Burak Köseoğlu | Dokuz Eylül University (original) (raw)

Papers by Burak Köseoğlu

Research paper thumbnail of Root Cause Analysis of Marine Collision Accidents by Using Fault Tree Method

Turkish Journal of Maritime and Marine Sciences, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Maritime Education and Training Quality (Metqual); An Application on Dokuz Eylul University Maritime Faculty

Journal of marine technology and environment, 2012

The concept of quality and satisfaction related to education services have been discussed enthusi... more The concept of quality and satisfaction related to education services have been discussed enthusiastically in last 30 years. Nowadays, almost all societies and organizations have established their own ISO 9001 – 2000 quality system with a certain accreditation association. Quality standards in maritime education have been exposed with International Convention of STCW 78/95. In quality systems to improve services and expand activities feedbacks and user’s satisfaction should be taken from users of these services. Dokuz Eylul University Maritime Faculty is taking many feedbacks from graduated students. The first version of the instrument used in this paper was developed and adopted from education service quality instrument by NAS (2000). The last version of the instrument, called Maritime Education and Training Quality “METQUAL”, was developed considering MET needs and “Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology”. The validity and reliability of “METQUAL” was found satisfying ...

Research paper thumbnail of Uzakyol güverte zabitlerinin kariyer planlama ölçütleri, Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Denizcilik Fakültesi Deniz Ulaştırma İşletme Mühendisliği Bölümü mezunları (1999–2008) üzerine bir analiz

... Yayınlanma Durumu: Yayınlanmış. Dosya Biçimi: PDF. Dil: Türkçe. Yazar(lar): Köseoğlu, Burak (... more ... Yayınlanma Durumu: Yayınlanmış. Dosya Biçimi: PDF. Dil: Türkçe. Yazar(lar): Köseoğlu, Burak (Yazar),. Emeği Geçen(ler): Nas, Selçuk (Tez Danışmanı),. URL: http://deu.mitosweb.com/browse/ 49700. Dosya: 261521.pdf show file Görüntüle download file Kaydet. ...

Research paper thumbnail of Türk Karasularında Meydana Gelen Gemi Kazalarının Analizi: Bir Veri Madenciliği Uygulaması

Research paper thumbnail of An Analysis on Career Path of Turkish Officers

This paper shows how the volume of maritime trade and number of ships are increasing in the world... more This paper shows how the volume of maritime trade and number of ships are increasing in the world today. The demand for qualified seafarers has therefore increased in parallel with this volume. This paper aims at forming a career path map on Ocean Going Officers who graduated from Dokuz Eylul University (DEU), Maritime Faculty (MF) Marine Transportation Engineering Department (MTED) between the years 1999-2008. Furthermore, the paper analyzes the reasons for choosing the sea, the factors that affect the sea career, as well as the reason and the means they use for coming ashore. The results presented in the paper describe the analysis of the career path of ocean going officers, the reasons for choosing the sea and negative factors that affect the sea career.

Research paper thumbnail of Risk Analysis of Grounding Accidents by Mapping a Fault Tree Into a Bayesian Network

Applied Ocean Research, 2021

Groundings, which account for approximately one-third of ship accidents, are classified as very s... more Groundings, which account for approximately one-third of ship accidents, are classified as very serious with tragic consequences. Therefore, identifying the factors causing groundings is essential to reduce their effects and to prevent recurrence. Thus, the principal purpose of this study is to analyse the risks of grounding accidents using an integrated model. First, a fault tree analysis (FTA) was applied to create a risk hierarchy that defines the level of relationship among factors; and a Bayesian network (BN) analysis was conducted to evaluate the level of their effect on groundings. The study found that of the 34 factors related to the safety of navigation, E 10 /violation of COLREG Rule-5 (look-out), E 9 /improper use of ECDIS, and E 8 /improper use of radar significantly effect groundings. The findings also indicate that maintaining a safe navigation watch is crucial to prevent future accidents. This study makes a significant contribution to the relevant literature as one of...

Research paper thumbnail of Analysing the effects of liquefaction on capsizing through integrating interpretive structural modelling (ISM) and fuzzy Bayesian networks (FBN)

Ocean Engineering

The main purpose of this research is to analyse the effect of cargo liquefaction on the capsizing... more The main purpose of this research is to analyse the effect of cargo liquefaction on the capsizing of bulk carriers through an integrated model. To do this, initially, an interpretive structure modelling (ISM) was carried out to construct the relationship hierarchy of risk factors while a fuzzy Bayesian networks (FBN) were conducted to quantify impact level. The results revealed that liquefaction and improper actions to upright, among 19 factors, have a significant effect on capsizing. The findings also emphasize that the factors (improper loading (29%), lack of cargo care at sea (27.4%) and insufficient knowledge (22%)) arising from human error play an important role in cargo liquefaction. Unlike experimental researches in the literature, this research analyses the liquefaction risk and the other basic causes resulting from the capsizing of bulk carriers using an integrated risk assessment method. For further researches, it is recommended to consider other risk identification and as...

Research paper thumbnail of Mapping the spatial distribution of emissions from domestic shipping in Izmir Bay

Ocean Engineering, 2020

The purpose of this study is to determine the risky areas in terms of air pollution from domestic... more The purpose of this study is to determine the risky areas in terms of air pollution from domestic shipping in Izmir Bay with the integration of Geographic Information System (GIS) and emission evaluation methodology. To do this, initially, the emissions as a result of 435 trips of 19 ships engaged in domestic transportation in Izmir Bay were evaluated by the bottom-up method. The spatial distribution map was then compiled using the point density analysis through MapInfo v.16 software as a GIS instrument. The study revealed that annual emissions of PM 10 ,CO 2 ,NO x , SO 2 , and HC from domestic shipping were 601.5 t, 925.9 t, 62612.1 t, 22.0 t, and 61.2 t, respectively. In addition, the highest emissions as ton per daily trip were recorded in the cruising mode due to longer operation periods compared to the other modes. It was found that the lines between Pasaport, Alsancak and Karsiyaka piers are the most polluted routes due to dense ship traffic. Furthermore, Bostanli and Karsiyak...

Research paper thumbnail of A Qualitative Study on Determining the Criteria (To Be) Used in Recruiting Oceangoing Watchkeeping Officers

DEU Maritime Faculty Journal, 2019

It is widely accepted that one of the most important factors playing an important role in the acc... more It is widely accepted that one of the most important factors playing an important role in the accidents encountered in shipping is the human factor. A thorough analysis of the most likely sources of this factor in particular world reveal the unfavorable strategies adopted in recruiting and hiring seafarers: employing incompetent ones. Who are not qualified enough to successfully carry out the critical jobs remarkably affective in sustaining the required safety in oceangoing vessels. In mitigating the mistakes and risks and sustaining safety on board ships, recruiting and employing qualitative and competent watchkeeping officers is of utmost importance. The purpose of this study is to determine the criteria (to be) used in recruiting oceangoing watchkeeping officers. To do this, semi-structured interviews, one of the instruments of qualitative research method, has been conducted through the human resource managers of 12 shipowning and/or operating/management companies. As a result of...

Research paper thumbnail of Türk Uzakyol Vardi̇ya Zabi̇tleri̇ni̇n Yetki̇nli̇kleri̇ni̇n Beli̇rlenmesi̇ Üzeri̇ne Bi̇r Araştirma

Research paper thumbnail of Modelling and performance prediction of a centrifugal cargo pump on a chemical tanker

Modelling and performance prediction of a centrifugal cargo pump on a chemical tanker, 2019

In this paper, a single-stage, horizontal type centrifugal pump, which can be used in a chemical ... more In this paper, a single-stage, horizontal type centrifugal pump, which can be used in a chemical tanker's cargo operations, was modelled with MATLAB/Simulink software. The modelled pump was run with seven different fluids handled in chemical tankers which are ethyl alcohol, N-Propyl alcohol, phenol, chloroform, castor oil, 55% nitric acid and water. Therefore, the pump's performance curves and data sets were obtained for each situation. After these, a neural network was created with MATLAB/ Neural Network Fitting Tool application. Inputs of the network were volumetric flow, head, shaft power, torque, and net positive suction head. The output was the pump efficiency and it is estimated for each fluid from the numeric data. Mean squared error was very close to zero (1.1817e-6) and R2 provided a prediction accuracy of 99.996%. According to these results, artificial neural network (ANN) had a satisfactory performance to predict the efficiency of a chemical tanker's centrifug...

Research paper thumbnail of Numerical modelling of oil spill in New York Bay

Archives of Environmental Protection, 2016

New York Bay is one of the most important transition regions of ships trading to east America. Th... more New York Bay is one of the most important transition regions of ships trading to east America. The region plays an important role in the commerce of the New York metropolitan area. The area is surrounded with the coasts that have various levels of environmental sensitivity. The area accommodates high diversity of native ecosystems and species that are rather vulnerable in case of oil spill. Thus getting well informed about the likelihood, or fate, of oil spills around this region is of great importance so that proactive measures can be taken. The purpose of this study is to investigate the oil spill and predict the future accidents likely to be encountered around the Bay of New York. Two trajectory models have been conducted for the study. ADIOS (Automated Data Inquiry for Oil Spills), has been conducted for natural degradation calculations, and, GNOME (General NOAA Operational Modeling Environment), has been conducted for surface spread simulation. The results gained through these ...

Research paper thumbnail of Deni̇z Atiklarinin Değerlendi̇ri̇lmesi̇ Ve Geri̇ Dönüşümü: İstaç Örneği̇

Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Denizcilik Fakültesi Dergisi, 2016

Research paper thumbnail of Deniz Atıklarının Değerlendirilmesi Ve Geri Dönüşümü: İSTAÇ Örneği

II.Ulusal Liman Kongresi, 2015

Research paper thumbnail of An estimation of shipping emissions to analysing air pollution density in the Izmir Bay

Air Quality, Atmosphere & Health, 2020

The city of Izmir is one of the most polluted provinces in Turkey. The purpose of the research is... more The city of Izmir is one of the most polluted provinces in Turkey. The purpose of the research is to identify the risky areas in terms of air pollution using the emission density distribution data from ships called at Port of Alsancak in 2018. A geographic information system (GIS)-based emission inventory model was used to examine spatial changes in emissions in the Izmir Bay. Initially, by the bottom-up method, 187 movements from 41 ships combined have been evaluated. A spatial distribution map of air pollutants was then compiled using the point density analysis in GIS. The analysis revealed that SO 2 , NO X , CO 2 , PM 10 and HC emissions from ships were identified as 334.5 t, 398.9 t, 19653 t, 37.4 t and 27 t, respectively. Besides, the research revealed that container ships accounted for the largest share (~91.3%) of all emissions. In conclusion, the highest emissions were recorded in Port of Alsancak and inner bay due to long hoteling periods. The port area was determined as th...

Research paper thumbnail of Optimum site selection for oil spill response center Marmara Sea AHP TOPSIS

Optimum site selection for oil spill response center in the Marmara Sea using the AHP-TOPSIS method


ÖZET Bu çalışmanın amacı, Türkiye'nin en büyük sanayi bölgelerinden biri olan Aliağa Limanlar Böl... more ÖZET Bu çalışmanın amacı, Türkiye'nin en büyük sanayi bölgelerinden biri olan Aliağa Limanlar Bölgesi'nde artan denizyolu taşımacılığına bağlı olarak gemi kazaları açısından riskli bölgelerin belirlenmesi ve olası gemi kaynaklı petrol kirliliğinin yayılımının hesaplanmasıdır. Bu kapsamda petrol yayılımının hesaplanabilmesi için Transas Ltd. tarafından geliştirilen döküntü simülasyon yazılımı olan PISCES 2 kullanılmıştır. Risk altında bulunan alanların tespit edilebilmesi için döküntü tipi ve ortam koşulları dikkate alınarak iki farklı senaryo geliştirilmiştir. Çalışmanın sonuçlarının bölgede faaliyet gösteren tesisler ve kirliliğe müdahale firmaları tarafından gerçekleştirilen acil müdahale operasyonlarına katkı sağlayacağı düşünülmektedir.

Research paper thumbnail of Trajectory prediction of oil spill with Pisces 2 around Bay of Izmir, Turkey

The purpose of this study is to determine the risky areas by simulating trajectory of ship based ... more The purpose of this study is to determine the risky areas by simulating trajectory of ship based oil spill in Bay of Izmir. To get well informed about fate, this study makes the best possible use one trajectory model. PISCES 2 (Potential Incident Simulation, Control and. Evaluation System), has been conducted for simulation of main weathering processes of oil spill. Hence in order to identify the risky areas, two scenarios have been developed depending on the type and amount of pollutants. In this study it is concluded that Yenikale, Inciralti and Guzelbahce will be at risk of contamination in case of accidental oil spill at Yenikale Entrance. Finally, the PISCES 2 software provided highly reliable solutions in evaporation rate and dispersion rate calculations when compared to approaches accepted in the literature. However in the surface area calculations, there is a serious difference between the size of the area calculated by the software and the size of the area proposed by oil spill science.


Research paper thumbnail of Flag Choice Behavior in the Turkish Merchant Fleet: A Model Proposal with Artificial Neural Network Approach

Shipping companies have to take several strategic decisions about the vessels that perform transp... more Shipping companies have to take several strategic decisions about the vessels that perform transportation activities. The most important of these strategic decisions is " Flag Choice ". This decision given by the company is shaped under the light of external and internal factors. In this paper, initially, the factors which affect flag choice decision of shipping companies and ship owners who play an important role to handle Turkish merchant fleet are determined. Then, the relation and association status of the factors which have significant impacts on this decision are displayed with data mining application. Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) application is realized with the obtained outputs and a model is proposed for flag selection decision. It is expected that the results of the study provides certain outcomes and guidelines for related organizations dealing with shipping operations as well as suggestions for effective and efficient coordination among the relevant institutions. Türk Deniz Ticaret Filosundaki Bayrak Seçim Davranışları: Yapay Sinir Ağı Yaklaşımı ile Bir Model Önerisi Öz Gemi yönetim firmaları, işlettiği gemiler ile ilgili çeşitli stratejik kararlar almaktadır. Bu stratejik kararların en önemlisi "Bayrak Seçim" kararıdır. İşletme tarafından verilen bu karar, iç ve dış faktörlerin ışığı altında şekillenmektedir. Bu çalışmada öncelikle Türk deniz ticaret filosunun işleyişinde önemli rol oynayan gemi sahiplerinin bayrak seçim kararını etkileyen faktörler belirlenmiştir. Daha sonra, bu karar üzerinde önemli etkileri olan faktörlerin ilişki ve birliktelik düzeyleri veri madenciliği uygulaması ile tespit edilmiştir. Elde edilen çıktılar Yapay Sinir Ağları (YSA) uygulaması ile bayrak seçimi kararı için bir model üretilmesinde kullanılmıştır. Bu araştırmanın sonuçlarının, denizyolu taşımacılığında söz sahibi olan gemi sahipleri ve gemi yönetim firmalarının bayrak seçme kararı açısından bir kılavuz oluşturması ayrıca konuya ilişkin diğer kurum ve kuruluşlar açısından da koordinasyona katkı sağlaması hedeflenmektedir.

Research paper thumbnail of Root Cause Analysis of Marine Collision Accidents by Using Fault Tree Method

Turkish Journal of Maritime and Marine Sciences, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Maritime Education and Training Quality (Metqual); An Application on Dokuz Eylul University Maritime Faculty

Journal of marine technology and environment, 2012

The concept of quality and satisfaction related to education services have been discussed enthusi... more The concept of quality and satisfaction related to education services have been discussed enthusiastically in last 30 years. Nowadays, almost all societies and organizations have established their own ISO 9001 – 2000 quality system with a certain accreditation association. Quality standards in maritime education have been exposed with International Convention of STCW 78/95. In quality systems to improve services and expand activities feedbacks and user’s satisfaction should be taken from users of these services. Dokuz Eylul University Maritime Faculty is taking many feedbacks from graduated students. The first version of the instrument used in this paper was developed and adopted from education service quality instrument by NAS (2000). The last version of the instrument, called Maritime Education and Training Quality “METQUAL”, was developed considering MET needs and “Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology”. The validity and reliability of “METQUAL” was found satisfying ...

Research paper thumbnail of Uzakyol güverte zabitlerinin kariyer planlama ölçütleri, Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Denizcilik Fakültesi Deniz Ulaştırma İşletme Mühendisliği Bölümü mezunları (1999–2008) üzerine bir analiz

... Yayınlanma Durumu: Yayınlanmış. Dosya Biçimi: PDF. Dil: Türkçe. Yazar(lar): Köseoğlu, Burak (... more ... Yayınlanma Durumu: Yayınlanmış. Dosya Biçimi: PDF. Dil: Türkçe. Yazar(lar): Köseoğlu, Burak (Yazar),. Emeği Geçen(ler): Nas, Selçuk (Tez Danışmanı),. URL: http://deu.mitosweb.com/browse/ 49700. Dosya: 261521.pdf show file Görüntüle download file Kaydet. ...

Research paper thumbnail of Türk Karasularında Meydana Gelen Gemi Kazalarının Analizi: Bir Veri Madenciliği Uygulaması

Research paper thumbnail of An Analysis on Career Path of Turkish Officers

This paper shows how the volume of maritime trade and number of ships are increasing in the world... more This paper shows how the volume of maritime trade and number of ships are increasing in the world today. The demand for qualified seafarers has therefore increased in parallel with this volume. This paper aims at forming a career path map on Ocean Going Officers who graduated from Dokuz Eylul University (DEU), Maritime Faculty (MF) Marine Transportation Engineering Department (MTED) between the years 1999-2008. Furthermore, the paper analyzes the reasons for choosing the sea, the factors that affect the sea career, as well as the reason and the means they use for coming ashore. The results presented in the paper describe the analysis of the career path of ocean going officers, the reasons for choosing the sea and negative factors that affect the sea career.

Research paper thumbnail of Risk Analysis of Grounding Accidents by Mapping a Fault Tree Into a Bayesian Network

Applied Ocean Research, 2021

Groundings, which account for approximately one-third of ship accidents, are classified as very s... more Groundings, which account for approximately one-third of ship accidents, are classified as very serious with tragic consequences. Therefore, identifying the factors causing groundings is essential to reduce their effects and to prevent recurrence. Thus, the principal purpose of this study is to analyse the risks of grounding accidents using an integrated model. First, a fault tree analysis (FTA) was applied to create a risk hierarchy that defines the level of relationship among factors; and a Bayesian network (BN) analysis was conducted to evaluate the level of their effect on groundings. The study found that of the 34 factors related to the safety of navigation, E 10 /violation of COLREG Rule-5 (look-out), E 9 /improper use of ECDIS, and E 8 /improper use of radar significantly effect groundings. The findings also indicate that maintaining a safe navigation watch is crucial to prevent future accidents. This study makes a significant contribution to the relevant literature as one of...

Research paper thumbnail of Analysing the effects of liquefaction on capsizing through integrating interpretive structural modelling (ISM) and fuzzy Bayesian networks (FBN)

Ocean Engineering

The main purpose of this research is to analyse the effect of cargo liquefaction on the capsizing... more The main purpose of this research is to analyse the effect of cargo liquefaction on the capsizing of bulk carriers through an integrated model. To do this, initially, an interpretive structure modelling (ISM) was carried out to construct the relationship hierarchy of risk factors while a fuzzy Bayesian networks (FBN) were conducted to quantify impact level. The results revealed that liquefaction and improper actions to upright, among 19 factors, have a significant effect on capsizing. The findings also emphasize that the factors (improper loading (29%), lack of cargo care at sea (27.4%) and insufficient knowledge (22%)) arising from human error play an important role in cargo liquefaction. Unlike experimental researches in the literature, this research analyses the liquefaction risk and the other basic causes resulting from the capsizing of bulk carriers using an integrated risk assessment method. For further researches, it is recommended to consider other risk identification and as...

Research paper thumbnail of Mapping the spatial distribution of emissions from domestic shipping in Izmir Bay

Ocean Engineering, 2020

The purpose of this study is to determine the risky areas in terms of air pollution from domestic... more The purpose of this study is to determine the risky areas in terms of air pollution from domestic shipping in Izmir Bay with the integration of Geographic Information System (GIS) and emission evaluation methodology. To do this, initially, the emissions as a result of 435 trips of 19 ships engaged in domestic transportation in Izmir Bay were evaluated by the bottom-up method. The spatial distribution map was then compiled using the point density analysis through MapInfo v.16 software as a GIS instrument. The study revealed that annual emissions of PM 10 ,CO 2 ,NO x , SO 2 , and HC from domestic shipping were 601.5 t, 925.9 t, 62612.1 t, 22.0 t, and 61.2 t, respectively. In addition, the highest emissions as ton per daily trip were recorded in the cruising mode due to longer operation periods compared to the other modes. It was found that the lines between Pasaport, Alsancak and Karsiyaka piers are the most polluted routes due to dense ship traffic. Furthermore, Bostanli and Karsiyak...

Research paper thumbnail of A Qualitative Study on Determining the Criteria (To Be) Used in Recruiting Oceangoing Watchkeeping Officers

DEU Maritime Faculty Journal, 2019

It is widely accepted that one of the most important factors playing an important role in the acc... more It is widely accepted that one of the most important factors playing an important role in the accidents encountered in shipping is the human factor. A thorough analysis of the most likely sources of this factor in particular world reveal the unfavorable strategies adopted in recruiting and hiring seafarers: employing incompetent ones. Who are not qualified enough to successfully carry out the critical jobs remarkably affective in sustaining the required safety in oceangoing vessels. In mitigating the mistakes and risks and sustaining safety on board ships, recruiting and employing qualitative and competent watchkeeping officers is of utmost importance. The purpose of this study is to determine the criteria (to be) used in recruiting oceangoing watchkeeping officers. To do this, semi-structured interviews, one of the instruments of qualitative research method, has been conducted through the human resource managers of 12 shipowning and/or operating/management companies. As a result of...

Research paper thumbnail of Türk Uzakyol Vardi̇ya Zabi̇tleri̇ni̇n Yetki̇nli̇kleri̇ni̇n Beli̇rlenmesi̇ Üzeri̇ne Bi̇r Araştirma

Research paper thumbnail of Modelling and performance prediction of a centrifugal cargo pump on a chemical tanker

Modelling and performance prediction of a centrifugal cargo pump on a chemical tanker, 2019

In this paper, a single-stage, horizontal type centrifugal pump, which can be used in a chemical ... more In this paper, a single-stage, horizontal type centrifugal pump, which can be used in a chemical tanker's cargo operations, was modelled with MATLAB/Simulink software. The modelled pump was run with seven different fluids handled in chemical tankers which are ethyl alcohol, N-Propyl alcohol, phenol, chloroform, castor oil, 55% nitric acid and water. Therefore, the pump's performance curves and data sets were obtained for each situation. After these, a neural network was created with MATLAB/ Neural Network Fitting Tool application. Inputs of the network were volumetric flow, head, shaft power, torque, and net positive suction head. The output was the pump efficiency and it is estimated for each fluid from the numeric data. Mean squared error was very close to zero (1.1817e-6) and R2 provided a prediction accuracy of 99.996%. According to these results, artificial neural network (ANN) had a satisfactory performance to predict the efficiency of a chemical tanker's centrifug...

Research paper thumbnail of Numerical modelling of oil spill in New York Bay

Archives of Environmental Protection, 2016

New York Bay is one of the most important transition regions of ships trading to east America. Th... more New York Bay is one of the most important transition regions of ships trading to east America. The region plays an important role in the commerce of the New York metropolitan area. The area is surrounded with the coasts that have various levels of environmental sensitivity. The area accommodates high diversity of native ecosystems and species that are rather vulnerable in case of oil spill. Thus getting well informed about the likelihood, or fate, of oil spills around this region is of great importance so that proactive measures can be taken. The purpose of this study is to investigate the oil spill and predict the future accidents likely to be encountered around the Bay of New York. Two trajectory models have been conducted for the study. ADIOS (Automated Data Inquiry for Oil Spills), has been conducted for natural degradation calculations, and, GNOME (General NOAA Operational Modeling Environment), has been conducted for surface spread simulation. The results gained through these ...

Research paper thumbnail of Deni̇z Atiklarinin Değerlendi̇ri̇lmesi̇ Ve Geri̇ Dönüşümü: İstaç Örneği̇

Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Denizcilik Fakültesi Dergisi, 2016

Research paper thumbnail of Deniz Atıklarının Değerlendirilmesi Ve Geri Dönüşümü: İSTAÇ Örneği

II.Ulusal Liman Kongresi, 2015

Research paper thumbnail of An estimation of shipping emissions to analysing air pollution density in the Izmir Bay

Air Quality, Atmosphere & Health, 2020

The city of Izmir is one of the most polluted provinces in Turkey. The purpose of the research is... more The city of Izmir is one of the most polluted provinces in Turkey. The purpose of the research is to identify the risky areas in terms of air pollution using the emission density distribution data from ships called at Port of Alsancak in 2018. A geographic information system (GIS)-based emission inventory model was used to examine spatial changes in emissions in the Izmir Bay. Initially, by the bottom-up method, 187 movements from 41 ships combined have been evaluated. A spatial distribution map of air pollutants was then compiled using the point density analysis in GIS. The analysis revealed that SO 2 , NO X , CO 2 , PM 10 and HC emissions from ships were identified as 334.5 t, 398.9 t, 19653 t, 37.4 t and 27 t, respectively. Besides, the research revealed that container ships accounted for the largest share (~91.3%) of all emissions. In conclusion, the highest emissions were recorded in Port of Alsancak and inner bay due to long hoteling periods. The port area was determined as th...

Research paper thumbnail of Optimum site selection for oil spill response center Marmara Sea AHP TOPSIS

Optimum site selection for oil spill response center in the Marmara Sea using the AHP-TOPSIS method


ÖZET Bu çalışmanın amacı, Türkiye'nin en büyük sanayi bölgelerinden biri olan Aliağa Limanlar Böl... more ÖZET Bu çalışmanın amacı, Türkiye'nin en büyük sanayi bölgelerinden biri olan Aliağa Limanlar Bölgesi'nde artan denizyolu taşımacılığına bağlı olarak gemi kazaları açısından riskli bölgelerin belirlenmesi ve olası gemi kaynaklı petrol kirliliğinin yayılımının hesaplanmasıdır. Bu kapsamda petrol yayılımının hesaplanabilmesi için Transas Ltd. tarafından geliştirilen döküntü simülasyon yazılımı olan PISCES 2 kullanılmıştır. Risk altında bulunan alanların tespit edilebilmesi için döküntü tipi ve ortam koşulları dikkate alınarak iki farklı senaryo geliştirilmiştir. Çalışmanın sonuçlarının bölgede faaliyet gösteren tesisler ve kirliliğe müdahale firmaları tarafından gerçekleştirilen acil müdahale operasyonlarına katkı sağlayacağı düşünülmektedir.

Research paper thumbnail of Trajectory prediction of oil spill with Pisces 2 around Bay of Izmir, Turkey

The purpose of this study is to determine the risky areas by simulating trajectory of ship based ... more The purpose of this study is to determine the risky areas by simulating trajectory of ship based oil spill in Bay of Izmir. To get well informed about fate, this study makes the best possible use one trajectory model. PISCES 2 (Potential Incident Simulation, Control and. Evaluation System), has been conducted for simulation of main weathering processes of oil spill. Hence in order to identify the risky areas, two scenarios have been developed depending on the type and amount of pollutants. In this study it is concluded that Yenikale, Inciralti and Guzelbahce will be at risk of contamination in case of accidental oil spill at Yenikale Entrance. Finally, the PISCES 2 software provided highly reliable solutions in evaporation rate and dispersion rate calculations when compared to approaches accepted in the literature. However in the surface area calculations, there is a serious difference between the size of the area calculated by the software and the size of the area proposed by oil spill science.


Research paper thumbnail of Flag Choice Behavior in the Turkish Merchant Fleet: A Model Proposal with Artificial Neural Network Approach

Shipping companies have to take several strategic decisions about the vessels that perform transp... more Shipping companies have to take several strategic decisions about the vessels that perform transportation activities. The most important of these strategic decisions is " Flag Choice ". This decision given by the company is shaped under the light of external and internal factors. In this paper, initially, the factors which affect flag choice decision of shipping companies and ship owners who play an important role to handle Turkish merchant fleet are determined. Then, the relation and association status of the factors which have significant impacts on this decision are displayed with data mining application. Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) application is realized with the obtained outputs and a model is proposed for flag selection decision. It is expected that the results of the study provides certain outcomes and guidelines for related organizations dealing with shipping operations as well as suggestions for effective and efficient coordination among the relevant institutions. Türk Deniz Ticaret Filosundaki Bayrak Seçim Davranışları: Yapay Sinir Ağı Yaklaşımı ile Bir Model Önerisi Öz Gemi yönetim firmaları, işlettiği gemiler ile ilgili çeşitli stratejik kararlar almaktadır. Bu stratejik kararların en önemlisi "Bayrak Seçim" kararıdır. İşletme tarafından verilen bu karar, iç ve dış faktörlerin ışığı altında şekillenmektedir. Bu çalışmada öncelikle Türk deniz ticaret filosunun işleyişinde önemli rol oynayan gemi sahiplerinin bayrak seçim kararını etkileyen faktörler belirlenmiştir. Daha sonra, bu karar üzerinde önemli etkileri olan faktörlerin ilişki ve birliktelik düzeyleri veri madenciliği uygulaması ile tespit edilmiştir. Elde edilen çıktılar Yapay Sinir Ağları (YSA) uygulaması ile bayrak seçimi kararı için bir model üretilmesinde kullanılmıştır. Bu araştırmanın sonuçlarının, denizyolu taşımacılığında söz sahibi olan gemi sahipleri ve gemi yönetim firmalarının bayrak seçme kararı açısından bir kılavuz oluşturması ayrıca konuya ilişkin diğer kurum ve kuruluşlar açısından da koordinasyona katkı sağlaması hedeflenmektedir.

Research paper thumbnail of Investigation of grounding accidents in the bay of Izmir with the application of root-cause analysis

City of Izmir as the third largest city of Turkey, is the opening gate of Anatolia to the world t... more City of Izmir as the third largest city of Turkey, is the opening gate of Anatolia to the world through Aegean Sea. The city with its great volume of cargo capacity plays crucial role both in international and domestic sea trade. The Port of Alsancak located at the inner part of the bay is the largest seaport of Aegean Region in terms of annual loading capacity. The main objective of this research is to find the root-causes of accidents that have resulted in the groundings in Bay of Izmir. To do this, the Root Cause Analysis methodology was carried out on the accidental data provided by Turkish Main Search and Rescue Coordination Center (TMSRCC). Between 2001 and 2016, a total of 24 ships grounded at the entrance of Yenikale due to shallow water conditions, which is regarded as the riskiest point in terms of groundings. In this study, the Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) method which is the one of the most preferred root cause analysis methods was used. As a result, it was found that equipment failures and geographical factors are the main reasons of grounding accidents in Bay of Izmir. In order to eliminate these causes, necessary precautions have been offered and suggestions for further studies have been made.

Research paper thumbnail of Determination of Risk Levels in the Southern Aegean Region in Terms of Ship Accidents Using Geographic Information System (GIS

The aim of this study is to determine the risk levels of the marine areas in the Southern part of... more The aim of this study is to determine the risk levels of the marine areas in the Southern part of Aegean Region related to ship accidents using Geographic Information Systems (GIS). In this context the spatial analysis was performed using multiple spatial data provided by Turkish Main Search and Rescue Coordination Center (TMSRCC). A total of 130 ship accidents involving 9 different ship types were included to carry out risk assessment process. The location distribution of ship accidents was analyzed with MapInfo 8.0 software, and then risky areas and risk levels were identified in accordance with the accident frequencies. It is concluded that the accidents frequently occur in yachts and listing/capsizing are the most frequent accidents. As a result, Bodrum and Fethiye have been identified as very high risk (VHR) zones depending on the number of ship accidents.


ÖZET Bu çalışmanın amacı, Türkiye'nin en büyük sanayi bölgelerinden biri olan Aliağa Limanlar Böl... more ÖZET Bu çalışmanın amacı, Türkiye'nin en büyük sanayi bölgelerinden biri olan Aliağa Limanlar Bölgesi'nde artan denizyolu taşımacılığına bağlı olarak gemi kazaları açısından riskli bölgelerin belirlenmesi ve olası gemi kaynaklı petrol kirliliğinin yayılımının hesaplanmasıdır. Bu kapsamda petrol yayılımının hesaplanabilmesi için Transas Ltd. tarafından geliştirilen döküntü simülasyon yazılımı olan PISCES 2 kullanılmıştır. Risk altında bulunan alanların tespit edilebilmesi için döküntü tipi ve ortam koşulları dikkate alınarak iki farklı senaryo geliştirilmiştir. Çalışmanın sonuçlarının bölgede faaliyet gösteren tesisler ve kirliliğe müdahale firmaları tarafından gerçekleştirilen acil müdahale operasyonlarına katkı sağlayacağı düşünülmektedir.