Paul Scheding | German Archaeological Institute (original) (raw)

Ancient North Africa is one of the most diversified regions in the Mediterranean. The coastal are... more Ancient North Africa is one of the most diversified regions in the Mediterranean. The coastal areas between the Atlantic shores of Morocco and the Libyan Sirtes offer different climate zones, various landscapes, and many micro-regions with their own cultural history. Furthermore, the archaeological evidence for Prehistoric, Berber, Numidian, Punic, Roman, Vandal and Byzantine cultures presents its own contrasts: on the one hand, there are well-known archaeological sites offering well-preserved buildings and monuments, and on the other hand, entire cities hidden below the surface which can only be made visible through geophysical methods. In recent years, Ancient North Africa has seen a great deal of dynamic and multifaceted fieldwork. The ongoing process of adopting new archaeological methods, however, is not a purely technological phenomenon but also modifies and refines the individual questions we ask.

The intention of the conference “Perspectives from the Field: Recent Research on the Archaeology of Ancient North Africa” is to bring together archaeologists who are conducting fieldwork projects at different sites, in order to compare questions, methods, and results, and to stimulate discussion on future perspectives.

13-15 June 2019 at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München

Organisers: Stefan Ritter, Paul Scheding (LMU München) Sami Ben Taher (INP Tunis)


Thursday, June 13th
Opening lecture

18:00: Stefan Ritter, Paul Scheding (München) & Sami Ben Tahar (Djerba): “Perspectives from the Field: An Introduction”

18:30: David Mattingly (Leicester): “In the Shadow of the Desert: Saharan Perspectives on the Archaeology of Ancient North Africa”

19:30 Evening Reception

Friday, June 14th
I. Cities

Chair: Johannes Eingartner (Augsburg)

9:00 Hamden Ben Romdhane (Tunis), Ralf Bockmann (Roma) & Frerich Schön (Tübingen): “The circus of Carthage in its urban context”

9:20 Hamden Ben Romdhane (Tunis), Frerich Schön (Tübingen), Ralf Bockmann (Roma) & Stefano Cespa (Tübingen): “Carthage and its hinterland: Studying Urban and Rural Settlement Patterns in a Diachronic Perspective. Case study Abbir Cella”

9:40 Discussion

9:50 Christoph Baur (Innsbruck), Heimo Dolenz & Christof Flügel (München): “From mudbricks to ashlar masonry: The excavations of the DAI Rome and INP Tunis at Carthage, Rue Ibn Chabâat (Quartier Didon) 2009–2012”

10:10 Nabil Kallala (Tunis): “Écrire autrement l’histoire des Numides: Fouilles et prospections récentes dans le site d’Althiburos et le massif du Ksour (NO de la Tunisie)”

10:30 Discussion

10:40 Coffee Break

Chair: Elizabeth Fentress (Roma)

11:10 Stefan Ritter (München) & Sami Ben Tahar (Djerba): “Aspects of life in a port city: The Meninx Archaeological Project 2015–2019”

11:30 Sami Ben Tahar (Djerba), Mekki Aoudi (Sfax) & Philipp von Rummel (Berlin): “Henchir Bourgou (Djerba) through time: From Protohistory to the abandonment in the Early Roman Empire”

11:50 Discussion

12:00 Lunch

14:00 Stefan Ardeleanu (Heidelberg), Paul Scheding (München), Moheddine Chaouali (Tunis) & Philipp von Rummel (Berlin): “The Marble City. Recent Research, Preservation, and Site Development at Simitthus (Chimtou, Tunisia)”

14:20 Moheddine Chaouali (Tunis) & Corisande Fenwick (London): “Christianity and the late antique city: the Tunisian-British Project at Bulla Regia”

14:40 Discussion

14.50 Samir Aounallah (Tunis) & Véronique Brouquier-Reddé (Paris): “Architecture funéraire et religieuse de Thugga: Bilan provisoire des campagnes 2017–2019”

15:10 Antonio Ibba (Sassari), Samir Aounallah (Tunis) & Attilio Mastino (Sassari): “Thignica: le indagini topografiche ed epigrafiche della missione tuniso-italiana (2017-2018)”

15:30 Discussion

15:40 Coffee Break

Chair: Nicolas Lamare (Paris)

16:00 Nichole Sheldrick (Oxford), Ammar Othman (Sfax), Andrew Dufton (New York) & Susan Alcock (Michigan): “Acholla: Preliminary research for a new survey and excavation project in Tunisia”

16:20 Ammar Othman (Sfax): “Projet de Younga: Training in Action”

16:40 Discussion

II. Rural Landscapes

16:50 Stephen Collins-Elliott (Tennessee): “Moroccan-American Surveys in the Oued Loukkos, Morocco: Preliminary Results of the Project Gardens of the Hesperides”

17:10 Souad Slimani (Constantine): “Des sites archéologiques inédits dans le Hodna occidental”

17:30 Discussion

Saturday, June 15th

Chair: Michel Bonifay (Aix-en-Provence)

9:00 Mariette de Vos Raaijmakers & Redha Attoui (Trento): “Water supply in rural sites of Africa Proconsularis. Settlement pattern and hydraulic technology in the countryside of Dougga and Téboursouk (High Tell, Tunisia) from the 2th until the 7th century of our era”

9:20 Silvia Polla (Berlin): “Hidden landscapes of North Africa. Ceramic survey and rural diversity in the countryside of Dougga and Teboursouk (Tunisian High Tell)”

9:40 Discussion

III. Border Regions and Beyond

9:50 Sebastian Schmid (München): “Gheriat el-Garbia and its Sanctuaries”

10:10 Mondher Brahmi (Tunis) & Salvatore Ortisi (München): “Entre Sahara et la Méditerranée: le poste frontalier de Vezereos (Bir Rhezen) sur le Limes Tripolitanus”

10:30 Discussion

10:40 Coffee Break

Chair: Philipp von Rummel (Berlin)

11:00 Heike Möller (Berlin) & Anna-Katharina Rieger (Graz): “Between Africa and Egypt: The Eastern Marmarica and its Relationships”

11:20 Heiko Riemer (Köln): “Perspectives from the Road: Caravan Archaeology along the Darb et-Tawil in Egypt”

11:40 Discussion

IV. Cultural Heritage Management

11:50 Ulla Kreilinger (Münster): “The reorganisation of the old museum of Cherchell”

12:10 Matthew Hobson (Leicester): “The EAMENA Project: Training in New Digital Technologies for Heritage Management in Libya and Tunisia (2017-2019)”

12:30 Discussion

12:40 Final discussion