Superhawke - final version by Dangerman-1973 on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Color refined rendition of Superhawke in a new pose.


Real name: Amanda Foster Hawkings
Eyes: Green (as Superhawke)/Purple (as Amanda)
Hair: Brown (as Superhawke)/Black (as Amanda)
Height: 5 ft. 9 in.
Weight: 145 lbs.
Occupation: Website designer
Base: New York City

Superhawke is an Allurean, a race of extraterrestrials that hold extraordinary powers (flight, strength, speed, limited kinetic energy manipulation) and was the first race created by The Creator, the chief deity of The Anything Goes Universe. Among the Allureans is The Hawkes of Allurea, a convent of warrior priestesses that was formed in The Advent Wars an epic battle between good and evil set in the beginning of the universe. The Hawke's main duties were to protect the innocent, spread the virtues of justice and compassion throughout the galaxy, and to safeguard the Star of Allurea, a sacred Crystal that has the power to enhance an Allruean's natural abilities tenfold. Currently The Hawkes of Allurea was led by Lady Demetra Avirious, the mother of Superhawke who sought to continue the Hawke noble tradition to maintain peace on her planet. But all was not perfect in Allurea as General Sojurn Caball, a proud unyielding military officer, sought the hand of Lady Demitra in a bid to become the next head of The Allurean Ruling council. But Lady Demitra was in love with Lord Aterus Ulmad-Deid, head of the The Allurean Royal Council Security Force, and spurned his advances. Feeling the sting of rejection, General Caball decided that the best option was to take the Planet Allurea and Lady Demitra for himself. General Caball gathered his allies together and began to stage a daring attempt to overthrow the Allurean Royal council from his secret base on Allurea's Third Moon. It was a fearsome battle between The Hawkes of Allurea and General Caball's separatist forces, but Lady Demitra's warriors manged to drive back Caball's solders and forced the traitorous general to retreat. As the Hawkes pursued General Caball's Space Cruiser, he tried to activate the ship's Warp Drive Engine to escape. But unknowing to the General, The Warp Drive Engine was damaged and when activated it exploded and consumed Caball in a blinding light...................

After Caball's insurrection was thwarted, Lady Demitra and Lord Arerus got married and had a beautiful baby girl called Airial (aka Amanda Hawkings / Superhawke) and hoped to lived their lives in peace and happiness. But unbeknownst to them, General Caball survived the accident with the aid of an ageless wizard known as Hexor The Sorcerer. Hexor spared Caball's life for one reason, so that Caball will retrieve the Star of Allurea for him. Hexor believes that The Star is a shard of The Spectrum Star Crystal, an ancient powerful relic which was scattered during the Advent Wars thousands of years ago. Hexor seeks the Star for his own dark purpose but is unable to without being detected due to a mystical barrier that surrounds The Hawke's Temple where The Star is being held. A bargain was struck, Hexor will offer Caball another chance for vengeance in exchange for The Star of Allurea and agreed to have his charred body converted into a powerful cybernetic exoskeleton ran by Power Core of Pulsar Energy (Pulsar Energy is known to block or "Sun-Jam" an Allurean abilities leaving them helpless. This is also known as reverse solar radiation). Renaming himself "General Sun-Jammer," Caball plotted to seek vengeance against the Allurean people that rejected him (Mainly Lady Demitra) and created The Allurean Nero-Inducer a dangerous machine that can hypnotize any Allurean and place them under his control. With the Nero-Inducer at Sun-Jammer's hands, he lead a devastating campaign to enslave Allurean turning their own military force against them. As the planet Allurea was driven tot he point of madness, Lady Demitra and Lord Atreus knew that they must maintain little Airial's safety at all cost. With the aid of Selenia Geoditie, Lady Demitra's closest friend and current bearer of The Star of Allurea, the trio fled to the stars in search of a proper hiding place for Airial to grow up safely and found one in a place called Earth under the care of The Hawkings…

James and Harriett Hawkings are your basic example of a typical married couple, but their first wedding anniversary was anything but ordinary. About thirty years ago, James was a beat cop on the streets of Sheffield, North Carolina and Harriet Smith was a paramedic. The Hawkings were both on call to investigate a strange explosion near an abandoned mill outside of town. It turns out that that explosion was Lady Demitra and her Hawkes in battle with The Quintox, a dangerously toxic extraterrestrial that possibly holds information about a dangerous weapon being developed to attack The Planet Allurea (The Nero Inducer). The Hawkes were pursuing The Quintox who was trying to deliver the message to his superiors and they damaged his ship forcing him to crash down to Earth (At this time The Earth is pretty much of out the radars of The Galactic Council of Unified Planets (The GCOUP considered them to be an underdeveloped world) and other extraterrestrial species do not really care about it, at least for right now). This fact is unknown to both James and Harriet who find themselves in the middle of an intergalactic battle in which Lady Demetra and her Hawkes were losing and Demitra herself badly damaged by The Quintox toxic fumes. Sensing that James and Harriet were fellow peace keepers like herself, Lady Demitra told then about her mission to recapture it and enlisted their help in placing the Suppression collar on the beast's neck to neutralize its powers. The couple distracted the Quintox giving enough time for Lady Demetra and the surviving Hawkes to subdue the monster. After The Quintox was recaptured, Lady Demitra thanked the brave couple for their support and explained that they are now developed Kawzel Toth (The Allurean term for Life-Bonded) a strong bond of friendship forged in the heat of battle. Five years later, Lady Demetra returned to The Hawkings to ask for another important favor, to look after her daughter Airial while she and Lord Arteus rallies the surviving Allureans to form a resistance to retake their home planet. James and Harriet who were having trouble conceiving a child vowed to raised Aireal as their own and re named her Amanda after Harriet's middle name. And so begins the story of Superhawke the world's greatest Protector and the last hope of the Allurean Race...

Amanda is not only one of the strongest and fastest beings in the universe, she is also the most moral and compassionate; something she learned from her adoptive parents including her once skeptical but now supportive father. She is sweet, savvy, and has a strong sense of justice. She values her work in the newsroom even though she disagrees with the ethnicity of her network's political views, and has to endure the occasional womanizing flirtations from her anchorman supervisor and former TV star Will Williams III. She has an off-again/on-again romantic interest towards her partner Nick West; although she has to bear his often accidental sexist remarks and his antagonistic views on costumed heroes (mostly due to the bad memories of one who was responsible for his father's death), Amanda has given good social advise to Nick as well as rescuing him from danger as Superhawke. She is constantly friends with her co-workers Phoebe and Yuki Stokes; treating them as sister figures she never had. She has a somewhat acceptable relationship with obsessed fan Harold Fitzgerald and considers him her trusted, in spite of her frustration at his perverted fanboyism towards her (including taking cell phone pictures of her breasts and rear). Superhawke is utterly concerned about the status on women's rights, both in her workplace and in the superhero community; she works hard to champion these rights women have fought to receive. She possesses great physical strength, yet never abandoned her femininity. Trapped in a world where humans fear people with extraordinary abilities, she is determined to prove to the skeptical public that not all of these individuals have evil intentions against their fellow citizens. She is also a firm defender of rights of minorities and foreigners, especially immigrants and Muslims; although some of her actions come at odds with the government. Despite these hard times, Superhawke is strong-willed to fight for truth and justice and to be a better role model for the various citizens and the adoptive planet she now protects. Her favorite hobbies are playing guitar, designing webpages and meeting people around the world (both as Amanda and Superhawke). Her favorite Earth food is sweet and sour pork.

As with her fellow Allureans, Superhawke possesses a vast array of super human powers and abilities such as flight, super-strength, super-speed (she can even travel at speeds up to three times the speed of light), invulnerability including against all types of man-made weaponry (conventional and hi-tech, including up to nuclear warheads), heat/x-ray/telescopic vision, the ability to emit an array of beams (including concussion and magnetic) from her hands, survivability on underwater depths and the vacuums of space, and gale force/freeze breath. She also develops other abilities during her time on Earth including short-range teleportation and time travel, although due to serious ramifications she restricts herself from using the latter ability. Her greatest attack is the "Hawke Buster", in which she transforms into a fiery Phoenix-like entity powerful enough to destroy large obstacles and adversaries. Her transformation from Amanda Hawkings to Superhawke involves her eyes glowing red and changing color, then her clothes and hair morph with electricity surrounding them; spinning around in super-speed increases her transformation speed (necessary for fast action emergencies). One of her main weakness is an experimental weapon called a reserve-solar beam (a technology which was used by Alluerean enemies and was re-developed in World War II following the events following the arrival of Allurean super-criminal Blackhawke). When this beam is fired on Superhawke, she loses her powers completely and becomes as vulnerable as any normal human; she can regain her powers and strength by ingesting a Vitamin C tablet she stores in a hidden compartment under her belt buckle (the ascorbic acid properties mixed with her unique alien cell structure reverses the effects of the beam). Her other main weakness is various forms of magic and the dark arts, which can physically harm her as well as weakens her physical strength when overexposed. She is an expert in various forms of had-to-hand combat. She is an excellent tactician and strategist. She has a bachelor's degree in journalism, computer programming and international diplomacy. She is also trained in social studies and multiple languages.


- Superman/Clark Kent (DC Comics)
- Wonder Woman (DC Comics)
- April O'Neill (1980's cartoon version) (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)
- Betty Suarez (America Ferrera) (Ugly Betty)
- Phoenix/Jean Grey (Marvel Comics)
- Jun the Swan (Gatchaman)

EDIT (9/8/10) - Under some suggestions from ~LaurenMontgomery , I have removed the cape and changed the colors of her boots. This is now the final design for Superhawke. I will leave most of gallery untouched to show the development of the character.

EDIT (9/11/10) - Added redesigned cape

EDIT (9/13/10) - Redrawn cleaner new version

Original 2006 pose art

Superhawke gallery