desmo100 User Profile | DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Deviation Spotlight

Orb and Cross by desmo100, visual art

Deviation Spotlight

Bird Flight by desmo100, visual art

Deviation Spotlight

Floral Profusion by desmo100, visual art

Deviation Spotlight

Springtime Potomac River by desmo100, visual art

Deviation Spotlight

Sign from Above by desmo100, visual art

My Bio

This pic was taken today, 4/9/2012, by my dear hubby, Jon.

Favourite Visual Artist

Edward Hopper

Favourite Movies

American Splendor, Grapes of Wrath, Wizard of Oz

Favourite Bands / Musical Artists

Too many to list here

Favourite Writers

David Foster Wallace

Favourite Games

Cradle of Rome I & 2, Cradle of Egypt, Cradle of Persia, Jewel Quest, Scrabble Blast, Zumas Revenge, Luxor3, Text Twist, Fishdom, Bookworm DeLuxe

Favourite Gaming Platform


Tools of the Trade

Canon Digital Rebel 350XT, Photoshop, Illustrator 13.0, lots of fractal software

Other Interests

Photography, digital art, traditional art, cats, animals, nature, museums, video games, the outdoors

Once again, I must apologize for not keeping up with my friends here at DA. I've been very busy at home, lots of yard work, house work, cooking, and a host of other stuff that makes me tired by the end of the day. I have some time, but no get-up-and-go after the chores are done. And I can't NOT do the chores, unfortunately. Things will come back to haunt me if I fail to deal with them now. Hope everyone is well, and I look forward to seeing all the deviations I missed, as well as talking with my friends here. Winter is a more relaxing season, but I hope I don't have to wait until then to do some art work and keep up with correspondence! :D :

It's no secret that, in the U.S., we have not had a "real winter" this winter. It has been springy and pleasant most days. And while I and many other people enjoy this mild spell tremendously, we all wonder what's going on. The easy answer is global warming or more correctly, global climate change. At the other extreme, Europe has experienced a harsh winter, with colder temps than usual and too much snow. The worst part of global climate change is that the weather extremes are far more violent and frequent than they used to be. There are too many disastrous floods, tornadoes, blizzards, etc., etc.  These 100-year-events seem to take place eve

And I mean it: I hope you all have a great Christmas...the best ever. Let's all hope for a good New Year, too. Peace and blessings to everyone; I hope you, your friends, and familiy are all feeling fine this wonderful day.  I hope to visit DA more regularly after my very long hiatus (which was due to the doldrums and lack of creativity more than anything else). There's much catching up to do. :nod: (Ha ha, for an example, I don't know what the deal is about llamas and llama badges. I really don't have a clue. If anyone would care to enlighten, I'd be grateful.)

Profile Comments 3.7K

hello jean where ever u are.......hope u r good

i hope you have been doing well desmo! i miss you dear!

I am not here as much as i used to be, but I do miss ya jean, hopefully you pop in for a visit now and then.

it has been so very long desmo... you might not read this or remember me.....but I really hope you are having a wonderful amazing time in your life. I miss you dearly,but i hope one day you might reply and that we can say 'hello' once more to each other.

~ your old friend



hope all is well with u jean.....been a while