Don't Make Me Play That Banjo! (original) (raw)

Bethany [userpic]

at May 23rd, 2010 (12:32 am)

The day of the finale is upon us! I feel insanely guilty for having neglected this comm for the last, uhh... way too long, anyway -- so I choose to make it up with an epic last-minute spam/party post. I know Damon and Carlton have been getting plenty of flak from fans and critics alike, and I'm sure that will only increase tenfold once the finale airs. And yet... however much we hate them for ruining our lives and driving us crazy, where would we be without them to bring Lost into our lives? Off crying about Heroes getting canceled, probably. So I will just come out and say it, loud and proud: Damon and Carlton are still my homeboys, and I love these fierce bitches forever and eternity.

( Pictures! Quotes! Videos! Gifs!Collapse )

Just throwing out a little appreciation for these guys, and a truly awesome six years of television! Keep the love going in the comments if you feel so inclined. ♥

Lost Live: the Final Celebration

at May 18th, 2010 (12:52 pm)
current mood: bouncy

Happy Penultimate Episode!!!! Here's a link to my experience at Lost Live: the Final Celebration

No Spoilers

"Guess I better put some pants on"

at February 21st, 2010 (10:45 pm)
current mood: silly

Okay, so who thinks this was an homage to the podcasts? ;P

Oh, fandom

at February 11th, 2010 (06:50 pm)
current mood: tired


at February 2nd, 2010 (08:41 am)
current mood: excited

It's been ages since anything's been posted here, and I thought in honor of tonight's premiere I'd just say,


And a big THANK YOU to Damon and Carlton, the geniuses who have made this show so great all these years. (Basically, an excuse to use this picture, lol)

Bethany [userpic]

Island Fever: Exploring Lost

at July 11th, 2009 (02:30 pm)

In an recent article on the BAFTA website, Damon and Carlton speak about the final season of Lost, reflecting on the impact the show has had on viewers as well as on their own careers. It's rather short, but there are a bunch of interesting tidbits where they talk about their initial hopes/expectations for the show in light of how it has panned out with audiences -- but, man, maybe it's just me, but it's also slightly depressing to hear them talk about the show coming to a close. Siiigh!!

Clip from Jimmy Kimmel

at May 2nd, 2009 (08:08 pm)

current mood: amused

Okay, so there isn't a whole lot of Damon and Carlton in this video, but it's very amusing nonetheless.

Damon and Carlton to be guest stars on reality show

at April 11th, 2009 (10:28 pm)
current mood: amused

Just came across this little snippet -- Damon and Carlton are going to be guest judges on a new show called Top Chef Masters, on Bravo.

Info here.

Damon & Carlton interview at DarkUFO

at January 21st, 2009 (10:02 am)
current mood: excited

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New Lost Podcast is Up!!

at January 20th, 2009 (06:52 pm)
current mood: ecstatic

With the new season approaching, I've been obsessively checking every day to see if there's a new Lost podcast up.

Today there is!!! I LITERALLY squeed out loud and clapped my hands. Yes, I'm a dork. But it's a VIDEO podcast with Damon and Carlton answering fan questions. What more could a fangirl ask for?

Carlton Cuse as Indiana Jones

at October 23rd, 2008 (09:23 am)

current mood: amused

I scanned an article from the recent issue of TV Guide. It shows Carlton dressed as Indiana Jones, and also has some spoilery talk about Season 5. I apologize for the slightly squished look of the article. It was the first time I posted something I scanned onto the Internet.

At my journal.

Bethany [userpic]

A Night out with Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse

at October 4th, 2008 (09:04 am)

Bethany [userpic]

Damon Lindelof on Star Trek

at September 6th, 2008 (05:32 pm)

current mood: restless

What's going on with (at least one of, anyway) our producers during Lost's hiatus? Damon, as producer of the upcoming Star Trek film, offers some insight on STXI's place in the Trek franchise in excerpts from an AMC SciFi interview (also includes links to earlier TrekMovie interviews with Damon).

(Also, looking through the tags, I can't believe it's been over a year since I first posted some interviews in the midst of STXI frenzy, and we still have to wait almost another year for it to come out. THE ANTICIPATION, IT IS KILLING ME.)

Damon and Carlton at Comic Con

at July 27th, 2008 (08:56 pm)
current mood: giggly

Bethany [userpic]

Damon and Carlton at Comic-Con

at July 27th, 2008 (01:13 pm)

current mood: amused

Of course with Comic-Con going on this weekend, there are plenty of new videos, pictures, and interviews from both D&C. I'll try to pull everything together into one post as more info filters online, but for now I couldn't resist sharing this video: a sneak peek at upcoming DVD features (no spoilers).

by Eye of Harmony and the Silent Sea (serene23)

at June 24th, 2008 (10:55 am)

So, I found something very interesting over at Dark UfO, it has probably brought up before, last summer, but it is new to me...anywho I found this ( Read moreCollapse )

Damon and Carlton interview at E Online

at May 14th, 2008 (10:09 pm)

current mood: amused

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There is an awesome interview with Damon and Carlton at E Online (well, every interview with them is awesome).

I love how they note that the sort of crisis the characters deal with now has gone from being "finding water" to "moving the island." : )

The interview can be found here.

oh hey [userpic]

New audio podcast is up!

at May 8th, 2008 (01:17 pm)

Look at me, finally doing my modly duties lol.


Damon & Carlton interviews

at April 25th, 2008 (08:22 pm)

current mood: excited

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There are two really great Damon and Carlton interviews that can be found here and here. I don't think there's any really huge spoilers.

Also, in the new TV Guide there's a really funny Jimmy Kimmel interview with them.

New Audio Podcast

at April 18th, 2008 (03:19 pm)

current mood: cheerful

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New AUDIO podcast is up. Damon and Carlton take fan questions. Oh, Damon and Carlton, how I have missed you.

I don't think it's quite hit me yet that new episodes are resuming next week. I'm not all excited and flaily yet. Maybe watching this podcast will get me in the LostSquee mood.