Burcu Selin Yilmaz | Dokuz Eylül University (original) (raw)

Papers by Burcu Selin Yilmaz

Research paper thumbnail of Experiential Consequences of Overcrowding in Theme Parks

Seyahat ve Otel İşletmeciliği Dergisi

Ulaşım ve iletişim teknolojilerindeki hızlı gelişmelerin etkisiyle artan turizm hareketliliğinin ... more Ulaşım ve iletişim teknolojilerindeki hızlı gelişmelerin etkisiyle artan turizm hareketliliğinin bir sonucu olan aşırı kalabalıklaşma temalı parklar açısından ziyaretçi deneyimini olumsuz etkileyen önemli bir sorun olarak öne çıkmaktadır. Bu çalışma, nitel araştırma yöntemi uygulanarak kalabalığın temalı park ziyaretleri bağlamındaki sonuçlarını bütüncül bir bakış açısıyla ortaya koymayı amaçlamaktadır. Veriler, görüşme tekniği türlerinden yarı yapılandırılmış görüşme tekniği ile elde edilmiştir. Florida’daki temalı parkları ziyaret eden 35 katılımcıdan elde edilen veriler NVivo programı yardımıyla içerik analizine tabi tutulmuştur. Aşırı kalabalıklaşmanın temalı park ziyaretleri bağlamındaki sonuçları deneyimsel sonuçlar, güvenlik ve emniyetle ilgili sonuçlar, sosyal sonuçlar ve hareketlilik ve yetenekle ilgili sonuçlar olmak üzere dört ana tema altında toplanmaktadır. Araştırma, temalı parklarda kalabalıklaşmanın deneyime etkisini bütüncül olarak ele alan ilk nitel araştırma olara...

Research paper thumbnail of Teröri̇zm Ve Teröri̇zmi̇n Hedefi̇ Olarak Turi̇zm Endüstri̇si̇

Kuresellesme, degisen dunya duzeni ve iletisim teknolojilerindeki ilerlemeler terorizmi, gunumuz ... more Kuresellesme, degisen dunya duzeni ve iletisim teknolojilerindeki ilerlemeler terorizmi, gunumuz dunyasinin en ciddi uluslararasi sorunlarindan biri haline getirmistir. Bu calismada, terorizm kavrami ve turizm endustrisi arasindaki iliski incelenmektedir. Turistik tuketicilere ve yerlesimlere duzenlenen terorist saldirilarin terorist gruplarin politik ve orgutsel amaclarina neden ve nasil hizmet ettiginin belirlenebilmesi icin terorizm eylemlerin yapisi ve terorist gruplarin amaclari degerlendirilmektedir. Terorizm ve turizm endustrisi iliskisi ile ilgili literatur taranarak terorizmin turizm endustrisi uzerindeki etkileri, terorizmin turizm talebi uzerindeki etkileri, teroristlerin turistleri hedef almalarinin nedenleri, terorizmin destinasyon imaji uzerindeki etkileri, teror eylemlerinin yapisi, turizm endustrisini hedef alan teror eylemleri, Turkiye’de terorizm, terorizmle mucadele yollari gibi farkli acilardan ortaya konulmaktadir

Research paper thumbnail of Twi̇tter Ve Facebook’Un Otellerde Bi̇r Pazarlama Araci Olarak Kullanilmasina İli̇şki̇n Bi̇r Anali̇z

Sosyal medya, tuketicilerin icerigin hem ureticisi hem de tuketicisi olmaya basladiklari donemde ... more Sosyal medya, tuketicilerin icerigin hem ureticisi hem de tuketicisi olmaya basladiklari donemde iletisim ve bilgi alisverisi icin essiz bir platform sunmaktadir (Kaplan and Haenlein, 2010; Saperstein and Hastings, 2010; Wigmo and Wikstrom, 2010). Sosyal medya isletmelere basarili sosyal medya pazarlamasi kampanyalari yurutebilmeleri icin firsatlar yaratmaktadir. Bu calismanin amaci sosyal iletisim sitelerinin turistlerin otellere yonelik

Research paper thumbnail of Storytelling on Social Media: The Motives for Telling the Tourist Experience to the Connected Others

Research paper thumbnail of Dijital Seyahat Aracıları Marka Değerinin Müşteri E-Tatmini ile İlişkisi

Anatolia: Turizm Araştırmaları Dergisi, 2022

Bilgi iletişim teknolojilerinin her geçen gün hayatımızdaki rolünün artması ile turizm ve seyahat... more Bilgi iletişim teknolojilerinin her geçen gün hayatımızdaki rolünün artması ile turizm ve seyahat işletmeleri de faaliyetlerini internete taşıyarak çevrimiçi platformlara dönüşmüştür. Günümüzde seyahat işletmeciliğini internet ortamına taşıyan dijital seyahat aracıları, icraatlarını çevrimiçi ortamda sürdüren ve seyahat endüstrisinin gelişmesine katkı sağlayan ana unsurlardan biridir. Dijital seyahat aracıları, rakiplerine kıyasla avantaj sağlamak ve marka değerini artırmak için müşteri tatminini yüksek tutmak zorundadır. Bu bağlamda dijital seyahat aracılarının sahip oldukları marka değeri, müşterilerin gözünde fark yaratarak satın alım tercihlerinde önemli rol oynamaktadır. Sahip oldukları güçlü marka değerinin dijital seyahat aracıları müşterilerinin e-tatminine etkisi konusu ise bu çalışmanın problemini oluşturmaktadır. Bu doğrultuda çalışmada, dijital seyahat aracılarının marka değerinin, müşterilerin e-tatminleri üzerindeki etkisinin ölçümüne yönelik bir araştırmaya yer verilm...

Research paper thumbnail of Booking.com a Erişim Kısıtı Kararının Yerli ve Yabancı Basındaki Yansımaları

Journal of Business Management and Economic Research, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of The Impact of Social Media on the Tourist Experience: Telling Your Story to Your Connected Others

Journal of Media Critiques, 2016

The development of the Internet and improvements in information and communication technologies (I... more The development of the Internet and improvements in information and communication technologies (ICTs) allow consumers to share their opinions and experiences of products and services with other consumers through electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM, word-of-mouse) communication. Tourism is one sector that has a very close relationship with the innovations in information technologies. Today, social media provide many opportunities for travellers to share their holiday experiences with their connected others. People share their opinions with connected others by sending e-mails, posting comments and feedback on websites and forums, publishing online blogs, and forming and joining communities on the Internet. Sharing their experiences with others contributes to the value of the experience and makes it more meaningful and memorable. In this study, following a theoretical discussion based on a review of the relevant literature, the researcher would like to demonstrate the role and importance of sharing the tourist experience with connected others in social media. By conducting structured interviews (online and offline) with people who were chosen based on their holiday experience sharing habits, the contribution and role of storytelling in a tourism consumer's holiday experience are explored. For new tourists, storytelling plays a serious role in addition to the holiday experience itself, and sharing experiences with connected others is seen as a vital tool for a fulfilling holiday experience. The results will demonstrate the contribution of storytelling to the tourist experience and provide a basis for further research on scale development for assessing the impact of storytelling on the tourist experience.

Research paper thumbnail of Competitive Advantage Strategies for SMEs: A Case Study In Tourist Sector

Research paper thumbnail of The stimulus-organism-response approach to the overcrowding problem: Qualitative evidence from theme park visitors

Journal of Leisure Research

Research paper thumbnail of Boş Zaman Motivasyon Ölçeğinin Türkçe Uyarlaması: Turistik Tercihler Üzerinden Bir Değerlendirme

Gsi journals serie a: advancements in tourism, recreation and sports sciences, Apr 6, 2022

Purpose of this study is to provide a Turkish adaptation of the Leisure Motivation Scale (LMS) de... more Purpose of this study is to provide a Turkish adaptation of the Leisure Motivation Scale (LMS) developed by Beard and Ragheb (1983) based on touristic preferences. Correlations between the two scales have been determined to be 0,91 and higher for each item. A KMO value of 0,904 and a significant result of the Barlett's test of sphericity (χ2 5.694, p<0,001) achieved upon applying the scale to 343 tourism academicians following the approval of linguistic validity indicate compatibility of the research for factor analysis. Explanatory factor analysis results have demonstrated that the items are grouped under six factors, that they explain 63,06% of the total variance, and that factor loads ranged between 0,35 and 1,00. It has been determined as a result of the confirmatory factor analysis implemented to the six-dimensional structure that; the normalized chi-square value is 1,67, NFI value is 0,90, RMSEA value is 0,057, IFI value is 0,96 and the RFI value is 0,88, asserting that the six-dimensional structure achieved as a result of the explanatory factor analysis is compatible.

Research paper thumbnail of Motives Underlying Organic Food Consumption in Turkey: Impact of Health, Environment, and Consumer Values on Purchase Intentions

Economics World, 2017

Raising ecological awareness and health concerns create question marks about healthiness and sust... more Raising ecological awareness and health concerns create question marks about healthiness and sustainability of conventional foods in customers' minds. Due to augmented mass media coverage of environmental problems, health concerns related to consumption of genetically modified food and/or chemical contaminants in food, and consumers' increasing interest in healthy nutrition and environmental protection, there is a growing interest for organic foods in all over the world. Growing interest for organic foods, and increasing production and demand in organic food market has made organic food consumption a significant topic of research. Although organic food market and demand for organic foods have also been growing in Turkey, literature regarding organic food consumption is not very extensive. Therefore, this study aims to understand the underlying motives for organic food consumption in Turkey, and to explore the factors affecting Turkish consumers' attitudes towards organic foods and the behavioral intention of Turkish consumers to purchase organic food by the help of the theory of reasoned action (TRA). The results of 622 successful surveys used for this empirical research indicate that Turkish consumers' attitudes towards organic foods are determined by perception of organic foods, consumer values, and price perception, while their purchase intention is determined by health consciousness, perception of organic foods, consumer values, price perception, and environmental concerns.


ÖZET Sürdürülebilir turizm, yerel kaynakların korunması, yaşam kalitesinin yükseltilmesi, turisti... more ÖZET Sürdürülebilir turizm, yerel kaynakların korunması, yaşam kalitesinin yükseltilmesi, turistik tüketicilerin ve bölge halkının ihtiyaçlarının gelecek düşünülerek karşılanması, ülkenin kültürel bütünlüğüne ve çevresine uygun turizm kapasitelerinin geliştirilmesidir. En çok enerji tüketen sektörlerden biri olan turizm, enerji tasarrufu, doğal kaynakların korunması ve çevresel yönetim gibi konulara ağırlık vermelidir. Böylece turizm işletmelerinin değişen tüketici tercih ve beklentilerine uygun, çevreye saygılı ürünler sunabilmeleri ve tüketici gözünde iyi bir imaj oluşturmaları sağlanmalıdır. Rekabet avantajı olarak çevre kalitesi, turizm işletmeleri için çok önemlidir. Tüketici istek ve gereksinimlerini karşılamaya yönelik her türlü çevre dostu pazarlama faaliyetlerini ifade eden yeşil pazarlama, çevresel ürünlerin çevresel stratejilerle pazarlanmasını gerektirir. Çevre dostu turizm işletmeleri, yeşil pazarlama stratejilerini uygulayarak sektörde farklı bir konumlandırmaya gidebi...

Research paper thumbnail of Vi̇ral Pazarlama Araci Olarak E-Posta: E-Posta Alma Ve Göndermeni̇n Geri̇si̇ndeki̇ Duygular Üzeri̇ne Bi̇r Araştirma

Internetin yayginlasmasi, tuketicilere urun ve hizmetler hakkinda diger tuketicilerden bilgi edin... more Internetin yayginlasmasi, tuketicilere urun ve hizmetler hakkinda diger tuketicilerden bilgi edinmenin yeni yollarini sunmaktadir. Bu tur iletisim agizdan agza iletisimin bir turu olarak gorulmekte, agizdan fareye ya da cevrimici agizdan agza iletisim olarak adlandirilirken, tuketicilere de guc kazandirmaktadir. Tuketiciler, baglantida olduklari bireyler ile goruslerini eposta gonderme, web sitelerine ve forumlara yorumlar ve geribildirimler gonderme, cevrimici bloglar olusturma ve internette topluluklar kurma ve onlara katilma yolu ile paylasmaktadir. Tuketicilerin cevrimici sosyal aglarinda yer alan bireyleri e-posta, anlik mesaj ya da cevrimici sohbet gibi bilgisayar destekli iletisim ortamlari yoluyla etkileme guclerini arttirma taktigi olarak tanimlanabilecek viral pazarlama, bir konu hakkindaki bilgilerin etrafa yayilmasini ve urun ve hizmetlerin denenmesi, kullanilmasi ve benimsenmesini saglayacak onemli bir aractir. Bu calismanin amaci, tuketicilerin e-posta gonderme ve alma...

Research paper thumbnail of Turkish Tourism Consumer’s Information Search Behavior: The Role of User-Generated Content in Travel Planning Process

Ecoforum, 2017

Consumer’s decision-making process has been altered by dissemination of social networking sites... more Consumer’s decision-making process has been altered by dissemination of social networking sites (SNSs) provided by Web 2.0 technologies. Communication and interaction among consumers in SNSs allow consumers share their opinions and view others’ opinions in their networks. The emergence of sites has highlighted the significance of electronic word-of-mouth since user-generated content (UGC) has become a source of information for consumers searching for information on products and services. UGC plays an important role in travel planning of prospective travelers, especially in information search phase. In this study, after a review of the relevant literature, the researcher aims to investigate how user-generated content are used and perceived by tourism consumers during decision making process and the role of user-generated content as a source of travel information. To achieve a better understanding about how the user-generated content was used and perceived by tourism consumers dur...

Research paper thumbnail of An Analysis of the Usage of Facebook and Twitter as a Marketing Tool in Hotels

Social media provides a unique online platform for communication and information exchange where c... more Social media provides a unique online platform for communication and information exchange where consumers are becoming the producers and consumers of the content (Kaplan and Haenlein, 2010; Saperstein and Hastings, 2010; Wigmo and Wikstrom, 2010). Social media creates opportunities for businesses to run successful social media marketing campaigns. The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the impact of social networking sites (SNS) on information gathering and tourists’ attitudes towards hotels. The study received 255 fully completed responses. The results showed that about 70% of study participants use SNS to obtain hotel information and that information posted on SNS affects a hotel choice of about 64% of respondents.

Research paper thumbnail of Understanding Determinants of Organic Food Consumption: Turkey Example

The demand for organic products is growing, however in Turkey although the interest to organic pr... more The demand for organic products is growing, however in Turkey although the interest to organic products has grown; the growth of demand is relatively low. So it is important for producers of organic products to understand who the organic customers are, and what are their attitudes and behaviors regarding organic food products as well as why people do not prefer them. This is the main aim of this article. This study presents the results of a survey regarding consumer perceptions of organic foods in Turkey. The survey was conducted to determine consumer attitudes towards organic foods and the reasons for consumption or non-consumption of organic foods. A total of 882 consumers that makes food shopping for their families, living in Izmir participated the research. The results of the survey revealed that health issue is an important consideration in the consumption of organic products, however respondents stated that they find organic products expensive and hard to find everywhere, and ...

Research paper thumbnail of E-Mail as a Viral Marketing Tool: A Research on Emotions Behind E-Mail Sending and Receiving Behavior

Internetin yayginlasmasi, tuketicilere urun ve hizmetler hakkinda diger tuketicilerden bilgi edin... more Internetin yayginlasmasi, tuketicilere urun ve hizmetler hakkinda diger tuketicilerden bilgi edinmenin yeni yollarini sunmaktadir. Bu tur iletisim agizdan agza iletisimin bir turu olarak gorulmekte, agizdan fareye ya da cevrimici agizdan agza iletisim olarak adlandirilirken, tuketicilere de guc

Research paper thumbnail of Reflections of Country Image on Tourism: A Comparison Between Turkey and Poland

The fall of communist regime in the former USSR resulting in collapsing of Iron Curtain in 1989 a... more The fall of communist regime in the former USSR resulting in collapsing of Iron Curtain in 1989 as the most significant political changes of this new era have resulted in liberalization and efforts to establish market economy in former Eastern Bloc countries of Europe. Poland as one of the EU members today takes its place among transition economies in the world. On the other hand, Turkey as one of the long-term candidates of EU and a part of liberal world has an emerging economy. Both of the countries have suffered from difficulties of transformational forces of new world order and image problems due to the changes of new era. Tourism as one of the most important sectors of global economy has serious impacts on countries’ development efforts –whether they are developed or developing ones- with its different dimensions. Tourism’s role in economic development cannot be denied because for all open economies, tourism is accepted globally as a leading sector in increasing revenues. In or...

Research paper thumbnail of Competitive Advantage Strategies for SMES in Tourism Sector: A Case Study

In order to survive in today’s chaotic business environment, small companies must find and use cr... more In order to survive in today’s chaotic business environment, small companies must find and use creative techniques as a source of competitive advantage, since the rules of competitive game of business have changed significantly. Therefore, changing the ways of doing things could be considered as the only choice to become successful for entrepreneurs. From a strategic perspective, the key to business success is to develop a unique competitive advantage that creates value for customers and is difficult for competitors to duplicate. As one of the largest and fastest growing sectors of the global economy, tourism consists of many small and medium size enterprises which try to be successful in an extremely competitive and rapidly changing business environment. To create competitive advantage in this environment, a small tourism enterprise has to choose a powerful strategy. The number of strategies from which the small tourism business owner can choose is infinite. Tourism businesses, lik...

Research paper thumbnail of Online Social Networks and E-Government – a Theoretical Debate on Democratization, Ethics, and Privacy

The advent of the Internet and following technological improvements in computer- mediated communi... more The advent of the Internet and following technological improvements in computer- mediated communication associated with Web 2.0 has created a new form of society consisted of networked people who could narrate their stories, experiences, thoughts in social networking sites, and reach a huge number of people, interact and communicate with them. Online social networks provide an interactive communication environment for the networked people where all individuals have their voices. The opportunities offered by technological developments has drawn attention of governments, and by structuring e- government, governments has begun providing services to their citizens and other stakeholders in digital mediums, and using the Web 2.0 tools to communicate and interact with them. Digitalizing government services means collecting, processing, and storing enormous amount of information; so this situation worries citizens about protection of privacy. In a networked society, it is expected that com...

Research paper thumbnail of Experiential Consequences of Overcrowding in Theme Parks

Seyahat ve Otel İşletmeciliği Dergisi

Ulaşım ve iletişim teknolojilerindeki hızlı gelişmelerin etkisiyle artan turizm hareketliliğinin ... more Ulaşım ve iletişim teknolojilerindeki hızlı gelişmelerin etkisiyle artan turizm hareketliliğinin bir sonucu olan aşırı kalabalıklaşma temalı parklar açısından ziyaretçi deneyimini olumsuz etkileyen önemli bir sorun olarak öne çıkmaktadır. Bu çalışma, nitel araştırma yöntemi uygulanarak kalabalığın temalı park ziyaretleri bağlamındaki sonuçlarını bütüncül bir bakış açısıyla ortaya koymayı amaçlamaktadır. Veriler, görüşme tekniği türlerinden yarı yapılandırılmış görüşme tekniği ile elde edilmiştir. Florida’daki temalı parkları ziyaret eden 35 katılımcıdan elde edilen veriler NVivo programı yardımıyla içerik analizine tabi tutulmuştur. Aşırı kalabalıklaşmanın temalı park ziyaretleri bağlamındaki sonuçları deneyimsel sonuçlar, güvenlik ve emniyetle ilgili sonuçlar, sosyal sonuçlar ve hareketlilik ve yetenekle ilgili sonuçlar olmak üzere dört ana tema altında toplanmaktadır. Araştırma, temalı parklarda kalabalıklaşmanın deneyime etkisini bütüncül olarak ele alan ilk nitel araştırma olara...

Research paper thumbnail of Teröri̇zm Ve Teröri̇zmi̇n Hedefi̇ Olarak Turi̇zm Endüstri̇si̇

Kuresellesme, degisen dunya duzeni ve iletisim teknolojilerindeki ilerlemeler terorizmi, gunumuz ... more Kuresellesme, degisen dunya duzeni ve iletisim teknolojilerindeki ilerlemeler terorizmi, gunumuz dunyasinin en ciddi uluslararasi sorunlarindan biri haline getirmistir. Bu calismada, terorizm kavrami ve turizm endustrisi arasindaki iliski incelenmektedir. Turistik tuketicilere ve yerlesimlere duzenlenen terorist saldirilarin terorist gruplarin politik ve orgutsel amaclarina neden ve nasil hizmet ettiginin belirlenebilmesi icin terorizm eylemlerin yapisi ve terorist gruplarin amaclari degerlendirilmektedir. Terorizm ve turizm endustrisi iliskisi ile ilgili literatur taranarak terorizmin turizm endustrisi uzerindeki etkileri, terorizmin turizm talebi uzerindeki etkileri, teroristlerin turistleri hedef almalarinin nedenleri, terorizmin destinasyon imaji uzerindeki etkileri, teror eylemlerinin yapisi, turizm endustrisini hedef alan teror eylemleri, Turkiye’de terorizm, terorizmle mucadele yollari gibi farkli acilardan ortaya konulmaktadir

Research paper thumbnail of Twi̇tter Ve Facebook’Un Otellerde Bi̇r Pazarlama Araci Olarak Kullanilmasina İli̇şki̇n Bi̇r Anali̇z

Sosyal medya, tuketicilerin icerigin hem ureticisi hem de tuketicisi olmaya basladiklari donemde ... more Sosyal medya, tuketicilerin icerigin hem ureticisi hem de tuketicisi olmaya basladiklari donemde iletisim ve bilgi alisverisi icin essiz bir platform sunmaktadir (Kaplan and Haenlein, 2010; Saperstein and Hastings, 2010; Wigmo and Wikstrom, 2010). Sosyal medya isletmelere basarili sosyal medya pazarlamasi kampanyalari yurutebilmeleri icin firsatlar yaratmaktadir. Bu calismanin amaci sosyal iletisim sitelerinin turistlerin otellere yonelik

Research paper thumbnail of Storytelling on Social Media: The Motives for Telling the Tourist Experience to the Connected Others

Research paper thumbnail of Dijital Seyahat Aracıları Marka Değerinin Müşteri E-Tatmini ile İlişkisi

Anatolia: Turizm Araştırmaları Dergisi, 2022

Bilgi iletişim teknolojilerinin her geçen gün hayatımızdaki rolünün artması ile turizm ve seyahat... more Bilgi iletişim teknolojilerinin her geçen gün hayatımızdaki rolünün artması ile turizm ve seyahat işletmeleri de faaliyetlerini internete taşıyarak çevrimiçi platformlara dönüşmüştür. Günümüzde seyahat işletmeciliğini internet ortamına taşıyan dijital seyahat aracıları, icraatlarını çevrimiçi ortamda sürdüren ve seyahat endüstrisinin gelişmesine katkı sağlayan ana unsurlardan biridir. Dijital seyahat aracıları, rakiplerine kıyasla avantaj sağlamak ve marka değerini artırmak için müşteri tatminini yüksek tutmak zorundadır. Bu bağlamda dijital seyahat aracılarının sahip oldukları marka değeri, müşterilerin gözünde fark yaratarak satın alım tercihlerinde önemli rol oynamaktadır. Sahip oldukları güçlü marka değerinin dijital seyahat aracıları müşterilerinin e-tatminine etkisi konusu ise bu çalışmanın problemini oluşturmaktadır. Bu doğrultuda çalışmada, dijital seyahat aracılarının marka değerinin, müşterilerin e-tatminleri üzerindeki etkisinin ölçümüne yönelik bir araştırmaya yer verilm...

Research paper thumbnail of Booking.com a Erişim Kısıtı Kararının Yerli ve Yabancı Basındaki Yansımaları

Journal of Business Management and Economic Research, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of The Impact of Social Media on the Tourist Experience: Telling Your Story to Your Connected Others

Journal of Media Critiques, 2016

The development of the Internet and improvements in information and communication technologies (I... more The development of the Internet and improvements in information and communication technologies (ICTs) allow consumers to share their opinions and experiences of products and services with other consumers through electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM, word-of-mouse) communication. Tourism is one sector that has a very close relationship with the innovations in information technologies. Today, social media provide many opportunities for travellers to share their holiday experiences with their connected others. People share their opinions with connected others by sending e-mails, posting comments and feedback on websites and forums, publishing online blogs, and forming and joining communities on the Internet. Sharing their experiences with others contributes to the value of the experience and makes it more meaningful and memorable. In this study, following a theoretical discussion based on a review of the relevant literature, the researcher would like to demonstrate the role and importance of sharing the tourist experience with connected others in social media. By conducting structured interviews (online and offline) with people who were chosen based on their holiday experience sharing habits, the contribution and role of storytelling in a tourism consumer's holiday experience are explored. For new tourists, storytelling plays a serious role in addition to the holiday experience itself, and sharing experiences with connected others is seen as a vital tool for a fulfilling holiday experience. The results will demonstrate the contribution of storytelling to the tourist experience and provide a basis for further research on scale development for assessing the impact of storytelling on the tourist experience.

Research paper thumbnail of Competitive Advantage Strategies for SMEs: A Case Study In Tourist Sector

Research paper thumbnail of The stimulus-organism-response approach to the overcrowding problem: Qualitative evidence from theme park visitors

Journal of Leisure Research

Research paper thumbnail of Boş Zaman Motivasyon Ölçeğinin Türkçe Uyarlaması: Turistik Tercihler Üzerinden Bir Değerlendirme

Gsi journals serie a: advancements in tourism, recreation and sports sciences, Apr 6, 2022

Purpose of this study is to provide a Turkish adaptation of the Leisure Motivation Scale (LMS) de... more Purpose of this study is to provide a Turkish adaptation of the Leisure Motivation Scale (LMS) developed by Beard and Ragheb (1983) based on touristic preferences. Correlations between the two scales have been determined to be 0,91 and higher for each item. A KMO value of 0,904 and a significant result of the Barlett's test of sphericity (χ2 5.694, p<0,001) achieved upon applying the scale to 343 tourism academicians following the approval of linguistic validity indicate compatibility of the research for factor analysis. Explanatory factor analysis results have demonstrated that the items are grouped under six factors, that they explain 63,06% of the total variance, and that factor loads ranged between 0,35 and 1,00. It has been determined as a result of the confirmatory factor analysis implemented to the six-dimensional structure that; the normalized chi-square value is 1,67, NFI value is 0,90, RMSEA value is 0,057, IFI value is 0,96 and the RFI value is 0,88, asserting that the six-dimensional structure achieved as a result of the explanatory factor analysis is compatible.

Research paper thumbnail of Motives Underlying Organic Food Consumption in Turkey: Impact of Health, Environment, and Consumer Values on Purchase Intentions

Economics World, 2017

Raising ecological awareness and health concerns create question marks about healthiness and sust... more Raising ecological awareness and health concerns create question marks about healthiness and sustainability of conventional foods in customers' minds. Due to augmented mass media coverage of environmental problems, health concerns related to consumption of genetically modified food and/or chemical contaminants in food, and consumers' increasing interest in healthy nutrition and environmental protection, there is a growing interest for organic foods in all over the world. Growing interest for organic foods, and increasing production and demand in organic food market has made organic food consumption a significant topic of research. Although organic food market and demand for organic foods have also been growing in Turkey, literature regarding organic food consumption is not very extensive. Therefore, this study aims to understand the underlying motives for organic food consumption in Turkey, and to explore the factors affecting Turkish consumers' attitudes towards organic foods and the behavioral intention of Turkish consumers to purchase organic food by the help of the theory of reasoned action (TRA). The results of 622 successful surveys used for this empirical research indicate that Turkish consumers' attitudes towards organic foods are determined by perception of organic foods, consumer values, and price perception, while their purchase intention is determined by health consciousness, perception of organic foods, consumer values, price perception, and environmental concerns.


ÖZET Sürdürülebilir turizm, yerel kaynakların korunması, yaşam kalitesinin yükseltilmesi, turisti... more ÖZET Sürdürülebilir turizm, yerel kaynakların korunması, yaşam kalitesinin yükseltilmesi, turistik tüketicilerin ve bölge halkının ihtiyaçlarının gelecek düşünülerek karşılanması, ülkenin kültürel bütünlüğüne ve çevresine uygun turizm kapasitelerinin geliştirilmesidir. En çok enerji tüketen sektörlerden biri olan turizm, enerji tasarrufu, doğal kaynakların korunması ve çevresel yönetim gibi konulara ağırlık vermelidir. Böylece turizm işletmelerinin değişen tüketici tercih ve beklentilerine uygun, çevreye saygılı ürünler sunabilmeleri ve tüketici gözünde iyi bir imaj oluşturmaları sağlanmalıdır. Rekabet avantajı olarak çevre kalitesi, turizm işletmeleri için çok önemlidir. Tüketici istek ve gereksinimlerini karşılamaya yönelik her türlü çevre dostu pazarlama faaliyetlerini ifade eden yeşil pazarlama, çevresel ürünlerin çevresel stratejilerle pazarlanmasını gerektirir. Çevre dostu turizm işletmeleri, yeşil pazarlama stratejilerini uygulayarak sektörde farklı bir konumlandırmaya gidebi...

Research paper thumbnail of Vi̇ral Pazarlama Araci Olarak E-Posta: E-Posta Alma Ve Göndermeni̇n Geri̇si̇ndeki̇ Duygular Üzeri̇ne Bi̇r Araştirma

Internetin yayginlasmasi, tuketicilere urun ve hizmetler hakkinda diger tuketicilerden bilgi edin... more Internetin yayginlasmasi, tuketicilere urun ve hizmetler hakkinda diger tuketicilerden bilgi edinmenin yeni yollarini sunmaktadir. Bu tur iletisim agizdan agza iletisimin bir turu olarak gorulmekte, agizdan fareye ya da cevrimici agizdan agza iletisim olarak adlandirilirken, tuketicilere de guc kazandirmaktadir. Tuketiciler, baglantida olduklari bireyler ile goruslerini eposta gonderme, web sitelerine ve forumlara yorumlar ve geribildirimler gonderme, cevrimici bloglar olusturma ve internette topluluklar kurma ve onlara katilma yolu ile paylasmaktadir. Tuketicilerin cevrimici sosyal aglarinda yer alan bireyleri e-posta, anlik mesaj ya da cevrimici sohbet gibi bilgisayar destekli iletisim ortamlari yoluyla etkileme guclerini arttirma taktigi olarak tanimlanabilecek viral pazarlama, bir konu hakkindaki bilgilerin etrafa yayilmasini ve urun ve hizmetlerin denenmesi, kullanilmasi ve benimsenmesini saglayacak onemli bir aractir. Bu calismanin amaci, tuketicilerin e-posta gonderme ve alma...

Research paper thumbnail of Turkish Tourism Consumer’s Information Search Behavior: The Role of User-Generated Content in Travel Planning Process

Ecoforum, 2017

Consumer’s decision-making process has been altered by dissemination of social networking sites... more Consumer’s decision-making process has been altered by dissemination of social networking sites (SNSs) provided by Web 2.0 technologies. Communication and interaction among consumers in SNSs allow consumers share their opinions and view others’ opinions in their networks. The emergence of sites has highlighted the significance of electronic word-of-mouth since user-generated content (UGC) has become a source of information for consumers searching for information on products and services. UGC plays an important role in travel planning of prospective travelers, especially in information search phase. In this study, after a review of the relevant literature, the researcher aims to investigate how user-generated content are used and perceived by tourism consumers during decision making process and the role of user-generated content as a source of travel information. To achieve a better understanding about how the user-generated content was used and perceived by tourism consumers dur...

Research paper thumbnail of An Analysis of the Usage of Facebook and Twitter as a Marketing Tool in Hotels

Social media provides a unique online platform for communication and information exchange where c... more Social media provides a unique online platform for communication and information exchange where consumers are becoming the producers and consumers of the content (Kaplan and Haenlein, 2010; Saperstein and Hastings, 2010; Wigmo and Wikstrom, 2010). Social media creates opportunities for businesses to run successful social media marketing campaigns. The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the impact of social networking sites (SNS) on information gathering and tourists’ attitudes towards hotels. The study received 255 fully completed responses. The results showed that about 70% of study participants use SNS to obtain hotel information and that information posted on SNS affects a hotel choice of about 64% of respondents.

Research paper thumbnail of Understanding Determinants of Organic Food Consumption: Turkey Example

The demand for organic products is growing, however in Turkey although the interest to organic pr... more The demand for organic products is growing, however in Turkey although the interest to organic products has grown; the growth of demand is relatively low. So it is important for producers of organic products to understand who the organic customers are, and what are their attitudes and behaviors regarding organic food products as well as why people do not prefer them. This is the main aim of this article. This study presents the results of a survey regarding consumer perceptions of organic foods in Turkey. The survey was conducted to determine consumer attitudes towards organic foods and the reasons for consumption or non-consumption of organic foods. A total of 882 consumers that makes food shopping for their families, living in Izmir participated the research. The results of the survey revealed that health issue is an important consideration in the consumption of organic products, however respondents stated that they find organic products expensive and hard to find everywhere, and ...

Research paper thumbnail of E-Mail as a Viral Marketing Tool: A Research on Emotions Behind E-Mail Sending and Receiving Behavior

Internetin yayginlasmasi, tuketicilere urun ve hizmetler hakkinda diger tuketicilerden bilgi edin... more Internetin yayginlasmasi, tuketicilere urun ve hizmetler hakkinda diger tuketicilerden bilgi edinmenin yeni yollarini sunmaktadir. Bu tur iletisim agizdan agza iletisimin bir turu olarak gorulmekte, agizdan fareye ya da cevrimici agizdan agza iletisim olarak adlandirilirken, tuketicilere de guc

Research paper thumbnail of Reflections of Country Image on Tourism: A Comparison Between Turkey and Poland

The fall of communist regime in the former USSR resulting in collapsing of Iron Curtain in 1989 a... more The fall of communist regime in the former USSR resulting in collapsing of Iron Curtain in 1989 as the most significant political changes of this new era have resulted in liberalization and efforts to establish market economy in former Eastern Bloc countries of Europe. Poland as one of the EU members today takes its place among transition economies in the world. On the other hand, Turkey as one of the long-term candidates of EU and a part of liberal world has an emerging economy. Both of the countries have suffered from difficulties of transformational forces of new world order and image problems due to the changes of new era. Tourism as one of the most important sectors of global economy has serious impacts on countries’ development efforts –whether they are developed or developing ones- with its different dimensions. Tourism’s role in economic development cannot be denied because for all open economies, tourism is accepted globally as a leading sector in increasing revenues. In or...

Research paper thumbnail of Competitive Advantage Strategies for SMES in Tourism Sector: A Case Study

In order to survive in today’s chaotic business environment, small companies must find and use cr... more In order to survive in today’s chaotic business environment, small companies must find and use creative techniques as a source of competitive advantage, since the rules of competitive game of business have changed significantly. Therefore, changing the ways of doing things could be considered as the only choice to become successful for entrepreneurs. From a strategic perspective, the key to business success is to develop a unique competitive advantage that creates value for customers and is difficult for competitors to duplicate. As one of the largest and fastest growing sectors of the global economy, tourism consists of many small and medium size enterprises which try to be successful in an extremely competitive and rapidly changing business environment. To create competitive advantage in this environment, a small tourism enterprise has to choose a powerful strategy. The number of strategies from which the small tourism business owner can choose is infinite. Tourism businesses, lik...

Research paper thumbnail of Online Social Networks and E-Government – a Theoretical Debate on Democratization, Ethics, and Privacy

The advent of the Internet and following technological improvements in computer- mediated communi... more The advent of the Internet and following technological improvements in computer- mediated communication associated with Web 2.0 has created a new form of society consisted of networked people who could narrate their stories, experiences, thoughts in social networking sites, and reach a huge number of people, interact and communicate with them. Online social networks provide an interactive communication environment for the networked people where all individuals have their voices. The opportunities offered by technological developments has drawn attention of governments, and by structuring e- government, governments has begun providing services to their citizens and other stakeholders in digital mediums, and using the Web 2.0 tools to communicate and interact with them. Digitalizing government services means collecting, processing, and storing enormous amount of information; so this situation worries citizens about protection of privacy. In a networked society, it is expected that com...