decorated - Profile (original) (raw)

This is a community for people who love decorating things. Anything, from stickers and magazine clippings taped on to your notebook to antique furniture in your bedroom. Post pictures, tell stories about why you decorated said item like that, how it expresses you. Because that's what decorating should be about!

Created and maintained by sheloveshim

ads, antiques, bumper stickers, buttons, collages, comics, consignment shops, crap, de coupage, doodles, doors, drawings, duct tape, expressing myself, favourites, frames, furniture, glitter, junk, lamps, magazine clippings, movie stars, my room, newspapers, notebooks, old pictures, packaging tape, paper, photographs, pictures, posters, ribbons, self-made things, sewing, sharpies, shellac, stickers, tables, useless things, varnish, walls