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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded inCute Conservatives' LiveJournal:

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Tuesday, July 19th, 2011
_9:11 am_[dfwilson] Follow me.... http://twitter.com/#!/FerrariWilson (1 Comment |Comment on this)
Monday, April 27th, 2009
_2:07 pm_[ex_annemarie10] Constipation If you are bothered by occasional or frequent constipation, look in the mirror and repeat the following phrase three times in succession when symptoms occur: "My financial and personal well being are totally in the hands of Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Tim Geithner, Rahm Emmanual, Barney Frank, Chris Dodd, and Al Gore" If that doesn't scare the crap out of you, then you are probably destined to be backed up for the rest of your life. There is no need to thank me for this advice; I'm just doing a public service. (2 Comments |Comment on this)
Wednesday, October 22nd, 2008
_9:04 am_[dfwilson] Friends In the words of John McCain... Listen friends, everyone needs to start posting to this community, I feel you have let the community down.. I know I have let it down by not posting. Also does anyone want to be a moderator as with Law School and a full time job I truly have no time. Lemme know. (1 Comment |Comment on this)
Tuesday, June 17th, 2008
_8:33 am_[athena_lew] I'm from California, and most Californians do not want gay marriage. "Starting Monday at 5:01 pm, several California counties began issuing same-sex “marriage” certificates. This follows the order of the four Supreme Court judges striking down Proposition 22, which the voters overwhelming approved just a few years ago to reaffirm marriage as only between a man and a woman. Yet, this debate is not over. Thankfully, the Protection of Marriage Amendment will appear on this November’s ballot. The campaign of the next few months will be our opportunity to remind Californians why the unique role of traditional marriage in society is worth protecting. The major media would love to see us engage in fierce protests and hostile demonstrations of outrage against the licensing of same-sex “marriages”. Of course they will take any opportunity they can find to portray us as unreasonable. We must not fall into this trap. So let us keep in mind: Our battle is not against the same-sex couples who are pursuing the opportunity to “marry” granted them by the activist judges on the California Supreme Court. Our battle is against the flawed reasoning of the court’s decision; our purpose is to reaffirm the traditional definition of marriage. Marriage is at the core of family security and is an essential element in our society. The Supreme Court has effectively rendered marriage meaningless at a time when we should be taking steps to strengthen families. Fortunately, the Protection of Marriage Amendment will give voters the final say in this debate. We are confident that voters will reaffirm the traditional definition of marriage, just as they overwhelmingly did in 2000, and overturn the court’s flawed decision. To succeed, however, we must raise the funds needed to launch an organized grassroots campaign and purchase statewide TV and radio advertisements urging a “yes” vote on the Marriage Amendment. Please mail a check or donate online today to support our campaign for marriage. Thank you, Ron Prentice, Chairman"We have a strong possibility to put an end to gay marriage and judicial tyranny. But we need your support! Our campaign can take out-of-state donations. This is important because the California State Supreme Court decision is currently recognizing same-sex marriages for out-of-state couples. Please visit this website to see how you can make a difference and pass the word:http://www.protectmarriage.com/ (3 Comments |Comment on this)
Thursday, February 7th, 2008
_3:52 pm_[ex_annemarie10] FREE CORN I got this in an email today. It's pretty thought provoking.FREE CORNSeveral years ago I was supervising a beginning teacher in a city school system. One day during our end-of-the-day feedback conference, the young man gave a facial grimace and began to rub his back. I asked him if he had strained his back in the school lab. After a long period of silence, he sat down at his desk and explained that he had immigrated to the United States because of political problems in his native country. The discomfort in his back was caused by a bullet wound he had received while fighting the Communists who were trying to take over his country's government. He was then a member of the underground nationalist force. Then he asked me a surprising question: "Dr. Hedges, do you know how to catch a wild hog?" The question was completely out of context regarding the day's classroom and lab teaching. I replied, "I'm not sure what you are talking about. Tell me." "First," he said, "you find out where the wild hogs are roaming and feeding and then you put some corn out in the field. Soon they will come to eat the corn. You keep putting out the free corn. More wild hogs keep coming to eat the corn." "So what?" I said. "That's normal for any animal." "He said, "After the hogs get used to your free corn, you put up a length of fence along one side of the feeding area. The hogs get used to it. You keep giving them the corn. Then you put up another section of fence at right angles to the first. You keep giving them the corn. The hogs get used to the second fence. Then you put up another length of fence at right angles to the second section. You now have a U-shaped fenced area.The hogs get used to that section of the fence. You keep giving them free corn. Then you put another section of fence with a gate in it, making a closed area except for the gate. You keep giving them corn. Now, the hogs no longer are out in the fields, working to find their own food. They keep coming into the area to eat the free corn. They get used to the fenced area with the open gate. Then, one day you slam shut the gate when the hogs are inside the fenced area. The wild hogs are caught - they are your prisoners." I understood then that the wild hogs were really the people of his native country and that the free corn was the enticements that the Communists were giving to the people. "That's correct," the young man said. "Now, the hogs will not get anything to eat unless you give them food. You are in control. They depend on you to feed them, or they will starve. They can't get out into the fields and forests anymore to find their own food. They have probably forgotten how, as it is. They are your servants, your prisoners. They must obey you. Or else they starve. "The hogs," he said, "were so accustomed to having the free corn, that they ignored the building of the fences that would eventually trap them. When the gate slammed shut, it was too late for them to realize what they had been blind to. The free corn was enticing, so effortless to obtain, but eventually the cause of their loss of freedom. The fence had been built; the gate had been shut." At this point in our conversation, the young teacher loudly exclaimed, "This is what I see happening in America today! People are being offered free corn by the government. People are being blind to the fences being built around them by the liberals - the socialists - and that is what frightens me! Just like it was happening in my homeland. The American people do not learn from history. And history shows that socialism/communism does not work. Take note of Russia . Has socialism been the best thing that ever happened to that country? Absolutely not! But socialism is what the American people are being fed, and they don't realize it. All they can focus on is the 'free corn.' They want more and more of the free corn. And this free corn is being fed to us little by little, and soon the gate will slam shut. I am very frightened, and also amazed, that the American people don't see what is being fed us, and for what purpose." With that said, the young man sat down at his desk and continued to rub his painful back. And I was silent in my chair. For I could visualize the supposedly "free corn" being fed to our nation's people and our growing addiction to the "free corn". And I could see the gate being slammed shut. We, the people of the United States of America , because of our ignorance of history, because of our addiction to the supposedly "free corn," could soon be prisoners of liberal socialism. "Wake up, America ! The fences are being built! Don't you see what is happening to us?" In the agenda of Congress, there is much "free corn" being promised the American people. In our greed for this "free corn," will we ignore the incremental building of the fences and the inevitable shutting of the gate? As I ponder the building of the fences, I remember the old adage, There is always free cheese in a mousetrap."The corn is there.The fence is complete.The 2008 election is the gate. (2 Comments |Comment on this)
Friday, January 25th, 2008
_8:57 am_[dfwilson] Slick willie I posted this in my journal, but wanted to share it with everyone:Slick willie never ceases to amaze me, or perhaps I should be calling him sleepy willie after this video. http://cosmos.bcst.yahoo.com/ver/251.6/popup/index.php?cl=6033276 (Comment on this)
Wednesday, January 23rd, 2008
_3:56 pm_[dfwilson] Clinton or Osaama (you know the guy running aginst clinton) So guys I know this is off subject but I thought.. if it came down to it would you all Choose Clinton or Osamba.. or whatever his name is.Part of me cringes at the thought but I have to say from what I've heard Clinton, because Obama is kinda even more of a wild card crazy lib, but wanted to hear your thoughts and why!! (4 Comments |Comment on this)
Tuesday, February 13th, 2007
_8:57 am_[dfwilson] Reviving the dead **So everyone, tell one of their friends about this community and invite them to join!!**Oh and **post post post..**Why do I feel like an underpaid high-school teacher prompting his begrudging students? (sigh) Current Mood: ecstatic (Comment on this)
_8:52 am_[dfwilson] Musings on 20008 So on one side of the ring there is: a man whose name is easily confused with Osama Bin Laden and has little real experience, but a great smile, a man who also has a great smile and I think he had a TV show in which he could talk to dead people (probably helpful as president). and lastly a "person" who technically already ran the country for 8 years.I sadly see the later one winning the competition to enter the ring against most likely a charming bald man who is short on substance, a well intentioned old man who is short on personality, and a square faced man who is short on ideas.. This should be an interesting race. Current Mood: contemplative (Comment on this)
Sunday, December 17th, 2006
_10:15 pm_[adrian_fuck] (1 Comment |Comment on this)
Thursday, November 30th, 2006
_6:33 pm_[julius17] newbie =D hello! i'm new here-- well, not really, i joined a few weeks back, but i've been a bit lazy about saying hello. i'm 16, from georgia, and i go to a tiny private high school outside of atlanta. i'm also half-iranian. and i am quite conservative and have been for as long as i can recall. both my parents are a bit more liberal than i am. -shudders- i am extremely anti-abortion, anti-gay marraige, anti-affirmative action, pro-life, pro-state government, and i approve of the war in iraq!! because i've been to iran at least once a year since i was 7 (about 12 times now) i can see that it is really time for a change over there, so i say we finish up in iraq and go get rid of their crazed religious government. also, i'm a member of the local fair tax group, and i've done the Walk the Vote 2004 for Bush and organized the only teen-led walk in America (and i got a personal letter of thanks!!) i also campaigned locally for state senator Lee Hawkins. and i'm the head speaker for the republican side of my school's political club. also, feel free to friend me! HERE I AM ♥Current Mood: cheerful (21 Comments |Comment on this)
Sunday, October 29th, 2006
_8:42 pm_[404] Michael J Fox shills for the Dems Or (Comment on this)
Friday, October 6th, 2006
_11:11 am_[brazilian_nuts] Why mommy is a Democrat? http://littledemocrats.net/ Funny! (2 Comments |Comment on this)
_11:06 am_[brazilian_nuts] Guess who? James Carville is coming to my school....along with Luke Perry! There's free pizza involved. Oh dear...I'm glad I'm going home for Fall break. No snake head for me!!! (1 Comment |Comment on this)
Saturday, September 23rd, 2006
_1:13 pm_[pullmytrigger] Tax Survey Off topic, sort of...I have a comp II paper to write and I have to take a survey to do it. It's about tax reform. If you'd like to help me out the survey is here. It's real simple, 10 questions. Thanks for your help! Current Mood: bouncy (2 Comments |Comment on this)
Sunday, September 3rd, 2006
_4:16 pm_[adrian_fuck] So what did you people think of Fahreinheit 451? (1 Comment |Comment on this)
Wednesday, August 30th, 2006
_8:42 pm_[adrian_fuck] Thank you very much for your support so far, I think it has been very enlightening, and I hope that you'll continue to change some of my beliefs. I've read through just a page and I've come up with a few more topics I would like to discuss.First, I have to say a lot of the talk I've seen in here seems really, really childish."I have always known that public education is PERVADED by the liberal ideals that corrupt and decay our society, the stench of their silly beliefs...their closet communist ways...which is why I stayed in trouble for my blatant Neo-Con bad attitude towards their Socialist Authority complex."I'm sorry, but that is moronic. I live in Portland, Oregon arguably one of the most liberal cities in America. I'm not bombarded by the News Media scorning George Bush, my History teachers don't rant about Conservatives. The only time when the Conservative vs. Liberal thing has emerged is in my Philosophy class and on the bumper stickers of some of teachers. Is that talk really necessary? Talking about pissing people off just because they disagree with you hardly sounds like enlightened behavior. I mean, we DO have a republican admistration right now? I hardly call Dick Cheny a tree-hugging liberal. Socalism and Taxation.Someone put something to the effect of "homeless people are lazy". Out of curiousity, how many of you have actually lived on the streets? I spent three months on the street when I was 14. I wasn't lazy, I wasn't immoral. I wasn't doing drugs, stealing, or creating a stink with my belief system. I lived off of the generosity of the government, the various shelters around town. My father is General Contractor, I've spent my summers digging ditches, putting up sheetrock, and painting houses. I'm not lazy, and neither is he. I believe that the government is here to serve the people, and that governments that fail to do that do not funcution well and suffer from revolutions. I don't see how National Health Care and other socialistic programs are going to be bad for people. Now, I don't claim to understand economics very well, but from what I've read a FairTax would only put a larger burden on the middle class. So Britney Spears may have to buy a Porche instead of a Rolls-Royce. I don't sympathsize.Oh and something that just struck a nerve with me."And that crap about "an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind"My saying to that is "A Child molestor allowed to be paroled makes the whole children damaged and molested" Oh yeah, I went there. Stupid Liberals."Yeah, it was Gandhi who said that. I think anyone who disagrees with that is a just beyond stupid.Oh, and some talk about Abortion and Seperation of Church and State would be nice. (6 Comments |Comment on this)
Tuesday, August 29th, 2006
_2:16 pm_[adrian_fuck] First off, let me thank this community for allowing me to post, although this may simply be just a chance to insult me.I like to think that I'm a pretty open-minded guy, and I have a habit of testing myself in certain areas of being. That being so, I decided it was about time I tested my political beliefs, so I wanted to find something on the complete other end of the spectrum, a group of people whose beliefs I couldn't understand. I'm hoping that this will be that community. I'm fairly emotional, but I'm going to try to tuck that away in the hopes of a rational and fair discussion. With that said, I'm going to note that I won't deal with pig-headness or irrationality. This may not be my community, but I do have the capacity to simply ignore you. I hope that I won't demonstrate any of those qualities, but who knows, I might.I'm not sure how to start. So I'll just see what happens.I didn't see anything about sexuality. Where does this community stand on homosexuality, Transgenderism, and androgyny? (53 Comments |Comment on this)
Monday, August 14th, 2006
_9:30 pm_[ex_annemarie10] Father's wisdom My dad made an interesting observation at the dinner table last week. The more I think about it the more I realize it's true and it's what is basically wrong with America.He said,"In America, we tax work, thrift, investment, savings and industriousness. We subsidize sloth, immorality, fraud and irresponsibility. That's what's wrong with this country."I think he is absolutely right. I wish the Republicans in Congress would start cutting out some of the social welfare programs and let us keep more of our money. Current Mood: thoughtful (9 Comments |Comment on this)
Sunday, August 13th, 2006
_11:21 pm_[dfwilson] My new addiction Hey guys so I've become addicted to the YouTube I must say.. It's not really related to conservatism in any way, but there are some cute people on there. Anyways, check out my vids: (Comment on this)

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