Apri Sulistyo | Indonesian Legumes and Tuber Crops Research Institute (original) (raw)

Papers by Apri Sulistyo

Research paper thumbnail of Identification of Soybean Germplasm (Glycine max L. Merrill) for Resistance to Whitefly (Bemisia tabaci Genn.)

PLANTROPICA: Journal of Agricultural Science

Research paper thumbnail of Genetic diversity of Indonesian soybean (Glycine max L. Merrill) germplasm based on morphological and microsatellite markers

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science

Research paper thumbnail of Potential yield of tidal swamp-adaptive soybean promising lines


This study was carried out in order to identify suitable soybean lines that were adaptive in tida... more This study was carried out in order to identify suitable soybean lines that were adaptive in tidal swamp land. The research material consisted of 10 soybean promising lines and two varieties (Lawit and Menyapa). The research was carried out in Wanaraya, Barito Kuala, Indonesia, in rainy season 2014. The results showed that among of the 10 soybean lines, Snb/1087-148-2-1 reached the largest grain size (10.04 g/100 grains), followed by Snb/1087-147-2-7 (9.72 g/100 grains) and significantly different to Menyapa (6.86 g/100 grains) and Lawit (9.25 g/100 grains). Although these two lines had larger grain size than Menyapa, but the grain yield per unit area of these two lines were lower. Menyapa produced 1.67 t/ha, while Snb/1087-148-2-1 and Snb/1087-147-2-7 produced 1.18 and 1.42 t/ha respectively. Lower grain yield of these two lines was due to the smaller number of filled pods when compared to Menyapa variety.

Research paper thumbnail of Karakterisasi Morfologi 15 Genotipe Pepaya (Carica papaya L.) Hasil Eksplorasi PKBT

Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mempelajari karakteristik morfologi dm mendeskripsikan 1 5 genotip... more Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mempelajari karakteristik morfologi dm mendeskripsikan 1 5 genotipe pepaya hasil eksplorasi Pusat Kaj im Buah-buahan Tropika (PKBT) di Jawa Tengah dan Jawa Tirnur. Penelitian dilaksamkan di Kebun Percobaan IPB Cikabayan ...

Research paper thumbnail of district Evaluasi hasil persilangan, analisis daya gabung serta pendugaan nilai heterosis tujuh genotipe pepaya (carica papaya l.)

Penurunan produktivitas tanaman pepaya di Indonesia disebabkan karena belum tersedianya varietas ... more Penurunan produktivitas tanaman pepaya di Indonesia disebabkan karena belum tersedianya varietas unggul yang diinginkan. Usaha perbaikan tanaman melalui kegiatan pemuliaan tanaman sering dihadapkan kepada masalah dalam memilih tetua-tetua yang ...

Research paper thumbnail of Diagnosis ledakan populasi hama kutu kebul (Bemisia tabaci) pada pertanaman kedelai (Studi kasus faktor penyebab ledakan populasi kutu kebul di KP Muneng MK 2009)

Research paper thumbnail of Tingkat Serangan Melanagromyza sojae Zehnt. (Diptera: Agromyzidae) pada Plasma Nutfah Kedelai

Research paper thumbnail of Hubungan antara trikoma dan intensitas kerusakan daun dengan ketahanan kedelai terhadap hama kutu kebul (Bemisia tabaci)

Research paper thumbnail of Perakitan varietas kedelai tahan kutu kebul (Bemisia tabaci Genn.)

Research paper thumbnail of Nilai Duga Heritabilitas Galur-Galur Mutan Kacang Hijau (Vigna radiata)

Research paper thumbnail of Identifikasi plasma nutfah kedelai berumur genjah dan berbiji sedang

Research paper thumbnail of Perakitan Varietas Kedelai untuk Mengatasi Serangan Kutu Kebul

Warta Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian, 2018

Kutu kebul (Bemisia tabaci Genn.) merupakan hama pengisap daun yang dapat menurunkan hasil biji, ... more Kutu kebul (Bemisia tabaci Genn.) merupakan hama pengisap daun yang dapat menurunkan hasil biji, bahkan menyebabkan gagal panen pada kedelai. Menanam varietas tahan adalah salah satu teknik pencegahan yang sesuai dengan Pengendalian Hama Terpadu (PHT). Perakitan varietas terencana diharapkan juga dapat menghasilkan varietas kedelai tahan sebagai solusi mengatasi kutu kebul di musim kemarau.

Research paper thumbnail of Assessment of Soybean Resistance to Whitefly (Bemisia tabaci Genn.) Infestations

Pertanika Journal of Tropical Agricultural Science (JTAS), 2018

The use of resistant varieties is one of the best ways to control whitefly attacks. However, to d... more The use of resistant varieties is one of the best ways to control whitefly attacks. However, to date, there is no soybean variety that is resistant to whitefly. In this study, we aimed to assess the resistance of four soybean genotypes to whitefly. Anjasmoro variety was planted as a susceptible control while G100H was used as resistant control. The study was conducted in a greenhouse using a free-choice test. All soybean genotypes were planted in polybags and arranged in a randomised completely block design with three replicates. Resistance is categorised based on the intensity of leaf damage which occurred at 45-days-old plant. The leaf damage intensity was scored using two different methods. The results showed the intensity of leaf damage by using the first method varied between 7.43% (Dena 1) and 23.93% (Anjasmoro); while that of the second method ranged between 18.03% (G100H) and 37.85% (Anjasmoro). Anjasmoro was consistently classified as highly susceptible, while Gema was consistently categorised as moderately resistant to whitefly. Dena 1 and G100H were classified as moderately resistant-resistant, while Dega 1 and Devon 1 were categorised as susceptible-moderately resistant to whitefly. Resistance of soybean genotypes tested against whitefly correlated with the density of leaf trichomes. Correlation analysis shows a negative correlation between the intensity of leaf damage and the number of leaf trichomes (r =-0.29, p = 0.24) based on method 1, thus indicating a low antixenosis mechanism in whitefly resistant genotypes.

Research paper thumbnail of Genetic Parameters Estimation of Agronomic Traits in Soybean Population Resistant to Whitefly

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 012041, 2018

More knowledge of genetic parameters could assist plant breeders in determining breeding methods ... more More knowledge of genetic parameters could assist plant breeders in determining breeding methods and selection criteria. The aim of this study was to estimate the components of variance, heritability, and genetic advance some agronomic traits in F4 generation populations of soybean resistant to whitefly. The research was conducted at greenhouse of Indonesian Legumes and Tuber Crops Research Institute in Malang, Indonesia from April to July 2015. Plant genetic material consists of four soybean populations, each population derived from crosses between soybean genotypes resistant to whitefly with high yielding soybean varieties. All plant genetic material laid out in a randomized complete block design with four replicates. The results showed that all agronomic traits observed had narrow genetic variability. Broad sense heritability varies between 5% and 81%. Days to flowering, intensity of leaf damage, and seed weight per plant had high broad sense heritability (81%, 80%, and 52%, respectively). Selection on the intensity of leaf damage and seed weight per plant will provide the highest genetic advance, respectively by 41.62% and 20.15%. High heritability accompanied by high genetic advance on the intensity of leaf damage and seed weight per plant indicated an effective selection for these traits in this population.

Research paper thumbnail of Correlation, path analysis and heritability estimation for agronomic traits contribute to yield on soybean

IOP Conf Ser Earth Environ Sci 102 012034, 2018

Selection is a routine activity in plant breeding programs that must be done by plant breeders in... more Selection is a routine activity in plant breeding programs that must be done by plant breeders in obtaining superior plant genotypes. The use of appropriate selection criteria will determine the effectiveness of selection activities. The purpose of this study was to analysis the inheritable agronomic traits that contribute to soybean yield. A total of 91 soybean lines were planted in Muneng Experimental Station, Probolinggo District, East Java Province, Indonesia in 2016. All soybean lines were arranged in randomized complete block design with two replicates. Correlation analysis, path analysis and heritability estimation were performed on days to flowering, days to maturing, plant height, number of branches, number of fertile nodes, number of filled pods, weight of 100 seeds, and yield to determine selection criteria on soybean breeding program. The results showed that the heritability value of almost all agronomic traits observed is high except for the number of fertile nodes with low heritability. The result of correlation analysis shows that days to flowering, plant height and number of fertile nodes have positive correlation with seed yield per plot (0.056, 0.444, and 0.100, respectively). In addition, path analysis showed that plant height and number of fertile nodes have highest positive direct effect on soybean yield. Based on this result, plant height can be selected as one of selection criteria in soybean breeding program to obtain high yielding soybean variety.

Research paper thumbnail of Keragaan Agronomi dan Heterosis Hasil Persilangan Kedelai Korea Selatan dengan Kedelai Indonesia

Research paper thumbnail of Kriteria Seleksi Penentuan Ketahanan Kedelai terhadap Kutu Kebul

Whitefly (Bemisia tabaci Genn.) is a leaf-sucking insect and is a major pest on soybean. Nymphs a... more Whitefly (Bemisia tabaci Genn.) is a leaf-sucking insect and is a major pest on soybean. Nymphs and adults of whitefly are insect stages that cause damage directly or indirectly on the host plant. Chemical control to the pest has not produced satisfactorily results, and even has given a negative impact on the environment, damaging the efficacy of biological agents, and causing resistance to chemical compounds on whitefly. Pest control techniques based on Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is using the resistant varieties. Selection criteria for resistance to pest are needed based on the resistance mechanism and agronomic characteristic of resistant genotypes. Soybean resistant mechanism to whitefly could be through physical antixenosis, such as through the leaf trichomes and leaf thickness. Based on antixenosis mechanism, selection for resistance is done by counting the number of whitefly infestation (eggs, nymphs, pupas, adults) per leaf area. Antibiosis mechanism was selected by observing the life cycle of whitefly, including the duration of the hatching eggs into nymphs, the development of the nymph into pupa, and the adult insect emergence. Selection of resistant soybean based on tolerance mechanisms was done by observing the decrease in grain yield due to whitefly attacks. Soybean breeding to obtain varieties resistant to whiteflies in Indonesia could use the mechanism of tolerance based on leaf damage intensity, as selection criteria.
ABSTRAK Kutu kebul adalah hama pengisap daun dan merupakan salah satu hama utama kedelai. Nimfa dan imago kutu kebul diketahui sebagai stadia yang dapat menimbulkan kerusakan secara langsung maupun tidak langsung. Pengendalian secara kimiawi belum memberikan hasil yang memuaskan, bahkan berdampak negatif terhadap lingkungan, merusak agens hayati potensial dan menyebabkan resistensi kutu kebul terhadap senyawa kimia. Salah satu teknik pengendalian hama yang sesuai dengan prinsip-prinsip pengelolaan hama terpadu (PHT) adalah penggunaan varietas tahan. Tahapan krusial dalam perakitan varietas tahan adalah seleksi ketahanan. Aspek yang perlu diperhatikan dalam seleksi ketahanan adalah mekanisme ketahanan dan karakteristik agronomi genotipe tahan. Mekanisme ketahanan kedelai terhadap kutu kebul dapat berupa antixenosis fisik, antara lain melalui trikoma daun dan ketebalan daun. Berdasarkan mekanisme ketahanan antixenosis, seleksi ketahanan dilakukan berdasarkan jumlah infestasi kutu kebul (telur, nimfa, pupa, dan imago) per satuan luas daun. Selain antixenosis, mekanisme ketahanan antibiosis juga terjadi pada kedelai. Seleksi ketahanan berdasarkan mekanisme antibiosis dilakukan dengan memperhatikan siklus hidup kutu kebul, mulai dari telur yang menetas menjadi nimfa, kemudian berkembang menjadi pupa hingga menjadi imago dewasa. Gejala ketahanan antibiosis pada kedelai terhadap kutu kebul dapat berupa siklus hidup yang cepat, jumlah telur yang menetas menjadi nimfa sedikit, periode nimfa yang panjang, dan kegagalan imago keluar dari pupa. Seleksi ketahanan berdasarkan mekanisme toleransi dapat dilakukan dengan memperhatikan penurunan hasil atau intensitas kerusakan pada saat terjadi serangan kutu kebul. Di Indonesia, program perakitan varietas kedelai tahan kutu kebul dapat diarahkan ke mekanisme toleransi dengan menggunakan parameter intensitas kerusakan daun sebagai kriteria seleksi.

Research paper thumbnail of Performance of agronomic traits on F3 populations of soybean lines tolerant to whiteflies.pdf

Whitefly (Bemisia tabaci Genn.) is a major pest in soybean cultivation in Indonesia and became on... more Whitefly (Bemisia tabaci Genn.) is a major pest in soybean cultivation in Indonesia and became one of the limiting factors in the effort to increasing soybean production. The attempt to obtain soybean varieties that are resistant to whitefly can be done through crosses between resistance genotypes with high yielding varieties. The purpose of this study was to determine the performance of agronomic traits in F3 populations and selecting the lines to obtain F4 soybean seeds that are resistant to whitefly. The study was conducted at the Muneng Experiment Station during the dry season from August to November in 2014. A total of 330 soybean lines derived from five populations of F3 generation were grown following the augmented design in six different blocks. Three soybean varieties used as checks, namely Gema as moderately resistant check, Anjasmoro as susceptible check, and Grobogan as large seed check. The results showed that there is an opportunity to obtain soybean lines that are resistant to whitefly with excellence early maturing and large seed size. The intensity of leaf damage 29 lines of 330 lines tested significantly lower than Gema (5.37%) with the percentage of leaf damage varies from 3.21% to 5.33%. All of resistant lines are classified as early maturing soybean (<80 days after planting), but only 15 lines of 29 selected lines were categorized as soybean with large seed size. However, none of the lines were able to produce higher seed than Gema. Out of 29 selected lines, there are only three lines with yield per plot equivalent to Grobogan. The three lines are G100H/9305//IAC100-271///Grob-34, G100H/9305//IAC100-271///Grob-38, and G100H/9305//IAC100-271///Grob-40.

Research paper thumbnail of The adaptability of soybean promising lines to saturated water soil condition.pdf

In Indonesia, water saturated soil condition is often taken place on soybean that are cultivated ... more In Indonesia, water saturated soil condition is often taken place on soybean that are cultivated on the paddy field in the late of rainy season. This condition becomes a limiting factor for the effort to increase soybean yield on paddy field. The research aimed to evaluate the adaptability and yield potential of soybean promising lines tolerant to water saturated soil condition. The plant material genetic consisted of thirteen soybean genotypes and two varieties, namely Grobogan as early maturity check and Kawi as tolerant check to water saturated condition. All soybean genotypes were laid out as randomized completely block design with four replicates. The study was conducted at four locations, i.e. two locations in East Java Province (Banyuwangi and Malang) and two locations in Nusa Tenggara Barat Province (Midang and Sandik) on the late of rainy season in 2011. The condition of water saturated soil was performed with irrigating continuously starting from V2 phase until R7 phase. The stability and adaptability of all soybean genotypes were evaluated using Additive Main Effects and Multiplicative Interaction (AMMI). The results showed that grain yield of Tgm/Anjs-T205-1-750 and Sib/Grob-V64-5-137 lines are consistently high under water saturated soil condition (2.63 and 2.71 t/ha, respectively). Based on the AMMI method, these two lines categorized as a stable and adaptable to water saturated soil condition.

Research paper thumbnail of Response of soybean genotypes introduced from South Korea to drought stress during reproductive stage

Purwantoro, Suhartina, Nugrahaeni N, Sulistyo A. 2016. Response of soybean genotypes introduced f... more Purwantoro, Suhartina, Nugrahaeni N, Sulistyo A. 2016. Response of soybean genotypes introduced from South Korea to drought stress during reproductive stage. Biodiversitas 17: 15-19. Soybean is mostly planted in wetland (paddy field) during dry season. The plant is frequently suffered from drought which lead to low productivity. Cultivar tolerant to drought is needed in an attempt to increase productivity. Instead of high productivity, short duration and large seed size are soybean characteristics preferred by soybean farmers in Indonesia. Research aimed to assess response of soybean introduction genotypes to drought stress during reproductive phase were conducted during dry season of 2012. Genotypes used in the study were twenty soybean genotypes introduced from South Korea and three check cultivars (Mutiara, Grobogan, and Dering 1). The trials were conducted in the field at Kendalpayak Experimental Farm and under rain-shelter in Kendalpayak, Malang. Each genotype was planted in a single row of 2 m length, with no replication. Plant spacing was 40 cm x 15 cm. Fertilizers i.e. 100 kg ha-1 of Urea, 100 kg ha-1 of SP36, and 75 kg ha-1 of KCl were applied entirely at planting time. The plants were irrigated twice, at planting and at flowering time, and then subjected to drought stress during reproductive phase. Observations included days to flowering, days to maturity, plant height, number of branches, number of fertile nodes, number of pods, number of empty pods, weight of 100 seeds, and seed weight per plant. Results showed that five out of the 20 tested genotypes were resistant to drought stress during reproductive phase comparable to the check cultivar Dering 1. Four of them, i.e. Daewon, Ilmi, Jangmi, and Mausu, including large seed size and short duration. Those characteristics can be used to improve seed size and plants maturity of the existing drought tolerant cultivar.

Research paper thumbnail of Identification of Soybean Germplasm (Glycine max L. Merrill) for Resistance to Whitefly (Bemisia tabaci Genn.)

PLANTROPICA: Journal of Agricultural Science

Research paper thumbnail of Genetic diversity of Indonesian soybean (Glycine max L. Merrill) germplasm based on morphological and microsatellite markers

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science

Research paper thumbnail of Potential yield of tidal swamp-adaptive soybean promising lines


This study was carried out in order to identify suitable soybean lines that were adaptive in tida... more This study was carried out in order to identify suitable soybean lines that were adaptive in tidal swamp land. The research material consisted of 10 soybean promising lines and two varieties (Lawit and Menyapa). The research was carried out in Wanaraya, Barito Kuala, Indonesia, in rainy season 2014. The results showed that among of the 10 soybean lines, Snb/1087-148-2-1 reached the largest grain size (10.04 g/100 grains), followed by Snb/1087-147-2-7 (9.72 g/100 grains) and significantly different to Menyapa (6.86 g/100 grains) and Lawit (9.25 g/100 grains). Although these two lines had larger grain size than Menyapa, but the grain yield per unit area of these two lines were lower. Menyapa produced 1.67 t/ha, while Snb/1087-148-2-1 and Snb/1087-147-2-7 produced 1.18 and 1.42 t/ha respectively. Lower grain yield of these two lines was due to the smaller number of filled pods when compared to Menyapa variety.

Research paper thumbnail of Karakterisasi Morfologi 15 Genotipe Pepaya (Carica papaya L.) Hasil Eksplorasi PKBT

Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mempelajari karakteristik morfologi dm mendeskripsikan 1 5 genotip... more Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mempelajari karakteristik morfologi dm mendeskripsikan 1 5 genotipe pepaya hasil eksplorasi Pusat Kaj im Buah-buahan Tropika (PKBT) di Jawa Tengah dan Jawa Tirnur. Penelitian dilaksamkan di Kebun Percobaan IPB Cikabayan ...

Research paper thumbnail of district Evaluasi hasil persilangan, analisis daya gabung serta pendugaan nilai heterosis tujuh genotipe pepaya (carica papaya l.)

Penurunan produktivitas tanaman pepaya di Indonesia disebabkan karena belum tersedianya varietas ... more Penurunan produktivitas tanaman pepaya di Indonesia disebabkan karena belum tersedianya varietas unggul yang diinginkan. Usaha perbaikan tanaman melalui kegiatan pemuliaan tanaman sering dihadapkan kepada masalah dalam memilih tetua-tetua yang ...

Research paper thumbnail of Diagnosis ledakan populasi hama kutu kebul (Bemisia tabaci) pada pertanaman kedelai (Studi kasus faktor penyebab ledakan populasi kutu kebul di KP Muneng MK 2009)

Research paper thumbnail of Tingkat Serangan Melanagromyza sojae Zehnt. (Diptera: Agromyzidae) pada Plasma Nutfah Kedelai

Research paper thumbnail of Hubungan antara trikoma dan intensitas kerusakan daun dengan ketahanan kedelai terhadap hama kutu kebul (Bemisia tabaci)

Research paper thumbnail of Perakitan varietas kedelai tahan kutu kebul (Bemisia tabaci Genn.)

Research paper thumbnail of Nilai Duga Heritabilitas Galur-Galur Mutan Kacang Hijau (Vigna radiata)

Research paper thumbnail of Identifikasi plasma nutfah kedelai berumur genjah dan berbiji sedang

Research paper thumbnail of Perakitan Varietas Kedelai untuk Mengatasi Serangan Kutu Kebul

Warta Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian, 2018

Kutu kebul (Bemisia tabaci Genn.) merupakan hama pengisap daun yang dapat menurunkan hasil biji, ... more Kutu kebul (Bemisia tabaci Genn.) merupakan hama pengisap daun yang dapat menurunkan hasil biji, bahkan menyebabkan gagal panen pada kedelai. Menanam varietas tahan adalah salah satu teknik pencegahan yang sesuai dengan Pengendalian Hama Terpadu (PHT). Perakitan varietas terencana diharapkan juga dapat menghasilkan varietas kedelai tahan sebagai solusi mengatasi kutu kebul di musim kemarau.

Research paper thumbnail of Assessment of Soybean Resistance to Whitefly (Bemisia tabaci Genn.) Infestations

Pertanika Journal of Tropical Agricultural Science (JTAS), 2018

The use of resistant varieties is one of the best ways to control whitefly attacks. However, to d... more The use of resistant varieties is one of the best ways to control whitefly attacks. However, to date, there is no soybean variety that is resistant to whitefly. In this study, we aimed to assess the resistance of four soybean genotypes to whitefly. Anjasmoro variety was planted as a susceptible control while G100H was used as resistant control. The study was conducted in a greenhouse using a free-choice test. All soybean genotypes were planted in polybags and arranged in a randomised completely block design with three replicates. Resistance is categorised based on the intensity of leaf damage which occurred at 45-days-old plant. The leaf damage intensity was scored using two different methods. The results showed the intensity of leaf damage by using the first method varied between 7.43% (Dena 1) and 23.93% (Anjasmoro); while that of the second method ranged between 18.03% (G100H) and 37.85% (Anjasmoro). Anjasmoro was consistently classified as highly susceptible, while Gema was consistently categorised as moderately resistant to whitefly. Dena 1 and G100H were classified as moderately resistant-resistant, while Dega 1 and Devon 1 were categorised as susceptible-moderately resistant to whitefly. Resistance of soybean genotypes tested against whitefly correlated with the density of leaf trichomes. Correlation analysis shows a negative correlation between the intensity of leaf damage and the number of leaf trichomes (r =-0.29, p = 0.24) based on method 1, thus indicating a low antixenosis mechanism in whitefly resistant genotypes.

Research paper thumbnail of Genetic Parameters Estimation of Agronomic Traits in Soybean Population Resistant to Whitefly

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 012041, 2018

More knowledge of genetic parameters could assist plant breeders in determining breeding methods ... more More knowledge of genetic parameters could assist plant breeders in determining breeding methods and selection criteria. The aim of this study was to estimate the components of variance, heritability, and genetic advance some agronomic traits in F4 generation populations of soybean resistant to whitefly. The research was conducted at greenhouse of Indonesian Legumes and Tuber Crops Research Institute in Malang, Indonesia from April to July 2015. Plant genetic material consists of four soybean populations, each population derived from crosses between soybean genotypes resistant to whitefly with high yielding soybean varieties. All plant genetic material laid out in a randomized complete block design with four replicates. The results showed that all agronomic traits observed had narrow genetic variability. Broad sense heritability varies between 5% and 81%. Days to flowering, intensity of leaf damage, and seed weight per plant had high broad sense heritability (81%, 80%, and 52%, respectively). Selection on the intensity of leaf damage and seed weight per plant will provide the highest genetic advance, respectively by 41.62% and 20.15%. High heritability accompanied by high genetic advance on the intensity of leaf damage and seed weight per plant indicated an effective selection for these traits in this population.

Research paper thumbnail of Correlation, path analysis and heritability estimation for agronomic traits contribute to yield on soybean

IOP Conf Ser Earth Environ Sci 102 012034, 2018

Selection is a routine activity in plant breeding programs that must be done by plant breeders in... more Selection is a routine activity in plant breeding programs that must be done by plant breeders in obtaining superior plant genotypes. The use of appropriate selection criteria will determine the effectiveness of selection activities. The purpose of this study was to analysis the inheritable agronomic traits that contribute to soybean yield. A total of 91 soybean lines were planted in Muneng Experimental Station, Probolinggo District, East Java Province, Indonesia in 2016. All soybean lines were arranged in randomized complete block design with two replicates. Correlation analysis, path analysis and heritability estimation were performed on days to flowering, days to maturing, plant height, number of branches, number of fertile nodes, number of filled pods, weight of 100 seeds, and yield to determine selection criteria on soybean breeding program. The results showed that the heritability value of almost all agronomic traits observed is high except for the number of fertile nodes with low heritability. The result of correlation analysis shows that days to flowering, plant height and number of fertile nodes have positive correlation with seed yield per plot (0.056, 0.444, and 0.100, respectively). In addition, path analysis showed that plant height and number of fertile nodes have highest positive direct effect on soybean yield. Based on this result, plant height can be selected as one of selection criteria in soybean breeding program to obtain high yielding soybean variety.

Research paper thumbnail of Keragaan Agronomi dan Heterosis Hasil Persilangan Kedelai Korea Selatan dengan Kedelai Indonesia

Research paper thumbnail of Kriteria Seleksi Penentuan Ketahanan Kedelai terhadap Kutu Kebul

Whitefly (Bemisia tabaci Genn.) is a leaf-sucking insect and is a major pest on soybean. Nymphs a... more Whitefly (Bemisia tabaci Genn.) is a leaf-sucking insect and is a major pest on soybean. Nymphs and adults of whitefly are insect stages that cause damage directly or indirectly on the host plant. Chemical control to the pest has not produced satisfactorily results, and even has given a negative impact on the environment, damaging the efficacy of biological agents, and causing resistance to chemical compounds on whitefly. Pest control techniques based on Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is using the resistant varieties. Selection criteria for resistance to pest are needed based on the resistance mechanism and agronomic characteristic of resistant genotypes. Soybean resistant mechanism to whitefly could be through physical antixenosis, such as through the leaf trichomes and leaf thickness. Based on antixenosis mechanism, selection for resistance is done by counting the number of whitefly infestation (eggs, nymphs, pupas, adults) per leaf area. Antibiosis mechanism was selected by observing the life cycle of whitefly, including the duration of the hatching eggs into nymphs, the development of the nymph into pupa, and the adult insect emergence. Selection of resistant soybean based on tolerance mechanisms was done by observing the decrease in grain yield due to whitefly attacks. Soybean breeding to obtain varieties resistant to whiteflies in Indonesia could use the mechanism of tolerance based on leaf damage intensity, as selection criteria.
ABSTRAK Kutu kebul adalah hama pengisap daun dan merupakan salah satu hama utama kedelai. Nimfa dan imago kutu kebul diketahui sebagai stadia yang dapat menimbulkan kerusakan secara langsung maupun tidak langsung. Pengendalian secara kimiawi belum memberikan hasil yang memuaskan, bahkan berdampak negatif terhadap lingkungan, merusak agens hayati potensial dan menyebabkan resistensi kutu kebul terhadap senyawa kimia. Salah satu teknik pengendalian hama yang sesuai dengan prinsip-prinsip pengelolaan hama terpadu (PHT) adalah penggunaan varietas tahan. Tahapan krusial dalam perakitan varietas tahan adalah seleksi ketahanan. Aspek yang perlu diperhatikan dalam seleksi ketahanan adalah mekanisme ketahanan dan karakteristik agronomi genotipe tahan. Mekanisme ketahanan kedelai terhadap kutu kebul dapat berupa antixenosis fisik, antara lain melalui trikoma daun dan ketebalan daun. Berdasarkan mekanisme ketahanan antixenosis, seleksi ketahanan dilakukan berdasarkan jumlah infestasi kutu kebul (telur, nimfa, pupa, dan imago) per satuan luas daun. Selain antixenosis, mekanisme ketahanan antibiosis juga terjadi pada kedelai. Seleksi ketahanan berdasarkan mekanisme antibiosis dilakukan dengan memperhatikan siklus hidup kutu kebul, mulai dari telur yang menetas menjadi nimfa, kemudian berkembang menjadi pupa hingga menjadi imago dewasa. Gejala ketahanan antibiosis pada kedelai terhadap kutu kebul dapat berupa siklus hidup yang cepat, jumlah telur yang menetas menjadi nimfa sedikit, periode nimfa yang panjang, dan kegagalan imago keluar dari pupa. Seleksi ketahanan berdasarkan mekanisme toleransi dapat dilakukan dengan memperhatikan penurunan hasil atau intensitas kerusakan pada saat terjadi serangan kutu kebul. Di Indonesia, program perakitan varietas kedelai tahan kutu kebul dapat diarahkan ke mekanisme toleransi dengan menggunakan parameter intensitas kerusakan daun sebagai kriteria seleksi.

Research paper thumbnail of Performance of agronomic traits on F3 populations of soybean lines tolerant to whiteflies.pdf

Whitefly (Bemisia tabaci Genn.) is a major pest in soybean cultivation in Indonesia and became on... more Whitefly (Bemisia tabaci Genn.) is a major pest in soybean cultivation in Indonesia and became one of the limiting factors in the effort to increasing soybean production. The attempt to obtain soybean varieties that are resistant to whitefly can be done through crosses between resistance genotypes with high yielding varieties. The purpose of this study was to determine the performance of agronomic traits in F3 populations and selecting the lines to obtain F4 soybean seeds that are resistant to whitefly. The study was conducted at the Muneng Experiment Station during the dry season from August to November in 2014. A total of 330 soybean lines derived from five populations of F3 generation were grown following the augmented design in six different blocks. Three soybean varieties used as checks, namely Gema as moderately resistant check, Anjasmoro as susceptible check, and Grobogan as large seed check. The results showed that there is an opportunity to obtain soybean lines that are resistant to whitefly with excellence early maturing and large seed size. The intensity of leaf damage 29 lines of 330 lines tested significantly lower than Gema (5.37%) with the percentage of leaf damage varies from 3.21% to 5.33%. All of resistant lines are classified as early maturing soybean (<80 days after planting), but only 15 lines of 29 selected lines were categorized as soybean with large seed size. However, none of the lines were able to produce higher seed than Gema. Out of 29 selected lines, there are only three lines with yield per plot equivalent to Grobogan. The three lines are G100H/9305//IAC100-271///Grob-34, G100H/9305//IAC100-271///Grob-38, and G100H/9305//IAC100-271///Grob-40.

Research paper thumbnail of The adaptability of soybean promising lines to saturated water soil condition.pdf

In Indonesia, water saturated soil condition is often taken place on soybean that are cultivated ... more In Indonesia, water saturated soil condition is often taken place on soybean that are cultivated on the paddy field in the late of rainy season. This condition becomes a limiting factor for the effort to increase soybean yield on paddy field. The research aimed to evaluate the adaptability and yield potential of soybean promising lines tolerant to water saturated soil condition. The plant material genetic consisted of thirteen soybean genotypes and two varieties, namely Grobogan as early maturity check and Kawi as tolerant check to water saturated condition. All soybean genotypes were laid out as randomized completely block design with four replicates. The study was conducted at four locations, i.e. two locations in East Java Province (Banyuwangi and Malang) and two locations in Nusa Tenggara Barat Province (Midang and Sandik) on the late of rainy season in 2011. The condition of water saturated soil was performed with irrigating continuously starting from V2 phase until R7 phase. The stability and adaptability of all soybean genotypes were evaluated using Additive Main Effects and Multiplicative Interaction (AMMI). The results showed that grain yield of Tgm/Anjs-T205-1-750 and Sib/Grob-V64-5-137 lines are consistently high under water saturated soil condition (2.63 and 2.71 t/ha, respectively). Based on the AMMI method, these two lines categorized as a stable and adaptable to water saturated soil condition.

Research paper thumbnail of Response of soybean genotypes introduced from South Korea to drought stress during reproductive stage

Purwantoro, Suhartina, Nugrahaeni N, Sulistyo A. 2016. Response of soybean genotypes introduced f... more Purwantoro, Suhartina, Nugrahaeni N, Sulistyo A. 2016. Response of soybean genotypes introduced from South Korea to drought stress during reproductive stage. Biodiversitas 17: 15-19. Soybean is mostly planted in wetland (paddy field) during dry season. The plant is frequently suffered from drought which lead to low productivity. Cultivar tolerant to drought is needed in an attempt to increase productivity. Instead of high productivity, short duration and large seed size are soybean characteristics preferred by soybean farmers in Indonesia. Research aimed to assess response of soybean introduction genotypes to drought stress during reproductive phase were conducted during dry season of 2012. Genotypes used in the study were twenty soybean genotypes introduced from South Korea and three check cultivars (Mutiara, Grobogan, and Dering 1). The trials were conducted in the field at Kendalpayak Experimental Farm and under rain-shelter in Kendalpayak, Malang. Each genotype was planted in a single row of 2 m length, with no replication. Plant spacing was 40 cm x 15 cm. Fertilizers i.e. 100 kg ha-1 of Urea, 100 kg ha-1 of SP36, and 75 kg ha-1 of KCl were applied entirely at planting time. The plants were irrigated twice, at planting and at flowering time, and then subjected to drought stress during reproductive phase. Observations included days to flowering, days to maturity, plant height, number of branches, number of fertile nodes, number of pods, number of empty pods, weight of 100 seeds, and seed weight per plant. Results showed that five out of the 20 tested genotypes were resistant to drought stress during reproductive phase comparable to the check cultivar Dering 1. Four of them, i.e. Daewon, Ilmi, Jangmi, and Mausu, including large seed size and short duration. Those characteristics can be used to improve seed size and plants maturity of the existing drought tolerant cultivar.

Research paper thumbnail of Pendugaan Nilai Heritabilitas Karakteristik Biji Kedelai

Prosiding Seminar Hasil Penelitian Tanaman Aneka Kacang dan Umbi, 2018

Preferensi petani kedelai di Indonesia menginginkan varietas kedelai dengan karakteristik ukuran ... more Preferensi petani kedelai di Indonesia menginginkan varietas kedelai dengan karakteristik ukuran biji besar dan hasil tinggi. Perbaikan ukuran biji kedelai dapat dilakukan dengan serangkaian tahapan pemuliaan tanaman. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menduga nilai heritabilitas karakteristik biji kedelai. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Kebun Percobaan Muneng, Probolinggo pada musim kemarau tahun 2016. Materi genetik yang digunakan adalah tetua betina (P1), tetua jantan (P2), populasi F1 dan F2 dari persilangan antara Anjasmoro (P1) dengan Dorodozy (P2). Seluruh materi genetik ditanam pada bedengan berukuran 25 m x 3 m, dengan jarak tanam 40 cm x 15 cm. Tetua P1, P2, dan populasi F1 masing-masing ditanam sebanyak dua baris, sedangkan populasi F2 ditanam sebanyak 54 baris. Pemupukan, pengairan, dan pengendalian hama penyakit dilakukan secara optimal. Pengamatan dilakukan terhadap panjang biji, lebar biji, rasio panjang-lebar biji, dan bobot 100 biji. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa berdasarkan rasio panjang-lebar biji, diperoleh tiga bentuk biji, yaitu bulat, elips dan bulat telur. Hasil penghitungan nilai heritabilitas menunjukkan bahwa karakteristik biji tergolong sedang hingga tinggi (41,90-91,55%). Hal Ini berarti ada peluang untuk melakukan perbaikan karakteristik biji pada kedelai.

Research paper thumbnail of Keragaan Agronomi dan Heterosis Hasil Persilangan Kedelai Korea Selatan dengan Kedelai Indonesia

ABSTRAK Produksi kedelai dapat ditingkatkan melalui pembentukan dan pengembangan varietas hibrida... more ABSTRAK Produksi kedelai dapat ditingkatkan melalui pembentukan dan pengembangan varietas hibrida. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengevaluasi keragaan agronomi dan mengetahui gejala heterosis populasi F1 kedelai hasil persilangan antara varietas introduksi dengan varietas nasio-nal. Penelitian dilakukan di rumah kaca kelompok peneliti plasma nutfah dan pemuliaan tanaman Balitkabi. Materi genetik yang digunakan adalah 12 populasi F1 hasil persilangan antara enam varietas kedelai dari Korea Selatan dengan dua varietas kedelai dari Indonesia. Penelitian disusun dalam rancangan acak kelompok dengan lima ulangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan penampilan varietas tetua dari Indonesia lebih baik dibandingkan dengan varie-tas tetua dari Korea Selatan. Secara umum, penampilan F1 keturunan dari Lawit lebih baik dibandingkan dengan keturunan dari Argomulyo. Terdapat gejala heterosis pada populasi F1 hasil persilangan antara varietas asal Korea Selatan dengan varietas dari Indonesia. Kombinasi persilangan Daemang x Lawit dan Daewon x Lawit merupakan hibrida terbaik dan mempunyai nilai duga heterosis yang tinggi untuk semua karakter yang diamati. Kata kunci: hibrida kedelai, kombinasi persilangan, populasi F1, varietas ABSTRACT The performance of agronomic characters and heterosis in crossbreed of South Korean soybean with Indonesian soybean. Increased soybean production may be carried out through the assembly of hybrid varieties. The purpose of this research was to evaluate agronomic performance and heterosis in F1 soybean population. Genetic material used was 12 cross combinations between 6 South Korean soybean varieties (Daehwang, Daemang, Daewon, Geongjeongsaeol, Songhak, and Jangmi) with 2 Indonesian soybean varieties (Lawit and Argomulyo). This research was arranged in a randomized completely block design with five replications. The results showed that plant height, number of branches, number of reproductive nodes, and number of filled pods of Indonesian varieties was better than those of South Korean varieties. In general, the performance of F1 offspring of Lawit was better than with the F1 offspring of Argomulyo. There are heterosis in plant height, number of branches, number of reproductive nodes, and number of filled pods of F1 populations resulted from soybean crosses between South Korean varieties with Indonesian varieties. Cross combinations of Daemang x Lawit and Daewon x Lawit are the best hybrids with the highest value of heterosis for all characters observed.