A Dance Of Masks (original) (raw)

May. 26th, 2015 07:25 pm Witcher 3 restartSo I played about a third of the game, putting most of my points in melee skills, trying to learn the timings of the combat system.Now that I have, it's restart time.Putting most of my points into signs this time round, it's starting to get real interesting with the faster stamina regen and enhanced sign behaviour.I'm starting to think putting points into melee is entirely pointless - signs will open up enemies to additional hits, causing a sign specialist to deal more sword damage than a melee specialist.Leave a comment

May. 18th, 2015 07:13 am Too much workGot to head off in a couple of minutes.Complete systems overhaul on one site last week, and a catastrophic server failure on another on Friday.Eh.Been so short of sleep, youtube's new-ish font threw me for a loop.I stared at the front page for a few minutes, wondering if something has changed.Leave a comment

Apr. 17th, 2015 10:40 pm Game, you crossed my lineSo, I've played just about every type of game out there, some of which probably ought to be illegal.Rarely do I even bat an eyelid.Today, I tried Trials in Tainted Space, and it was so ridiculous I couldn't play it.Ridiculous in the sense of bad writing. Cheap porno pizza delivery level of bad writing.It did get 20 times the amount of its kickstarter goal of 10k, and for once I don't get it.I get that there's a market for X rated games - but if bow chika wow wow is an appropriate soundtrack, maybe it falls a little short in the quality department.Leave a comment

Apr. 5th, 2015 09:33 am Pillars of Eternity, path of the damned attemptI think I've figured out an optimum method of doing path of the damned.Main character should be somewhat tanky. I went with Paladin.In the starting area, run around and loot everything, but do not click on the waterskin yet.Go back to Heodan, and sell everything except for 2 weapons - 1 for each character.This includes stash stuff, such as the 5 ingredients collected.Since Heodan's shop is supposed to allow for getting the type of gear you like, his prices are ridiculously good.Should have well over 1000 copper from this.The next fight is a little tricky, being unarmoured, but 2 enemies should be doable.Put the hide armour on Calisca, and (possibly) give her both melee weapons while the main character equips the hunting bow.If the enemies focus on Calisca in the next fight, it should be relatively easy.Should now have enough gear for the next fight.Now, it's a matter of making it to Gilded Vale with minimal experience gain.Head for the inn right after the conversation at the tree, sell a few bits of gear, and you should have 1250 coppers.Hire 5 level 1 adventurers and level them as quickly as possible with the quests around gilded vale.As for the actual character's stat distributions, I went for pure offence.Even though the main character is a front liner, I stat dumped constitution and intellect in favour of capping out deflection. Being able to evade most hits makes endurance and health from constitution irrelevant - it's only a 21% penalty from lowering it from 10 to 3.Hearth Orlan Paladin 14 03 18 20 03 20As for the other characters, I went with:Hearth Orlan Fighter14 03 18 20 03 20Wood Elf Rogue18 03 20 16 03 18Wood Elf Chanter18 03 20 16 03 18Human Priest20 03 18 10 17 10Human Wizard20 03 18 10 17 10That's right, I dumped con on everyone.It's horrendous when faced with enemies that are accurate and/or have area effect attacks, but for the most part winning fights quickly prevents more knockouts than having a few extra points of endurance.For offensive purposes, a Cipher may have been better than a Chanter, but ... I wanted the option of some cheesy tactics.Early game, I used the chant to increase running speed in order to outrun tough and slow foes, throwing Phantoms in their way.Just managed to beat Maerwald and acquire Caed Nua (though the fight would have been much more difficult pre 1.03 due to fireballs), and am about to sneak my way to various maps (east to Dyrwood village and west to Defiance city).Going to recruit all the NPCs for the purpose of stripping them of their equipment. Heh heh heh.Once kitted out in (mostly) fine gear, I'm going to head back to Gilded Vale and mop up a few places that were too tough.Leave a comment

Mar. 2nd, 2015 02:28 pm Skyrim again (Vilja)So I heard Vilja is now in version 4, and I went to the nexus to download her....746mb for one character?!Hmm.Maybe I'll troll her by playing an orc.Edit: damnit, chronic freezes. I think there's a mod incompatibility somewhere.Leave a comment

Feb. 21st, 2015 02:35 pm Outsider's new song.아웃사이더 - 문신 (feat.나비) 뮤직비디오Still having trouble making money with his own label.Leave a comment

Jan. 10th, 2015 12:31 am On equality and the stupidity of modern feminism(Originally in response to some crap about how everyone should be treated equally, on a video about asking boys to slap a girl)The sexes are not equal.The very reason there's a double standard in issues of violence (as well as other examples involving physical prowess) is because (generally) men are physically stronger than women.Well, there's also another reason.Historically, in times when population numbers were low, continued survival was a game of numbers. The maximum number of children a population can produce is a function of fertile females, while males can be shared. So men ended up doing the high risk tasks, like hunting dangerous game or fighting wars. Even though humans are no longer at risk of extinction, we keep thinking "men are for dying, women are for breeding."So what is it you actually want?Miguel Cotto knocking women out in the boxing ring, is that it? 'cos that's what "equal treatment" will get you.How about less punching, then? There's a reason men run a mile faster than women.Removing gender divisions would likely result in removing professional sports as a viable career aspiration for women.Keep in mind, we're talking about slapping, here. You can objectively prove that, on average, men slap harder than women. Which follows that if the situation were to escalate past slapping, men are more likely to win.If no one ever slaps anyone else, this line of thought would be irrelevant, but we're talking about humans here. Y'know, the species that has never had a single year of peace in the entirety of recorded history.There are A LOT of humans who hurt weaker humans.Ask yourself: does your position benefit or hinder THEM? 'cos that's what matters. Non-violent people are not the issue.Equality is bollocks.Equal opportunity is something completely different.The best person for a job should get the job. That means you're unlikely to see short quarterbacks, or male victoria's secret models, or armless fighter pilots, or stupid surgeons.Not equal ... but with enough effort, AND other exceptional traits that makes up for those shortcomings, still possible.Equal opportunity means, anyone should have the opportunity to do whatever they want, IF THEY CAN.Leave a comment

Dec. 29th, 2014 01:50 pm Damnit, doctorApart from enzyme levels that are a little high in my kidney and liver, there seems to be nothing wrong with me.Eh.Leave a comment

Dec. 26th, 2014 02:40 pm Damnit, bloodApparently, my eye problems were not its own thing.I've been getting chronic dizzy spells.Some were quite severe, and they tend to happen in the mornings and between meals.I'm thinking that my blood sugar is dropping low for some reason.Could be diabetes or something more serious - I have some abdominal pain.Although, by Occam's razor, I'm thinking it's just hunger signals, made worse by how often they occur.Waiting on some blood tests (including random blood while dizzy), and will see where things go from there.Leave a comment

Oct. 7th, 2014 12:32 am Shadow of Mordor, rune farmingSo I figured I wanted a bunch of level 25 runes....More tricky than it sounds.The fastest way to make level 20 warchiefs, that still have a fear or hatred, is to send a death threat.(Which also adds a +1 modifier on the rune, in addition to +2 for warchief, +1 for capitalising on fear/hate, and +1 for knowing strengths/weaknesses. The alternative is vengeance, which requires getting killed by that particular orc)The gang is +5 power, but at the cost of 40% greater chance of epic runes.Yes, I think it's a penalty. 'cos with a few exceptions, level 25 runes are usually better than epic runes.No problem, I thought.I'll just get all the epic runes, then they'll just have to roll standard runes, right?Maybe.I have 15 epic sword runes now, and there's probably more.Only have 2 bow and dagger epic runes, so if I want runes for those too, it'll be a long slog.Damnit, I guess if I'm into collecting everything, this is the way to go.Leave a comment

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