Dark Reader Privacy Policy (original) (raw)

Personal data

Dark Reader has never collected and will never collect any personal data, browsing history etc.

In the future Dark Reader may collect browser version, platform name, display settings and user's filter settings (except browsing history or any other data which can help identify user). This information is needed for deciding on implementing new features, removing unused features or suggesting default settings for new users. It will happen only with your permission.

Third party services

Dark Reader uses Chrome/Edge (Chromium) or Firefox WebExtensions Storage Sync API for storing user's settings and browser's Web Storage API (localStorage) for storing user's Developer Tools fixes.

Dark Reader for Safari uses User's defaults database of Safari Web Extensions API for storing user's settings, purchases are handled by iTunes (App Store).

Payments for using Dark Reader for Chrome/Edge/Firefox are processed by Stripe and PayPal.

Donations are processed by Open Collective and payment processors chosen by that organization (Stripe and PayPal).

The website

For statistical purposes darkreader.org website counts the page visits and link clicks. A language and a time zone of a visitor are sent to the web server anonymously.

Updated: June 3, 2024 (see update history)