Where the Day Begins (original) (raw)

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Below are the 10 most recent journal entries recorded inWhere the birthday begins!'s LiveJournal:

Saturday, March 18th, 2006
_4:12 pm_[ashfae] Happy (slightly belated) birthday, oh Trinny one! I have no excuse for being late and worse, no present to offer. But I do think you are exceedingly nifty and am delighted that Siria saw fit to introduce us and hope to spend lots and lots more time babbling with you sometime in the future. Whoo! =) (Comment on this)
_3:08 am_[reccea] Happy Birthday trinityofone. :) I haven't been to bed yet, so I figure it's still March 17. ;) Title: CampfireRating: PG (oh so boring!)Pairing: McKay/Sheppard pre-slash, I'd say.Summary:It reminds him of childhood vacations dressed in hiking boots, eating turkey sandwiches and drinking hot chocolate.( But that was always my version of the great outdoors. Disaster and ugly death everywhere you turned.Collapse ) (17 Comments |Comment on this)
_1:36 am_[smittywing] Happy Birthday! Happy Birthday, trinityofone! I figure you're probably asleep already and since it's no longer the 17th here, it's not the 17th where you are, either, but I'm hoping a little late doesn't matter so terribly much.Hope your day was wonderful and filled with love and joy!Title: Padraic's LegacyRating: R (There was supposed to be porn, really. I think it emigrated to another story.)Genre: Crack. Absolute crack.Pairing: McKay/SheppardSummary: "Snakes," John said dully. "Why'd it have to be snakes?"( Padraic's LegacyCollapse ) Current Mood: accomplished (58 Comments |Comment on this)
Friday, March 17th, 2006
_8:34 am_[stop] happy birthday, Trinity! (I really hope I can somehow get you to take the blame for this.) Title: Going Soft, ~ 3000 words.notes: call it vague s. two spoilers to be on the safe side— het, slash, and a threesome— NC-17/Mature. warning: this hasn't been beta'd, because I suck at finding betas.I'm sure the question on everyone's minds after reading this will be: WHY? And I honestly have no idea. It seemed like a good idea at the time. Please don't hurt me. Why? Well, because trinityofone wanted a fic with lots of penis euphemisms, and because it's her birthday, who am I to stand in the way of a good euphemism-ing?So, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! You've made me laugh so many times, I can only hope that this fic, which I made just for you, brings you a smidgen of the joy you've brought to so many. Thank you for sharing the good crack with all of us, babe. ROCK ON.( Going SoftCollapse ) Current Mood: amused (3 Comments |Comment on this)
_2:15 pm_[wychwood] my petty contribution Happy birthday! I have a (very) small offering of sorts to add to the heap of presents, but it's not happening right now... sorry!I hope you have a fantastic day; you deserve to. You're a great addition to the LJ community (and not "addiction", like I just typed!), and I really enjoying seeing everything you post. Many happy returns, and may there be many more. Current Mood: borderline hypothermic (1 Comment |Comment on this)
_1:25 pm_[birdsflying] Happy birthday Trinity! Dear Trinity,Happy birthday!I have a few things up my sleeve for you, so this is the first part. Hopefully there will be additional things shortly, providing that the muse and the code quit mocking me. :g:I hope you have a fantastic day and I am looking forward to meeting you in May.♥ [Entanglement]SGA, McKay/Sheppard. Physics. 879~_Entanglement is the ghostly bedrock on which their relationship is built_With thanks to walkingshadow, cupiscent and graycastle for the beta and reassurance that yes, it did work outside of my head.( EntanglementCollapse ) Current Mood: excited (20 Comments |Comment on this)
_1:48 pm_[dar_jeeling] Happy birthday! You're sweet and fun and your stories make me happy. Plus, you don't take yourself too seriously, which is always a bonus in my world. ;)( I got you a little somethingCollapse ) (4 Comments |Comment on this)
_11:11 am_[randomeliza] Happy Birthday, Trin! I'd been working on finishing something that you've already seen to post today, but it just wasn't coming, so... you get happy birthday wishes from me anyway. You're a generous person, an amazing writer, and just in general a really fun, kickass human being. I'm so glad I got to know you. May this day be filled with everything that is good and right with the world, including but not limited to the Ass of Hewlett, in its many incarnations, the Shirt Removal of Rage (and perhaps one of Joy or Bemusement as well), Band AUs that actually leave you alone when you want them to, Crowley and Aziraphale doing their devil/angel thing, and naked cricket with Lord Peter Wimsey. Oh, and Rodney shaft. All of this and more - because you're one of the handful of people on the internet that I'm genuinely glad I know. Rock on - and congrats on not dying for another year. Well done you. *g* Many happy returns of the day, Trin. And you've got a choice. You can have a fic of your prompting of unspecified length and rating, or you can have the first 5000 or so words, some of which you've seen, of the NC-17 thing that I was working on to try to post today but could not manage to get done because of my poor time management skills. Let me know, and it shall be done.And just to reiterate... HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!! Current Mood: bouncy (1 Comment |Comment on this)
_8:03 am_[not_sally] Happy Birthday! So, I kind of guessed everyone would give you Stargate related things, and trying to be cool I checked the interests listed in your profile and came up with this:( I sure hope 'Garbage' wasn't waste relatedCollapse )And also, I read your last fic, and it killed me dead, so I've spent a good portion of the night making this, hope you find it worthy:And have a great Birthday!Lots of love, not_sallyCurrent Mood: hopeful (2 Comments |Comment on this)
_10:40 am_[fyrie] Happy birthday, Trin! See what you made me do! You made me write SGA fic :D I hope you're happy :)Playing the Game Stargate: Atlantis: Rodney&Radek gen. of a sort. 1000 words.Just a little happy birthday fic for trinityofone :) Thanks to siriaeve for checking it over.( Read more...Collapse ) (3 Comments |Comment on this)