Dilip Saikia | Darrang College (original) (raw)

Books by Dilip Saikia

Research paper thumbnail of India’s Economy in the Globalized Era

Bookwell Publication, New Delhi, 2013

Globalization and its impact on growth and development of an economy, especially developing econo... more Globalization and its impact on growth and development of an economy, especially developing economies, has been a subject of debate among the academic and policy circles. The advocates of globalization argued that globalization has enlarged the frontiers of market economy with increased faith in private capital, which opened up opportunities to access international market and technology. It is also expected that technology transfer increases higher productivity and ensures higher growth and standard of living. Contradictorily, skeptics argued that globalization gives rise to new challenges such as growing inequalities, market instability and environmental concerns. With reduced trade and investment barriers after 1990s, India has entered the phase of globalization. Although India has emerged as one of the fastest growing economies of the world in the globalized era, it is beset with a host of socio-economic and development related problems. In this context, this book examines diverse topics of contemporary relevance such as industrial performance, trade liberalization and its impact on employment, capital outflows, remittance and the impact of external shocks on Indian economy in the globalized era. The essays analyze India’s recent performances and explore the key economic challenges faced by the economy in the changing international arena. This volume will be helpful for the students of economics and development studies, academics, researchers, policymakers, analysts and general readers.

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Research paper thumbnail of Indian Economy after Liberalisation: Performance and Challenges

SSDN Publication, New Delhi, 2012

India’s economic reform since 1991 has been catalyst in shaping the performance of the economy. N... more India’s economic reform since 1991 has been catalyst in shaping the performance of the economy. No doubt the economy has been brought to a higher growth trajectory and minimized many of the apparent inefficiencies that were persistent before the reform; however, there are new challenges in the process and backlashes in various areas. This volume highlights the post-reform performance of Indian economy in various sectors and the growth and development challenges thereof. In particular, the book addresses the performance and challenges in agriculture, industry and service sectors; and the development issues such as poverty and human development in the context of the economic reform. This book is an authoritative guide to India’s growth and development after economic reform and challenges thereof. This book will interest the students of economics and development studies, academics, researchers, policymakers, analysts and general readers.

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Research paper thumbnail of Industrial Location under Globalisation in India: Evidence from Unorganised Manufacturing Industries

VDM Publishing, Germany, 2011

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Research paper thumbnail of Agriculture-Industry Linkages in India: Some Issues and Evidences

VDM Publishing, Germany, 2011

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Papers by Dilip Saikia

Research paper thumbnail of Rural Unorganised Manufacturing Sector in Assam in the Post-reforms Period


The objective of the present paper has been to analyse the performance of the rural unorganised m... more The objective of the present paper has been to analyse the performance of the rural unorganised manufacturing sector in Assam in the post-reforms period. Using the National Sample Survey Organisation’s ‘quinquennial’ rounds on unorganised manufacturing sector for the years 1994-95, 2000-01, 2005-06 and 2010-11, we have analysed the growth performance and structural changes in the rural unorganised manufacturing sector in Assam in terms of number of enterprises, employment and output. The analysis showed that in the post-reforms period there has been a deceleration in the growth of output in Assam’s rural unorganised manufacturing sector, while the growth of enterprises and employment has been negative. Considerable structural change has been occurring within the rural unorganised manufacturing sector over the years; the share of OAMEs – the dominant segment of the rural sector – has been falling, while that of the establishments has been increasing. The establishments segment has been growing at a faster rate than the OAMEs. Employment elasticity in the overall rural unorganised sector and the OAMEs is found out to be negative, whereas that in the establishments segment has been relatively high. Labour productivity in the rural unorganised sector has been lower than the urban counterpart, but growth in labour productivity is found to be higher in the rural unorganised sector than the urban unorganised sector.

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Research paper thumbnail of Urban Informal Manufacturing Sector in Assam in the Post-Reforms Period

PSN: Urbanization & Urban Development (Topic), 2017

The present paper examines the performance of the urban informal manufacturing sector in Assam in... more The present paper examines the performance of the urban informal manufacturing sector in Assam in the post-reforms period. The structure and growth of the sector has been examined by types of enterprises and two-digit industry groups in terms of number of enterprises, number of workers, and gross value added using data from the four NSS surveys (1994-95, 2000-01, 2005-06, and 2010-11). The urban informal manufacturing in the state is very small in size compared to its rural counterpart, but the sector has been expanding gradually over the years. Although the OAMEs and establishments segments have almost equal shares in number of enterprises, establishments outnumber OAMEs by huge margin in number of workers and gross value added. At the disaggregated level, the sector mainly comprised of a set of agro-based industries and characterised by high degree of specialisation. While the sector registered a high growth in gross value added throughout the period 1994-95 to 2010-11, the growth...

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Research paper thumbnail of Industrial Location in India under Liberalization

The economic liberalization policy initiated in the country since 1991 has made large-scale delic... more The economic liberalization policy initiated in the country since 1991 has made large-scale delicensing of industry and changes in the industrial location policies along with the stabilization-cum-structural adjustments of the economy. This curtailed the role of the state as industrial owner and location regulator and increases the role of private sector in industrialization. With the increasing dominance of private sector in industrialization under the liberalization policy it is expected that industries will be more spatially concentrated in the leading industrial regions. However, the neoclassical principle suggests that in the long run “divergence is followed by convergence”. This is in contrast with the theory that raises the question about the regional industrial development in India under the two policy regimes (an inward looking restrictive policy regime prior to 1980s and liberalization policy since 1991). The main objective of our study is to see whether there is convergen...

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Research paper thumbnail of Agriculture-industry linkages in india: evidences and some issues

The structural changes in sectoral composition and uneven pattern of growth of agriculture, indus... more The structural changes in sectoral composition and uneven pattern of growth of agriculture, industry and services sectors of India's economy in the post-reform period, coupled with the recent spate of services-led growth is likely to cause substantial changes in the inter-sectoral linkages. In this light the present book explored the inter-sectoral linkages in India before and after reforms. In doing so, we have made a critical evaluation of various theoretical and measurement issues underlying the inter-sectoral linkages in the Indian context. The we also explored the services-led growth of India's economy in the port-reform period and discussed the measurement debate relation to measuring services output and value added.

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Research paper thumbnail of Rural Unorganised Manufacturing Industries in Assam: Some Aspects of Growth, Structural Change and Productivity

Journal of Rural Development

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Research paper thumbnail of Employment Growth in Urban Informal Non-Farm Enterprises in Assam

SSRN Electronic Journal

The paper analyses the growth in employment in the urban informal non-farm enterprises (INFEs) in... more The paper analyses the growth in employment in the urban informal non-farm enterprises (INFEs) in the northeastern state of Assam during the first half of the second decade of the 21st century. The findings of the paper has brought out that employment in the urban INFEs has been growing significantly during the first half of the 2010s, while its rural counterpart witnessed an absolute decline in employment. Across the sectors within the urban INFEs, the services enterprises witnessed the highest growth in employment followed by trading enterprises, while employment growth in manufacturing enterprises was abysmally low.

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Research paper thumbnail of Rural Unorganised Manufacturing Enterprises in Assam: Some Aspects of Size, Structure, Growth, and Productivity in the Reform Era

SSRN Electronic Journal

The present study aims to analyse the performance of the rural unorganised manufacturing in Assam... more The present study aims to analyse the performance of the rural unorganised manufacturing in Assam in terms of number of enterprises, employment and value added, structural changes, employment elasticity, and labour productivity, both at aggregated and disaggregated industry level. The analysis has brought out that the rural unorganised manufacturing in the state has been undergoing considerable structural change over the years; the share of household-based enterprises has been declining, while that of the establishments has been increasing. At the disaggregated industry level, however, the sector continues to be predominated by a set of agro-based industries such as food and beverages, textiles, and wood products. The sector has been decelerating over the years; the growth rate of output has been decelerating, while growth rate of enterprises and employment has been negative during 1994-95 to 2010-11, which is mainly due to sharp deceleration of the OAMEs segment, otherwise the establishments segment has achieved a relatively high growth. Across industry groups, except machinery and electrical, metal products, and transport and equipment, all other industry groups have registered negative growth in number of enterprises and employment, while most of the industry groups have achieved a relatively high growth in real value added. The implication is that growth in value added per worker has been quite high and the employment elasticity has been negative; only machinery and electrical, transport and equipment, and metal products have shown employment potentiality in the rural unorganised manufacturing in the state.

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Research paper thumbnail of Health Care Infrastructure in the Rural Areas of North-East India: Current Status and Future Challenges

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Research paper thumbnail of Agriculture and Industry: Analysing Linkages for Pre- and Post-reform Periods in India

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Research paper thumbnail of Tanking Stock of the Problems Confronting the Rural Healthcare System in India

ABSTRACT During the last two decades, the average annual allocation for the health sector in Indi... more ABSTRACT During the last two decades, the average annual allocation for the health sector in India has been about 1.5 percent of GDP. The approach paper to the Twelfth Five Year Plan has proposed to increase this allocation by 1 percent of GDP, i.e. to 2.5 percent of GDP by the end of the plan. The question in this context, which the present paper seeks to answer, is which directions this increased allocation should be channelized into. Given the constraints on resources and many concerns within the health sector that keeps India’s record in improving human development rather ordinary, the policy makers should identify those concerns which are looming large and allocate the increased outlay accordingly. The present paper makes an attempt to identify the areas which require immediate attention within the health sector and suggests that resources be increasingly deployed to address these concerns. The paper further suggests that higher allocation of outlay should be complemented by improvement in the delivery mechanism for facilitating a more effective deployment of the expenditures.

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Research paper thumbnail of Employment Pattern in the Unorganised Manufacturing Sector in Assam

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Research paper thumbnail of Role of Unorganized Manufacturing Sector in Expanding Employment Opportunities in Assam

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Research paper thumbnail of Employment Growth in the Unorganized Manufacturing Sector in Assam

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Research paper thumbnail of Pattern of Industry Location under Liberalization: The Indian Experience

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Research paper thumbnail of Industrial Location under Globalisation in India: The Case of Unorganised Manufacturing

The question of industrial location is very important to understand the development of sub-nation... more The question of industrial location is very important to understand the development of sub-national regions, especially in a developing country like India where economic activities are historically concentrated in few States and within the States in few districts. This book is intended to document India's experience in the process of regional industrialization in the post-reform period, especially for the unorganised manufacturing sector. A central issue is the spatial concentration of unorganised manufacturing industries at different geographical scales- districts, states and beyond states. The book also highlights the factors that determine the location decision of unorganised manufacturing industries in India in the post reform period. The findings suggest that historical concentration process, industrial diversity, labour and capital productivity, level of development and market size play significant role in location of unorganised industries.

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Research paper thumbnail of Total Factor Productivity in Agriculture: A Review of Measurement Issues in the Indian Context

ABSTRACT The productivity growth in agriculture is both a necessary and sufficient condition for ... more ABSTRACT The productivity growth in agriculture is both a necessary and sufficient condition for the development of the sector as well as the economy. While the partial productivity does not truly reflect whether the productivity growth is because of more use of inputs or improvement in the efficiency of their use or technology improvement, the total factor productivity (TFP) measures the net growth of output per unit of total inputs. This paper reviews the different methods of measuring TFP and highlights some issues related to measurement of TFP in agriculture, especially in the Indian context. The paper also discusses the determinants of TFP growth in agriculture and analyse the trends in TFP growth in Indian agriculture. The TFP growth in Indian agriculture was very low in the pre green revolution period and it declined during 1970s. During 1980s the TFP growth rate has marginally improved, but it has again come down during the 1990s.

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Research paper thumbnail of India’s Economy in the Globalized Era

Bookwell Publication, New Delhi, 2013

Globalization and its impact on growth and development of an economy, especially developing econo... more Globalization and its impact on growth and development of an economy, especially developing economies, has been a subject of debate among the academic and policy circles. The advocates of globalization argued that globalization has enlarged the frontiers of market economy with increased faith in private capital, which opened up opportunities to access international market and technology. It is also expected that technology transfer increases higher productivity and ensures higher growth and standard of living. Contradictorily, skeptics argued that globalization gives rise to new challenges such as growing inequalities, market instability and environmental concerns. With reduced trade and investment barriers after 1990s, India has entered the phase of globalization. Although India has emerged as one of the fastest growing economies of the world in the globalized era, it is beset with a host of socio-economic and development related problems. In this context, this book examines diverse topics of contemporary relevance such as industrial performance, trade liberalization and its impact on employment, capital outflows, remittance and the impact of external shocks on Indian economy in the globalized era. The essays analyze India’s recent performances and explore the key economic challenges faced by the economy in the changing international arena. This volume will be helpful for the students of economics and development studies, academics, researchers, policymakers, analysts and general readers.

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Research paper thumbnail of Indian Economy after Liberalisation: Performance and Challenges

SSDN Publication, New Delhi, 2012

India’s economic reform since 1991 has been catalyst in shaping the performance of the economy. N... more India’s economic reform since 1991 has been catalyst in shaping the performance of the economy. No doubt the economy has been brought to a higher growth trajectory and minimized many of the apparent inefficiencies that were persistent before the reform; however, there are new challenges in the process and backlashes in various areas. This volume highlights the post-reform performance of Indian economy in various sectors and the growth and development challenges thereof. In particular, the book addresses the performance and challenges in agriculture, industry and service sectors; and the development issues such as poverty and human development in the context of the economic reform. This book is an authoritative guide to India’s growth and development after economic reform and challenges thereof. This book will interest the students of economics and development studies, academics, researchers, policymakers, analysts and general readers.

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Research paper thumbnail of Industrial Location under Globalisation in India: Evidence from Unorganised Manufacturing Industries

VDM Publishing, Germany, 2011

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Research paper thumbnail of Agriculture-Industry Linkages in India: Some Issues and Evidences

VDM Publishing, Germany, 2011

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Research paper thumbnail of Rural Unorganised Manufacturing Sector in Assam in the Post-reforms Period


The objective of the present paper has been to analyse the performance of the rural unorganised m... more The objective of the present paper has been to analyse the performance of the rural unorganised manufacturing sector in Assam in the post-reforms period. Using the National Sample Survey Organisation’s ‘quinquennial’ rounds on unorganised manufacturing sector for the years 1994-95, 2000-01, 2005-06 and 2010-11, we have analysed the growth performance and structural changes in the rural unorganised manufacturing sector in Assam in terms of number of enterprises, employment and output. The analysis showed that in the post-reforms period there has been a deceleration in the growth of output in Assam’s rural unorganised manufacturing sector, while the growth of enterprises and employment has been negative. Considerable structural change has been occurring within the rural unorganised manufacturing sector over the years; the share of OAMEs – the dominant segment of the rural sector – has been falling, while that of the establishments has been increasing. The establishments segment has been growing at a faster rate than the OAMEs. Employment elasticity in the overall rural unorganised sector and the OAMEs is found out to be negative, whereas that in the establishments segment has been relatively high. Labour productivity in the rural unorganised sector has been lower than the urban counterpart, but growth in labour productivity is found to be higher in the rural unorganised sector than the urban unorganised sector.

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Research paper thumbnail of Urban Informal Manufacturing Sector in Assam in the Post-Reforms Period

PSN: Urbanization & Urban Development (Topic), 2017

The present paper examines the performance of the urban informal manufacturing sector in Assam in... more The present paper examines the performance of the urban informal manufacturing sector in Assam in the post-reforms period. The structure and growth of the sector has been examined by types of enterprises and two-digit industry groups in terms of number of enterprises, number of workers, and gross value added using data from the four NSS surveys (1994-95, 2000-01, 2005-06, and 2010-11). The urban informal manufacturing in the state is very small in size compared to its rural counterpart, but the sector has been expanding gradually over the years. Although the OAMEs and establishments segments have almost equal shares in number of enterprises, establishments outnumber OAMEs by huge margin in number of workers and gross value added. At the disaggregated level, the sector mainly comprised of a set of agro-based industries and characterised by high degree of specialisation. While the sector registered a high growth in gross value added throughout the period 1994-95 to 2010-11, the growth...

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Research paper thumbnail of Industrial Location in India under Liberalization

The economic liberalization policy initiated in the country since 1991 has made large-scale delic... more The economic liberalization policy initiated in the country since 1991 has made large-scale delicensing of industry and changes in the industrial location policies along with the stabilization-cum-structural adjustments of the economy. This curtailed the role of the state as industrial owner and location regulator and increases the role of private sector in industrialization. With the increasing dominance of private sector in industrialization under the liberalization policy it is expected that industries will be more spatially concentrated in the leading industrial regions. However, the neoclassical principle suggests that in the long run “divergence is followed by convergence”. This is in contrast with the theory that raises the question about the regional industrial development in India under the two policy regimes (an inward looking restrictive policy regime prior to 1980s and liberalization policy since 1991). The main objective of our study is to see whether there is convergen...

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Research paper thumbnail of Agriculture-industry linkages in india: evidences and some issues

The structural changes in sectoral composition and uneven pattern of growth of agriculture, indus... more The structural changes in sectoral composition and uneven pattern of growth of agriculture, industry and services sectors of India's economy in the post-reform period, coupled with the recent spate of services-led growth is likely to cause substantial changes in the inter-sectoral linkages. In this light the present book explored the inter-sectoral linkages in India before and after reforms. In doing so, we have made a critical evaluation of various theoretical and measurement issues underlying the inter-sectoral linkages in the Indian context. The we also explored the services-led growth of India's economy in the port-reform period and discussed the measurement debate relation to measuring services output and value added.

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Research paper thumbnail of Rural Unorganised Manufacturing Industries in Assam: Some Aspects of Growth, Structural Change and Productivity

Journal of Rural Development

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Research paper thumbnail of Employment Growth in Urban Informal Non-Farm Enterprises in Assam

SSRN Electronic Journal

The paper analyses the growth in employment in the urban informal non-farm enterprises (INFEs) in... more The paper analyses the growth in employment in the urban informal non-farm enterprises (INFEs) in the northeastern state of Assam during the first half of the second decade of the 21st century. The findings of the paper has brought out that employment in the urban INFEs has been growing significantly during the first half of the 2010s, while its rural counterpart witnessed an absolute decline in employment. Across the sectors within the urban INFEs, the services enterprises witnessed the highest growth in employment followed by trading enterprises, while employment growth in manufacturing enterprises was abysmally low.

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Research paper thumbnail of Rural Unorganised Manufacturing Enterprises in Assam: Some Aspects of Size, Structure, Growth, and Productivity in the Reform Era

SSRN Electronic Journal

The present study aims to analyse the performance of the rural unorganised manufacturing in Assam... more The present study aims to analyse the performance of the rural unorganised manufacturing in Assam in terms of number of enterprises, employment and value added, structural changes, employment elasticity, and labour productivity, both at aggregated and disaggregated industry level. The analysis has brought out that the rural unorganised manufacturing in the state has been undergoing considerable structural change over the years; the share of household-based enterprises has been declining, while that of the establishments has been increasing. At the disaggregated industry level, however, the sector continues to be predominated by a set of agro-based industries such as food and beverages, textiles, and wood products. The sector has been decelerating over the years; the growth rate of output has been decelerating, while growth rate of enterprises and employment has been negative during 1994-95 to 2010-11, which is mainly due to sharp deceleration of the OAMEs segment, otherwise the establishments segment has achieved a relatively high growth. Across industry groups, except machinery and electrical, metal products, and transport and equipment, all other industry groups have registered negative growth in number of enterprises and employment, while most of the industry groups have achieved a relatively high growth in real value added. The implication is that growth in value added per worker has been quite high and the employment elasticity has been negative; only machinery and electrical, transport and equipment, and metal products have shown employment potentiality in the rural unorganised manufacturing in the state.

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Research paper thumbnail of Health Care Infrastructure in the Rural Areas of North-East India: Current Status and Future Challenges

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Research paper thumbnail of Agriculture and Industry: Analysing Linkages for Pre- and Post-reform Periods in India

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Research paper thumbnail of Tanking Stock of the Problems Confronting the Rural Healthcare System in India

ABSTRACT During the last two decades, the average annual allocation for the health sector in Indi... more ABSTRACT During the last two decades, the average annual allocation for the health sector in India has been about 1.5 percent of GDP. The approach paper to the Twelfth Five Year Plan has proposed to increase this allocation by 1 percent of GDP, i.e. to 2.5 percent of GDP by the end of the plan. The question in this context, which the present paper seeks to answer, is which directions this increased allocation should be channelized into. Given the constraints on resources and many concerns within the health sector that keeps India’s record in improving human development rather ordinary, the policy makers should identify those concerns which are looming large and allocate the increased outlay accordingly. The present paper makes an attempt to identify the areas which require immediate attention within the health sector and suggests that resources be increasingly deployed to address these concerns. The paper further suggests that higher allocation of outlay should be complemented by improvement in the delivery mechanism for facilitating a more effective deployment of the expenditures.

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Research paper thumbnail of Employment Pattern in the Unorganised Manufacturing Sector in Assam

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Research paper thumbnail of Role of Unorganized Manufacturing Sector in Expanding Employment Opportunities in Assam

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Research paper thumbnail of Employment Growth in the Unorganized Manufacturing Sector in Assam

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Research paper thumbnail of Pattern of Industry Location under Liberalization: The Indian Experience

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Research paper thumbnail of Industrial Location under Globalisation in India: The Case of Unorganised Manufacturing

The question of industrial location is very important to understand the development of sub-nation... more The question of industrial location is very important to understand the development of sub-national regions, especially in a developing country like India where economic activities are historically concentrated in few States and within the States in few districts. This book is intended to document India's experience in the process of regional industrialization in the post-reform period, especially for the unorganised manufacturing sector. A central issue is the spatial concentration of unorganised manufacturing industries at different geographical scales- districts, states and beyond states. The book also highlights the factors that determine the location decision of unorganised manufacturing industries in India in the post reform period. The findings suggest that historical concentration process, industrial diversity, labour and capital productivity, level of development and market size play significant role in location of unorganised industries.

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Research paper thumbnail of Total Factor Productivity in Agriculture: A Review of Measurement Issues in the Indian Context

ABSTRACT The productivity growth in agriculture is both a necessary and sufficient condition for ... more ABSTRACT The productivity growth in agriculture is both a necessary and sufficient condition for the development of the sector as well as the economy. While the partial productivity does not truly reflect whether the productivity growth is because of more use of inputs or improvement in the efficiency of their use or technology improvement, the total factor productivity (TFP) measures the net growth of output per unit of total inputs. This paper reviews the different methods of measuring TFP and highlights some issues related to measurement of TFP in agriculture, especially in the Indian context. The paper also discusses the determinants of TFP growth in agriculture and analyse the trends in TFP growth in Indian agriculture. The TFP growth in Indian agriculture was very low in the pre green revolution period and it declined during 1970s. During 1980s the TFP growth rate has marginally improved, but it has again come down during the 1990s.

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Research paper thumbnail of Inter-State Variation in Unorganised Manufacturing Industries in the Post-Reform India

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Research paper thumbnail of Health Workforce in the Rural Health Sector in India

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Research paper thumbnail of Access to Public Health Care in the Rural North-East India

ABSTRACT Despite phenomenal economic growth over the last two decades, India has done lesser than... more ABSTRACT Despite phenomenal economic growth over the last two decades, India has done lesser than expected to improve the health-care sector. Even though the National Rural Health Mission (NRHM), launched by the Government of India in 2005, has made significant progress in the health-care infrastructure of the country, the improvement has been quite uneven across regions, especially in the north-east, with large-scale rural-urban variations and limited accessibility to health-care services in rural areas. In this context, this paper critically examines and evaluates the current status of public health infrastructure in the rural areas of the northeastern region of India.

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Research paper thumbnail of Indian Economy after Liberalization: Performance and Challanges

India’s economic reform since 1991 has been catalyst in shaping the performance of the economy. N... more India’s economic reform since 1991 has been catalyst in shaping the performance of the economy. No doubt the economy has been brought to a higher growth trajectory and minimized many of the apparent inefficiencies that were persistent before the reform; however, there are new challenges in the process and backlashes in various areas. This volume highlights the post-reform performance of Indian economy in various sectors and the growth and development challenges thereof. In particular, the book addresses the performance and challenges in agriculture, industry and service sectors; and the development issues such as poverty and human development in the context of the economic reform. This book is an authoritative guide to India’s growth and development after economic reform and challenges thereof. This book will interest the students of economics and development studies, academics, researchers, policymakers, analysts and general readers.

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Research paper thumbnail of Introduction: India’s Economy in the Globalized Era

In book: India’s Economy in the Globalized Era, Edition: First, Chapter: 1, Publisher: BOOKWELL, New Delhi, Editors: Dilip Saikia, Vachaspati Shukla, Kiran Kumar Kakarlapudi, pp.1-25

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Research paper thumbnail of Introduction: India’s Economy after Liberalization

In book: Indian Economy after Liberalisation: Performance and Challenges, Edition: First, Chapter: 1, Publisher: SSDN Publication, New Delhi, Editor: Dilip Saikia, pp.1-46

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Research paper thumbnail of India's Development Strategy and Growth Performance

In book: Dweep-Deepika: the Souvenir of Majuli College Golden Jubilee, Edition: First, Publisher: Majuli College, Jorhat, Assam, Editors: Debajit Saikia, pp.123-129, 2013

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Research paper thumbnail of Pattern of Industry Location under Liberalization: The Indian Experience

In book: India’s Economy in the Globalized Era, Edition: First, Chapter: 4, Publisher: BOOKWELL, New Delhi, Editors: Dilip Saikia, Vachaspati Shukla, Kiran Kumar Kakarlapudi, pp.87-137, 2013

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Research paper thumbnail of Agriculture and Industry: Analysing Linkages for Pre- and Post-reform Periods in India

In book: Indian Economy after Liberalisation: Performance and Challenges, Edition: First, Chapter: 4, Publisher: SSDN Publication, New Delhi, Editors: Dilip Saikia, pp.122-173, 2012

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Research paper thumbnail of India’s Road to Economic Reforms

In book: Indian Economy after Liberalisation: Performance and Challenges, Edition: First, Chapter: 2, Publisher: SSDN Publication, New Delhi, Editors: Dilip Saikia, pp.47-80, 2012

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Research paper thumbnail of Industrial Location under Globalisation in India: Evidence from Unorganised Manufacturing Industries

MPhil Thesis, Centre for Development Studie, Trivandrum, India, 2010.

Notwithstanding various policies to address regional disparities in industrial development, the i... more Notwithstanding various policies to address regional disparities in industrial development, the issue of balanced regional industrial development still remains in India. The issue acquired a renewed interest in the post-reform period as the spatial inequality has been widening and many argued that this is owing to the increasing spatial concentration of industrial growth during this period. In principle, the post-reform increase in the spatial concentration of industries can be viewed in terms of the changing role of the State and the emergence of the market forces in shaping the economic landscape of a region. The existing studies dealing with the problem, however, mainly focused on the organised industries. In spite of the fact that the unorganised manufacturing sector occupies a dominant position compared to the organised sector, is quite diversified and recognised as the most potential sector for rapid employment creation; no attempt has been made so far to examine the regional pattern of the sector. The major objectives of the study are to analyse the trends and patterns of spatial concentration of unorganised manufacturing industries at different geographical scales in India in the pre- and post-reform periods and to identify the factors that influence the location decisions of unorganised industries.

The household (or enterprise) level data from the 51st (1994-95) and 62nd (2005-06) rounds of NSS survey on unorganised manufacturing have been used in the present study. These data sets have been supplemented by the ASI data on organised industries and sector-wise NSDP series of national accounts provided by the CSO. Three approaches have been followed to address the objectives at hand: first, we have analysed the spatial distribution of unorganised industries at three geographical scales-districts, states and beyond states (regions); second, we have computed spatial concentration measures to determine the degree of spatial concentration of industries at three scales- inter-state, inter-district and intra-state; and finally, we have identified the factors influencing location of unorganised industries by estimating a model of industry location through OLS regression models.

The study has shown that unorganised industries are concentrated in a few advanced states and within the states in a few advanced districts. More precisely, biasedness towards the metropolises and advanced districts on the one hand, and clustering of backward districts/states on the other are the emerging trends of the location of unorganised industries in India. Spatial concentration is found to be high for the high and medium-high technology industries. Spatial concentration has declined, both across districts and states, for all and most of the two-digit industries in the post-reform period. We have also found considerable evidence for co-location of unorganised industries at the two-digit level. Our econometric analysis has shown that existing location of industry, industrial diversity, labour productivity, capital productivity, level of development and market size play a significant role in location of unorganised industries at the district level in the post-reform period.

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