I got a date with the night (original) (raw)

[11 Jan 2005|02:56am]
ok, I've decided that I'm not gonna waste my time redoing these comics. I started but I don't have the drive to finish them so I'm gonna leave them as is and just worry about the new comics. So, I'll hurry up with the old ones to make way for the new and improved comics. #14 kinda looks shitty and #15 is like half and half so bear with it. the story is more important than the images right now, well at least I think so. Let me know what you think.( comic #14 and #15Collapse )
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ok, pay attention now..NOW! [06 Jan 2005|01:02am]
[ mood** | busy ] alright, I have adopted a more manga-style drawing technique like I have stated before and only one person read about. so i'm saying it again and I figuredI would start poting the old ones even tho they're new to you. I'll post all the old ones about two or three at a time so you can get the whoe story before you see the good stuff that I've been working on. And I've gotten some really nice comments about my new stuff even had people say that I should publish it. So, if you hven't been paying attention read up on the story and follow the ones I'm gonna be putting up. I think I have 30 pages of my old stuff, minus the 12 I already put up. So, we should be at the new stuff soon enough. Hold on and suffer thru the mediocre drawings and you'll see some wonderful art. oops. I went to upload some more comics ono photobuet a realized that I had attempted to redraw my old comics so I can only put up 13 and that one is still kinda shady but it's ok for my first try at mange I guess. so here it is.( comic #13...date with the nightCollapse )**
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[15 Nov 2004|01:16am]
[ mood** | achy ] wow, haven't been on here in a while but no one really showed interest so why bother but I have something new. Maybe you might be more interested now that I have adopted a more manga-style drawing technique. I think it looks a lot better than my last drawings. So, I have a fun little fan art for you to show you what I mean. It's just a cute little Nick and Cesar picture. Hope you like it. COMMENT!!!( fan art for my...fans???Collapse )**
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listen up people!!! [08 Oct 2004|10:56am]
[ **mood** | eh ] ok, in a think the next comic there will be some graphic content so you might want to PAY ATTENTION to the story. and also the comics that I have deemed graphic will be only viewable by friends only or private so that no unwanted attention gets in and I don't get shut down or anything like that. so watch out for that. I can't update the comic right now becuase I'm at school and I don't have the next one downloaded into photobucket yet. sorry. but it'll be up soon.x brenna x
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comic # 11 [18 Sep 2004|12:32pm]
[ mood** | blah ] Back with more. so you better read it adn tell me what you think. I've found a new way of drawing the characters and I've been thinking of redrawing the old comics when I've perfected drawing each otgher them in this style I will scan it and show you all to get your opinion but it is extremely important that you help me out.( date with the night # 11...misunderstandingCollapse )**
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comic # 9 [30 Aug 2004|08:45am]
[ mood** | blah ] ok, i'm back with more. i have up to 30 comics done but since I'm back in school now that's a good thing so I could skip a few to keep up with my school work and still keep new comics coming for ya. doesn't that sound good? i think it does.( date with the night #9...let's talkCollapse )**
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comic # 7 and 8 [24 Aug 2004|06:22pm]
[ mood** | anxious ] Well, we haven't tapped the real boy love yet but we're getting very close. I'm drawing like a fiend and I've got some real dandy ones for ya. Straight from my perverted mind. I have definitely seen my drawing improve since the first strip was drawn and they're getting better and my touch-up techniques are superb. I'm feeling very proud of myself so hopefully you guys approve. I'm most proud of the more recent ones, strip 13 thru 25...I told you I was busy. I'm working on drawing number 26 right now and scanning and touching up number 22. I'll post more often so I can get a little more caught up. There's lots of nice twists and turns coming up so make sure to see all the strips.Ok enough chit chat. Here's a nice little "Two for Tuesday" deal.( date with the night #7...staying inCollapse )** ( date with the night #8...quenching his thirstCollapse )
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what's up with this? [19 Aug 2004|11:29pm]
[ **mood** | trying to calm down ] I guess no one wants the special prize of a nice boysex comic. It seems like no one really cares or even reads this. All I'm asking for is a little support. If you like it tell me. If you don't like it tell me. I can take constructive criticism, actually that's what I am looking for. If there is some element of this comic you don't like, say if the plot isn't really going anywhere, or the drawings aren't the best..tell me I know I can do better but sometimes I just don't really try my hardest. I don't want to waste my time and energy on something that no one is ever gonna notice or care about. I just want an open discussion, is that too much to ask for? I don't know maybe it is. I'm not saying you have to read and scrutinize every aspect of the comic but just to read it every once in a while and tell me what you think, I would love that. **stepping off my soapbox**x brenna x
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[15 Aug 2004|02:05am]
[ **mood** | content ] Hey, loyal readers. How would you like to help me promote this community. To do so, post the following little banner with the link to this community in your journal or any community you belong to...if they allow advertisements cuz I know some don't and I can see how some wouldn't like them but try anyway. It would mean so much to me. Thank you.the link for the picture is: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v24/julian_is_god/boys/kieranbanner.jpg. Any further instructions needed just ask me.And also, the person who gets the most people to join gets a nice special edition "date with the night" gratuitous boy sex comic. Happy hunting!
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comic # 6 [13 Aug 2004|01:51am]
[ mood** | content ] yes, I'm updating again. New comic. Aren't you happy? I am. I'm just churning out these puppies. I've been on a streak lately and I've got up to # 12. So, I guess I gotta get my ass moving to put these up. and I gotta move my ass to promote this community. But that will be done soon enough. if you haven't read up on the characters then do so now or you might be confused as to who these guys are and why they are acting this way towards each other. ok, without further ado.( date with the night #6...Do you think I'm sexy?Collapse )**
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comic 4 AND comic 5 [30 Jul 2004|12:49am]
[ mood** | anxious ] hey, how's about a little two for one friday? I'm hoping this will get more people to check me out. I have no idea how to advertise cuz most communities say no advertising and I don't want to get kicked out of any of my communities. But I wish I had more people seeing these and liking them. Maybe even find someone who'd be willing to help me get this on keenspace cuz I'm FTP illiterate. So, I know I said this before but spread the word and please let me know what you think of these and previous ones. Is it a good storyline? bad storyline? Good drawings? bad drawings? Anything.( comic #4...a little more for a little youCollapse )** ( comic #5...the thin line between stalker and secret admirerCollapse )
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introduction [23 Jul 2004|12:32am]
[ mood** | accomplished ] I know it's a bit late to making introductions since I already started posting the comic. But I figured you'd like to know a bit about the characters you've seen and the ones you'll see in the future. So here they are. I put them in color but I got a little tired before I made the last two so they're colorless. And the quality is kinda bad so bear with me. Oh and don't be afraid to comment I'd like to know what you think from time to time. Thanks <3Major Characters( major charactersCollapse )Minor Characters( minor charactersCollapse )**
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change of plans [04 Jul 2004|01:45am]
[ **mood** | anxious ] Since I can't understand how to maintain a webcomic at keenspace. I'm not a fan of FTP and it don't like me either. I'm gonna be posting the comic right here. I know it's gonna be weird since it's a community but this way you can post stuff you want to talk about and talk about other things on topic. Hell, you can even post some fiction if you like whether it be Date With The Night fiction or fiction related to vampires or punk but it must be slash. Sorry, I except nothing less. So, thanks for stopping by and have fun. First comic coming soon<3x brenna hell x
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Help! [27 Mar 2004|11:08pm]
[ **mood** | confused ] If anyone one is here has a comic on KeenSpace please help me fix my comic. I'm finding it extremely difficult. I don't know maybe I'm just a retard when it comes to computers but I can't modify it or update it. I read the tutorials and stuff but not all of it makes sense. /they don't make it that easy to understand, ya know? They should really try to make their tutorials retard-proof.
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