DC Fic Finders (original) (raw)

Wed, Jun. 19th, 2024, 04:24 pm

darthkyrie: Looking for Bat Cult fic


Seeking half-remembered fanfic: I am looking for a fanfic where the Batfam is much more culty. As far as I can remember it is a gen fic (I read it within the last two years on AO3). The premise is that to become Robin, Dick had to go through this brainwashing/initiation thing in the Batcave and every Robin after him is supposed to get ‘initiated’ by the one before which leads to lots of angst for Tim because he can’t be a ‘real’ Robin because Jason is dead and can’t pass the torch. But that gets fixed obv. I am pretty sure the Justice League makes a cameo appearance but they don’t know about the cultish stuff. I remember the prose being kinda poetical.

Thank you!

Darth Kyrie

Mon, Mar. 20th, 2023, 08:30 am

bmlhillenkeene: Tim centric and Flash rogues as family

Hi, I’m hoping you can aid me in my quest.

I’m looking for some Tim centric fics. I’m having trouble figuring out the best tags for what I want.

I would like to read some “back in time and save Jason Todd at the expense of himself” fic. And also some (non pairing at all) where the brothers get stuck in a situation together and have to get out of it with no capes, like they get kidnapped as their civilian selves or they get stripped of all their gear. Just something where they have to work together outside the vigilante cape and combination so long as Tim plays a big role.

And also could I get some help finding good Flash rogues as family fics. I love axel, but just rogues being family.

Mon, Mar. 13th, 2023, 09:04 pm

shadowfire2130: Jason brought back to Qurac by Bruce

I'm looking for a fic in which Jason had been slowly getting along with Bruce again but after Damian died, Bruce brought Jason back to where he died, the warehouse in Qurac. This was in the belief that Jaspn might remember or find something to help bring Damian, his blood son, back. Bruce was actually expecting to get in a fight, feeling like he needed it, but Jason was just done and left. Dick nor any of the others are impressed when they find out.

Sat, Jan. 14th, 2023, 01:52 pm

fox0918: Civilian Jason Todd Fic

Hello, I'm looking for a fic on AO3 where Jason never became robin and is instead a teen living with his parents. Somehow, he meets the Batfam early and they begin getting to know him. I specifically remember scene where he's getting stuff from the junkyard and one of the robins notice that he has bruises and asks him where it came from (I think it was Jason's dad but I don't remember. There's also a scene towards the end where something happens to either him or his mom or both (maybe involving a car crash) and the Batfam rescues them. I think the Robin was Tim Drake but I can't remember.

Tue, Aug. 30th, 2022, 11:57 am

shadow_fox136: Trying to find two Tim centric fics

I'm trying to find two fics. One is Timcentric and the other is Tim & Jason centric.

  1. Tim centric — Tim is on an undercover mission involving street drugs but he ends up getting amnesia. He starts living with another kid who is part of a group who is being used by the drug ring (the kids are getting paid to transport the drugs to crime alley or the narrows or someplace like that). The only other things I can remember is that he uses one of his alias names (I think Jack or Alan) and they have a run in with red hood and some other batfamily members who have been looking for Tim (but because Tim doesn't remember them, he ends up running from them instead).
  2. Tim & Jason — The only thing I remember from this fic is that Tim and Jason are fighting a villain in an abandoned house in Gotham and get hit with a ray gun that transports them back in time or to another dimension (can't remember which). I also recall that Jason's helmet gets crushed in the fight as well and I think he was injured for part of the story. There was some sort of plot point involving the helmet (I think Jason kept explosives in the helmet?). I also recall a hospital being one of the settings but I'm not 100% sure.

Sorry I'm a little hazy on the details but I think they were both on AO3 but I could be wrong.

Thu, May. 19th, 2022, 12:09 pm

aurumcast: Kidnapped Dick

Hello! I’m looking for a fic where Batfam kidnaps Dick from another universe after their Dick died or disappeared.
Thank you all so much!

Sat, Apr. 30th, 2022, 04:29 pm

bookworm0690: Kisses to Bruce from the Family

I am looking for a fic where the Batfam kids each give Bruce a kiss during a gala. They compete-kinda with each other to get to him and give him a kiss. It is adorable! It *might* be also be subtly SuperBat but I honestly am not sure about that part.


Sat, Apr. 16th, 2022, 08:15 am

elsa913: Batfam finds out Dick was trained by Deathstroke

I'm looking for fics where Dick is a bamf and the Batfamily finds out that he had been trained by Deathstroke.
I am not looking for fics where that training was more like torture or where Deathstroke is evil.

Thu, Apr. 7th, 2022, 11:46 am

bmlhillenkeene: Bruce & Tim, Bruce starts seeing Tim as his kid

I’ve been searching for days to find something that isn’t a total angst fest.

Can anyone help me find some fics set after Tim becomes Robin but before Jason comes back, where Bruce begins to see Tim as his kid, not just as Robin.

I’d love some proper fluff to go along with any angst or drama, definitely a lot of comfort. If anyone can find one where Bruce actually adopts Tim early during that time I would love that too.

I love a Tim insecure of his place in Bruce’s life, but I need Bruce to be reassuring and loving.

Please any help would be appreciated!

Mon, Mar. 28th, 2022, 10:47 pm

shadow_ravin: (no subject)

Read on AO3: I think the summary said something about it being the first time helping the Bats since returning to Gotham, but I can't remember the exact wording. Jason is helping the other Bats with some kind of mission tagging illegal cargo (possibly drugs?), but he wasn't injured before the mission. He didn't tell anyone because he wanted helping the other Bats to go well because he wanted to be trusted/part of the family again or something like that. His hidden injury causes problems. I think he faints towards the end.
I already tried the "hiding injuries" tag on AO3 and cannot find it. Please help.

Fri, Feb. 25th, 2022, 05:50 pm

bmlhillenkeene: A few specific requests that I cannot find myself

I really hope this place isnt completely dead because I've been searching everywhere and cannot find these particular fics that I'm sure actually exsist.

1. Little human Tim gets taken (Monsters Inc style) from his bedroom by Monster Bruce and adopted, because Bruce is a soft dad who lose his kids.

2. A fic where Dick/Jason and Tim live together on the streets (I cannot remember if Damian was with them or not) I remember a bit where the two younger boys go into the local library during the winter to stay warm. I can remember so little about it. I think there was another part where Tim and Jason play as frightened brothers to get the cops to come to where Scarecrow is?

3. Now this I'm not 100% sure is real or in my head, but I'll ask anyway. It's a fic where Damian and Tim get kidnapped/captured, I think it was by Ra's, whoever it was, was super inappropriate with Tim, and Damian gets super protictive of his big brother, and by the time Dick and Jason come to rescue them Im pretty sure the two of them were already in the process of escaping themselves. I think there was a frozen lake involved?

4. I know this one is real, (I'm pretty sure this one is real). Tim becomes Joker Junior, is rescued, and the scene I remember most is Tim in the bat cave, on a spinny chair, giggling to himself, and (I think it's Jason but it might be Dick) trying to talk to him and he's talking nonsense. And I think there's a part later where he's going back out on patrol, but can only patrol with someone else because he's still a little crazy, he changes his name and costume.

Mon, Feb. 21st, 2022, 10:37 pm

bmlhillenkeene: Batbros as streetkids

I think more of these exsist other than The Birds by Oceanera12 on ao3, where the four batbros are gathered together before being taken in by Bruce.

I would really appreciate it if anyone could rec any other fics where the four of them live on the streets together, or know each other before Bruce takes them in.

I would absolutely love something where they each try to convince Bruce to adopt/foster/keep the others with the little kid logic of "I'll go wherever you want and I promise to stay there so long as you keep the others."

I'm willing to take just Jason and Tim if there's nothing else as they're my favourite.

Also, does anyone have any recs where Tim does something self sacraficing and his brothers (and bruce) make sure he is aware that he is not expendable, and they love him.

Fri, Feb. 4th, 2022, 11:07 pm

elsa913: YJ fics where Wally visits Gotham Academy

Specifically, I'm looking for fics where Wally and Dick (Robin) are friends out of costume and Artemis doesn't know that and is surprised to see Wally visiting Dick at Gotham Academy.

Thu, Feb. 3rd, 2022, 11:53 pm

bmlhillenkeene: Creature/Supernatural Batfam, Human Tim

I don't know why, but somehow I have stumbled across 2 fics where the rest of the Batfam are supernatural/mythical/monsterous creatures, and Tim is human.

I was just wondering if anyone could help me find others.

I've read Shallow Water Blackout, where Bruce and Dick are selkies and Jason is a mer-person, and a monster one set in a world similar to monsters inc, where Monster Bruce and fam take in little human Tim.

Just, anything at all would be awesome.

(And if anyone can recommend some feelgood Batfam fics, with just all of them acting like a family and doing family things, like vacations, or picnics or galas. Hurt/comfort happily accepted provided it's Tim or Damian, I like big, protective brothers Dick and Jason, but nothing dark, like attempted sexual assult is ok provided Tim/Damian gets rescued before anything actually happens, but rape/torture etc please avoid.)


Sun, Jan. 16th, 2022, 02:30 pm

angelshell101: Looking for an au dick and tim fic

Im looking for a fic i read a few years ago. So basically there is never a robin, dick is a young adult in the circus and bruce wayne is still batman but he is in arkham asylum and leaves if he needs to batman and he is covered in tattoos and a murderer. So tim is a fanboy of dick grayson and follows him around while he is in gotham and dick ends up being his at home teacher for gymnastics i think (it has been a while since i read it lol) and dick falls in love with tim in a parental way. Tims parents dont want him and offer him to dick in a non creepy way.
I have been looking for it for so long i had it saved from ao3 but that was on an old phone and lost it.
Has anyone read it or know where to find it please

Mon, Jan. 3rd, 2022, 05:21 am

ACOM Lyrics: Looking for a Dick Grayson fic

I'm looking for a Dick Grayson/batfam fic. I don’t really remember if Dick disappeared or was hurt but the batfam checked his suit files and found a lot of footage showing nightwing's relationship with the likes of Ras and Slade. Including Dick tipping of Ras about Talia/Slade's plan to kill him. He asks Ras to leave Damian alone and Ras agrees telling Dick how perfect he would be for the job. Then They find a file with Jason's name and they find out he has a family member alive. Dick was keeping up with the boy's life and protecting him…

Sun, Dec. 5th, 2021, 08:37 pm

Debra Raimondi: Mermaid Dick Grayson??

I’m looking for a fic. I read it I think during the summer of this year, 2021. It was Dick/Jason and on Ao3. It was complete and multi chaptered. I forget the rating but it was m/m obviously. I don’t think there were really any important characters in it other than Jason and Dick and it wasn’t really set in a specific universe as it was an au. I remember Dick was a mermaid and Jason would like read to the sea which is how the two fell in love. I remember in the last chapter how it said how Jason would read to the sea and then Dick emerged from it and both of them were old and Dick had grey hair and how Jason’s knees were no longer the best and he couldn’t easily make the trek from their house to the ocean anymore really. It was an amazing fic and I forget the name of it but I really wanna read it again. If anyone could help me find it, that’d be great thanks.

Wed, Aug. 25th, 2021, 09:31 am

fanficistheway: Arkham Sessions

Hey folks,

I am looking for a fic that was originally posted on LJ before it was purged or deleted. It was a Bruce/Joker Nolanverse series of fics where Bruce goes to Arkham. I actually have not gotten the opportunity to read it but I heard really good things about it. I think the author (who I cannot remember for the life of me) has a really high quality writing style.

I know that there was a point where it was on ao3 but it has been taken down. A long time ago, I reached out to the author and they said that they could send it if they found the file. I was hoping, since it was ao3, that someone may have downloaded it and if they would be willing to send it? I just have really been craving Nolanverse fics since I cant find many anymore.

Thank you in advance

Thu, Jun. 24th, 2021, 12:11 am

sparrow_petr: Trying to find a Nightwing fic

Hi sorry if I did this wrong, this is my first post here.
I’m trying to find a nightwing fanfic that I read literally 2 years ago.

Nightwing had become the new Batman for a while and was out with Damian. Damian was still mad about the new Batman and got reckless. They where both captured and I remember that Grayson was almost assaulted but kicked butt before anything went wrong. After that, Damian had a newfound respect for him.
Other then that, I know Bruce returned in the end and remarked on the brothers’ new close relationship.

If anyone can help that would be amazing, and if my post is incorrect in some way please let me know.


Wed, Apr. 21st, 2021, 03:20 pm

fox0918: Little Tim Centric fic

I'm looking for a fic where Tim's dad is meeting with Bruce for something business related. His dad leaves Tim with Bruce alone because he's been prostituting him out to other businessmen. Bruce rescues Tim from this and I remember that at one point Tim tries to take his clothes off in the car. Somebody, I can't remember if it was Bruce, Jason, or Dick, asks Tim if he understands that what was done to him is illegal, and at first Tim tries to argue this. I also remember that Tim seemed to be dissociating a lot as well. He also possibly had no shoes on and was kept locked up most of the time, but I'm not sure. I'm pretty sure it was a completed one shot and it was on AO3

Mon, Apr. 19th, 2021, 12:57 pm

shadow_fox136: FOUND One of the Batkids is arrested for murdering Bruce

FOUND: A Different Game by Charlene Edwards https://www.fanfiction.net/s/533148/1/A-Different-Game

I am looking for a fic where Bruce gets murdered. I read this one some time ago so some details might be off.

I remember that someone burned down Bruce's house or a body was found burned so they couldn't identify him right away. Tim doesn't believe he's dead but the DNA proves that it's Bruce and Tim gets arrested for his murder. Before Tim goes to trial, the batfam breaks him out of prison and they have to assume new identities. They end up finding out that Bruce is alive and the DNA was bogus. They track him to a prison in the middle of a desert ( either in south/central america or the middle east run by Bane or Ra's I think). The batfam find Bruce locked away in solitary and make an escape. And that's about all I remember.

If anyone knows what I'm talking about let me know!

EDIT: The more I think about it, I'm not 100% sure if it was Tim being framed or Dick but it was one of the batkids I know for sure. I remember it was a long fic and I think it was on a03 but could have also been on livejournal.

FOUND: A Different Game by Charlene Edwards https://www.fanfiction.net/s/533148/1/A-Different-Game

I was totally wrong on where I had read it and it turns out it was both Tim and Dick that were arrested but this is definitely the one.

Sun, Apr. 11th, 2021, 11:46 pm

bmlhillenkeene: Child!Tim fic

So I've been reading all the batfam fics I can find, but while reading some fun "Tim joins the family as a child" fics I've remebered a fic that I cannot find.

Tim comes to live with the Waynes, he's quite young, maybe 4 or 5 I think. Itt was a series of stories, and bother Dick and Jason where part of the family and also fairly young I think.

I remeber Tim was abused previously by the housekeeper, who at one point handcuffed him to like a coat rack or something so he's be out of the way. And one story was where Bruce had to go to Tokyo, and was taking everyone with him, including Alfred I think, but Tim thought he was staying at the manor alone. And then when they were in Japan he ate something and had an allergic reaction.

Any other fic similar to that would be welcome too, but I'd love to re read this one. It wasn't on AO3, and I can't find it on FF.Net, so I'm hoping someone might recognise it and let me know where it is!

Thank you!

Tue, Apr. 6th, 2021, 07:44 pm

bmlhillenkeene: some requests for recs

1. Tim and/or Damian feeling like they have no place in the family, for whatever reason, and the Good Parent Bruce, and Good siblings bring them back into the fold.

2.Tim and Jason meeting before Jason dies, maybe Jason looks after Tim on the streets, or Tim convinces Jason to come home to Drake manor with him, or Jason is the one who figures out Tim's being neglected and brings him into the batfam.

and lastly,

3. Just watching Titans (just finished first episode of the second season), and remember watching Teen Titans (the cartoon) and now I need me some Gar fic, because that boy is just a gift, and I need some fic about him, and everyone being all protective of him.

Thank you.