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Post-finale fic [Sep. 13th, 2012|05:36 am]Damages
Title: The Middle GroundAuthor: averitaSummary: There are some things you can't walk away from. (Post-finale.)Rating: PG-13Word Count: ~1350Spoilers: Through the series finale.Disclaimer: Nothing is mine.She walks away.
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Savoir-Faire: Part 8 [Jun. 17th, 2012|08:52 pm]Damages
Savoir-faire: Part 8Title: Savoir-FaireFandom: DamagesPairing: Patty/EllenRating: NC17Author's Notes: I’m really nervous about this, so please be kind. Catherine doesn't exist here, because it's easier that way. Set somewhere after season 3.Summary: After Tom's death, Patty and Ellen part ways. Now, it's five years later and Ellen is missing in the midst of a political scandal waiting to be exposed. Patty is contacted by Ellen's trusted colleague, who drops, more than a handful on her lap for her to fix. Quickly, it is clear that Patty is the only one able to being Ellen home safely and bring the men that made her disappear, to justice. http://www.fanfiction.net/s/8003785/8/
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The Slippery Slope [May. 31st, 2012|10:52 am]Damages
The Slippery Slope (2965 words) by faviconFakePlastikTreesChapters: 1/1Fandom: Damages, Devil Wears Prada (2006)Rating: Teen And Up AudiencesWarning: Author Chose Not To Use Archive WarningsRelationships: Patty Hewes/Ellen Parsons, Miranda Priestley/Andy SachsCharacters: Patty Hewes, Miranda Pristley, Andy Sachs, Ellen ParsonsSummary:What if Patty Hewes and Miranda Priestley were best friends?
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Season 5 teaser trailer [May. 28th, 2012|05:48 pm]Damages
Soooo a season 5 teaser trailer is out. My reaction was OMFG.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nbZHtX0z2OcCan't wait til July 11th!
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Savoir-Faire: Part 7 [May. 26th, 2012|03:00 am]Damages
Savoir-faire: Part 7Title: Savoir-FaireFandom: DamagesPairing: Patty/EllenRating: R (for language)Author's Notes: I’m really nervous about this, so please be kind. Catherine doesn't exist here, because it's easier that way. Set somewhere after season 3.Summary: After Tom's death, Patty and Ellen part ways. Now, it's five years later and Ellen is missing in the midst of a political scandal waiting to be exposed. Patty is contacted by Ellen's trusted colleague, who drops, more than a handful on her lap for her to fix. Quickly, it is clear that Patty is the only one able to being Ellen home safely and bring the men that made her disappear, to justice.
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(no subject) [May. 15th, 2012|08:46 pm]Damages
Savoir-faire: Part 6Title: Savoir-FaireFandom: DamagesPairing: Patty/EllenRating: R (for language)Author's Notes: I’m really nervous about this, so please be kind. Catherine doesn't exist here, because it's easier that way. Set somewhere after season 3.Summary: After Tom's death, Patty and Ellen part ways. Now, it's five years later and Ellen is missing in the midst of a political scandal waiting to be exposed. Patty is contacted by Ellen's trusted colleague, who drops, more than a handful on her lap for her to fix. Quickly, it is clear that Patty is the only one able to being Ellen home safely and bring the men that made her disappear, to justice.
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Let's Kill It Completely 1/1 [May. 6th, 2012|10:36 pm]Damages
Let's Kill It Completely 1/1Title: Let's Kill It CompletelyFandom: DamagesPairing: Patty/EllenRating: NC17Disclaimer: I don't own them, they own me.Author's Notes: I've been watching season three lately, and I feel like it needed some comfort sex. I believe it actually happened and that's what spooked Ellen away for so long before season 4, so I thought I should write it.Summary: Set at the end of season 3, after Tom's service at the lake house, Ellen comes back in the middle of the night.
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Fool For You 1/1 [Apr. 29th, 2012|10:21 pm]Damages
Fool For you 1/1Title: Fool For YouFandom: DamagesPairing: Patty/EllenRating: NC 17Disclaimer: I don’t own them. They own me. Summary/Prompts: 1) Patty and Ellen look at a sex toy catalog together 2) Patty meets Ellen's mother 3)Perry is in love with Ellen 5) It's after season 4. Patty and ELlen aren't speaking. Katherine gets hold of Patty's cell phone and starts randomly calling people so she can have her dolls talk gibberish to them. Ellen is on the receiving end of one of those calls because Patty hasn't deleted her number yet.
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Savoir-Faire: Part 5 [Apr. 28th, 2012|01:06 am]Damages
Savoir-faire: Part 5Title: Savoir-FaireFandom: DamagesPairing: Patty/EllenRating: R (for language)Author's Notes: I’m really nervous about this, so please be kind. Catherine doesn't exist here, because it's easier that way. Set somewhere after season 3.Summary: After Tom's death, Patty and Ellen part ways. Now, it's five years later and Ellen is missing in the midst of a political scandal waiting to be exposed. Patty is contacted by Ellen's trusted colleague, who drops, more than a handful on her lap for her to fix. Quickly, it is clear that Patty is the only one able to being Ellen home safely and bring the men that made her disappear, to justice.
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Story Prompt [Apr. 25th, 2012|01:45 pm]Damages
Patty and Ellen host their first dinner party as a couple. Phil is there with his lady. Ellen is jealous of how well Phil knows Patty and how close they seem.
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