Disney Channel Stars;; graphic love (original) (raw)

April 7th, 2007

Like I said before I am looking for a Co-Mod for this community. [I might have 2 of them, so please apply] I
would love it if you had experience, but none is needed really, but I
prefer it. Experience means knowing Live Journal very very well and
hopefully have either ran a community before or have been a mod of one.

Please fill this out: [for Co-Mod]
Name or what you go by:
Link to the community you either own or are a Mod of:
How often do you get on the computer:
Will you help me and try to make this one of the best graphic challenge communities ever?


We will also need two banner makers for this community. If you are intrested in being one please fill out the application below. You will need some experience with a graphic program.

Please fill this out: [for Banner Maker]
Name or what you go by:
Please show us some of your work or a link where it can be found:
How often do you get on the computer:
Will you help me and try to make this one of the best graphic challenge communities ever?

Please post to this entry and this entry only with your application. Comments will be screened so only I will see them. Good luck! <3

What's the difference bewteen Icons and Signatures you may ask? And why did I chose Signatures instead of Header or Banners? Well it's simple. To me signatures are fun, I like do them. They are of course bigger then icons, and well not huge like headers or banners. But don't worry we're going to have a hader/banner contest for the community soon. So you can try your skills at that if you wish. <3

The Difference
icons = 100x100
signatures = 400x200

yep those are the sizes, no bigger please. So when you entry make sure to comply with those two sizes chosen above. Thanks.


I'd just like to say welcome to dcs_gl which stand for Disney Channel Stars Graphic Love This will be a graphic contest featuring your favorite Disney Channel Stars! Each week, or every two weeks there will be a challenge held, and you will enter either a icon or a signature.

Sound fun? I hope so and I hope you'll advertise us, and join. <3 I will also be looking for a Co-Mod or two, as well as a Award maker, I'd like to have two of those. Applications will be posted soon.

I hope to see some members, <3
