App widgets overview (original) (raw)

Widgets are an essential aspect of home screen customization. You can think of them as "at-a-glance" views of an app's most important data and functionality that are accessible right on the user's home screen. Users can move widgets across their home screen panels, and, if supported, resize them to tailor the amount of information in the widget to their preference.

This documentation introduces the different types of widgets you can create and the design principles to follow. To build an app widget using the Remote View APIs and XML layouts, see Create a simple widget. To build a widget using Kotlin and Compose style APIs, seeJetpack Glance.

Widget types

As you plan your widget, think about what kind of widget you want to build. Widgets typically fall into one of the following categories:

Information widgets

Example weather widget displaying Tokyo as mostly
            cloudy, 14 degrees, and the projected temperature beginning at
            4pm through 7pm

Figure 1. An information widget from a weather app.

Information widgets typically display crucial information elements and track how that information changes over time. Examples of information widgets are weather widgets, clock widgets, or sports score tracking widgets. Tapping information widgets typically launches the associated app and opens a detailed view of the widget information.

Collection widgets

Collection widgets specialize in displaying multiple elements of the same type, such as a collection of pictures from a gallery app, a collection of articles from a news app, or a collection of emails or messages from a communication app. Collection widgets can scroll vertically.

Collection widgets typically focus on the following use cases:

Control widgets

A widget for an app called 'Light list,' displaying toggle switches
            labeled 'Bedroom,' 'Kitchen', and 'Living room,' with the first two
            toggle switches turned off

Figure 4. Example of a control widget.

The main purpose of a control widget is to display frequently used functions so that the user can trigger them from the home screen without having to open the app. You can think of them as remote controls for an app. An example of a control widget is a home control widget that lets users turn lights in the house on or off.

Interacting with a control widget might open an associated detail view in the app. This depends on whether the control widget's function outputs any data, such as in the case of a search widget.

Hybrid widgets

A general music app showing buttons for 'thumbs
            down,' back, play/pause, forward, and 'thumbs up.' The artist and
            track are listed as 'Artist' and 'Example music,' respectively.

Figure 5. Example of a music app widget.

While some widgets represent one of the types in the preceding sections—information, collection, or control—many widgets are hybrids that combine elements of different types. For example, a music player widget is primarily a control widget, but it also shows the user what track is currently playing, like an information widget.

When planning your widget, design around one of the base types and add elements of other types as needed.

Integrate widgets with Google Assistant

Any type of widget can be displayed by Google Assistant in response to user voice commands. You can configure your widgets to fulfill App Actions, enabling users to receive quick answers and interactive app experiences on Assistant surfaces like Android and Android Auto. For more details on widget fulfillment for Assistant, see Integrate App Actions with Android widgets.

Widget limitations

While widgets can be understood as "mini apps," there are certain limitations that are important to understand before you design your widget.


Because widgets live on the home screen, they have to co-exist with the navigation that is established there. This limits the gesture support that is available in a widget compared to a full-screen app. While apps might let users navigate between screens horizontally, that gesture is already taken on the home screen for the purpose of navigating between home screens.

The only gestures available for widgets are touch and vertical swipe.


Given the limitations on gestures available for widgets, some UI building blocks that rely on restricted gestures are not available for widgets. For a complete list of supported building blocks and more information on layout restrictions, see Create the widget layout and Provide flexible widget layouts.

Design guidelines

Widget content

Widgets are a great way to attract a user to your app by "advertising" new and interesting content that is available in your app.

Just like teasers on the front page of a newspaper, widgets consolidate and concentrate an app's information and provide a connection to richer detail within the app. You might say the widget is the information "snack" while the app is the "meal." Make sure your app shows more detail about an information item than what the widget displays.

Widget navigation

In addition to the pure information content, consider making your widget provide navigation links to frequently used areas of your app. This lets users complete tasks more quickly and extends the functional reach of the app to the home screen.

Good candidates for navigation links on widgets are:

Widget resizing

Standard Google Clock widget

Figure 6. Standard Google Clock widget.

Touching & holding a resizable widget and then releasing it puts the widget into resize mode. Users can use the drag handles or the widget corners to set their preferred size.

Resizing lets users adjust the height and width of a widget within the constraints of the home screen placement grid. You can decide whether your widget is freely resizable or constrained to horizontal or vertical size changes. You don't have to support resizing if your widget is inherently fixed-size.

Letting users resize widgets has important benefits:

Plan a resize strategy for your widget according to the type of widget you're creating. List- or grid-based collection widgets are usually straightforward, because resizing the widget expands or contracts the vertical scrolling area. Regardless of the widget's size, the user can still scroll all information elements into view.

Information widgets require more hands-on planning, because they aren't scrollable and all content has to fit within a given size. You must dynamically adjust your widget's content and layout to the size the user defines through the resize operation.

In the example that follows, the user can resize a weather widget in three steps, exposing richer information about the weather at the current location as the widget grows.

Example weather widget in the smallest 3x2-grid size, and listing the
            location name (Tokyo), temperature (14°), and symbol indicating
            partially cloudy weather

Figure 7. Example weather widget in a 3x2-grid 'small' size.

Example weather widget in a 5x2 'medium' size, including all of the
            UI from the 3x2-grid size plus the label 'mostly cloudy' and
            forecast temperatures from 4pm through 7pm

Figure 8. Example weather widget in a 5x2-grid 'medium' size.

Example weather widget in a 5x4 'large' size, including all of the UI
            from the 3x2- and 5x2-grid sizes plus a forecast of the weather
            from Tuesday through Friday

Figure 9. Example weather widget in the 5x4-grid 'large' size.

For each widget size, determine how much of your app's information is displayed. For smaller sizes, concentrate on essential information, and then add contextual information as the widget grows horizontally and vertically.

Layout considerations

It's tempting to lay out your widgets according to the dimensions of the placement grid of a device that you develop with. This can be a useful initial approximation, but keep the following points in mind:

Widget configuration by users

Sometimes, the user needs to set up the widget before it can become useful. Think of an email widget where the user needs to select the mail folder before the inbox can be displayed or a static photo widget where the user has to assign a picture from the gallery to be displayed. Android widgets display their configuration choices right after the user drops the widget onto a home screen.

Widget design checklist