RFC 801: NCP/TCP transition plan (original) (raw)

Network Working Group J. Postel Request for Comments: 801 ISI November 1981

                    NCP/TCP TRANSITION PLAN


ARPA sponsored research on computer networks led to the development of the ARPANET. The installation of the ARPANET began in September 1969, and regular operational use was underway by 1971. The ARPANET has been an operational service for at least 10 years. Even while it has provided a reliable service in support of a variety of computer research activities, it has itself been a subject of continuing research, and has evolved significantly during that time.

In the past several years ARPA has sponsored additional research on computer networks, principally networks based on different underlying communication techniques, in particular, digital packet broadcast radio and satellite networks. Also, in the ARPA community there has been significant work on local networks.

It was clear from the start of this research on other networks that the base host-to-host protocol used in the ARPANET was inadequate for use in these networks. In 1973 work was initiated on a host-to-host protocol for use across all these networks. The result of this long effort is the Internet Protocol (IP) and the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP).

These protocols allow all hosts in the interconnected set of these networks to share a common interprocess communication environment. The collection of interconnected networks is called the ARPA Internet (sometimes called the "Catenet").

The Department of Defense has recently adopted the internet concept and the IP and TCP protocols in particular as DoD wide standards for all DoD packet networks, and will be transitioning to this architecture over the next several years. All new DoD packet networks will be using these protocols exclusively.

The time has come to put these protocols into use in the operational ARPANET, and extend the logical connectivity of the ARPANET hosts to include hosts in other networks participating in the ARPA Internet.

As with all new systems, there will be some aspects which are not as robust and efficient as we would like (just as with the initial ARPANET). But with your help, these problems can be solved and we

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can move into an environment with significantly broader communication services.


The implementation of IP/TCP on several hosts has already been completed, and the use of some services is underway. It is urgent that the implementation of of IP/TCP be begun on all other ARPANET hosts as soon as possible and no later than 1 January 1982 in any case. Any new host connected to the ARPANET should only implement IP/TCP and TCP-based services. Several important implementation issues are discussed in the last section of this memo.

Because all hosts can not be converted to TCP simultaneously, and some will implement only IP/TCP, it will be necessary to provide temporarily for communication between NCP-only hosts and TCP-only hosts. To do this certain hosts which implement both NCP and IP/TCP will be designated as relay hosts. These relay hosts will support Telnet, FTP, and Mail services on both NCP and TCP. These relay services will be provided beginning in November 1981, and will be fully in place in January 1982.

Initially there will be many NCP-only hosts and a few TCP-only hosts, and the load on the relay hosts will be relatively light. As time goes by, and the conversion progresses, there will be more TCP capable hosts, and fewer NCP-only hosts, plus new TCP-only hosts. But, presumably most hosts that are now NCP-only will implement IP/TCP in addition to their NCP and become "dual protocol" hosts. So, while the load on the relay hosts will rise, it will not be a substantial portion of the total traffic.

The next section expands on this plan, and the following section gives some milestones in the transition process. The last section lists the key documents describing the new protocols and services. Appendices present scenarios for use of the relay services.

The General Plan

The goal is to make a complete switch over from the NCP to IP/TCP by 1 January 1983.

  It is the task of each host organization to implement IP/TCP for
  its own hosts.  This implementation task must begin by
  1 January 1982.

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     This is specified in RFCs 791 and 792.  Implementations exist
     for several machines and operating systems.  (See [Appendix D](#appendix-D).)


     This is specified in [RFC793](/doc/html/rfc793).  Implementations exist for several
     machines and operating systems.  (See [Appendix D](#appendix-D).)

It is not enough to implement the IP/TCP protocols, the principal services must be available on this IP/TCP base as well. The principal services are: Telnet, File Transfer, and Mail.

  It is the task of each host organization to implement the
  principal services for its own hosts.  These implementation tasks
  must begin by 1 January 1982.


     This is specified in [RFC 764](/doc/html/rfc764).  It is very similar to the Telnet
     used with the NCP.  The primary differences are that the ICP is
     eliminated, and the NCP Interrupt is replaced with the TCP


     This is specified in [RFC 765](/doc/html/rfc765).  It is very similar to the FTP
     used with the NCP.  The primary differences are that in
     addition to the changes for Telnet, that the data channel is
     limited to 8-bit bytes so FTP features to use other
     transmission byte sizes are eliminated.


     This is specified in [RFC 788](/doc/html/rfc788).  Mail is separated completely
     from FTP and handled by a distinct server.  The procedure is
     similar in concept to the old FTP/NCP mail procedure, but is
     very different in detail, and supports additional functions --
     especially mail relaying, and multi-recipient delivery.

Beyond providing the principal services in the new environment, there must be provision for interworking between the new environment and the old environment between now and January 1983.

  For Telnet, there will be provided one or more relay hosts.  A
  Telnet relay host will implement both the NCP and TCP environments
  and both user and server Telnet in both environments.  Users
  requiring Telnet service between hosts in different environments

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  will first connect to a Telnet relay host and then connect to the
  destination host.  (See [Appendix A](#appendix-A).)

  For FTP, there will be provided one or more relay hosts.  An FTP
  relay host will implement both the NCP and TCP environments, both
  user and server Telnet, and both user and server FTP in both
  environments.  Users requiring FTP service between hosts in
  different environments will first connect via Telnet to an FTP
  relay host, then use FTP to move the file from the file donor host
  to the FTP relay host, and finally use FTP to move the file from
  the FTP relay host to the file acceptor host.  (See [Appendix B](#appendix-B).)

  For Mail, hosts will implement the new Simple Mail Transfer
  Protocol (SMTP) described in [RFC 788](/doc/html/rfc788).  The SMTP procedure provides
  for relaying mail among several protocol environments.  For
  TCP-only hosts, using SMTP will be sufficient.  For NCP-only hosts
  that have not been modified to use SMTP, the special syntax
  "user.host@forwarder" may be used to relay mail via one or more
  special forwarding host.  Several mail relay hosts will relay mail
  via SMTP procedures between the NCP and TCP environments, and at
  least one special forwarding host will be provided.  (See
  [Appendix C](#appendix-C).)


First Internet Service already

  A few hosts are TCP-capable and use TCP-based services.

First TCP-only Host already

  The first TCP-only host begins use of TCP-based services.

Telnet and FTP Relay Service already

  Special relay accounts are available to qualified users with a
  demonstrated need for the Telnet or FTP relay service.

Ad Hoc Mail Relay Service already

  An ad hoc mail relay service using the prototype MTP ([RFC 780](/doc/html/rfc780)) is
  implemented and mail is relayed from the TCP-only hosts to
  NCP-only hosts, but not vice versa.  This service will be replaced
  by the SMTP service.

Last NCP Conversion Begins Jan 82

  The last NCP-only host begins conversion to TCP.

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Mail Relay Service Jan 82

  The SMTP ([RFC 788](/doc/html/rfc788)) mail service begins to operate and at least one
  mail relay host is operational, and at least one special forwarder
  is operational to provide NCP-only host to TCP-only host mail

Normal Internet Service Jul 82

  Most hosts are TCP-capable and use TCP-based services.

Last NCP Conversion Completed Nov 82

  The last NCP-only host completes conversion to TCP.

Full Internet Service Jan 83

  All hosts are TCP-capable and use TCP-based services.  NCP is
  removed from service, relay services end, all services are


The following RFCs document the protocols to be implemented in the new IP/TCP environment:

  IP                                                         [RFC 791](/doc/html/rfc791)
  ICMP                                                       [RFC 792](/doc/html/rfc792)
  TCP                                                        [RFC 793](/doc/html/rfc793)
  Telnet                                                     [RFC 764](/doc/html/rfc764)
  FTP                                                        [RFC 765](/doc/html/rfc765)
  SMTP                                                       [RFC 788](/doc/html/rfc788)
  Name Server                                                IEN 116
  Assigned Numbers                                           [RFC 790](/doc/html/rfc790)

These and associated documents are to be published in a notebook, and other information useful to implementers is to be gathered. These documents will be made available on the following schedule:

  Internet Protocol Handbook                                  Jan 82

  Implementers Hints                                          Jan 82

  SDC IP/TCP Specifications                                   Jan 82

  Expanded Host Table                                         Jan 82

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Implementation Issues

There are several implementation issues that need attention, and there are some associated facilities with these protocols that are not necessarily obvious. Some of these may need to be upgraded or redesigned to work with the new protocols.

Name Tables

  Most hosts have a table for converting character string names of
  hosts to numeric addresses.  There are two effects of this
  transition that may impact a host's table of host names: (1) there
  will be many more names, and (2) there may be a need to note the
  protocol capability of each host (SMTP/TCP, SMTP/NCP, FTP/NCP,

  Some hosts have kept this table in the operating system address
  space to provide for fast translation using a system call.  This
  may not be practical in the future.

  There may be applications that could take alternate actions if
  they could easily determine if a remote host supported a
  particular protocol.  It might be useful to extend host name
  tables to note which protocols are supported.

  It might be necessary for the host name table to contain names of
  hosts reachable only via relays if this name table is used to
  verify the spelling of host names in application programs such as
  mail composition programs.

  It might be advantageous to do away with the host name table and
  use a Name Server instead, or to keep a relatively small table as
  a cache of recently used host names.

  A format, distribution, and update procedure for the expanded host
  table will be published soon.

Mail Programs

  It may be possible to move to the new SMTP mail procedures by
  changing only the mailer-daemon and implementing the SMTP-server,
  but in some hosts there may be a need to make some small changes
  to some or all of the mail composition programs.

  There may be a need to allow users to identify relay hosts for
  messages they send.  This may require a new command or address
  syntax not now currently allowed.

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  Continuing use of IP and TCP will lead to a better understanding
  of the performance characteristics and parameters.  Implementers
  should expect to make small changes from time to time to improve


  There are some very tempting shortcuts in the implementation of IP
  and TCP.  DO NOT BE TEMPTED!  Others have and they have been
  caught!  Some deficiencies with past implementations that must be
  remedied and are not allowed in the future are the following:

     IP problems:

        Some IP implementations did not verify the IP header

        Some IP implementations did not implement fragment

        Some IP implementations used static and limited routing
        information, and did not make use of the ICMP redirect
        message information.

        Some IP implementations did not process options.

        Some IP implementations did not report errors they detected
        in a useful way.

     TCP problems:

        Some TCP implementations did not verify the TCP checksum.

        Some TCP implementations did not reorder segments.

        Some TCP implementations did not protect against silly
        window syndrome.

        Some TCP implementations did not report errors they detected
        in a useful way.

        Some TCP implementations did not process options.

     Host problems:

        Some hosts had limited or static name tables.

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Relay Service

  The provision of relay services has started.  There are two
  concerns about the relay service: (1) reliability, and (2) load.

  The reliability is a concern because relaying puts another host in
  the chain of things that have to all work at the same time to get
  the job done.  It is desirable to provide alternate relay hosts if
  possible.  This seems quite feasible for mail, but it may be a bit
  sticky for Telnet and FTP due to the need for access control of
  the login accounts.

  The load is a potential problem, since an overloaded relay host
  will lead to unhappy users.  This is another reason to provide a
  number of relay hosts, to divide the load and provide better

  A Digression on the Numbers

  How bad could it be, this relay load?  Essentially any "dual
  protocol" host takes itself out of the game (i.e., does not need
  relay services). Let us postulate that the number of NCP-only
  hosts times the number of TCP-only hosts is a measure of the relay

  Total Hosts  Dual Hosts  NCP Hosts  TCP Hosts  "Load"    Date
      200          20        178          2        356     Jan-82
      210          40        158         12       1896     Mar-82
      220          60        135         25       3375     May-82
      225          95         90         40       3600     Jul-82
      230         100         85         45       3825     Sep-82
      240         125         55         60       3300     Nov-82
      245         155         20         70       1400     Dec-82
      250         170          0         80          0  31-Dec-82
      250           0          0        250          0   1-Jan-83

  This assumes that most NCP-only hosts (but not all) will become to
  dual protocol hosts, and that 50 new host will show up over the
  course of the year, and all the new hosts are TCP-only.

  If the initial 200 hosts immediately split into 100 NCP-only and
  100 TCP-only then the "load" would be 10,000, so the fact that
  most of the hosts will be dual protocol hosts helps considerably.

  This load measure (NCP hosts times TCP hosts) may over state the
  load significantly.

  Please note that this digression is rather speculative!

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  There must be continuing development of the internet gateways.
  The following items need attention:

     Congestion Control via ICMP

     Gateways use connected networks intelligently

     Gateways have adequate buffers

     Gateways have fault isolation instrumentation

  Note that the work in progress on the existing gateways will
  provide the capability to deal with many of these issues early in
  1982.  Work is also underway to provide improved capability
  gateways based on new hardware late in 1982.

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RFC 801 November 1981 NCP/TCP Transition Plan

APPENDIX A. Telnet Relay Scenario

Suppose a user at a TCP-only host wishes to use the interactive services of an NCP-only service host.

  1)  Use the local user Telnet program to connect via Telnet/TCP to
      the RELAY host.

  2)  Login on the RELAY host using a special account for the relay

  3)  Use the user Telnet on the RELAY host to connect via
      Telnet/NCP to the service host.  Since both Telnet/TCP and
      Telnet/NCP are available on the RELAY host the user must
      select which is to be used in this step.

  4)  Login on the service host using the regular account.

     +---------+          +---------+          +---------+
     |         |  Telnet  |         |  Telnet  |         |
     | Local   |<-------->|  Relay  |<-------->| Service |
     |  Host   |   TCP    |   Host  |   NCP    |   Host  |
     +---------+          +---------+          +---------+

Suppose a user at a NCP-only host wishes to use the interactive services of an TCP-only service host.

  1)  Use the local user Telnet program to connect via Telnet/NCP to
      the RELAY host.

  2)  Login on the RELAY host using a special account for the relay

  3)  Use the user Telnet on the RELAY host to connect via
      Telnet/NCP to the service host.  Since both Telnet/TCP and
      Telnet/NCP are available on the RELAY host the user must
      select which is to be used in this step.

  4)  Login on the service host using the regular account.

     +---------+          +---------+          +---------+
     |         |  Telnet  |         |  Telnet  |         |
     | Local   |<-------->|  Relay  |<-------->| Service |
     |  Host   |   NCP    |   Host  |   TCP    |   Host  |
     +---------+          +---------+          +---------+

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APPENDIX B. FTP Relay Scenario

Suppose a user at a TCP-only host wishes copy a file from a NCP-only donor host.

  Phase 1:

     1)  Use the local user Telnet program to connect via Telnet/TCP
         to the RELAY host.

     2)  Login on the RELAY host using a special account for the
         relay service.

     3)  Use the user FTP on the RELAY host to connect via FTP/NCP
         to the donor host.

     4)  FTP login on the donor host using the regular account.

     5)  Copy the file from the donor host to the RELAY host.

     6)  End the FTP session, and disconnect from the donor host.

     7)  Logout of the RELAY host, close the Telnet/TCP connection,
         and quit Telnet on the local host.

        +---------+          +---------+          +---------+
        |         |  Telnet  |         |   FTP    |         |
        | Local   |<-------->|  Relay  |<-------->| Service |
        |  Host   |   TCP    |   Host  |   NCP    |   Host  |
        +---------+          +---------+          +---------+

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  Phase 2:

     1)  Use the local user FTP to connect via FTP/TCP to the RELAY

     2)  FTP login on the RELAY host using the special account for
         the relay service.

     3)  Copy the file from the RELAY host to the local host, and
         delete the file from the RELAY host.

     4)  End the FTP session, and disconnect from the RELAY host.

        +---------+          +---------+
        |         |   FTP    |         |
        | Local   |<-------->|  Relay  |
        |  Host   |   TCP    |   Host  |
        +---------+          +---------+

Note that the relay host may have a policy of deleting files more than a few hours or days old.

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APPENDIX C. Mail Relay Scenario

Suppose a user on a TCP-only host wishes to send a message to a user on an NCP-only host which has implemented SMTP.

  1)  Use the local mail composition program to prepare the message.
      Address the message to the recipient at his or her host.  Tell
      the composition program to queue the message.

  2)  The background mailer-daemon finds the queued message.  It
      checks the destination host name in a table to find the
      internet address.  Instead it finds that the destination host
      is a NCP-only host.  The mailer-daemon then checks a list of
      mail RELAY hosts and selects one.  It send the message to the
      selected mail RELAY host using the SMTP procedure.

  3)  The mail RELAY host accepts the message for relaying.  It
      checks the destination host name and discovers that it is a
      NCP-only host which has implemented SMTP.  The mail RELAY host
      then sends the message to the destination using the SMTP/NCP

     +---------+          +---------+          +---------+
     |         |   SMTP   |         |   SMTP   |         |
     | Source  |<-------->|  Relay  |<-------->|  Dest.  |
     |  Host   |   TCP    |   Host  |   NCP    |   Host  |
     +---------+          +---------+          +---------+

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Suppose a user on a TCP-only host wishes to send a message to a user on an NCP-only non-SMTP host.

  1)  Use the local mail composition program to prepare the message.
      Address the message to the recipient at his or her host.  Tell
      the composition program to queue the message.

  2)  The background mailer-daemon finds the queued message.  It
      checks the destination host name in a table to find the
      internet address.  Instead it finds that the destination host
      is a NCP-only host.  The mailer-daemon then checks a list of
      mail RELAY hosts and selects one.  It send the message to the
      selected mail RELAY host using the SMTP procedure.

  3)  The mail RELAY host accepts the message for relaying.  It
      checks the destination host name and discovers that it is a
      NCP-only non-SMTP host.  The mail RELAY host then sends the
      message to the destination using the old FTP/NCP mail

     +---------+          +---------+          +---------+
     |         |   SMTP   |         |   FTP    |         |
     | Source  |<-------->|  Relay  |<-------->|  Dest.  |
     |  Host   |   TCP    |   Host  |   NCP    |   Host  |
     +---------+          +---------+          +---------+

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Suppose a user on a NCP-only non-SMTP host wishes to send a message to a user on an TCP-only host. Suppose the destination user is "Smith" and the host is "ABC-X".

  1)  Use the local mail composition program to prepare the message.
      Address the message to "Smith.ABC-X@FORWARDER".  Tell the
      composition program to queue the message.

  2)  The background mailer-daemon finds my queued message.  It
      sends the message to host FORWARDER using the old FTP/NCP mail

  3)  The special forwarder host converts the "user name" supplied
      by the FTP/NCP mail procedure (in the MAIL or MLFL command) to
      "Smith@ABC-X" (in the SMTP RCTP command) and queues the
      message to be processed by the SMTP mailer-daemon program on
      this same host.  No conversion of the mailbox addresses in
      made in thr message header or body.

  4)  The SMTP mailer-daemon program on the forwarder host finds
      this queued message and checks the destination host name in a
      table to find the internet address.  It finds the destination
      address and send the mail using the SMTP procedure.

     +---------+          +---------+          +---------+
     |         |   FTP    |         |   SMTP   |         |
     | Source  |<-------->|Forwarder|<-------->|  Dest.  |
     |  Host   |   NCP    |   Host  |   TCP    |   Host  |
     +---------+          +---------+          +---------+

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APPENDIX D. IP/TCP Implementation Status

Please note that the information in this section may become quickly dated. Current information on the status of IP and TCP implementations can be obtained from the file TCP-IP-STATUS.TXT on ISIF.


  Date:  18 Nov 1981
  From:  Rob Gurwitz <gurwitz at BBN-RSM>

  The C/70 processor is a BBN-designed system with a native
  instruction set oriented toward executing the C language.  It
  supports UNIX Version 7 and provides for user processes with a
  20-bit address space.  The TCP/IP implementation for the C/70 was
  ported from the BBN VAX TCP/IP, and shares all of its features.

  This version of TCP/IP is running experimentally at BBN, but is
  still under development.  Performance tuning is underway, to make
  it more compatible with the C/70's memory management system.


  Date:  19 Nov 1981
  From:  Alan Sheltzer <sheltzer at BBN-UNIX>

  In an effort to provide improved service in the gateways
  controlled by BBN, a new gateway implementation written in
  macro-11 instead of BCPL is being developed.  The macro-11 gateway
  will provide users with internet service that is functionally
  equivalent to that provided by the current BCPL gateways with some
  performance improvements.

     ARPANET/SATNET gateway at BBN (,
     ARPANET/SATNET gateway at NDRE (,
     Comsat DCN Net/SATNET gateway at COMSAT (,
     SATNET/UCL Net/RSRE Net gateway at UCL (,
     PR Net/RCC Net gateway at BBN (,
     PR Net/ARPANET gateways at SRI (,,
     PR Net/ARPANET gateway at Ft. Bragg (

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BBN H316 and C/30 TAC

  Date:  18 November 1981
  From:  Bob Hinden <Hinden@BBN-UNIX>

  The Terminal Access Controller (TAC) is user Telnet host that
  supports TCP/IP and NCP host to host protocols.  It runs in 32K
  H-316 and 64K C/30 computers.  It supports up to 63 terminal
  ports.  It connects to a network via an 1822 host interface.

  For more information on the TAC's design, see IEN-166.

BBN HP-3000

  Date:  14 May 1981
  From:  Jack Sax <sax@BBN-UNIX>

  The HP3000 TCP code is in its final testing stages.  The code
  includes under the MPE IV operating system as a special high
  priority process.  It is not a part of the operating system kernel
  because MPE IV has no kernel.  The protocol process includes TCP,
  IP, 1822 and a new protocol called HDH which allows 1822 messages
  to be sent over HDLC links.  The protocol process has about 8k
  bytes of code and at least 20k bytes of data depending on the
  number of buffers allocated.

  In addition to the TCP the HP3000 has user and server TELNET as
  well as user FTP.  A server FTP may be added later.

  A complete description of the implementation software can be found
  in IEN-167.


  Date:  14 May 1981
  From:  Jack Haverty <haverty@BBN-UNIX>

  This TCP implementation was written in C.  It runs as a user
  process in version 6 UNIX, with modifications added by BBN for
  network access.  It supports user and server Telnet.

  This implementation was done under contract to DCEC.  It is
  installed currently on several PDP-11/70s and PDP-11/44s.  Contact
  Ed Cain at DCEC <cain@EDN-UNIX> for details of further

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  Date:  23 Nov 1981
  From:  Charles Lynn <CLynn@BBNA>

  TCP4 and IP4 are available for use with the TENEX operating system
  running on a Digital KA10 processor with BBN pager.  TCP4 and IP4
  are also available as part of TOPS20 Release 3A and Release 4 for
  the Digital KL10 and KL20 processors.

  Above the IP layer, there are two Internet protocols within the
  monitor itself (TCP4 and GGP).  In addition up to eight (actually
  a monitor assembly parameter) protocols may be implemented by
  user-mode programs via the "Internet User Queue" interface. The
  GGP or Gateway-Gateway Protocol is used to receive advice from
  Internet Gateways in order to control message flow.  The GGP code
  is in the process of being changed and the ICMP protocol is being

  TCP4 is the other monitor-supplied protocol and it has two types
  of connections -- normal data connections and "TCP Virtual
  Terminal" (TVT) connections.  The former are used for bulk data
  transfers while the latter provide terminal access for remote

  Note that TVTs use the standard ("New") TELNET protocol.  This is
  identical to that used on the ARPANET with NCP and in fact, is
  largely implemented by the same code.

  Performance improvements, support for the new address formats, and
  User and Server FTP processes above the TCP layer are under


  Date:  18 Nov 1981
  From:  Rob Gurwitz <gurwitz at BBN-RSM>

  The VAX TCP/IP implementation is written in C for Berkeley 4.1BSD
  UNIX, and runs in the UNIX kernel.  It has been run on VAX 11/780s
  and 750s at several sites, and is due to be generally available in
  early 1982.

  The implementation conforms to the TCP and IP specifications ([RFC](/doc/html/rfc791)
  [791](/doc/html/rfc791), 793).  The implementation supports the new extended internet
  address formats, and both GGP and ICMP.  It also supports multiple
  network access protocols and device drivers.  Aside from ARPANET
  1822 and the ACC LH/DH-11 driver, experimental drivers have also
  been developed for ETHERNET.  There are user interfaces for

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RFC 801 November 1981 NCP/TCP Transition Plan

  accessing the IP and local network access layers independent of
  the TCP.

  Higher level protocol services include user and server TELNET,
  MTP, and FTP, implemented as user level programs.  There are also
  tools available for monitoring and recording network traffic for
  debugging purposes.

  Continuing development includes performance enhancements.  The
  implementation is described in IEN-168.


  Date:  30 Apr 1980
  From:  Dave Mills <Mills@ISIE>

  The TCP/IP implementation here runs in an LSI-11 with a homegrown
  operating system compatible in most respects to RT-11. Besides the
  TCP/IP levels the system includes many of the common high-level
  protocols used in the ARPANET community, such as TELNET, FTP and


  Date:  23 Nov 1981
  From:  Ed Cain <cain@EDN-UNIX>

  This TCP/IP/ICMP implementation runs as a user process in version
  6 UNIX, with modifications obtained from BBN for network access.
  IP reassembles fragments into datagrams, but has no separate IP
  user interface.  TCP supports user and server Telnet, echo,
  discard, internet mail, and a file transfer service. ICMP
  generates replies to Echo Requests, and sends Source-Quench when
  reassembly buffers are full.

  Hardware - PDP-11/70 and PDP-11/45 running UNIX version 6, with
  BBN IPC additions.  Software - written in C, requiring 25K
  instruction space, 20K data space.  Supports 10 connections.

Postel [Page 19]

RFC 801 November 1981 NCP/TCP Transition Plan


  Date:  15 May 1981
  From:  Gary Grossman <grg@DTI)>

  Digital Technology Incorporated (DTI) IP/TCP for VAX/VMS

  The following describes the IP and TCP implementation that DTI
  plans to begin marketing in 4th Quarter 1981 as part of its
  VAX/VMS network software package.

  Hardware:  VAX-11/780 or /750.  Operating System:  DEC standard
  VAX/VMS Release 2.0 and above.  Implementation Language:   Mostly
  C, with some MACRO.  Connections supported:  Maximum of 64.

  User level protocols available:  TELNET, FTP, and MTP will be
  available. (The NFE version uses AUTODIN II protocols.)


  Date:  13 May 1981
  From:  Dave Clark <Clark@MIT-Multics>

  Multics TCP/IP is implemented in PL/1 for the HISI 68/80. It has
  been in experimental operation for about 18 months; it can be
  distributed informally as soon as certain modifications to the
  system are released by Honeywell.  The TCP and IP package are
  currently being tuned for performance, especially high throughput
  data transfer.

  Higher level services include user and server telnet, and a full
  function MTP mail forwarding package.

  The TCP and IP contain good logging and debugging facilities,
  which have proved useful in the checkout of other implementations.
  Please contact us for further information.


  Date:  15 May 1981
  From:  Jim Mathis <mathis.tscb@Sri-Unix>

  The IP/TCP implementation for the Packet Radio terminal interface
  unit is intended to run on an LSI-11 under the MOS real-time
  operating system.  The TCP is written in MACRO-11 assembler
  language.  The IP is currently written in assembler language; but
  is being converted into C. There are no plans to convert the TCP
  from assembler into C.

Postel [Page 20]

RFC 801 November 1981 NCP/TCP Transition Plan

  The TCP implements the full specification.  The TCP appears to be
  functionally compatible with all other major implementations.  In
  particular, it is used on a daily basis to provide communications
  between users on the Ft. Bragg PRNET and ISID on the ARPANET.

  The IP implementation is reasonably complete, providing
  fragmentation and reassembly; routing to the first gateway; and a
  complete host-side GGP process.

  A measurement collection mechanism is currently under development
  to collect TCP and IP statistics and deliver them to a measurement
  host for data reduction.


  Date:  13 May 1981
  From:  Bob Braden <Braden@ISIA>

  Hardware:  IBM 360 or 370, with a "Santa Barbara" interface to the

  Operating System:  OS/MVS with ACF/VTAM.  An OS/MVT version is
  also available.  The UCLA NCP operates as a user job, with its own
  internal multiprogramming and resource management mechanisms.

  Implementation Language:  BAL (IBM's macro assembly language)

  User-Level Protocols Available:  User and Server Telnet

Postel [Page 21]