deceased_ljers - Profile (original) (raw)

on 14 December 2004 (#5445372)

Honoring and remembering LJers who have died

This Community was created in response to the lack of updates on ljers4eternity. Feel welcome to post anything you've posted there here as well. Fake deaths will not be tolerated, and people who knowingly perpetuate fakes will be banned from this community.

Death provokes strong emotions, but attacking the community or its members won't be tolerated. The purpose of the community is to
a)keep dispassionate records
b)allow others to memorialize the dead
Don't confuse the two and think we're dishonoring the dead.

Community Guidelines

1. Please provide some information when reporting a death, if possible. Obituaries or news articles are ideal.
2. Anonymous comments are screened for content prior to posting.
3. Please report any errors or omissions you find.
4. BE RESPECTFUL. Flamers will be banned.
5. Don't go and leave hateful comments on the sites of the deceased. Their families and friends don't need to deal with your teenage stupidity.

This community is monitored by:


This community is dedicated to the following LJers:

* indicates the original journal was deleted and purged, and may possibly have new ownership

accident, accidents, aids, als, aneurysms, beloved dead, bereavement, cancer, car accidents, celebration of life, community, coping, darkness, dead, dead bloggers, dead livejournalers, dead ljers, dearly departed, death, deceased, deceased livejournalers, deceased ljers, departed, departed ljers, depression, die, died, discorporation, epitaphs, eternity, eulogy, expired, fake deaths, family, fatal illness, final days, friends, friendship, funeral, funerals, grief, grieving, happiness, heart attack, hurt, illness, joy, last days, leukemia, life, life changes, living, ljers who committed suicide, ljers who died, ljers who have died, ljers4eternity, loss, loss of loved one, love, loved ones, memorial service, memorials, memories, mourning, murder, murdered ljers, muscular dystrophy, obituary, pain, passed away, passed on, passing, paying respects, peace, poetry for the lost, remembering, remembering ljers, remembrance, reminiscence, respect, rest in peace, sadness, silenced_voices, solace, soldier, stroke, suicide, tears, terminal, tragedy, tribute