WE WOULD MAKE SUCH A TEAM. (original) (raw)
it's always cold in siberia. |
Drawing Requests | [14 Dec 2010|08:33am] |
Alright you guys, fuck it. I still ship it, IDGAF.So, art request time. I am going to work in uhhhhh negative five minutes, but I will draw some when I get back. PLEASE REQUEST SO I DON'T LOOK LIKE AN IDIOT does anyone even watch this comm anymore ughhhh♥ DEATHMANCE DRAWING REQUESTS ♥Cute/fluff, sexy, bloody -- no holds barred! No peens or vagoos though. Boobs are OK.Multiple requests are cool and great! Spreading this around is even greater! Pretend this post is one of Brock's hookers, help it get "around". | |
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Oh hai guys | [16 Jul 2009|11:52pm] |
Heyyyy semi-active community! I have a hello-my-name-is sort of fanfiction offering; it's that ten songs challenge that basically has circulated every fandom ever. And, uh, it's kind of fluff? I feel like it's too much fluff. Oh well. ( Rhyme Nor ReasonCollapse ) | |
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[24 May 2009|01:18am] | |
Hay guys, I posted this in the comments down below BUT SINCE THE POST IS FROM UHHH LAST AUGUST, I'll post it here too.( art!Collapse ) | |
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[27 Feb 2009|12:52am] | |
SO GUYS, HOW ABOUT SOME ACTIVITY? What the hell is up with that name? Nom de guerre, it's an alias for super spy stuff Unfortunately anglicised real-style name, also ironic in its accuracy **( cut for lolCollapse )**Discuss! | |
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[11 Aug 2008|06:43pm] | |
o hai guyzThe promo for "The Family That Slays Together, Stays Together" has got me in a Deathmantic mood. SO I AM TAKING DRAWING REQUESTS! I will draw anything as long as it is Deathmancey and not straight-up porn (ie, no lady bits or dongs -- I will draw boobs though), and also so help me god if I find any of this on Rule 34, someone is getting hurt.SO REQUEST PLEASE, SO I DON'T SEEM LIKE A TOTAL IDIOT | |
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Cosplay | [24 Apr 2008|05:20pm] |
![]() ![]() |
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[01 Apr 2008|11:03am] | |
O HAY, HAVE A SPY STORY. i almost typed 'soy story'?this is about um two times the size it should be according to the prompt i used, i got carried away. :( THERE IS KIND OF SOME SEX IN IT? but nothing too explicit. also violence, but duh, what community do you think you are reading?( smokingCollapse ) | |
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comiccccc | [29 Oct 2007|06:20pm] |
[ mood | hungry ] |
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[19 Oct 2007|05:54pm] | |
Would anyone out here in Mol/Brock land be at all interested in a Deathmance secret santa exchange? Nothing big, just a small fic/art exchange? | |
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O HAY POLL TIEM | [06 Oct 2007|07:16pm] |
I blame this on looking at too much ![]() |
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