perspective. A corpus of 87 written narratives of Greek-Cypriot learners of Spanish illustrates the problems that might arise when the teaching and learning process is based on a description of the structure of Spanish that ignores the specificities of the Greek linguistic system.

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Research paper thumbnail of Exploring the influence of teachers' education and professional development in Cypriot higher education CALL practices

Professional development in CALL: a selection of papers, 2019

T he present study examines Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) practices in the Cypriot H... more T he present study examines Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) practices in the Cypriot Higher Education (HE) system and their relation to teachers' education in CALL and professional development. It involves 28 second language instructors from public and private universities in the Republic of Cyprus. A survey was designed to assess CALL training, CALL training for technology integration, and CALL practices. The analysis of the data reveals a considerable variety in instructors' training, which ranged from in-service training, seminars, conferences, and lectures on CALL or CALL training as part of Master of Arts (MA) or Philosophical Doctorate (PhD) programmes. Despite this variety, the perception of instructors towards the training received for technology integration was generally positive, particularly in terms of its usefulness for the evaluation, selection, and use of computer-based instructional material. However, we found significant differences in their perception towards effectiveness of training, leading to the creation of computer-based instructional materials. Similarly, differences were found in the frequency of usage of mobile devices, website creators, wikis, and photographic programmes.

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Research paper thumbnail of EPOS Guide on Internationalisation at Home in the Post-Pandemic World. An Introduction for Teaching Staff in Higher Education Author

This Guide provides practical instructions and advice on how to design and implement Internationa... more This Guide provides practical instructions and advice on how to design and implement Internationalization at Home (IaH) initiatives for higher education. The recommendations provided in the guide stem from research, specifically from a systematic review that concentrated on examining practices, benefits, and challenges related to IaH.

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