Mehtap Kartal | Dokuz Eylül University (original) (raw)
Papers by Mehtap Kartal
The Journal of Turkish Family Physician, 2011
Adrenal yetmezlik oldukça enderdir ve %70-90’ı otoimmün adrenalitis sonucu meydana gelir. Geri ka... more Adrenal yetmezlik oldukça enderdir ve %70-90’ı otoimmün adrenalitis sonucu meydana gelir. Geri kalan olgular ise diğer enfeksiyonlar, kanser metastazı, adrenal hemoraji / infarkt ya da ilaç etkisine bağlı gelişir. Primer adrenal yetmezlik Addison hastalığı olarak da bilinir ve adrenal korteksin hastalığıdır. Adrenal yetmezlik genellikle 10-15 yaşlarında başlar. Bu yazıda, yorgunluk ve halsizlik yakınmaları ile başvuran ve adrenal yetmezlik tanısı alan genç erkek bir olgu sunulmaktadır. Bu gibi semptomlarla başvuran genç hastalarda adrenal yetmezlik akılda tutulmalıdır. Ender görülen fakat tanı aldığında tedavi edilebilen bu hastalığın yönetiminde erken tanı ve tedavi hayat kurtarıcıdır.Adrenal insufficiency is quite rare and 70-90% of cases develop as a result of autoimmune adrenalitis. The rest may be the result of infections, metastasis, adrenal haemorrhage / infarct or adverse effects of drugs. Primary adrenal insufficiency, also known as Addison' s disease, is a disease of a...
Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care
Introduction: General practitioners’(GPs) role is important as they are easily accessible especia... more Introduction: General practitioners’(GPs) role is important as they are easily accessible especially for elderly. Young GPs need to improve their attitudes toward the elderly so that they can be a part of solution for health problems of elderly in the future. The aim of this study is to determine attitudes of young GPs toward elderly by the University of California at Los Angeles Geriatrics Attitude Scale (UCLA-GAS). Methods: It is a cross-sectional study performed with questionnaires including UCLA-GAS. The study population was 260 young doctors (GP residents and GPs in their first 5 years after qualification). Statistical evaluation of the data included percentage, mean, and Kolmogorov–Smirnov test and analysis of variance test. Results: Of the participants, 58.1% (n = 151) were women, 35.4% (n = 94) of them were GPs, and the remaining were GP residents. The mean age was 31.30 ± 5.40 years (range = 24–55 years). The mean score of UCLA-GAS was 46.85 ± 5.63 (range = 30–61). Participants ≤30 years of age had significantly higher scores (47.70 ± 5.99) than age above 30 years (45.68 ± 4.89) (P = 0.003). There was no statistically significant difference between GP residents and GPs (P = 0.989) and between participants who had rotation in elderly healthcare service (n = 63) or not (n = 197) (P = 0.383). However, as the duration of work increased, the score of UCLA-GAS decreased significantly (r = −0.216, P < 0.001). Conclusion: Young doctors who were interested in elderly showed more positive attitude as expected. However, the ones who were older and worked longer had less positive attitude. It seems important to understand and prevent this unfavourable attitude with formal education system about elderly healthcare during residency.
t›p uzman ve asistanlar›nda örgütsel stres düzeyi ve etkileyen faktörler. Adli T›p Bülteni 2010;1... more t›p uzman ve asistanlar›nda örgütsel stres düzeyi ve etkileyen faktörler. Adli T›p Bülteni 2010;15(2):53-58 ÖZET Çal›flanlar, ifl ortam›ndaki birçok faktör nedeniyle strese ma-ruz kal›r ve bu stres nedeniyle de fiziksel, ruhsal ve sosyal de¤i-fliklikler yaflar. Bu çal›flmada; adli t›p uzman ve asistanlar›n›n örgütsel stres düzeyinin ve stres düzeyini etkileyebilecek sosyo-demografik de¤iflkenlerin ortaya konulmas› amaçlanm›flt›r. Örgütsel stres faktörlerinin düzeyini belirlemede Örgütsel Stres Anketi-D (VOS-D) kullan›lm›flt›r. Anketin Türkçe versi-yonu 27 ilden 120 adli t›p uzman/asistan›na e-mail ya da posta ile gönderilmifl, 113'ü anketi doldurarak geri göndermifltir. El-de edilen veriler paket istatistik program› kullan›larak analiz edilmifltir. Çal›flmaya kat›lanlar›n 78'i (%69) üniversitelerin adli t›p ana-bilim dallar›nda, 28'i (%24.8) Adli T›p Kurumu ve buna ba¤l› birimlerde, 7'si de (%6.2) Sa¤l›k Bakanl›¤›'na ba¤l› hastanelerde görev yapmaktad›r. Kat›l›mc...
Turkish Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care, 2019
Family physicians are challenged with complicated cases every day, on some occasions; these circu... more Family physicians are challenged with complicated cases every day, on some occasions; these circumstances get more difficult as a result of lack of compliance or poor communication between the patients and health care providers. Today, it is know that health literacy level of the individuals affect how patients interact with their care provider and their compliance to the treatment.Low health literacy levels are not exclusive to a particular region on the globe; reports show that 30% of the European has inadequate literacy level, and 64.6% in Turkey have low or problematic health literacy. Family physicians have a crucial role in identifying patients with low health literacy level and improve it to adequate level. Even though the limited time, work overload are some possible barriers for family physicians, a number of easy-to-use methods are developed to overcome some of these problems in primary care. Red flags have been identified to help family physicians to quickly identify the patients with low health literacy level. After that, in order to provide better communication, following strategies can be used are use of plain language, teach-back, ask me three questions, chunk and check, visual aids & written materials. Increasing health literacy can improve the health and well-being of the population and can also decrease the necessary time with patients to solve problems and prevent unnecessary repetitive attendance to primary health care services.
Ege Tıp Dergisi, 2016
Adrenal yetmezlik oldukça enderdir ve %70-90'ı otoimmün adrenalitis sonucu meydana gelir. Geri ka... more Adrenal yetmezlik oldukça enderdir ve %70-90'ı otoimmün adrenalitis sonucu meydana gelir. Geri kalan olgular ise diğer enfeksiyonlar, kanser metastazı, adrenal hemoraji / infarkt ya da ilaç etkisine bağlı gelişir. Primer adrenal yetmezlik Addison hastalığı olarak da bilinir ve adrenal korteksin hastalığıdır. Adrenal yetmezlik genellikle 10-15 yaşlarında başlar. Bu yazıda, yorgunluk ve halsizlik yakınmaları ile başvuran ve adrenal yetmezlik tanısı alan genç erkek bir olgu sunulmaktadır. Bu gibi semptomlarla başvuran genç hastalarda adrenal yetmezlik akılda tutulmalıdır. Ender görülen fakat tanı aldığında tedavi edilebilen bu hastalığın yönetiminde erken tanı ve tedavi hayat kurtarıcıdır.
Turkish journal of family medicine and primary care, 2009
Background: Crimean Congo Hemorrhagic Fever (CCHF) has occurred in Turkey since 2002. It has beco... more Background: Crimean Congo Hemorrhagic Fever (CCHF) has occurred in Turkey since 2002. It has become a growing problem for the country; both the number of cases and the number of geographical regions affected have increased. Aim: To evaluate the knowledge and attitudes of high-risk people for CCHF and to discuss the possible educational approaches. Methods: The study was a cross-sectional, descriptive one conducted in an endemic region in November 2008. The questionnaires covering socio-demographical characteristics of the participants, their or their relatives’ experiences with ticks and CCHF disease, their knowledge about its transmission, protection and their information sources, were applied by face-to-face interviewing. Results: Most of the participants were male, graduated from elementary school, engaged in agriculture and/or animal husbandry. Of them, 19.8% had been bitten by a tick at least once and one had been hospitalized with CCHF disease. Although they were living in an ...
Varfarin sik kullanilan ancak kullanim dozu pek cok ilac ve yiyeceklerde etkilenen bir ilactir. K... more Varfarin sik kullanilan ancak kullanim dozu pek cok ilac ve yiyeceklerde etkilenen bir ilactir. Kanamaya neden olabileceginden izlemi onemlidir. Hastalar Protrombin Zamani standart degeri olan INR (International Normalized Ratio) ile izlenmekte ve farkli tanilarda hedef degerler 2-3,5 arasinda degismektedir. 76 yasindaki kadin hasta kolesistektomi operasyonu sonrasi serebrovaskuler olay gecirmistir. Hastanin sekel olarak sag ayaginda kuvvet kaybi mevcuttur. Hastaya bakan 77 yasindaki esi ve profesyonel bakicisi evde saglik hizmetleri (ESH) birimine basvurmustur. Vital bulgulari normal olan hastanin vucudunda ekimozlar goruldu. Ayrica gluteal bolgesinde basi yaralari, sag ayakta kuvvet kaybi belirlendi. Hasta 5-6 aydir bu durumda ve morluklari bakim sirasindaki carpmalara baglanmis. Kanama riski nedeniyle acil servise sevk edildi. Ilk degerlendirmesinde INR: 6,6 olup yaygin ekimoz disinda kanama tespit edilmedi. Varfarin uc gun kesildi ve tedavi rejimi yeniden duzenlendi. Oniki gun s...
Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine, 2010
Employees experience physical, psychological and social changes by exposure to different factors ... more Employees experience physical, psychological and social changes by exposure to different factors of stress in the work place. It has been aimed in this study to assess the organizational stress levels of forensic medicine specialists and assistants and the sociodemographic variables that can affect it. The Organizational Stress Survey (VOS-D) has been used to identify and estimate the levels of the organizational stress factors. The version of the survey in the Turkish language has been sent by e-mail or conventional postage to 120 forensic medicine specialists and assistants in 27 provinces, of whom 113 have completed and returned the questionnaire. The data have been analyzed using statistical software packages. Of the volunteers who joined the study, 78 (69%) worked for university forensic medicine departments, 28 (24.8%) for the Council of Forensic Medicine of the Ministry of Justice and 7 (6.2%) for the Hospitals associated with the Ministry of Health. The age range and the mea...
The Journal of Turkish Family Physician, 2012
Yaşlanma etiyolojisi tam olarak bilinmemekle birlikte pek çok teoriden bahsedilmektedir. Yaşlanma... more Yaşlanma etiyolojisi tam olarak bilinmemekle birlikte pek çok teoriden bahsedilmektedir. Yaşlanma sürecini sadece biyolojik temellerle açıklamak mümkün değildir. Yaşlanmanın kendine özgü doğal süreci içerisinde, fiziksel olduğu kadar bilişsel ve psikolojik değişimler de yaşanmaktadır. Bireyin önceki bilişsel durumu, yaşam boyunca edindiği bilgi birikimi ve deneyimler değerlendirme yaparken mutlaka göz önünde bulundurulmalıdır. Yaşlılık zor bir dönem olmakla birlikte psikososyal desteğin sağlanması ile yaşanan sorunların en aza indirilmesi sağlanabilir. Anahtar kelimeler: yaşlanma, yaşlanma psikolojisi, yaşlılarda bilişsel fonksiyonlar. Summary The etiology of aging is unclear, but there are many theories mentioned. It is not possible to explain the aging process only by biological fundamentals. Cognitive and psychological changes are experienced in natural process of aging, as well as physical changes. Individual's prior cognitive status, knowledge and experiences throughout his/her lifespan should be considered in assessment. Although aging is a difficult period the provision of psychosocial support can minimize the problems experienced.
Otoimmun pankreatit (OIP) 6. ve 7. dekatlardaki erkeklerde sikca karsilasilmasina ragmen 10 yasin... more Otoimmun pankreatit (OIP) 6. ve 7. dekatlardaki erkeklerde sikca karsilasilmasina ragmen 10 yasindaki cocuklar da dahi gorulebilen ve gorulme sikligi gittikce artan bir hastaliktir. OIP, 1961 yilinda Sarles ve arkadaslarinca ilk kez tanimlanirken OIP (otoimmun pankreatit) terimi ilk kez 1995’de Yoshida ve arkadaslari tarafindan kullanildi. Bu tanima gore, agir lenfosit infiltrasyonun ve fibrozisin birlikte bulundugu inflamatuar hastalik, kronik bir surectir ve organ islevsizligine neden olur. Pankreas karsinomunu taklit edebilen fokal lezyon, en sik pankreasin bas kisminda olarak gorulse de sklerotik reaksiyon sonucu yaygin (diffuz) olarak tum organa yayilip genisleterek sertlestirebilir. Malignite benzeri bulgulari olmasi ve steroid tedavisine yanit vermesi onemli diger ozellikleridir.38 yasinda Insaat teknikeri olarak calismakta olan erkek hasta 5 gundur devam eden ve siddeti gittikce artan karin agrisi sikâyeti ile aile hekimine basvurdu. Hastanin yapilan fizik muayenesinde herha...
Turkish Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care, 2020
Objective: The aim of this study is to determine the risk factors and the results of the communit... more Objective: The aim of this study is to determine the risk factors and the results of the community-based screening program of the women who attended the Cancer Early Diagnosis, Screening, and Education Center between 2005-2011. Methods: This study was planned on a descriptive design. Data of the women who attend to cancer screening center between 2005-2011 years for breast cancer and cervical cancer screening program were collected retrospectively and evaluated. Incomplete forms were excluded. Results: Research has been completed by the records of 3162 women. The age of the study group was between 25-69 years old. The majority of them has been educated for 5 years and/or less, or not educated (89%), more than one-third of patients had more than four birth (38%), the breastfeeding rate was high (93.6%), the oral contraceptive drugs and HRT medication usage ratios were low (7.2%, 7.2%), respectively), the smoking rate was low (14.9%). The number of women who consulted for cervix cancer screening was 215 in 2008 and 142 for breast cancer screening; by the end of June 2011. Those numbers increased to 1271 and 1012, respectively. Conclusion: Community-based cancer screening programs are much more successful to reach the target population although single women, LGBT individuals, "working class" are still the missing parts of the puzzle.
Korean Journal of Family Medicine, 2019
Background: Peripheral arterial disease (PAD) can progress silently without any clinical symptoms... more Background: Peripheral arterial disease (PAD) can progress silently without any clinical symptoms. Ankle-brachial index (ABI) is the recommended method used in primary care. We aimed to determine the prevalence of PAD and its related risk factors in primary care. Methods: In this cross-sectional study, 250 participants aged ≥45 years were recruited randomly from the registered patients of family health center in a district of Izmir, Turkey. Patients' demographic data, PAD symptoms, and PAD risk factors were obtained. The PAD group consisted of patients with ABI levels <0.9; the non-compressible artery (NCA) group consisted of patients with ABI levels >1.3. Results: The prevalence of PAD was 17.6% (22.5% in women and 11.1% in men), while that of NCA was 15.2% (12.7% in women and 25.0% in men). About 27.3% and 54.5% of patients with PAD did not have claudication and problems with walking distance, respectively. Of the NCA patients, 15.8% had problems with walking distance and 39.5% had claudication. Regression analysis revealed two predictors of PAD (age ≥65 years: odds ratio [
European journal of pediatrics, 2018
Identifying children at risk for developmental delay (DD) is important for improving prognosis. I... more Identifying children at risk for developmental delay (DD) is important for improving prognosis. In this sense, we estimated sociocultural factors that may be associated with DD in early childhood. In our nested case-control study, 95 were included in the case group and 190 were randomly selected to control group. To identify the risk factors, we conducted a backward conditional logistic regression and a final multivariable model was developed. Maternal age of ≥35 years, low maternal and paternal education level, low socioeconomic level, consanguineous marriage, and delivery by cesarean section increased the risk of DD. After adjustment, the risk of DD was significantly increased by maternal age ≥ 35 years (odds ratio (OR) 3.04, 95%CI 1.38-6.70), maternal education level of primary school or lower (OR 14.56, 95%CI 5.40-39.24), consanguineous marriage (OR 3.99, 95%CI 1.69-9.40), and delivery by cesarean section (OR 3.34, 95%CI 1.80-6.18). DD can be identified early during well-child v...
Turkish Journal of Family Medicine & Primary Care, 2016
The Journal of Turkish Family Physician, 2011
Adrenal yetmezlik oldukça enderdir ve %70-90’ı otoimmün adrenalitis sonucu meydana gelir. Geri ka... more Adrenal yetmezlik oldukça enderdir ve %70-90’ı otoimmün adrenalitis sonucu meydana gelir. Geri kalan olgular ise diğer enfeksiyonlar, kanser metastazı, adrenal hemoraji / infarkt ya da ilaç etkisine bağlı gelişir. Primer adrenal yetmezlik Addison hastalığı olarak da bilinir ve adrenal korteksin hastalığıdır. Adrenal yetmezlik genellikle 10-15 yaşlarında başlar. Bu yazıda, yorgunluk ve halsizlik yakınmaları ile başvuran ve adrenal yetmezlik tanısı alan genç erkek bir olgu sunulmaktadır. Bu gibi semptomlarla başvuran genç hastalarda adrenal yetmezlik akılda tutulmalıdır. Ender görülen fakat tanı aldığında tedavi edilebilen bu hastalığın yönetiminde erken tanı ve tedavi hayat kurtarıcıdır.Adrenal insufficiency is quite rare and 70-90% of cases develop as a result of autoimmune adrenalitis. The rest may be the result of infections, metastasis, adrenal haemorrhage / infarct or adverse effects of drugs. Primary adrenal insufficiency, also known as Addison' s disease, is a disease of a...
Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care
Introduction: General practitioners’(GPs) role is important as they are easily accessible especia... more Introduction: General practitioners’(GPs) role is important as they are easily accessible especially for elderly. Young GPs need to improve their attitudes toward the elderly so that they can be a part of solution for health problems of elderly in the future. The aim of this study is to determine attitudes of young GPs toward elderly by the University of California at Los Angeles Geriatrics Attitude Scale (UCLA-GAS). Methods: It is a cross-sectional study performed with questionnaires including UCLA-GAS. The study population was 260 young doctors (GP residents and GPs in their first 5 years after qualification). Statistical evaluation of the data included percentage, mean, and Kolmogorov–Smirnov test and analysis of variance test. Results: Of the participants, 58.1% (n = 151) were women, 35.4% (n = 94) of them were GPs, and the remaining were GP residents. The mean age was 31.30 ± 5.40 years (range = 24–55 years). The mean score of UCLA-GAS was 46.85 ± 5.63 (range = 30–61). Participants ≤30 years of age had significantly higher scores (47.70 ± 5.99) than age above 30 years (45.68 ± 4.89) (P = 0.003). There was no statistically significant difference between GP residents and GPs (P = 0.989) and between participants who had rotation in elderly healthcare service (n = 63) or not (n = 197) (P = 0.383). However, as the duration of work increased, the score of UCLA-GAS decreased significantly (r = −0.216, P < 0.001). Conclusion: Young doctors who were interested in elderly showed more positive attitude as expected. However, the ones who were older and worked longer had less positive attitude. It seems important to understand and prevent this unfavourable attitude with formal education system about elderly healthcare during residency.
t›p uzman ve asistanlar›nda örgütsel stres düzeyi ve etkileyen faktörler. Adli T›p Bülteni 2010;1... more t›p uzman ve asistanlar›nda örgütsel stres düzeyi ve etkileyen faktörler. Adli T›p Bülteni 2010;15(2):53-58 ÖZET Çal›flanlar, ifl ortam›ndaki birçok faktör nedeniyle strese ma-ruz kal›r ve bu stres nedeniyle de fiziksel, ruhsal ve sosyal de¤i-fliklikler yaflar. Bu çal›flmada; adli t›p uzman ve asistanlar›n›n örgütsel stres düzeyinin ve stres düzeyini etkileyebilecek sosyo-demografik de¤iflkenlerin ortaya konulmas› amaçlanm›flt›r. Örgütsel stres faktörlerinin düzeyini belirlemede Örgütsel Stres Anketi-D (VOS-D) kullan›lm›flt›r. Anketin Türkçe versi-yonu 27 ilden 120 adli t›p uzman/asistan›na e-mail ya da posta ile gönderilmifl, 113'ü anketi doldurarak geri göndermifltir. El-de edilen veriler paket istatistik program› kullan›larak analiz edilmifltir. Çal›flmaya kat›lanlar›n 78'i (%69) üniversitelerin adli t›p ana-bilim dallar›nda, 28'i (%24.8) Adli T›p Kurumu ve buna ba¤l› birimlerde, 7'si de (%6.2) Sa¤l›k Bakanl›¤›'na ba¤l› hastanelerde görev yapmaktad›r. Kat›l›mc...
Turkish Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care, 2019
Family physicians are challenged with complicated cases every day, on some occasions; these circu... more Family physicians are challenged with complicated cases every day, on some occasions; these circumstances get more difficult as a result of lack of compliance or poor communication between the patients and health care providers. Today, it is know that health literacy level of the individuals affect how patients interact with their care provider and their compliance to the treatment.Low health literacy levels are not exclusive to a particular region on the globe; reports show that 30% of the European has inadequate literacy level, and 64.6% in Turkey have low or problematic health literacy. Family physicians have a crucial role in identifying patients with low health literacy level and improve it to adequate level. Even though the limited time, work overload are some possible barriers for family physicians, a number of easy-to-use methods are developed to overcome some of these problems in primary care. Red flags have been identified to help family physicians to quickly identify the patients with low health literacy level. After that, in order to provide better communication, following strategies can be used are use of plain language, teach-back, ask me three questions, chunk and check, visual aids & written materials. Increasing health literacy can improve the health and well-being of the population and can also decrease the necessary time with patients to solve problems and prevent unnecessary repetitive attendance to primary health care services.
Ege Tıp Dergisi, 2016
Adrenal yetmezlik oldukça enderdir ve %70-90'ı otoimmün adrenalitis sonucu meydana gelir. Geri ka... more Adrenal yetmezlik oldukça enderdir ve %70-90'ı otoimmün adrenalitis sonucu meydana gelir. Geri kalan olgular ise diğer enfeksiyonlar, kanser metastazı, adrenal hemoraji / infarkt ya da ilaç etkisine bağlı gelişir. Primer adrenal yetmezlik Addison hastalığı olarak da bilinir ve adrenal korteksin hastalığıdır. Adrenal yetmezlik genellikle 10-15 yaşlarında başlar. Bu yazıda, yorgunluk ve halsizlik yakınmaları ile başvuran ve adrenal yetmezlik tanısı alan genç erkek bir olgu sunulmaktadır. Bu gibi semptomlarla başvuran genç hastalarda adrenal yetmezlik akılda tutulmalıdır. Ender görülen fakat tanı aldığında tedavi edilebilen bu hastalığın yönetiminde erken tanı ve tedavi hayat kurtarıcıdır.
Turkish journal of family medicine and primary care, 2009
Background: Crimean Congo Hemorrhagic Fever (CCHF) has occurred in Turkey since 2002. It has beco... more Background: Crimean Congo Hemorrhagic Fever (CCHF) has occurred in Turkey since 2002. It has become a growing problem for the country; both the number of cases and the number of geographical regions affected have increased. Aim: To evaluate the knowledge and attitudes of high-risk people for CCHF and to discuss the possible educational approaches. Methods: The study was a cross-sectional, descriptive one conducted in an endemic region in November 2008. The questionnaires covering socio-demographical characteristics of the participants, their or their relatives’ experiences with ticks and CCHF disease, their knowledge about its transmission, protection and their information sources, were applied by face-to-face interviewing. Results: Most of the participants were male, graduated from elementary school, engaged in agriculture and/or animal husbandry. Of them, 19.8% had been bitten by a tick at least once and one had been hospitalized with CCHF disease. Although they were living in an ...
Varfarin sik kullanilan ancak kullanim dozu pek cok ilac ve yiyeceklerde etkilenen bir ilactir. K... more Varfarin sik kullanilan ancak kullanim dozu pek cok ilac ve yiyeceklerde etkilenen bir ilactir. Kanamaya neden olabileceginden izlemi onemlidir. Hastalar Protrombin Zamani standart degeri olan INR (International Normalized Ratio) ile izlenmekte ve farkli tanilarda hedef degerler 2-3,5 arasinda degismektedir. 76 yasindaki kadin hasta kolesistektomi operasyonu sonrasi serebrovaskuler olay gecirmistir. Hastanin sekel olarak sag ayaginda kuvvet kaybi mevcuttur. Hastaya bakan 77 yasindaki esi ve profesyonel bakicisi evde saglik hizmetleri (ESH) birimine basvurmustur. Vital bulgulari normal olan hastanin vucudunda ekimozlar goruldu. Ayrica gluteal bolgesinde basi yaralari, sag ayakta kuvvet kaybi belirlendi. Hasta 5-6 aydir bu durumda ve morluklari bakim sirasindaki carpmalara baglanmis. Kanama riski nedeniyle acil servise sevk edildi. Ilk degerlendirmesinde INR: 6,6 olup yaygin ekimoz disinda kanama tespit edilmedi. Varfarin uc gun kesildi ve tedavi rejimi yeniden duzenlendi. Oniki gun s...
Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine, 2010
Employees experience physical, psychological and social changes by exposure to different factors ... more Employees experience physical, psychological and social changes by exposure to different factors of stress in the work place. It has been aimed in this study to assess the organizational stress levels of forensic medicine specialists and assistants and the sociodemographic variables that can affect it. The Organizational Stress Survey (VOS-D) has been used to identify and estimate the levels of the organizational stress factors. The version of the survey in the Turkish language has been sent by e-mail or conventional postage to 120 forensic medicine specialists and assistants in 27 provinces, of whom 113 have completed and returned the questionnaire. The data have been analyzed using statistical software packages. Of the volunteers who joined the study, 78 (69%) worked for university forensic medicine departments, 28 (24.8%) for the Council of Forensic Medicine of the Ministry of Justice and 7 (6.2%) for the Hospitals associated with the Ministry of Health. The age range and the mea...
The Journal of Turkish Family Physician, 2012
Yaşlanma etiyolojisi tam olarak bilinmemekle birlikte pek çok teoriden bahsedilmektedir. Yaşlanma... more Yaşlanma etiyolojisi tam olarak bilinmemekle birlikte pek çok teoriden bahsedilmektedir. Yaşlanma sürecini sadece biyolojik temellerle açıklamak mümkün değildir. Yaşlanmanın kendine özgü doğal süreci içerisinde, fiziksel olduğu kadar bilişsel ve psikolojik değişimler de yaşanmaktadır. Bireyin önceki bilişsel durumu, yaşam boyunca edindiği bilgi birikimi ve deneyimler değerlendirme yaparken mutlaka göz önünde bulundurulmalıdır. Yaşlılık zor bir dönem olmakla birlikte psikososyal desteğin sağlanması ile yaşanan sorunların en aza indirilmesi sağlanabilir. Anahtar kelimeler: yaşlanma, yaşlanma psikolojisi, yaşlılarda bilişsel fonksiyonlar. Summary The etiology of aging is unclear, but there are many theories mentioned. It is not possible to explain the aging process only by biological fundamentals. Cognitive and psychological changes are experienced in natural process of aging, as well as physical changes. Individual's prior cognitive status, knowledge and experiences throughout his/her lifespan should be considered in assessment. Although aging is a difficult period the provision of psychosocial support can minimize the problems experienced.
Otoimmun pankreatit (OIP) 6. ve 7. dekatlardaki erkeklerde sikca karsilasilmasina ragmen 10 yasin... more Otoimmun pankreatit (OIP) 6. ve 7. dekatlardaki erkeklerde sikca karsilasilmasina ragmen 10 yasindaki cocuklar da dahi gorulebilen ve gorulme sikligi gittikce artan bir hastaliktir. OIP, 1961 yilinda Sarles ve arkadaslarinca ilk kez tanimlanirken OIP (otoimmun pankreatit) terimi ilk kez 1995’de Yoshida ve arkadaslari tarafindan kullanildi. Bu tanima gore, agir lenfosit infiltrasyonun ve fibrozisin birlikte bulundugu inflamatuar hastalik, kronik bir surectir ve organ islevsizligine neden olur. Pankreas karsinomunu taklit edebilen fokal lezyon, en sik pankreasin bas kisminda olarak gorulse de sklerotik reaksiyon sonucu yaygin (diffuz) olarak tum organa yayilip genisleterek sertlestirebilir. Malignite benzeri bulgulari olmasi ve steroid tedavisine yanit vermesi onemli diger ozellikleridir.38 yasinda Insaat teknikeri olarak calismakta olan erkek hasta 5 gundur devam eden ve siddeti gittikce artan karin agrisi sikâyeti ile aile hekimine basvurdu. Hastanin yapilan fizik muayenesinde herha...
Turkish Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care, 2020
Objective: The aim of this study is to determine the risk factors and the results of the communit... more Objective: The aim of this study is to determine the risk factors and the results of the community-based screening program of the women who attended the Cancer Early Diagnosis, Screening, and Education Center between 2005-2011. Methods: This study was planned on a descriptive design. Data of the women who attend to cancer screening center between 2005-2011 years for breast cancer and cervical cancer screening program were collected retrospectively and evaluated. Incomplete forms were excluded. Results: Research has been completed by the records of 3162 women. The age of the study group was between 25-69 years old. The majority of them has been educated for 5 years and/or less, or not educated (89%), more than one-third of patients had more than four birth (38%), the breastfeeding rate was high (93.6%), the oral contraceptive drugs and HRT medication usage ratios were low (7.2%, 7.2%), respectively), the smoking rate was low (14.9%). The number of women who consulted for cervix cancer screening was 215 in 2008 and 142 for breast cancer screening; by the end of June 2011. Those numbers increased to 1271 and 1012, respectively. Conclusion: Community-based cancer screening programs are much more successful to reach the target population although single women, LGBT individuals, "working class" are still the missing parts of the puzzle.
Korean Journal of Family Medicine, 2019
Background: Peripheral arterial disease (PAD) can progress silently without any clinical symptoms... more Background: Peripheral arterial disease (PAD) can progress silently without any clinical symptoms. Ankle-brachial index (ABI) is the recommended method used in primary care. We aimed to determine the prevalence of PAD and its related risk factors in primary care. Methods: In this cross-sectional study, 250 participants aged ≥45 years were recruited randomly from the registered patients of family health center in a district of Izmir, Turkey. Patients' demographic data, PAD symptoms, and PAD risk factors were obtained. The PAD group consisted of patients with ABI levels <0.9; the non-compressible artery (NCA) group consisted of patients with ABI levels >1.3. Results: The prevalence of PAD was 17.6% (22.5% in women and 11.1% in men), while that of NCA was 15.2% (12.7% in women and 25.0% in men). About 27.3% and 54.5% of patients with PAD did not have claudication and problems with walking distance, respectively. Of the NCA patients, 15.8% had problems with walking distance and 39.5% had claudication. Regression analysis revealed two predictors of PAD (age ≥65 years: odds ratio [
European journal of pediatrics, 2018
Identifying children at risk for developmental delay (DD) is important for improving prognosis. I... more Identifying children at risk for developmental delay (DD) is important for improving prognosis. In this sense, we estimated sociocultural factors that may be associated with DD in early childhood. In our nested case-control study, 95 were included in the case group and 190 were randomly selected to control group. To identify the risk factors, we conducted a backward conditional logistic regression and a final multivariable model was developed. Maternal age of ≥35 years, low maternal and paternal education level, low socioeconomic level, consanguineous marriage, and delivery by cesarean section increased the risk of DD. After adjustment, the risk of DD was significantly increased by maternal age ≥ 35 years (odds ratio (OR) 3.04, 95%CI 1.38-6.70), maternal education level of primary school or lower (OR 14.56, 95%CI 5.40-39.24), consanguineous marriage (OR 3.99, 95%CI 1.69-9.40), and delivery by cesarean section (OR 3.34, 95%CI 1.80-6.18). DD can be identified early during well-child v...
Turkish Journal of Family Medicine & Primary Care, 2016