darker_vault - Profile (original) (raw)
Because of the recent asshat-ery from 6A/LJ, I've decided this needs to go on top of everything, you know, in case things weren't clear enough for the reading public.
THIS JOURNAL COMMUNITY AND THE COMMUNITY'S AUTHORS AND ARCHIVISTS DO NOT CONDONE, PROMOTE, SOLICIT OR ENCOURAGE ILLEGAL ACTIVITIES. Any such acts depicted are of a FICTIONAL nature only and used purely as plot devices. Perpetrators of crimes should be punished, pedophiles and rapists should be punished a lot.
Welcome to The Darker Vault, home of all dark fics/manips/videos/etc of the BTVS/ATS fandom.
Ever wish for a place where all your dark fantasies are not only welcome, but encouraged? Look no further! This is the place.
This is the place to post and archive your work or the work of others (with permission and proper credit given) with dark themes. Archive your old work, submit your new work, and bring recognition to favourite fics, manips, and vids that may have been lost in the shuffle or that never made it to LJ.
So many specialized comms for specific characters or pairings with a darker theme have faded from use and memory because of limited fan base, so we're going to try to put it all in one place. It'll be easier to search, to find, to store and to commune with other Dark readers.
Any pairing (slash, femslash, het, groups, etc!), any character (even characters that only appear for a single ep) of the Buffy or Angel fandom are welcome, the only restriction we have is that it be DARK. I’m talking angst, torture, torment, death, sad endings, entries that makes people flinch and shudder. If it’s got some happy fluffy stuff in there, that’s fine, as long as there is an element of DARKNESS in it. Even cross-overs with other fandoms are allowed as long as there is someone from the Buffy/Angel verse. Not sure if it’s dark enough? Contact the mods and ask, we’ll be more than happy to help!
Want to join?: Because of the material we are working with and enjoying, community membership will be moderated. YOU NEED TO BE 18 YEARS OF AGE TO ENTER and everyone who applies will have their profile looked at for a valid b-day date. (Just the year is fine for those of you who are wary of showing the full date).
Entry Moderation/Requirements: Entries are not moderated, but if your entry has nothing whatsoever that is DARK it will be questioned by a moderator. You have 24 hrs from the comment to prove your case as to why it should be here (maybe the fic will get darker in the next few chapters, for example). If you fail to prove your case your entry will be deleted. If you have any problems please contact the mods directly
Plagiarism will not be tolerated, neither will reports by authors that their work is being archived here against their wishes. Post either your own work or work with the authors expressed permission, in which case you must to make sure everything is properly credited.
Remember, we’re looking to archive things from OUTSIDE LJ as well as inside, so feel free to poke around sites like adultfanfiction.net or fanfiction.net or anywhere else you know of for some darkly gleaming jewels in the cottony piles of fluff.
Don’t be afraid to go waaaay back into the archives of your own work or other sites, the older it is the more likely it is a lot of fans haven’t seen it, and we want to bring recognition to authors & manippers that have been lost or overlooked.
Feel free to post WIP's as well as complete fics. You don't have to have it completed for it to be archived. You can archive everything you have so far and keep updating when new bits and bobs get added to the fic.
TAGS are important! You are required to use them. In the tags you need to put: Pairing, rating, author/artist, score. . If it is a multipart fic put the fic title as its own seperate tag so it's easier for people to find what they are looking for.
Pairing means the characters name slashed with another (so, Spike/Xander, NOT SPANDER) if they aren’t actually involved just their name is fine separated by a comma (Spike, Xander). Check to see if the tag you need is already in use (instead of creating a new one of Xander/Spike when Spike/Xander is already there for example). If you aren’t sure what tags to use, feel free to ask a mod.
Author/artist is pretty self explanatory. Rating is with the north american movie rating system: NC-17, R, PG-13. If you aren't sure, just ask.
Last but not least, the score. I know everyone will be archiving things of varying degrees of darkness and we want to make sure people only read to what level they are comfortable with. It will be a scale of 1 through 5.
1 = Minor character death, angst, no non-con, no graphic torture and torment
2 = “Off screen” mentions of torture, “off screen” mentions of nc.
3 = Vamping of major characters, non-graphic nc, non-graphic torture.
4 = Major character death, graphic torture, graphic nc, vamping of major characters.
5 = Darkest of the dark. It has everything in a score 4, and/or incest, and/or bestiality and/or suicide, and/or self torment (i.e. cutting) and/or just the darkest of the dark.
Archiving someone elses work: As long as full credit is given, original posting location recorded and permission is received, it's warmly welcome.
Steps to follow to post anothers work: You must ask the author for permission to archive it on our site. You must contact the mods and inform them of some way to contact the author (preferably a link to their site with their e-mail address). We will confirm your authority to post it on our site. You must post a disclaimer at the top of the archived item stating who the author/artist is, where you got it from, when you recieved authority, and how to contact the author for feedback and/or concrits. A log will be kept in dv_mods about who has permission to post what from where.
All fics and graphics must go behind a cut with a summary (including rating, pairing, summary of fics, score, author/artist, original hosting location) above the cut. Up to three thumbnails or three teaser icons can be put above the cut.
ALL ENTRIES ARE AUTOMATICALLY FLOCKED! If you go back and change the entry settings, we will have no choice but to delete them.
In case it wasn't that obvious, comments are VERY encouraged and expected. What's the point in pulling a whole bunch of wonderful fics and manips and videos out of obscurity and have them still be ignored? Comments make them realize people are reading, watching, looking and appreciating. If it's from an outside source try commenting according to the outside sources protocols (since they won't be getting any notification of comments, what with not being on LJ and all). It doesn't hurt to thank to archivist for their efforts in finding and posting either. Everyone wants to feel appreciated and noticed. Even if it's just to say "Read it, thanks for sharing". It means a LOT to the artist/author and even the archivist to know people are enjoying their creations and submissions.
POINTS SYSTEM Please be aware of the points system and tag your entries accordingly. Just read the post and if you have any questions don't be afraid to ask.
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Need to contact a mod? kayt_arminta can be reached at kayt_arminta at livejournal dot com