-- DeviantART FAQ -- by Della-Stock on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

"Stock images are images that are posted somewhere with the express intent that it may be used by other artists in their own artwork. Use of these images in this fashion are subject to the artist's license, which may or may not require the payment of fees.

The use of stock imagery at deviantART is permissible if and only if you can provide a link to the source of the stock image along with some kind of proof that you have satisfied the terms of the stock image license.

Please be aware that not all websites are considered legitimate stock imagery resources. Only the legal owner of the imagery has the ability to offer the work as a stock resource- if the 'stock' website includes images taken from print or film, or includes photographs featuring celebrities or supermodels then you may rest assured that it is not a valid resources site.
Also be aware that the lack of obvious copyright information does not imply that the imagery is free for use. "

"Artists who fail to adhere to these rules and who consistantly submit third party materials without the knowledge or permission of the proper owner of the materials will receive administrative action. This may include removing your artwork from deviantART, the possible purging of your Gallery and Scrapbook, and the possible banning of your account with or without prior warning."

"Stock Photos on DeviantART are Royalty Free, which means you can do as you wish with them, apart from resubmit the same image, without modifications and claim it as yours. Using them as photo manips or anything else is ok, however, it IS encouraged to place a link to the creator of the original stock image in your description so they get credit for it."

Please Read

"No, Prints needs conformation from the original image owner before it can be used as a print in an image you create. Please have the owner of the image being used contact prints-permission@deviantart.com confirming permissions to use the image. Artists' permissions can be sent to prints-permission@deviantart.com"