Javier Arellano-Yanguas | Universidad de Deusto (original) (raw)

Books by Javier Arellano-Yanguas

Research paper thumbnail of Energy transition, mining expansion and eco-social conflicts in the Amazon

Energy transition, mining expansión and eco-social conflicts in the Amazon, 2023

The two chapters of this report address some complementary aspects of mineral resource extraction... more The two chapters of this report address some complementary aspects of mineral resource extraction processes in the Amazon or in headwaters that feed the Amazon basin, which affect local indigenous and/or peasant populations. The first part focuses on the impact of mineral extraction on the environment, while the second part deals with the resistance of Amazonian populations to mining projects. In both cases, there is a theoretical review of the subject followed by a case study. In the analysis of the impacts of mining operations, the cases of Compañía Minera Afrodita (Peru) and the Mocoa Project (Colombia) are analysed. Meanwhile, the study of resistance to mining projects is focused on the case of the Mocoa Project.

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Research paper thumbnail of Transición energética, expansión minera y conflictos ecosociales en la Amazonía

Transición energética, expansión minera y conflictos ecosociales en la Amazonía, 2023

Los dos capítulos de este informe abordan aspectos complementarios de los procesos de extracción ... more Los dos capítulos de este informe abordan aspectos complementarios de los procesos de extracción de recursos minerales en la Amazonía o en cabeceras de cuenca que alimentan la cuenca Amazónica, y que afectan a poblaciones locales indígenas y/o campesinas. La primera parte se centra en el impacto que la extracción minera tiene sobre el entorno; mientras que la segunda parte aborda la resistencia de las poblaciones amazónicas a los proyectos mineros. En ambos casos, se realiza una revisión teórica del tema y, a continuación, se analiza algún caso práctico. En el análisis de los impactos de las operaciones mineras se analizan los casos de la Compañía Minera Afrodita (Perú) y del Proyecto Mocoa (Colombia). Mientras que el estudio de la resistencia a los proyectos mineros se concreta en el caso del Proyecto Mocoa.

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Research paper thumbnail of ¿Minería sin fronteras? Conflicto y desarrollo en regiones mineras de Perú

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Papers by Javier Arellano-Yanguas

Research paper thumbnail of Extractive industries and regional development: Lessons from Peru on the limitations of revenue devolution to producing regions.

Regional&Federal Studies, 2019

The transfer of oil and mining revenues to the subnational governments of resource-rich jurisdict... more The transfer of oil and mining revenues to the subnational governments of resource-rich jurisdictions is a common policy aimed at promoting development and reducing local opposition to extraction. In the early 2000s, Peru implemented a radical version of that policy. Peruvian mining regions received fiscal transfers many times greater than the national average during the last commodity boom. The strategy had mixed effects on well-being indicators. These transfers had statistically significant positive effects on economic growth and the rate of school attendance at different ages. In contrast, they did not have a significant impact on poverty reduction or the coverage of other basic services, while being positively correlated with an increase in the income gap between women and men. Overall, the results are not as positive as the promoters had expected. The transfers generated political incentives for local authorities to pursue short-term, clientelistic spending that has reduced their potential benefits.

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Research paper thumbnail of Inequalities in mining and oil regions of Andean countries

Iberoamerican Journal of Development Studies, 2017

The difficulties of translating mineral richness into tangible development outcomes have been wid... more The difficulties of translating mineral richness into tangible development outcomes have been widely covered in academic research in the last decade. However, only very recently has the issue of inequalities in the context of extraction received attention. This paper contributes to emerging literature by proposing and applying an analytical framework in which inequalities catalyzed by mining and oil operations are reviewed across three thematic axes (political, socioeconomic, and environmental) and three levels (between institutional actors, between territories, and between groups within a given territory). This systematic analysis uncovers the ways in which the costs and benefits of extraction
affect institutions, territories, and social groups differently. In the second part of the paper, it is applied the framework to a mining operation in Peru (Antamina) and an oil field in Colombia (Rubiales). The empirical analysis reveals a set of contextual factors that influence the generation of inequalities.

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Research paper thumbnail of Partnership for development in the extractive sector: protecting subterranean interests?

Journal of Environmental Policy&Planning, 2017

Partnerships for Development (PfD) is the antidote that extractive industries have used over the ... more Partnerships for Development (PfD) is the antidote that extractive industries have used over the last decade to counteract the proliferation of conflicts with local communities. Normatively, the concept of ‘partnership’ positions companies as actors on an equal footing with others in their attempts to collaborate to achieve development outcomes. This article analyses how the PfD strategy has been crafted and implemented in the extractive sector and assess its potential to contribute significantly to local development. Using the Foucauldian framework on power/knowledge and genealogy, we explain how, in a relatively short time, the interaction between context, preexisting discourses, and actors’ interests shaped the PfD discourse and made it famous. The second part of the paper goes beyond the normative conceptualisation and analyses the implementation of PfD through the case studies of the Antamina copper mine in Peru and the Pacific Rubiales oil operation in Colombia. The companies use the PfD discourse to advance their interest vis-à-vis the different stakeholders, minimising the risk of conflicts and cultivating their reputation. These companies resort to the fragmentation of bargaining spaces and rely on the legitimacy provided by paid experts. The result is that PfD has limited capacity to promote local sustainable development.

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Research paper thumbnail of 15-M Bilbao: estudio de dinámicas sociales en torno a las movilizaciones del 15-M en Bilbao

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Research paper thumbnail of Mining policies in Humala’s Peru: a patchwork of improvised nationalism and corporate Interests. In Haslam, Paul and Pablo Heidrich, The political economy of natural resources and development: from neoliberalism to resource nationalism. London: Routledge. Pp. 174-190.

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Research paper thumbnail of Religion and resistance to extraction in rural Peru: is the Church following the people?

This article analyzes the Catholic Church’s involvement in social confl icts resulting from resou... more This article analyzes the Catholic Church’s involvement in social confl icts resulting from resource extraction activities in Peru. The nature and degree of the Catholic Church’s involvement vary greatly according to the type of confl ict and the diversity of standpoints of the Church at the local level. The article focuses on three distinctive, widely known conflicts against the expansion of extractive activities. It shows that the importance conventionally given to the role of particular religious fi gures, their adherence to progressive ideologies, and the defense of the Church’s strategic interests do not fully encompass the complexity of local processes. In contrast, the article contends that the Church’s institutional embeddedness in local networks is the most infl uential factor in the involvement of Catholic organizations in anti-mining confl icts. Embeddedness coincides with a spirituality that prioritizes local people’s agency, whereby the priests and Church organizations accompany and follow the initiatives of local communities instead of taking a leading role. This does not mean that the Church takes a passive stance in these confl icts. Priests and other pastoral agents have incorporated environmental and human rights discourses into an explicit religious framework that amplifies the social space of the Church and provides legitimacy for mobilizations. In parallel, locally generated doctrinal frameworks permeate the offi cial discourse of the Catholic Church, reinforcing the position of those committed to the defense of local demands.

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Research paper thumbnail of Industrias extractivas, descentralización y desarrollo local: economía política de políticas fiscales y redistributivas en Perú y Bolivia

La emergencia de una nueva sensibilidad política hace que el desarrollo generado por las industri... more La emergencia de una nueva sensibilidad política hace que el desarrollo generado por las industrias extractivas (IE) deba incorporar las demandas de las poblaciones directamente afectadas por esas actividades. La transferencia de parte de los ingresos fiscales generados por las IE a los gobiernos subnacionales, en cuyas regiones se lleva a cabo la extracción, es una estrategia empleada por los gobiernos para responder a esos reclamos. La comparación entre Perú y Bolivia ayuda a entender los factores políticos e institucionales que influyen en la elaboración de esas políticas. Se halla que las políticas fiscales y redistributivas que afectan a las IE dependen de la fortaleza relativa de los distintos actores políticos, su relación con las IE y su posición
geográfica. Es especialmente relevante la naturaleza de las élites económicas y su mayor o menor vinculación directa con la actividad extractiva.

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Research paper thumbnail of Distributing the wealth from the Earth

This article explains different criteria and mechanisms for distributing extractive industries (E... more This article explains different criteria and mechanisms for distributing extractive industries (EI) revenues between central and local governments across countries and territories. It reveals that institutional or systemic predictors of distribution are not enough to explain different shares of revenue sharing. The proportion of EI revenues effectively transferred to sub-national governments is neither related to the level of fiscal decentralisation of the countries nor to their federal or unitary nature. We suggest that the relative strength of the sub-national governments vis-à-vis the central government as well as the relative alignment of preferences between local and national governments have a significant impact on transferring EI revenues. We conclude that administrative or fiscal decentralisation alone are not sufficient to ensure an effective distribution of natural resource revenues. Effective political decentralisation can reduce vertical asymmetries and ensure a more equitable distribution of wealth across all jurisdictions.

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Research paper thumbnail of Extractive Industries, revenue allocation and local politics

UNRISD Working Paper 2014-4

""The success of a developmental strategy based on the extraction of non-renewable resources is l... more ""The success of a developmental strategy based on the extraction of non-renewable resources is largely dependent on the share of revenues captured by the states from the extractive sector and the modalities that governments adopt to use and distribute those revenues. In the last two decades, local populations and subnational governments have demanded a greater decentralisation of EI-related revenues but the modalities and mechanisms adopted varied widely across cases. This paper looks at the existing criteria and reform modalities adopted to allocate and use extractive industry (EI) revenues, and examines the political bargains that enabled such distribution. The paper focuses on four specific questions: a) How do central governments share (or distribute) the revenues from extractive industries with different levels of subnational government (vertical distribution)?; b) How do governments distribute EI revenues across extractive and non-extractive jurisdictions at subnational level (horizontal distribution)?; c) Which are the mechanisms and rules adopted by governments to allocate these resources?; and d) What is the bargaining potential of subnational territories to demand a more proportionate share of revenues?
We identify two critical dimensions that have an impact on redistributive outcomes: the degree of bargaining power of subnational actors and the alignment between national and subnational political actors. We contend that local actors with strong bargaining power tend to obtain clearer and greater revenue sharing gains, but the political alignment between national and local elites will tend to produce, other things equal, a better redistribution of revenues across producing and non-producing regions. We assert that improved development outcomes may emerge in a context where revenue sharing agreements result from elite bargains that combine earmarked and flexible decision making mechanisms and benefit the whole of the population, however more research is needed. Finally, the paper identifies some knowledge gaps regarding the effectiveness of different decentralisation modalities to improve development outcomes at the local level.

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Research paper thumbnail of (Des)ajuste político

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Research paper thumbnail of 15-M Bilbao: estudio de dinámicas sociales en torno a las movilizaciones del 15-M en Bilbao

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Research paper thumbnail of Resurgimiento minero en Perú: ¿una versión moderna de una vieja maldición?

The renewed importance of mining in the Peruvian economy and the expectation of new investments i... more The renewed importance of mining in the Peruvian economy and the expectation of new investments in the sector have nourished the hope of reducing the poverty levels and overcoming political instability. That is why Peru maintains itself within orthodox politics and economy. Recent governments have kept a strict macroeconomic stability and, since 2001, they have encouraged a political agenda that stresses decentralisation, participation, and collaboration between private initiatives and public institutions. However, the increase of conflicts around mining operations questions the capacity of mining to promote development. I contend that in the context of a state with important limitations, the simplistic implementation of the new political agenda generates a new form of "curse of the resources" that consists of two changes: a) the appearance of new political actors; b) the emergence of the sub-national level as the crucial space in which this "curse" is manifested.

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Research paper thumbnail of A Thoroughly Modern Resource Curse?: The New Natural Resource Policy Agenda and the Mining Revival in Peru

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Research paper thumbnail of Aggravating the resource curse: Decentralisation, mining and conflict in Peru

The Journal of Development Studies, Jan 1, 2011

In the early part of this decade, at the beginning of the recent international commodity price bo... more In the early part of this decade, at the beginning of the recent international commodity price boom, Peru adopted major components of the new ‘localist’ policy paradigm for the management of natural resource revenues. In particular, a large fraction of these revenues were transferred to the local governments in the mining areas. The results have been disappointing. Statistical and fieldwork evidence shows that these transfers have directly exacerbated local political conflicts. The new ‘localist’ policy paradigm is unlikely to be effective when, as in contemporary Peru, national political institutions are not supportive.

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Research paper thumbnail of Local politics, conflict and development in Peruvian mining regions

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Research paper thumbnail of Capital social:¿ Despolitización del desarrollo o posibilidad de una política más inclusiva desde lo local?

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Research paper thumbnail of Ecología en perspectiva salvífica

Una preocupación central está a la base del presente trabajo: qué significa la salvación cristian... more Una preocupación central está a la base del presente trabajo: qué significa la salvación cristiana en nuestro contexto cultural; cómo decir la salvación en una época de amenaza ecológica y quiebra de seguridades; qué caminos seguir para percibir la salvación ya presente entre ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Energy transition, mining expansion and eco-social conflicts in the Amazon

Energy transition, mining expansión and eco-social conflicts in the Amazon, 2023

The two chapters of this report address some complementary aspects of mineral resource extraction... more The two chapters of this report address some complementary aspects of mineral resource extraction processes in the Amazon or in headwaters that feed the Amazon basin, which affect local indigenous and/or peasant populations. The first part focuses on the impact of mineral extraction on the environment, while the second part deals with the resistance of Amazonian populations to mining projects. In both cases, there is a theoretical review of the subject followed by a case study. In the analysis of the impacts of mining operations, the cases of Compañía Minera Afrodita (Peru) and the Mocoa Project (Colombia) are analysed. Meanwhile, the study of resistance to mining projects is focused on the case of the Mocoa Project.

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Research paper thumbnail of Transición energética, expansión minera y conflictos ecosociales en la Amazonía

Transición energética, expansión minera y conflictos ecosociales en la Amazonía, 2023

Los dos capítulos de este informe abordan aspectos complementarios de los procesos de extracción ... more Los dos capítulos de este informe abordan aspectos complementarios de los procesos de extracción de recursos minerales en la Amazonía o en cabeceras de cuenca que alimentan la cuenca Amazónica, y que afectan a poblaciones locales indígenas y/o campesinas. La primera parte se centra en el impacto que la extracción minera tiene sobre el entorno; mientras que la segunda parte aborda la resistencia de las poblaciones amazónicas a los proyectos mineros. En ambos casos, se realiza una revisión teórica del tema y, a continuación, se analiza algún caso práctico. En el análisis de los impactos de las operaciones mineras se analizan los casos de la Compañía Minera Afrodita (Perú) y del Proyecto Mocoa (Colombia). Mientras que el estudio de la resistencia a los proyectos mineros se concreta en el caso del Proyecto Mocoa.

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Research paper thumbnail of ¿Minería sin fronteras? Conflicto y desarrollo en regiones mineras de Perú

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Research paper thumbnail of Extractive industries and regional development: Lessons from Peru on the limitations of revenue devolution to producing regions.

Regional&Federal Studies, 2019

The transfer of oil and mining revenues to the subnational governments of resource-rich jurisdict... more The transfer of oil and mining revenues to the subnational governments of resource-rich jurisdictions is a common policy aimed at promoting development and reducing local opposition to extraction. In the early 2000s, Peru implemented a radical version of that policy. Peruvian mining regions received fiscal transfers many times greater than the national average during the last commodity boom. The strategy had mixed effects on well-being indicators. These transfers had statistically significant positive effects on economic growth and the rate of school attendance at different ages. In contrast, they did not have a significant impact on poverty reduction or the coverage of other basic services, while being positively correlated with an increase in the income gap between women and men. Overall, the results are not as positive as the promoters had expected. The transfers generated political incentives for local authorities to pursue short-term, clientelistic spending that has reduced their potential benefits.

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Research paper thumbnail of Inequalities in mining and oil regions of Andean countries

Iberoamerican Journal of Development Studies, 2017

The difficulties of translating mineral richness into tangible development outcomes have been wid... more The difficulties of translating mineral richness into tangible development outcomes have been widely covered in academic research in the last decade. However, only very recently has the issue of inequalities in the context of extraction received attention. This paper contributes to emerging literature by proposing and applying an analytical framework in which inequalities catalyzed by mining and oil operations are reviewed across three thematic axes (political, socioeconomic, and environmental) and three levels (between institutional actors, between territories, and between groups within a given territory). This systematic analysis uncovers the ways in which the costs and benefits of extraction
affect institutions, territories, and social groups differently. In the second part of the paper, it is applied the framework to a mining operation in Peru (Antamina) and an oil field in Colombia (Rubiales). The empirical analysis reveals a set of contextual factors that influence the generation of inequalities.

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Research paper thumbnail of Partnership for development in the extractive sector: protecting subterranean interests?

Journal of Environmental Policy&Planning, 2017

Partnerships for Development (PfD) is the antidote that extractive industries have used over the ... more Partnerships for Development (PfD) is the antidote that extractive industries have used over the last decade to counteract the proliferation of conflicts with local communities. Normatively, the concept of ‘partnership’ positions companies as actors on an equal footing with others in their attempts to collaborate to achieve development outcomes. This article analyses how the PfD strategy has been crafted and implemented in the extractive sector and assess its potential to contribute significantly to local development. Using the Foucauldian framework on power/knowledge and genealogy, we explain how, in a relatively short time, the interaction between context, preexisting discourses, and actors’ interests shaped the PfD discourse and made it famous. The second part of the paper goes beyond the normative conceptualisation and analyses the implementation of PfD through the case studies of the Antamina copper mine in Peru and the Pacific Rubiales oil operation in Colombia. The companies use the PfD discourse to advance their interest vis-à-vis the different stakeholders, minimising the risk of conflicts and cultivating their reputation. These companies resort to the fragmentation of bargaining spaces and rely on the legitimacy provided by paid experts. The result is that PfD has limited capacity to promote local sustainable development.

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Research paper thumbnail of 15-M Bilbao: estudio de dinámicas sociales en torno a las movilizaciones del 15-M en Bilbao

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Research paper thumbnail of Mining policies in Humala’s Peru: a patchwork of improvised nationalism and corporate Interests. In Haslam, Paul and Pablo Heidrich, The political economy of natural resources and development: from neoliberalism to resource nationalism. London: Routledge. Pp. 174-190.

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Research paper thumbnail of Religion and resistance to extraction in rural Peru: is the Church following the people?

This article analyzes the Catholic Church’s involvement in social confl icts resulting from resou... more This article analyzes the Catholic Church’s involvement in social confl icts resulting from resource extraction activities in Peru. The nature and degree of the Catholic Church’s involvement vary greatly according to the type of confl ict and the diversity of standpoints of the Church at the local level. The article focuses on three distinctive, widely known conflicts against the expansion of extractive activities. It shows that the importance conventionally given to the role of particular religious fi gures, their adherence to progressive ideologies, and the defense of the Church’s strategic interests do not fully encompass the complexity of local processes. In contrast, the article contends that the Church’s institutional embeddedness in local networks is the most infl uential factor in the involvement of Catholic organizations in anti-mining confl icts. Embeddedness coincides with a spirituality that prioritizes local people’s agency, whereby the priests and Church organizations accompany and follow the initiatives of local communities instead of taking a leading role. This does not mean that the Church takes a passive stance in these confl icts. Priests and other pastoral agents have incorporated environmental and human rights discourses into an explicit religious framework that amplifies the social space of the Church and provides legitimacy for mobilizations. In parallel, locally generated doctrinal frameworks permeate the offi cial discourse of the Catholic Church, reinforcing the position of those committed to the defense of local demands.

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Research paper thumbnail of Industrias extractivas, descentralización y desarrollo local: economía política de políticas fiscales y redistributivas en Perú y Bolivia

La emergencia de una nueva sensibilidad política hace que el desarrollo generado por las industri... more La emergencia de una nueva sensibilidad política hace que el desarrollo generado por las industrias extractivas (IE) deba incorporar las demandas de las poblaciones directamente afectadas por esas actividades. La transferencia de parte de los ingresos fiscales generados por las IE a los gobiernos subnacionales, en cuyas regiones se lleva a cabo la extracción, es una estrategia empleada por los gobiernos para responder a esos reclamos. La comparación entre Perú y Bolivia ayuda a entender los factores políticos e institucionales que influyen en la elaboración de esas políticas. Se halla que las políticas fiscales y redistributivas que afectan a las IE dependen de la fortaleza relativa de los distintos actores políticos, su relación con las IE y su posición
geográfica. Es especialmente relevante la naturaleza de las élites económicas y su mayor o menor vinculación directa con la actividad extractiva.

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Research paper thumbnail of Distributing the wealth from the Earth

This article explains different criteria and mechanisms for distributing extractive industries (E... more This article explains different criteria and mechanisms for distributing extractive industries (EI) revenues between central and local governments across countries and territories. It reveals that institutional or systemic predictors of distribution are not enough to explain different shares of revenue sharing. The proportion of EI revenues effectively transferred to sub-national governments is neither related to the level of fiscal decentralisation of the countries nor to their federal or unitary nature. We suggest that the relative strength of the sub-national governments vis-à-vis the central government as well as the relative alignment of preferences between local and national governments have a significant impact on transferring EI revenues. We conclude that administrative or fiscal decentralisation alone are not sufficient to ensure an effective distribution of natural resource revenues. Effective political decentralisation can reduce vertical asymmetries and ensure a more equitable distribution of wealth across all jurisdictions.

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Research paper thumbnail of Extractive Industries, revenue allocation and local politics

UNRISD Working Paper 2014-4

""The success of a developmental strategy based on the extraction of non-renewable resources is l... more ""The success of a developmental strategy based on the extraction of non-renewable resources is largely dependent on the share of revenues captured by the states from the extractive sector and the modalities that governments adopt to use and distribute those revenues. In the last two decades, local populations and subnational governments have demanded a greater decentralisation of EI-related revenues but the modalities and mechanisms adopted varied widely across cases. This paper looks at the existing criteria and reform modalities adopted to allocate and use extractive industry (EI) revenues, and examines the political bargains that enabled such distribution. The paper focuses on four specific questions: a) How do central governments share (or distribute) the revenues from extractive industries with different levels of subnational government (vertical distribution)?; b) How do governments distribute EI revenues across extractive and non-extractive jurisdictions at subnational level (horizontal distribution)?; c) Which are the mechanisms and rules adopted by governments to allocate these resources?; and d) What is the bargaining potential of subnational territories to demand a more proportionate share of revenues?
We identify two critical dimensions that have an impact on redistributive outcomes: the degree of bargaining power of subnational actors and the alignment between national and subnational political actors. We contend that local actors with strong bargaining power tend to obtain clearer and greater revenue sharing gains, but the political alignment between national and local elites will tend to produce, other things equal, a better redistribution of revenues across producing and non-producing regions. We assert that improved development outcomes may emerge in a context where revenue sharing agreements result from elite bargains that combine earmarked and flexible decision making mechanisms and benefit the whole of the population, however more research is needed. Finally, the paper identifies some knowledge gaps regarding the effectiveness of different decentralisation modalities to improve development outcomes at the local level.

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Research paper thumbnail of (Des)ajuste político

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Research paper thumbnail of 15-M Bilbao: estudio de dinámicas sociales en torno a las movilizaciones del 15-M en Bilbao

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Research paper thumbnail of Resurgimiento minero en Perú: ¿una versión moderna de una vieja maldición?

The renewed importance of mining in the Peruvian economy and the expectation of new investments i... more The renewed importance of mining in the Peruvian economy and the expectation of new investments in the sector have nourished the hope of reducing the poverty levels and overcoming political instability. That is why Peru maintains itself within orthodox politics and economy. Recent governments have kept a strict macroeconomic stability and, since 2001, they have encouraged a political agenda that stresses decentralisation, participation, and collaboration between private initiatives and public institutions. However, the increase of conflicts around mining operations questions the capacity of mining to promote development. I contend that in the context of a state with important limitations, the simplistic implementation of the new political agenda generates a new form of "curse of the resources" that consists of two changes: a) the appearance of new political actors; b) the emergence of the sub-national level as the crucial space in which this "curse" is manifested.

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Research paper thumbnail of A Thoroughly Modern Resource Curse?: The New Natural Resource Policy Agenda and the Mining Revival in Peru

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Research paper thumbnail of Aggravating the resource curse: Decentralisation, mining and conflict in Peru

The Journal of Development Studies, Jan 1, 2011

In the early part of this decade, at the beginning of the recent international commodity price bo... more In the early part of this decade, at the beginning of the recent international commodity price boom, Peru adopted major components of the new ‘localist’ policy paradigm for the management of natural resource revenues. In particular, a large fraction of these revenues were transferred to the local governments in the mining areas. The results have been disappointing. Statistical and fieldwork evidence shows that these transfers have directly exacerbated local political conflicts. The new ‘localist’ policy paradigm is unlikely to be effective when, as in contemporary Peru, national political institutions are not supportive.

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Research paper thumbnail of Local politics, conflict and development in Peruvian mining regions

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Research paper thumbnail of Capital social:¿ Despolitización del desarrollo o posibilidad de una política más inclusiva desde lo local?

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Research paper thumbnail of Ecología en perspectiva salvífica

Una preocupación central está a la base del presente trabajo: qué significa la salvación cristian... more Una preocupación central está a la base del presente trabajo: qué significa la salvación cristiana en nuestro contexto cultural; cómo decir la salvación en una época de amenaza ecológica y quiebra de seguridades; qué caminos seguir para percibir la salvación ya presente entre ...

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