I tuo, i macil. (original) (raw)
I forgot how much I love this song
- Current Music:ir - Emoti
got this album offa a girl called Vicki for Christmas, i still listen to this song its great The fella used to come in the skate shop i worked in too!
- Current Music:wn boy - Once aroun
HAHAH Every time I hear this song i think of you Steven Leput [still!], and of course Miss Chi Chi hahah so FIERCE!
- Current Music:PA "I AM THE BODY BEAU
i uses to have the Biggest Crush on the singer [and the Drummer =/ ] haha
- Current Music:gans - Ris
i wanna get my old Gus Gus on in 2010
- Current Music::::: P
i smoked my 1st cigarette ever to this song trying to be as cool as Kim Gordon in a pair of Caballero's. still no way near as cool as Kim.
- Current Music:th - Bull In
stfu is that Jason Lee???!!! yes, yes it is.
- Current Music:s - Jimmy