Kai Radloff - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Magister thesis by Kai Radloff

Research paper thumbnail of Germanische Besiedlung östlich des obergermanischen Limes - Forschungsstand und Perspektiven

Die unpublizierte Magisterhausarbeit stellt auf Grundlage der bis 2011 publizierten Fundstellen d... more Die unpublizierte Magisterhausarbeit stellt auf Grundlage der bis 2011 publizierten Fundstellen den Forschungsstand zur germanischen Besiedlung unmittelbar östlich des obergermanischen Limes dar. Berücksichtigt werden Fundstellen in einem Einzugsbereich von etwa 50km östlich des Limes, die Fundmaterial des Zeitraums zwischen dem ausgehenden 1. bis zum 3. Jahrhundert aufweisen.

Der zweite, ausblickhaft gestaltete Teil der Arbeit möchte neue Perspektiven für zukünftige Forschungen im Grenzraum des Limes aufzeigen. Nach einer kurzen kritischen Einordnung der im ersten Teil zusammengestellten Interpretationen in den Gesamtkontext der Limesforschung, sollen soziologische Theorien zum Verständnis von Raum und Grenzen thematisiert werden. Das Themenfeld soll dabei nicht hinlänglich ergründet, sondern vielmehr die mögliche Anwendung einiger Theorien auf die Archäologie angedacht werden.

Die Arbeit entstand 2011 am Institut für Archäologische Wissenschaften, Abt. II: Archäologie und Geschichte der römischen Provinzen der Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main unter der Betreuung von Prof. Dr. Hans-Markus von Kaenel und Prof. Dr. Siegmar von Schnurbein.

Papers by Kai Radloff

Research paper thumbnail of Vráble, Slowakei: Herausbildung und Niedergang des frühbronzezeitlichen Siedlungszentrums – Untersuchungen zu Wirtschaft, Sozialstruktur und politischer Organisation eines Sozialverbandes und seines Umfeldes

e-Forschungsberichte, 2015

Hul. Geomagnetische Prospektion mit einem 5-Sondensystem der Firma Sensys. deutlich erkennbar ist... more Hul. Geomagnetische Prospektion mit einem 5-Sondensystem der Firma Sensys. deutlich erkennbar ist das wahrscheinlich frühbronzezeitliche Grabenwerk (Grafik: n. Müller-Scheeßel, rGK).

Research paper thumbnail of de Bruin, J. (2019). Border Communities at the Edge of the Roman Empire. Processes of Change in the Civitas Cananefatium

Rezension zu: de Bruin, J. (2019). Border Communities at the Edge of the Roman Empire. Processes ... more Rezension zu: de Bruin, J. (2019). Border Communities at the Edge of the Roman Empire. Processes of Change in the Civitas Cananefatium. (Amsterdam Archaeological Studies, 28). Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. 308 S., 93 Abbildungen, 40 Tabellen, 2 Karten. ISBN 978-94-6372-810-2

Research paper thumbnail of Prospection Results in the Žitava Valley

In the spring of 2014, a joint German-Slovak prospection of the Žitava Valley was conducted with ... more In the spring of 2014, a joint German-Slovak prospection of the Žitava Valley was conducted with the intent of extending archaeological knowledge from Vráble – Fidvár to other sites in the Žitava Valley, an area in the Carpathian foothills which included a chain of Early Bronze Age fortified. A series of 14 different known or suspected Early Bronze Age sites were evaluated, on three of which we decided to carry out further surveys (Maňa-Veľká Maňa, Bešeňov – Žitavský hon, Hul – Kratiny), including with field walking, augering and geomagnetics. Despite very comparable surveying conditions, these three sites yielded very different results attributable to the different states of preservation and functions of the sites. In Maňa-Veľká Maňa, a slope of up to 7 % was recognized which contributed to the strong erosion and bad preservation of subsoil features. According to the geomagnetic results, the site at Bešeňov was not fortified. It seems likely that it was settled only intermittently or for a short period of time during the Early Bronze Age. The prospection in Hul yielded the best results. A fortification consisting of a ditch was detected by magnetometry. According to the pXRF-analyses, there was no human impact on the filling of the ditch, which suggests that the site was inhabited only for a very short period of time. In addition to the Žitava Valley work, a field walking campaign was carried out in Vráble – Fidvár. The distribution and density of the collected finds correlates well with the prospection completed in 2007. In February 2015, additional augerings were performed there to collect sediment from the topsoil at approximately 40 cm beneath the surface. According to pXRF analyses, the concentration of Phosphor correlates with the pottery density.

Research paper thumbnail of Tracing Taphonomic processes: Multiple Layer Analysis of Ceramic Distribution from Surface Collection and Excavation at the Early Bronze Age Settlement of Vráble-Fidvár

Slovenská archeológia, 2018

Surface find distribution analysis is a standard tool within the archaeological prospection arsen... more Surface find distribution analysis is a standard tool within the archaeological prospection arsenal. Nevertheless, the results are often met with a certain degree of scepticism and disapproval. The most common objection revolves around the idea that recent agricultural impact causes too much ‘noise’. The early Bronze age (EBA) settlement of Vráble has been subjugated to intensive agricultural use over the past decades meaning that thousands of archaeological finds are scattered over the surface of the site. The richness of these finds and the availability of multi-layered information offers exceptional preconditions with which to evaluate the potential of surface distributions. In order to investigate the possibilities and limitations of this phenomena, we focussed on making a detailed analysis of the spatial pattern of ceramic finds within different scales and layers. The excavation data from two key areas were used to analyse the correlation of archaeological features with the occurrence of sherds in different layers in order to understand and reconstruct the taphonomic processes involved. Our starting point took the form of a large-scale surface collection which covered the settlement and delivered detailed information regarding its internal structure. Subsequent steps analysed higher resolution data from collections in a 2 x 2 m grid as well as from topsoil sampling from 1 x 1 m squares. This data was juxtaposed with that from excavations which took place in the very same area at a later date. What was crucial here was the question of the transformation of the upper settlement layer to the recent arable topsoil and the traceability of EBA houses, paths or pits in terms of sherd distribution. The sum of these results have enabled us to evaluate both the possibilities and limitations of the spatial analysis of ceramic finds. Specifically, this example illustrates the potential of revealing more general structures in a given settlement through analysis of ceramic distributions.

Research paper thumbnail of Stolniceni I – new research on a Cucuteni-Tripolye large site

Appeared in: A. Zanoci, E. Kaiser, M. Kashuba, E. Izbitser, M. Băț (eds). Mensch, Kultur und Gesellschaft von der Kupferzeit bis zur frühen Eisenzeit im nördlichen Eurasien. Beiträge zu Ehren zum 60. Geburtstag von Eugen Sava (Chișinău 2016), 137-148.

The article presents the preliminary information on the 2015 campaign from the Cucuteni-Tripolye ... more The article presents the preliminary information on the 2015 campaign from the Cucuteni-Tripolye large site Stolniceni I, Edineţ district, Republic of Moldova. The fieldwork included geophysical prospections and archaeological excavations. The prospections covered circa 40% of the site revealing its complex structure with radial groups of houses as well as pits, three ditches, causeways and other anomalies. The excavations have been limited to a test-trench on one of the pits and have yielded
rich archaeological material as well as samples for XRF soil analysis and absolute dating. Further investigations of the site and its surroundings shall be able to provide new important data for understanding the process of formation of large sites on the Cucuteni B - Tripolye C1 stage in the Prut-Dniester interfluve as well as getting new insights into the phenomena of appearance and distribution of bigger and huge complex Cucuteni-Tripolye settlements.

Research paper thumbnail of Prospections in the Žitava Valley

In the spring of 2014, a joint German-Slovak prospection of the Žitava Valley was conducted with ... more In the spring of 2014, a joint German-Slovak prospection of the Žitava Valley was conducted with the intent of ex- tending archaeological knowledge from Vráble-Fidvár to other sites in the Žitava Valley, an area in the Carpathian foothills which included a chain of Early Bronze Age forti ed se lements. A series of 14 di erent known or suspected Early Bronze Age sites were evaluated, on three of which we decided to carry out further surveys (Maňa-Veľká Maňa, Bešeňov-Žitavský hon, Hul-Kratiny), including eld walking, augering and geomagnetics. Despite very comparable surveying conditions, these three sites yielded very di erent results a ributable to the di erent states of preservation and functions of the sites. In Maňa-Veľká Maňa, a slope of up to 7 % was recognized which contributed to the strong erosion and bad preservation of subsoil features. According to the geomagnetic results, the site at Bešeňov was not forti ed. It seems likely that it was se led only intermi ently or for a short period of time during the Early Bronze Age. The prospection in Hul yielded the best results. A forti cation consisting of a ditch was detected by magnetometry. According to the pXRF-analyses, there was no human impact on the lling of the ditch, which suggests that the site was inhabited only for a very short period of time. In addition to the Žitava Valley work, a eld walking campaign was carried out in Vráble-Fidvár. The distribution and density of the collected nds correlates well with the prospection completed in 2007. In February 2015, additional augerings were performed there to collect sediment from the topsoil at approximately 40 cm beneath the surface. According to pXRF analyses, the concentration of phosphorus correlates with the po ery density.

Research paper thumbnail of Prospection Results in the Žitava Valley

In the spring of 2014, a joint German-Slovak prospection of the Žitava Valley was conducted with ... more In the spring of 2014, a joint German-Slovak prospection of the Žitava Valley was conducted with the intent of extending archaeological knowledge from Vráble – Fidvár to other sites in the Žitava Valley, an area in the Carpathian foothills which included a chain of Early Bronze Age fortified. A series of 14 different known or suspected Early Bronze Age sites were evaluated, on three of which we decided to carry out further surveys (Maňa-Veľká Maňa, Bešeňov – Žitavský hon, Hul – Kratiny), including with field walking, augering and geomagnetics. Despite very comparable surveying conditions, these three sites yielded very different results attributable to the different states of preservation and functions of the sites. In Maňa-Veľká Maňa, a slope of up to 7 % was recognized which contributed to the strong erosion and bad preservation of subsoil features. According to the geomagnetic results, the site at Bešeňov was not fortified. It seems likely that it was settled only intermittently or for a short period of time during the Early Bronze Age. The prospection in Hul yielded the best results. A fortification consisting of a ditch was detected by magnetometry. According to the pXRF-analyses, there was no human impact on the filling of the ditch, which suggests that the site was inhabited only for a very short period of time. In addition to the Žitava Valley work, a field walking campaign was carried out in Vráble – Fidvár. The distribution and density of the collected finds correlates well with the prospection completed in 2007. In February 2015, additional augerings were performed there to collect sediment from the topsoil at approximately 40 cm beneath the surface. According to pXRF analyses, the concentration of Phosphor correlates with the pottery density.

Research paper thumbnail of Rassmann, Knut et al.: Újkőkori lelőhelyek nagyfelületű geomágneses felmérése Magyarországon

Research paper thumbnail of Rassmann, Knut et al.: Large Scale Geomagnetic Prospection on Neolithic sites in Hungary I

In 2011, 2013 and 2014 our team engaged in geomagnetic prospections on Hungarian multi-period set... more In 2011, 2013 and 2014 our team engaged in geomagnetic prospections on Hungarian multi-period settlements. Our study began with fieldwork at the Tolna-Mözs and Alsónyék-Bátaszék sites in 2011. In 2013, we continued the survey on both sites, enlarging the program on the tell settlement of Fajsz-Kovácshalom and on other sites in eastern Hungary. 5 Our main goal is to discuss the combination of excavation and geomagnetics which provides a great opportunity to estimate the size of the settlements as well as to study their internal structures. The results will be published in two parts. This first report focuses on the Alsónyék-Bátaszék site where numerous settlement remains and a large number of Late Neolithic burials were unearthed. Excellent prerequisites for prospection campaigns include rich comparative excavation data which are useful for understanding and interpreting geomagnetic anomalies from the unexcavated areas.

Research paper thumbnail of Knut Rassmann et al.: Újkőkori lelőhelyek nagyfelületű geomágneses felmérése Magyarországon

Az MTA Bölcsészettudományi Kutatóközpont Régészeti Intézete és a Römisch-Germanische Kommission (... more Az MTA Bölcsészettudományi Kutatóközpont Régészeti Intézete és a Römisch-Germanische Kommission (RGK) együttműködésében 2011, 2013 és 2014 folyamán számos magyarországi, több korszakú lelőhely geomágneses felmérését végeztük el. A kutatásokat a Tolnai Sárköz területén fekvő Tolna-Mözs és Alsónyék-Bátaszék lelőhelyeken kezdtük meg 2011-ben, 2013-ban kiegészítettünk a Duna túlsó partján lévő Fajsz-Kovácshalom, valamint több északkelet-magyarországi lelőhely felmérésével.6 A vizsgálatok fő célja a feltárások régészeti információinak és a geofizikai felmérések adatainak egybevetése volt. Ez kitűnő módszer mind a lelőhelyek hozzávetőleges méretének meghatározására, mind belső szerkezetük vizsgálatára. Az újgenerációs magnetométerek alkalmazása lehetővé teszi a lelőhelyek tágabb környezetének tanulmányozását is.

Research paper thumbnail of Knut Rassmann et al.: Large Scale Geomagnetic Prospection on Neolithic Sites in Hungary I

In 2011, 2013 and 2014 our team engaged in geomagnetic prospections on Hungarian multi-period set... more In 2011, 2013 and 2014 our team engaged in geomagnetic prospections on Hungarian multi-period settlements. Our study began with fieldwork at the Tolna-Mözs and Alsónyék–Bátaszék sites in 2011. In 2013, we continued the survey on both sites, enlarging the program on the tell settlement of Fajsz-Kovácshalom and on other sites in eastern Hungary. Our main goal is to discuss the combination of excavation and geomagnetics which provides a great opportunity to estimate the size of the settlements as well as to study their internal structures. The results will be published in two parts. This first report focuses on the Alsónyék–Bátaszék site where numerous settlement remains and a large number of Late Neolithic burials were unearthed. Excellent prerequisites for prospection campaigns include rich comparative excavation data which are useful for understanding and interpreting geomagnetic anomalies from the unexcavated areas.

Research paper thumbnail of Large scale geomagnetic prospection on neolithic sites in Hungary I.

In 2011, 2013 and 2014 our team engaged in geomagnetic prospections on Hungarian multi-period set... more In 2011, 2013 and 2014 our team engaged in geomagnetic prospections on Hungarian multi-period settlements. Our study began with fieldwork at the Tolna-Mözs and Alsónyék–Bátaszék sites in 2011. In 2013, we continued the survey on both sites, enlarging the program on the tell settlement of Fajsz-Kovácshalom and on other sites in eastern Hungary. Our main goal is to discuss the combination of excavation and geomagnetics which provides a great opportunity to estimate the size of the settlements as well as to study their internal structures. The results will be published in two parts. This first report focuses on the Alsónyék–Bátaszék site where numerous settlement remains and a large number of Late Neolithic burials were unearthed. Excellent prerequisites for prospection campaigns include rich comparative excavation data which are useful for understanding and interpreting geomagnetic anomalies from the unexcavated areas.

Abstracts by Kai Radloff

Research paper thumbnail of The Cucuteni-Tripolye settlement of Stolniceni I (Moldova): geophysical and archaeological investigations (2015-2016)

D. Mischka, K. Mischka, C. Preoteasa (eds.). 2016. Beyond excavation. Geophysics, aerial photography and the use of drones in Eastern and South-East European archaeology. Piatra-Neamț, 65-69

Research paper thumbnail of The Cucuteni-Tripolye settlement Stolniceni I (Edinet district, Republic of Moldova). Investigations from the 2016 campaign (in Romanian)

Published in the abstracts of the XXVI Scientific Session of the National Museum of History of Mo... more Published in the abstracts of the XXVI Scientific Session of the National Museum of History of Moldova

co-authored with Knut Rassmann, Mariana Vasilache, Mariana Sirbu, Vitalii Rud, Kai Radloff, Andreea Vornicu-Terna

Archaeological reports by Kai Radloff

Research paper thumbnail of Stolniceni 2016. Preventive archaeological investigations in the north-eastern part of the large Cucuteni-Tripolye settlement

National Archaeological Commission (ed.) 2017. Archaeological investigations from the Republic of Moldova. 2016 campaign. Chișinău: 16-18.

Conferences by Kai Radloff

Research paper thumbnail of Dispute und Diskussionen – Der Topoi-Theorie-Lesezirkel lädt zu Tisch (World Café)

Der Topoi-Theorie-Lesezirkel begleitet die Arbeit verschiedener Forschungsgruppen und –projekte s... more Der Topoi-Theorie-Lesezirkel begleitet die Arbeit verschiedener Forschungsgruppen und –projekte seit 2009. Entstanden als Vernetzungswerkzeug der CSG-V bzw. der Key Topic Group „Identities“ treffen sich monatlich Jungwissenschaftler*innen und Postdocs verschiedener altertumswissenschaftlicher Disziplinen, um über einschlägige, aktuelle und zukünftige theoretische und interdisziplinäre Entwicklungen und deren Einbindung in die Forschungsarbeit zu diskutieren. Im Sommer 2018, wenn das 100. Treffen des Lesezirkels stattfinden wird, werden sich insgesamt über 60-70 Personen in wechselnder Konstellation an diesen Diskussionen beteiligt haben. Dabei ist es bemerkenswert und sicherlich auch Alleinstellungsmerkmal, dass nicht nur „theory from below“ durch die konsequente Einbeziehung von interessierten Studierenden betrieben wird, sondern darüber hinaus die Reichweite des Lesezirkels deutlich über TOPOI, ja sogar über Berlin hinausreicht. So gibt es mittlerweile nicht nur Topoi-Doktorand*innen, die extra wegen des Lesezirkels nach Berlin gekommen sind, sondern es gibt von ehemaligen Mitgliedern auch zwei Ausgründungen in Marburg und Frankfurt a. M. Daher soll die Arbeit des Lesezirkels auch auf der Jahrestagung sichtbar(er) gemacht werden.

Wir veranstalten ein World Café, in welchem an fünf Tischen den interessierten Topoi-Mitgliedern ermöglicht wird, zentrale Topoi-Themen miteinander und natürlich auch mit unseren Lesezirkelteilnehmer*innen zu diskutieren. Jeder Tisch wird von zwei „Gastgeber*innen“ moderiert, die jeweils mit kontroversen Thesen die Diskussion eröffnen und anregen und zudem unterschiedliche Standpunkte vertreten. Ein Wechsel der „Besucher*innen“ zwischen den Tischen soll jederzeit möglich sein, zusätzlich wird nach 20 min gewechselt. Angedacht sind drei solche Runden, so dass die World Café Dauer ca. 60 min beträgt. Als Ergebnis sollen die von den „Besucher*innen“ beschriebenen Papiertischdecken möglichst den Rest der Tagung für alle einsehbar an den (Stell)Wänden befestigt werden. Folgende Tische sind geplant:

Kultur – ein wertloses Konzept?
(Alexander Veling & Joselin Düsenberg)
Der Kulturbegriff ist (angeblich) ein Zentralkonzept altertumswissenschaftlicher Forschung, von der Klassifikation z.B. einzelner archäologischer Funde bis zum Selbstverständnis als Kulturwissenschaft. Die große Bandbreite der Verwendung und deren Widersprüchlichkeit entwerten das Konzept, darüber hinaus ist der Begriff alltagssprachlich, politisch wie historisch vorbelastet. Sollten wir das Konzept daher vermeiden und aus dem wissenschaftlichen Diskurs streichen?

Wieviel Naturwissenschaften vertragen die Altertumswissenschaften?
(Anna Loy & Lukas Goldmann)
Unbestritten wachsen Natur- und Kulturwissenschaften weiter zusammen, auch in den Altertumswissenschaften. Dies bringt neue Fragestellungen, aber auch erkenntnistheoretische Herausforderungen hervor. Sind die jeweiligen Paradigmen überhaupt vereinbar, stehen wir vor einem neuen Szientizismus oder bewegen wir uns aus der Trennung der Wissen(schaft)sfelder heraus?

Räume – Utopien der (Un)Endlichkeit?
(Kai Radloff & Werner Kogge)
Ausgangspunkt altertumswissenschaftlicher Forschung ist in der Regel die Verortung eines Phänomens im geographischen Raum. Doch im weiteren Prozess der Kategorisierung und Interpretation werden die Phänomene nach bestimmten anderen, relationalen Räumen geordnet, beispielsweise sozialen, sakralen oder politischen. Welche Räume also erfassen wir bzw. können wir überhaupt erfassen? Wie grenzen wir sie ab und welche Konsequenzen hat dies? Und was, wenn sich diese überschneiden oder verflechten?

„Im Übrigen bin ich der Meinung, dass Kulturerbe zerstört werden muss!“
(Elisabeth Günther & Stefan Schreiber)
Der Schutz kulturellen Erbes steht mehr denn je im Fokus der archäologischen Forschung. Aber sind es tatsächlich aus reinem Zufall überlieferte Artefakte, die wir erben, oder nicht eher die mit diesen verbundenen Konzepte und Ideen? Oder womöglich die Transformationen dieser Konzepte, die wir uns im Hier und Jetzt zunutze machen können?

Ist Antike überhaupt vermittelbar?
(Georg Cyrus & Philipp Tollkühn)
Archäolog*innen diskutieren seit Jahren verschiedene Formen der Öffentlichkeitsarbeit. Aber welche Rolle spielt die Öffentlichkeit bei der Produktion archäologischen Wissens? Haben wir eine Verantwortung ihr gegenüber? Oder genügt ein Auftreten als Expert*in im Sinne der Wissenschaftsfreiheit?

Research paper thumbnail of Germanische Besiedlung östlich des obergermanischen Limes - Forschungsstand und Perspektiven

Die unpublizierte Magisterhausarbeit stellt auf Grundlage der bis 2011 publizierten Fundstellen d... more Die unpublizierte Magisterhausarbeit stellt auf Grundlage der bis 2011 publizierten Fundstellen den Forschungsstand zur germanischen Besiedlung unmittelbar östlich des obergermanischen Limes dar. Berücksichtigt werden Fundstellen in einem Einzugsbereich von etwa 50km östlich des Limes, die Fundmaterial des Zeitraums zwischen dem ausgehenden 1. bis zum 3. Jahrhundert aufweisen.

Der zweite, ausblickhaft gestaltete Teil der Arbeit möchte neue Perspektiven für zukünftige Forschungen im Grenzraum des Limes aufzeigen. Nach einer kurzen kritischen Einordnung der im ersten Teil zusammengestellten Interpretationen in den Gesamtkontext der Limesforschung, sollen soziologische Theorien zum Verständnis von Raum und Grenzen thematisiert werden. Das Themenfeld soll dabei nicht hinlänglich ergründet, sondern vielmehr die mögliche Anwendung einiger Theorien auf die Archäologie angedacht werden.

Die Arbeit entstand 2011 am Institut für Archäologische Wissenschaften, Abt. II: Archäologie und Geschichte der römischen Provinzen der Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main unter der Betreuung von Prof. Dr. Hans-Markus von Kaenel und Prof. Dr. Siegmar von Schnurbein.

Research paper thumbnail of Vráble, Slowakei: Herausbildung und Niedergang des frühbronzezeitlichen Siedlungszentrums – Untersuchungen zu Wirtschaft, Sozialstruktur und politischer Organisation eines Sozialverbandes und seines Umfeldes

e-Forschungsberichte, 2015

Hul. Geomagnetische Prospektion mit einem 5-Sondensystem der Firma Sensys. deutlich erkennbar ist... more Hul. Geomagnetische Prospektion mit einem 5-Sondensystem der Firma Sensys. deutlich erkennbar ist das wahrscheinlich frühbronzezeitliche Grabenwerk (Grafik: n. Müller-Scheeßel, rGK).

Research paper thumbnail of de Bruin, J. (2019). Border Communities at the Edge of the Roman Empire. Processes of Change in the Civitas Cananefatium

Rezension zu: de Bruin, J. (2019). Border Communities at the Edge of the Roman Empire. Processes ... more Rezension zu: de Bruin, J. (2019). Border Communities at the Edge of the Roman Empire. Processes of Change in the Civitas Cananefatium. (Amsterdam Archaeological Studies, 28). Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. 308 S., 93 Abbildungen, 40 Tabellen, 2 Karten. ISBN 978-94-6372-810-2

Research paper thumbnail of Prospection Results in the Žitava Valley

In the spring of 2014, a joint German-Slovak prospection of the Žitava Valley was conducted with ... more In the spring of 2014, a joint German-Slovak prospection of the Žitava Valley was conducted with the intent of extending archaeological knowledge from Vráble – Fidvár to other sites in the Žitava Valley, an area in the Carpathian foothills which included a chain of Early Bronze Age fortified. A series of 14 different known or suspected Early Bronze Age sites were evaluated, on three of which we decided to carry out further surveys (Maňa-Veľká Maňa, Bešeňov – Žitavský hon, Hul – Kratiny), including with field walking, augering and geomagnetics. Despite very comparable surveying conditions, these three sites yielded very different results attributable to the different states of preservation and functions of the sites. In Maňa-Veľká Maňa, a slope of up to 7 % was recognized which contributed to the strong erosion and bad preservation of subsoil features. According to the geomagnetic results, the site at Bešeňov was not fortified. It seems likely that it was settled only intermittently or for a short period of time during the Early Bronze Age. The prospection in Hul yielded the best results. A fortification consisting of a ditch was detected by magnetometry. According to the pXRF-analyses, there was no human impact on the filling of the ditch, which suggests that the site was inhabited only for a very short period of time. In addition to the Žitava Valley work, a field walking campaign was carried out in Vráble – Fidvár. The distribution and density of the collected finds correlates well with the prospection completed in 2007. In February 2015, additional augerings were performed there to collect sediment from the topsoil at approximately 40 cm beneath the surface. According to pXRF analyses, the concentration of Phosphor correlates with the pottery density.

Research paper thumbnail of Tracing Taphonomic processes: Multiple Layer Analysis of Ceramic Distribution from Surface Collection and Excavation at the Early Bronze Age Settlement of Vráble-Fidvár

Slovenská archeológia, 2018

Surface find distribution analysis is a standard tool within the archaeological prospection arsen... more Surface find distribution analysis is a standard tool within the archaeological prospection arsenal. Nevertheless, the results are often met with a certain degree of scepticism and disapproval. The most common objection revolves around the idea that recent agricultural impact causes too much ‘noise’. The early Bronze age (EBA) settlement of Vráble has been subjugated to intensive agricultural use over the past decades meaning that thousands of archaeological finds are scattered over the surface of the site. The richness of these finds and the availability of multi-layered information offers exceptional preconditions with which to evaluate the potential of surface distributions. In order to investigate the possibilities and limitations of this phenomena, we focussed on making a detailed analysis of the spatial pattern of ceramic finds within different scales and layers. The excavation data from two key areas were used to analyse the correlation of archaeological features with the occurrence of sherds in different layers in order to understand and reconstruct the taphonomic processes involved. Our starting point took the form of a large-scale surface collection which covered the settlement and delivered detailed information regarding its internal structure. Subsequent steps analysed higher resolution data from collections in a 2 x 2 m grid as well as from topsoil sampling from 1 x 1 m squares. This data was juxtaposed with that from excavations which took place in the very same area at a later date. What was crucial here was the question of the transformation of the upper settlement layer to the recent arable topsoil and the traceability of EBA houses, paths or pits in terms of sherd distribution. The sum of these results have enabled us to evaluate both the possibilities and limitations of the spatial analysis of ceramic finds. Specifically, this example illustrates the potential of revealing more general structures in a given settlement through analysis of ceramic distributions.

Research paper thumbnail of Stolniceni I – new research on a Cucuteni-Tripolye large site

Appeared in: A. Zanoci, E. Kaiser, M. Kashuba, E. Izbitser, M. Băț (eds). Mensch, Kultur und Gesellschaft von der Kupferzeit bis zur frühen Eisenzeit im nördlichen Eurasien. Beiträge zu Ehren zum 60. Geburtstag von Eugen Sava (Chișinău 2016), 137-148.

The article presents the preliminary information on the 2015 campaign from the Cucuteni-Tripolye ... more The article presents the preliminary information on the 2015 campaign from the Cucuteni-Tripolye large site Stolniceni I, Edineţ district, Republic of Moldova. The fieldwork included geophysical prospections and archaeological excavations. The prospections covered circa 40% of the site revealing its complex structure with radial groups of houses as well as pits, three ditches, causeways and other anomalies. The excavations have been limited to a test-trench on one of the pits and have yielded
rich archaeological material as well as samples for XRF soil analysis and absolute dating. Further investigations of the site and its surroundings shall be able to provide new important data for understanding the process of formation of large sites on the Cucuteni B - Tripolye C1 stage in the Prut-Dniester interfluve as well as getting new insights into the phenomena of appearance and distribution of bigger and huge complex Cucuteni-Tripolye settlements.

Research paper thumbnail of Prospections in the Žitava Valley

In the spring of 2014, a joint German-Slovak prospection of the Žitava Valley was conducted with ... more In the spring of 2014, a joint German-Slovak prospection of the Žitava Valley was conducted with the intent of ex- tending archaeological knowledge from Vráble-Fidvár to other sites in the Žitava Valley, an area in the Carpathian foothills which included a chain of Early Bronze Age forti ed se lements. A series of 14 di erent known or suspected Early Bronze Age sites were evaluated, on three of which we decided to carry out further surveys (Maňa-Veľká Maňa, Bešeňov-Žitavský hon, Hul-Kratiny), including eld walking, augering and geomagnetics. Despite very comparable surveying conditions, these three sites yielded very di erent results a ributable to the di erent states of preservation and functions of the sites. In Maňa-Veľká Maňa, a slope of up to 7 % was recognized which contributed to the strong erosion and bad preservation of subsoil features. According to the geomagnetic results, the site at Bešeňov was not forti ed. It seems likely that it was se led only intermi ently or for a short period of time during the Early Bronze Age. The prospection in Hul yielded the best results. A forti cation consisting of a ditch was detected by magnetometry. According to the pXRF-analyses, there was no human impact on the lling of the ditch, which suggests that the site was inhabited only for a very short period of time. In addition to the Žitava Valley work, a eld walking campaign was carried out in Vráble-Fidvár. The distribution and density of the collected nds correlates well with the prospection completed in 2007. In February 2015, additional augerings were performed there to collect sediment from the topsoil at approximately 40 cm beneath the surface. According to pXRF analyses, the concentration of phosphorus correlates with the po ery density.

Research paper thumbnail of Prospection Results in the Žitava Valley

In the spring of 2014, a joint German-Slovak prospection of the Žitava Valley was conducted with ... more In the spring of 2014, a joint German-Slovak prospection of the Žitava Valley was conducted with the intent of extending archaeological knowledge from Vráble – Fidvár to other sites in the Žitava Valley, an area in the Carpathian foothills which included a chain of Early Bronze Age fortified. A series of 14 different known or suspected Early Bronze Age sites were evaluated, on three of which we decided to carry out further surveys (Maňa-Veľká Maňa, Bešeňov – Žitavský hon, Hul – Kratiny), including with field walking, augering and geomagnetics. Despite very comparable surveying conditions, these three sites yielded very different results attributable to the different states of preservation and functions of the sites. In Maňa-Veľká Maňa, a slope of up to 7 % was recognized which contributed to the strong erosion and bad preservation of subsoil features. According to the geomagnetic results, the site at Bešeňov was not fortified. It seems likely that it was settled only intermittently or for a short period of time during the Early Bronze Age. The prospection in Hul yielded the best results. A fortification consisting of a ditch was detected by magnetometry. According to the pXRF-analyses, there was no human impact on the filling of the ditch, which suggests that the site was inhabited only for a very short period of time. In addition to the Žitava Valley work, a field walking campaign was carried out in Vráble – Fidvár. The distribution and density of the collected finds correlates well with the prospection completed in 2007. In February 2015, additional augerings were performed there to collect sediment from the topsoil at approximately 40 cm beneath the surface. According to pXRF analyses, the concentration of Phosphor correlates with the pottery density.

Research paper thumbnail of Rassmann, Knut et al.: Újkőkori lelőhelyek nagyfelületű geomágneses felmérése Magyarországon

Research paper thumbnail of Rassmann, Knut et al.: Large Scale Geomagnetic Prospection on Neolithic sites in Hungary I

In 2011, 2013 and 2014 our team engaged in geomagnetic prospections on Hungarian multi-period set... more In 2011, 2013 and 2014 our team engaged in geomagnetic prospections on Hungarian multi-period settlements. Our study began with fieldwork at the Tolna-Mözs and Alsónyék-Bátaszék sites in 2011. In 2013, we continued the survey on both sites, enlarging the program on the tell settlement of Fajsz-Kovácshalom and on other sites in eastern Hungary. 5 Our main goal is to discuss the combination of excavation and geomagnetics which provides a great opportunity to estimate the size of the settlements as well as to study their internal structures. The results will be published in two parts. This first report focuses on the Alsónyék-Bátaszék site where numerous settlement remains and a large number of Late Neolithic burials were unearthed. Excellent prerequisites for prospection campaigns include rich comparative excavation data which are useful for understanding and interpreting geomagnetic anomalies from the unexcavated areas.

Research paper thumbnail of Knut Rassmann et al.: Újkőkori lelőhelyek nagyfelületű geomágneses felmérése Magyarországon

Az MTA Bölcsészettudományi Kutatóközpont Régészeti Intézete és a Römisch-Germanische Kommission (... more Az MTA Bölcsészettudományi Kutatóközpont Régészeti Intézete és a Römisch-Germanische Kommission (RGK) együttműködésében 2011, 2013 és 2014 folyamán számos magyarországi, több korszakú lelőhely geomágneses felmérését végeztük el. A kutatásokat a Tolnai Sárköz területén fekvő Tolna-Mözs és Alsónyék-Bátaszék lelőhelyeken kezdtük meg 2011-ben, 2013-ban kiegészítettünk a Duna túlsó partján lévő Fajsz-Kovácshalom, valamint több északkelet-magyarországi lelőhely felmérésével.6 A vizsgálatok fő célja a feltárások régészeti információinak és a geofizikai felmérések adatainak egybevetése volt. Ez kitűnő módszer mind a lelőhelyek hozzávetőleges méretének meghatározására, mind belső szerkezetük vizsgálatára. Az újgenerációs magnetométerek alkalmazása lehetővé teszi a lelőhelyek tágabb környezetének tanulmányozását is.

Research paper thumbnail of Knut Rassmann et al.: Large Scale Geomagnetic Prospection on Neolithic Sites in Hungary I

In 2011, 2013 and 2014 our team engaged in geomagnetic prospections on Hungarian multi-period set... more In 2011, 2013 and 2014 our team engaged in geomagnetic prospections on Hungarian multi-period settlements. Our study began with fieldwork at the Tolna-Mözs and Alsónyék–Bátaszék sites in 2011. In 2013, we continued the survey on both sites, enlarging the program on the tell settlement of Fajsz-Kovácshalom and on other sites in eastern Hungary. Our main goal is to discuss the combination of excavation and geomagnetics which provides a great opportunity to estimate the size of the settlements as well as to study their internal structures. The results will be published in two parts. This first report focuses on the Alsónyék–Bátaszék site where numerous settlement remains and a large number of Late Neolithic burials were unearthed. Excellent prerequisites for prospection campaigns include rich comparative excavation data which are useful for understanding and interpreting geomagnetic anomalies from the unexcavated areas.

Research paper thumbnail of Large scale geomagnetic prospection on neolithic sites in Hungary I.

In 2011, 2013 and 2014 our team engaged in geomagnetic prospections on Hungarian multi-period set... more In 2011, 2013 and 2014 our team engaged in geomagnetic prospections on Hungarian multi-period settlements. Our study began with fieldwork at the Tolna-Mözs and Alsónyék–Bátaszék sites in 2011. In 2013, we continued the survey on both sites, enlarging the program on the tell settlement of Fajsz-Kovácshalom and on other sites in eastern Hungary. Our main goal is to discuss the combination of excavation and geomagnetics which provides a great opportunity to estimate the size of the settlements as well as to study their internal structures. The results will be published in two parts. This first report focuses on the Alsónyék–Bátaszék site where numerous settlement remains and a large number of Late Neolithic burials were unearthed. Excellent prerequisites for prospection campaigns include rich comparative excavation data which are useful for understanding and interpreting geomagnetic anomalies from the unexcavated areas.

Research paper thumbnail of The Cucuteni-Tripolye settlement of Stolniceni I (Moldova): geophysical and archaeological investigations (2015-2016)

D. Mischka, K. Mischka, C. Preoteasa (eds.). 2016. Beyond excavation. Geophysics, aerial photography and the use of drones in Eastern and South-East European archaeology. Piatra-Neamț, 65-69

Research paper thumbnail of The Cucuteni-Tripolye settlement Stolniceni I (Edinet district, Republic of Moldova). Investigations from the 2016 campaign (in Romanian)

Published in the abstracts of the XXVI Scientific Session of the National Museum of History of Mo... more Published in the abstracts of the XXVI Scientific Session of the National Museum of History of Moldova

co-authored with Knut Rassmann, Mariana Vasilache, Mariana Sirbu, Vitalii Rud, Kai Radloff, Andreea Vornicu-Terna

Research paper thumbnail of Dispute und Diskussionen – Der Topoi-Theorie-Lesezirkel lädt zu Tisch (World Café)

Der Topoi-Theorie-Lesezirkel begleitet die Arbeit verschiedener Forschungsgruppen und –projekte s... more Der Topoi-Theorie-Lesezirkel begleitet die Arbeit verschiedener Forschungsgruppen und –projekte seit 2009. Entstanden als Vernetzungswerkzeug der CSG-V bzw. der Key Topic Group „Identities“ treffen sich monatlich Jungwissenschaftler*innen und Postdocs verschiedener altertumswissenschaftlicher Disziplinen, um über einschlägige, aktuelle und zukünftige theoretische und interdisziplinäre Entwicklungen und deren Einbindung in die Forschungsarbeit zu diskutieren. Im Sommer 2018, wenn das 100. Treffen des Lesezirkels stattfinden wird, werden sich insgesamt über 60-70 Personen in wechselnder Konstellation an diesen Diskussionen beteiligt haben. Dabei ist es bemerkenswert und sicherlich auch Alleinstellungsmerkmal, dass nicht nur „theory from below“ durch die konsequente Einbeziehung von interessierten Studierenden betrieben wird, sondern darüber hinaus die Reichweite des Lesezirkels deutlich über TOPOI, ja sogar über Berlin hinausreicht. So gibt es mittlerweile nicht nur Topoi-Doktorand*innen, die extra wegen des Lesezirkels nach Berlin gekommen sind, sondern es gibt von ehemaligen Mitgliedern auch zwei Ausgründungen in Marburg und Frankfurt a. M. Daher soll die Arbeit des Lesezirkels auch auf der Jahrestagung sichtbar(er) gemacht werden.

Wir veranstalten ein World Café, in welchem an fünf Tischen den interessierten Topoi-Mitgliedern ermöglicht wird, zentrale Topoi-Themen miteinander und natürlich auch mit unseren Lesezirkelteilnehmer*innen zu diskutieren. Jeder Tisch wird von zwei „Gastgeber*innen“ moderiert, die jeweils mit kontroversen Thesen die Diskussion eröffnen und anregen und zudem unterschiedliche Standpunkte vertreten. Ein Wechsel der „Besucher*innen“ zwischen den Tischen soll jederzeit möglich sein, zusätzlich wird nach 20 min gewechselt. Angedacht sind drei solche Runden, so dass die World Café Dauer ca. 60 min beträgt. Als Ergebnis sollen die von den „Besucher*innen“ beschriebenen Papiertischdecken möglichst den Rest der Tagung für alle einsehbar an den (Stell)Wänden befestigt werden. Folgende Tische sind geplant:

Kultur – ein wertloses Konzept?
(Alexander Veling & Joselin Düsenberg)
Der Kulturbegriff ist (angeblich) ein Zentralkonzept altertumswissenschaftlicher Forschung, von der Klassifikation z.B. einzelner archäologischer Funde bis zum Selbstverständnis als Kulturwissenschaft. Die große Bandbreite der Verwendung und deren Widersprüchlichkeit entwerten das Konzept, darüber hinaus ist der Begriff alltagssprachlich, politisch wie historisch vorbelastet. Sollten wir das Konzept daher vermeiden und aus dem wissenschaftlichen Diskurs streichen?

Wieviel Naturwissenschaften vertragen die Altertumswissenschaften?
(Anna Loy & Lukas Goldmann)
Unbestritten wachsen Natur- und Kulturwissenschaften weiter zusammen, auch in den Altertumswissenschaften. Dies bringt neue Fragestellungen, aber auch erkenntnistheoretische Herausforderungen hervor. Sind die jeweiligen Paradigmen überhaupt vereinbar, stehen wir vor einem neuen Szientizismus oder bewegen wir uns aus der Trennung der Wissen(schaft)sfelder heraus?

Räume – Utopien der (Un)Endlichkeit?
(Kai Radloff & Werner Kogge)
Ausgangspunkt altertumswissenschaftlicher Forschung ist in der Regel die Verortung eines Phänomens im geographischen Raum. Doch im weiteren Prozess der Kategorisierung und Interpretation werden die Phänomene nach bestimmten anderen, relationalen Räumen geordnet, beispielsweise sozialen, sakralen oder politischen. Welche Räume also erfassen wir bzw. können wir überhaupt erfassen? Wie grenzen wir sie ab und welche Konsequenzen hat dies? Und was, wenn sich diese überschneiden oder verflechten?

„Im Übrigen bin ich der Meinung, dass Kulturerbe zerstört werden muss!“
(Elisabeth Günther & Stefan Schreiber)
Der Schutz kulturellen Erbes steht mehr denn je im Fokus der archäologischen Forschung. Aber sind es tatsächlich aus reinem Zufall überlieferte Artefakte, die wir erben, oder nicht eher die mit diesen verbundenen Konzepte und Ideen? Oder womöglich die Transformationen dieser Konzepte, die wir uns im Hier und Jetzt zunutze machen können?

Ist Antike überhaupt vermittelbar?
(Georg Cyrus & Philipp Tollkühn)
Archäolog*innen diskutieren seit Jahren verschiedene Formen der Öffentlichkeitsarbeit. Aber welche Rolle spielt die Öffentlichkeit bei der Produktion archäologischen Wissens? Haben wir eine Verantwortung ihr gegenüber? Oder genügt ein Auftreten als Expert*in im Sinne der Wissenschaftsfreiheit?