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I was just wondering how many people were reading the current selection. Please post back and let me know! I didn't pick any other books, but I know that there are a lot of you in the midst of school concerts, finals, and I know lots of other things in life. If this book is getting skipped, also let me know. I've already started reading it.EDIT: I'm sure that a lot of you will have time later in the summer, so if you want to read it later on, also let me know. I'm fine with that too. It's one of those books that seems to take a lot longer than what the current scheduling that we have allotted for so far, and I'm willing to forego my time to allow someone else more time with their book if the next person wants to get onboard and select a book! Current Mood: curious curious Current Music: Fugue & Canon in D

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The Constant Princess by Philippa Gregory Here's the excerpt from As youngest daughter to the Spanish monarchs and crusaders King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella, Catalina, princess of Wales and of Spain, was promised to the English Prince Arthur when she was three. She leaves Spain at 15 to fulfill her destiny as queen of England, where she finds true love with Arthur (after some initial sourness) as they plot the future of their kingdom together. Arthur dies young, however, leaving Catalina a widow and ineligible for the throne. Before his death, he extracts a promise from his wife to marry his younger brother Henry in order to become queen anyway, have children and rule as they had planned, a situation that can only be if Catalina denies that Arthur was ever her lover. Gregory's latest (after Earthly Joys) compellingly dramatizes how Catalina uses her faith, her cunning and her utter belief in destiny to reclaim her rightful title. By alternating tight third-person narration with Catalina's unguarded thoughts and gripping dialogue, the author presents a thorough, sympathetic portrait of her heroine and her transformation into Queen Katherine. Gregory's skill for creating suspense pulls the reader along despite the historical novel's foregone conclusion. I had mentioned this book when everyone had introduced themselves, and I love this author. I know that travelphilejen and I both have our degrees in history, and this author is mainly historical fiction. I have really liked most of her work.The link to the book is:
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Okay, I'm making an executive decision ;-)Since we've had no word about the book to start today, and we've also all been busy with very little discussion of the last few books, the next two weeks will be a "catch up" time, where we can take time to read a book we've missed, and go back to discuss any book we've read so far. Please, please, please post a thought, or a question, or anything at all, about Memoirs, either of the books on Class, The Time Traveler's Wife, or Flowers for Algernon. Then, discuss! That's why we're here!If you're itching for something to read now, saioboepedge can let us know what's up next on the 19th, so we can also use this time to get ahead a little, too.

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Discussion time!Since so many of us were reading this time, we should finally be able to get a good discussion going! So, share your thoughts, and feel free to use a couple of these questions I found (or not), just to get things started. Then (this is the part that makes this a discussion), bookmark this post for a few days, check back, and try to respond to what a few other people said, too. We'll keep going until at least Monday or Tuesday this time, since a bunch of us will be away this weekend. Ask questions, find things to disagree with, all that fun stuff!( Some questionsCollapse )

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