debates_in_fun - Profile (original) (raw)
This is the debate community for those who don't exactly need to prove a point. We are really a close-knit group of people who just want to argue about whatever random things come our way.
Rules MUST be followed for this community.
1. NO RELIGION OR POLITICS. EVER. Only the moderator is allowed to post any subjects even touching on such.
2. We are here to have fun. Don't take things seriously, I beg you.
3. No meaniness.
4. Personal insults will get you banned.
5. Post in this manner: start a new debate as a new post, and debate on the topic as replies
to that post. PLEASE follow this rule to keep things organized and preserve the moderator's sanity.
6. An argument must have support to it. Eg: "I believe thus and so is better because... (support support support)". It must be thoughtful and make sense. Example of a bad argument: "I like thus and so better because... it's better."
7. Please keep personal issues out of it.
8. Have fun and take it lightly! We don't just debate, games like "Which is better" or "This or that" are also accepted.